Extra Sauce with Chaim Kohn

8. Lubavitch in 2019 - Part 3: The World is a Garden - Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, and Baruch Thaler

Chaim Kohn, Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, Baruch Thaler

Part 3/3 of a Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, and Baruch Thaler. Recorded in Crown Heights on June 3rd, 2019.

In this episode we circle back to the theme of coming home. Coming home to discover a new meaning and experience with the texts and narratives of our youth. Reb Baruch shares more of his own journey and a special song on the theme of renewal.

Referenced Material:

The world is a Garden:


Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:

Bumper music:

Shlomo Carlebach - Gevalt

Yehuda Green - Hashiveinu Hashem

Questions/comments & sponsorship: