The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

To Buy or Adopt Isn't the Question - Rather, Are You Willing to Serve?

June 24, 2021 Lizanne Flynn Season 3 Episode 17
To Buy or Adopt Isn't the Question - Rather, Are You Willing to Serve?
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
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The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
To Buy or Adopt Isn't the Question - Rather, Are You Willing to Serve?
Jun 24, 2021 Season 3 Episode 17
Lizanne Flynn

It doesn't matter how you came together, only what happens during. If you remember that your new different species sentient being family member is focused on how to illuminate your shared soul awareness-es,  it will be easier for you to partner with them in mutual service.  

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The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
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Show Notes Transcript

It doesn't matter how you came together, only what happens during. If you remember that your new different species sentient being family member is focused on how to illuminate your shared soul awareness-es,  it will be easier for you to partner with them in mutual service.  

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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."

Unknown Speaker  0:29  
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who works with all Earthlings to reunite them within themselves and with each other, regardless of the dimension they're currently in. Meaning I'm a medium as well as an animal communicator, medical, intuitive and channel for all beings. I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval to support animals and humans as they heal from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the animals I view podcast.

Unknown Speaker  1:19  
I hung up my shingle professionally in 2006, one of the most memorable animal communication sessions and one that just filled me with delight at the time, and it still does was when I worked with a breeder of standard poodle puppies, who was in the process of choosing which puppy went to which new home, the breeder happened to be located in California, y'all know, I'm here in Colorado, and I had been recommended to her by a current client. And to be honest, I was a bit nervous. It wasn't about my connection with animals that's always been super solid. And it would prove to be such during the session, it actually was more the prospect of juggling all of the sentient being energies involved, because while the soul contracts had already been formed between the animal and human, their prospective guardians, it was my job to make sure that each plug if you will got placed into the right socket, if you follow that analogy. And if memory serves, there were eight puppies. So I was working with and partnering with not only the puppies really bright as being new on the planet, streams of energy and being present, as well, each of the Guardians and sets of Guardians or energies with whom might need to be able to connect so that I could feel the puzzle sound this snek you know that the sound that the puzzle piece makes when it fits into its rightful place? So it was a boatload of energy to be sure. And once I didn't let myself get distracted by the numbers of puppies, or the prospective guardians, or even the breeders, frankly, initial skepticism, I dove right in. I just love what I do. I'm passionate about what I do. It's it's just a real kick, as I said, because the soul contracts had already been forged. And it was my role to simply relay this these relationships to the breeder. There was a little bit of back and forth on a few of them. Yeah, it was so interesting, was it those humans whose intentions were very clear about what kind of Guardian they wanted to be, were the ones that were easiest to tick off the list first. Because it here's the thing about animal communication, air quotes. It's such a misnomer to begin with, at least in the area of human animal relationships. Every time I'm contacted about a behavior issue on the part of the animal, because you know, it's not ever the other way around, oh, Lizanne, I totally screwed it up with my dog or cat or whoever. And now their behavior has changed in the new year, and I need your help with how to set it right with them. That's not usually how humans roll. I love my humans, and it's usually the other way around. And it's usually, hey, my dog or cat or whoever behavior has changed out of the blue. And I don't know what to do to fix them. Again, air quotes and make them go back to where they were. Because with humans, it's that change thing that kind of gets us set off. Looks like things are going really well. And now no all of its changed. And we are such creatures of habit after all. And I know I'm paraphrasing a bit, although frankly, not a whole lot. Because as we've talked before, the behavior of animals is really the only way they have of waving the red flag to tell you that is that something is amiss awry, not working well with your shared energy environment. And they need you to play good detective with me, so that we can figure it out together, which is always how they intended to be. So in that moment of why are they acting like this? And how can you fix it for me? And yes, I've actually had people say that to me, just

Unknown Speaker  5:50  
just tell them not to do or to do X, Y, or Z, which is not what I do at all. And my answer is always I can tell them that yet, it's your lead that they're following. You, my dear guardians hold all of the cards when it comes to changing your own intention and behavior first, which is how we got to this place to begin with. So in that moment, I'm also connecting with the energy and information behind the basic energy being presented by the humans who hired me. And I've had more than one client say, Wow, I didn't think that this is what this would end up being like, especially if we get all up in with their love life, their work their in laws, or outlaws as the case may be. This is always about building bridges. And frankly, at times, what I like to call energy therapy between species, which isn't a thing yet, you heard it here first, although I'm determined to make sure that it is at some point before I leave the planet, because just like with any relationship, there can be baggage, missed signals, resentments, etc. All of which the animal wants to resolve simply because their relationship with energy is so very important to them. So that they can return to joy to being joy, to sharing joy, and have others around them return to joy, as much as possible. And as quickly as possible, it literally is that important to them. That's their purpose here on the planet. On the other end of the spectrum, with animals, especially in the wild, it truly may be animal communion, so that I can be receiver of what it is they want to share with the world through me, I'm a representative of a collective awareness as they are in that moment. And so it's like a couple of ambassadors for different nations working together, so that peace can reign supreme once again. And under that, and not not to get too lost in the weeds are the deputy ambassadors of animals in the wild, who may visit you individually with a private message of support, yet they they don't ever relinquish their connection to the whole, because that's their structure, their scaffolding of awareness. We've talked before their default is collective, our default is individual. And so even within the context of the eight puppies, who were telling me with whom they were to start their new earthly lives, there were varying degrees of clarity, in the intentions on the part of the humans, it was clear that there were some humans mostly present for a dog to whose breed they were attracted because of the breed specifics, you know, smart, sensitive, athletic, etc. And there were others who were wanting this this particular breed because they liked the way they looked or may have had one when they were younger and more more interested, and having a new family member. You You might be thinking it's a judgment on my part, to say that those who were interested in breed characteristics, so that they could have the look or experiences of such a dog. The thing is, though, energy never lies. Animals know this to be true, and yet humans do not. We don't yet at least, words and not as much actions can be used to hide behind or attempt to dilute the underlying intention of anything. And the energy of that same thing will always speak loudest to me

Unknown Speaker  9:58  
and others like me, who Do this work. It always has and always will. So that what will be present might be considered as multiple streams of energetic intention, with, with each carrying its own message that makes for actually a very full and complete picture of what's present. not complicated, complex, huge difference between those two words. And while humans may have varying intentions, some more prominent than others about a new animal family member for the animals, it is always How can I serve while I'm with them? And I think it's worth it to ask our humans asking themselves the same question before adding a new animal family member. And maybe it's time we start so that so that we move beyond the breed specifics, if you will, if we happen to be going to a breeder, so that we move beyond the Oh, I really like the look of this particular dog, cat, whoever it happens to be, that we see in the animal shelter. And then we take a look at our own lives. And we say, so I think I've made the choice to go in this direction. Am I willing to serve them? And in this situation, how can I best serve

Unknown Speaker  11:30  

Unknown Speaker  11:32  
I'll be really honest with you, I will likely usually land on the side of adopting from a shelter versus buying from a breeder. And then if you want to go the breed specific route, I would definitely advocate for breed specific rescue Next, I do understand I understand about allergies, lifestyle, etc. That may make it unlikely to find such a match in a shelter situation. And I've always said that soul path is way above my paygrade. And I'll stick with that in this situation as well. If in human experience, one feels compelled to enter into a relationship with a sentient being of a different species, then I can choose to be neutral about that and support whatever soul awarenesses on both parts happens to be present and facilitate however I can. And, and as an aside, you may not know and maybe some of you listening have had this experience already. There, there are beings in human experience to whom animals come whose primary purpose seems to be of what I call a death doula. And it's my understanding that death, doulas are individuals who are skilled and gifted at facilitating transition for beings in human experience actually exist. They also exist for beings and animal experience. And so this would be someone who has the lovely thriving experience of fully living with another sentient being for only a short while, because that animals sought them out as a soft place in which to transition. And usually much sooner than what that human expects. And and the really interesting thing about this is that sometimes that's planned on the part of the being in human experience, and sometimes it's not. And you might imagine that if it's not, that, that that would really present an exquisite challenge. For the being in human experience, I do think it helps them they've told me that it helps them to know, to have that aspect of their relationships with beings and animal experience eliminated for them. But, you know, talk about being a service. And I think that we think we're being of service to them when we give them a good home, good food to eat, training, and outings and hikes, and all the things that we think they want and love. And I think frankly, it's closer to the truth that these are things that we want them to want. And we want them to love because these are the things that we want, we love, and we want them to want and love with us. And sometimes we enter into these things without asking them. What do you need? What do you want? And certainly on the opposite end of the spectrum, we may find ourselves in a situation with a new animal family member who's outside the breed characteristics the breed specifics, if you will, are nothing like their personality. And temperament. They don't like playing fetch or going on hikes, or doing any of the other things that maybe our other previous breed experiences have prepared us for. And I've been on that end of it were a client may be well, perhaps I need to be returning this animal to the breeder because they're nothing like what I was promised. And inside of, I might be saying, and you all might be echoing a will Yikes. Is that what this is about? And that of course, is the shade side of perhaps going to a breeder that it's not like filling out a menu. Remember, there are soul contracts at work here. And with all things, expectation wise, it's, it's on the one having the expectations right to embrace any disappointment or feeling of what the heck, this is not what I signed on for, that is ours alone to hold. Because we might not have asked the question, How can I serve you in this moment, this day, this month, this year, this lifetime? We so want everything to be perfect. And we're so thrown when it's not? Usually because we haven't braced the duality of sunshine and shade as

Unknown Speaker  16:28  
the animals have. That will lead us to the place of unity and purity actually, of purpose. Make no mistake, that their purpose is to serve in as joyous away as possible regardless of their start in life. And perhaps we can join them in a mutual quest of serving each other and thus the planet together. At least, that's how the animals see it. Thanks for listening today. leave a review if you're so inspired, and be sure to subscribe to this podcast. I offer all new clients a free 15 minute consultation. Reach out if you think I can be of service via triple dub Lizanne Flynn calm. come and find me on social media, Facebook, Twitter verse, Instagram and LinkedIn. I invite you to sign up for my quarterly newsletter that just went out last week on my website where I also post notices for upcoming events such as new classes and online psychic fairs. This has been the animals I view podcast, I'll see you next time.

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