STRONG DADS! Doing Real Life

Strong Dads Doing Real Life With Paul Gangloff - Riverside Logging and Sawmill - Ep.225

Merrill Hutchinson & Kyle Crofford Season 5 Episode 225

(The podcast version of this show only contains the interview with Paul Gangloff. The shop demonstration was not included due to lack of being able to see what was actually happening during the demonstrations.  To view the entire show go to our YouTube video at: )

Are you a woodworker?  Do you like heavy equipment or building things?  This show is packed full of great stuff.  In this show, Hutch and Kyle visit business owner, Paul Gangloff.  Paul owns and continues to run his family business of Riverside Electric.  However, as Paul has been able to hand the family off to be run by very capable hands, he continues with his entrepreneurial spirit. Paul loves working with timber so he started up his own sawmill business. 

Paul spends the first part of the show demonstrating his saws and how they go about cutting lumber.  He has four different models of saws that can cut from the smallest of logs to some of the biggest trees you will find in the forest.  We got the opportunity to see several of them in action.

As Paul and his crew talk, (Richie and Leon), you can hear the enthusiasm in their voice with running the saws and seeing what God reveals in each cut of these beautiful timbers.  But what is more amazing is how Paul and his crew never miss a chance to give credit where credit is due.  In this case, All The Glory Goes To God!   

That's right, from the beauty of the wood, to the running of his daily business,  Paul understands where all things come from.  He wasn't always like this, but through a cascade of events, God got his attention and he chose to respond in a positive light.

With all his decision to name God as the CEO of everything he does, God has not be light on the blessings.  It seems that in nearly every conversation Paul is able to find a place to give God the glory. But like all of us, Paul has had his share of adversity.  And in these times, Paul believes he has to stick with his faith and continue to trust in the goodness of God. 

This is a great story of how God can write your life story if you give him the chance.  He can out give you, out bless you, and out love you in all circumstances.  Maybe it's time for you and I to stop talking about how we believe in God's provision and actually live as if we believe in his provision.


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