STRONG DADS! Doing Real Life

Strong Dads - Tim Doll at Perfect North Slopes - Episode 224

Merrill Hutchinson & Kyle Crofford Season 5 Episode 224

Have you ever ridden in a Snow Cat? Neither had we until we visited Tim Doll, Operations Manager at Perfect North Slopes.  

Strong Dads had a great time visiting with Tim and seeing not just his incredible workplace, but also the type of work he does at Perfect's.  

Tim finds himself helping to manage over 1500 people during ski season.  In order to do that and do that well, he learned a long time ago to make sure he brings Christ to the workplace with everyone he encounters. Tim is quick to give credit to an entire staff that also desires to be a positive witness.

As we listen to Tim we quickly learn the importance to be INTENTIONAL in our work.  Intentional about reflecting the Way of Christ.  Problems and challenges are just part of the day, but how we choose to go about them is what indicates whether we are Christian in name only.  

Check out this episode to not only see an amazing workplace, but also to see what happens when people choose to bring Christ to work and their daily encounters.

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