S3E9: BONUS "For Such A Time As This" with Dr. Jen Hale Christy
S3E9: BONUS “For Such A Time As This” with Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Sunday, April 5, 2020
PreacHer Podcast
PreacHer: Dr. Jen Hale Christy
Summary: Friends, we are living in a truly remarkable time. Never before has the future been so uncertain. And what better time to be dwelling in the book of Acts--a book which retells the exciting days and weeks and months after Jesus was raised from the dead and up into heaven. A book that excitedly shares the Good News that God has conquered every sickness and even death. Stories that portray ordinary and unlikely people being the ones to carry the message of Jesus to the ends of the Earth. These people were living in unprecedented times. The world as they knew it had been turned upside down and was no more. And they had to figure out how to move forward. How to establish new rhythms and find their new normal. May we find ourselves in these stories as we locate ourselves in God’s story.
I believe in us as humans. It’s more important than ever that we show up and do the work that is ours to do. The thing we were created for.
Resources + Social Media Handles:
- All of Jen Hale Christy’s Links
What to do next:
Shouts of gratitude to our patron partners!
Sarah P, Lauren R, Mark F, Dave H, Steve G, Sheila B, Tom B