Dream Build Repeat Podcast with Casey Sharperson
Dream Build Repeat Podcast with Casey Sharperson
How to fearlessly pursue your dreams with Charisa Monroe and Shevon Jones
I'm hopping on the other side of the mic for this episode. I had the honor of having a conversation on the Fearless Podcast with Arian Simone.
In this episode, we are discussing what it looks like to go after your dreams fearlessly. Charisa Munroe (Myles Monroe's daughter) and I share our journies of following our passion, purpose, and how we ended up doing exactly what they love. So many nuggets in this episode.
Complimentary Launch without Fear Audio Training: https://www.caseysharperson.com/start
Connect with Casey: Order a signed copy of Casey's Book (US only):www.CaseySharperson.com/book
Order Dream, Build, Repeat: Harness Fear to Confidently Pursue Your Biggest Dreams - Amazon
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