The Business & Marketing Scoop
The Business & Marketing Scoop with Mark Flavin of 3B1 brings you interviews with entrepreneurs, marketers, founders and leaders. Discover actionable insights and learnings that you can take back to your business.
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The Business & Marketing Scoop
The Entrepreneurial Journey Of Sean Brett - The Founder & CEO of Steeltech Sheds
This week on The Business & Marketing Scoop we’re joined by Sean Brett the founder and CEO of Steeltech Sheds. Sean was no doubt destined to be a salesman and entrepreneur, from his first foray into entrepreneurship at 7 years old to where Steeltech Sheds is today is an amazing story with lessons we can all learn a lot from.
This is a fantastic episode with so many learnings for people in business and marketing.
I hope you enjoy it.
Connect with Mark Flavin on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markflavin/
Check out 3B1 at: https://3B1.ie
Book a meeting with Mark Flavin at: https://3b1.ie/discovery-call-mark
And if you enjoy this episode make sure to subscribe!!