Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson

Ep. 39 | ... and God is in your Business

October 03, 2022 Alicia L. Watson Season 3
Ep. 39 | ... and God is in your Business
Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
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Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
Ep. 39 | ... and God is in your Business
Oct 03, 2022 Season 3
Alicia L. Watson

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as she gets candid about God being in your business. Alicia encourages listeners to trust the process and allow God to guide you in your Entrepeneur life and your personal life. She provides three insightful ways you can see God in your business. 

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Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

Show Notes Transcript

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as she gets candid about God being in your business. Alicia encourages listeners to trust the process and allow God to guide you in your Entrepeneur life and your personal life. She provides three insightful ways you can see God in your business. 

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Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

1 (4s):
You're listening to, Maybe You're Like Me, the transparent musings of a God Girl chasing After Her purpose. Maybe you're like me as a podcast for dreamers and doers who take life's lessons and level up to look more like Christ. We'll connect through super relatable stories, growing pains and aha moments that most of us share, just not always out loud. I'm your host, Alicia, Watson, creative entrepreneur, playwright, author, wife, mother, daughter of the king, and so much more. And I can't help that Maybe You like me.

2 (44s):
Hey, hey beautiful people. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Maybe. You're Like me with Alicia Watson, that's me, Alicia Watson, and it feels really good to be back and I'm glad you're here too. You could be anywhere else in this podcast world right now, but you're here with me. Thank you. I appreciate it. Okay, so last week I told you about my year of no and how peaceful it was to start, but how tough it got when God stopped being polite about my trust issues and got real. He took me through that season, that process for a reason. Though it didn't feel joyous in the moment, but I'm thankful now knowing that he didn't leave me or forsake me when it got uncomfortable and that he wasn't ignoring me. He was actively, I purposefully using that discomfort to push grow and completely, and while I'm still remained, I'm glad for the progress and the experience.

2 (1m 31s):
I took it as discipline. We don't like discipline, but we know that God disciplines, those he loves and his love wouldn't allow me to keep going down a destructive path no matter how comfortable I had gotten in my discomfort. He's so hands on and I love it because I know that who and how he wants me to be requires me to consistently level up on both a personal and professional level, and he provides the training and opportunities to do so, even if sometimes I don't like you and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. So Maybe, You like me and God is in your Business. I say that with a double meeting. He's minding my personal business and he's in my professional business. And what I've come to except and be thankful for is that he's minding my business because I am his business.

2 (2m 14s):
We are God's business Shell. I know sometimes we want blessings and success to claim ease and life without having to listen to God's perspective on anything. We don't wanna be corrected. We don't wanna struggle, we don't wanna change and we don't wanna be challenged. But here's the thing, some of our biggest lessons come through our blessings, our businesses, careers, marriage, children, relationships and ministries are all mirrors to teach us about ourselves and how we could be and should be behaving in different circumstances. I was reading a book last year, I don't remember which book, so sorry to this author, but I jotted down this quote. Most business problems are just personal problems and disguise that hit me in the chest a little bit because it's so real.

2 (2m 54s):
No matter how professional you are, how fluent you are in corporate speak, you can processes, procedures or whatever. Wherever you go there you are If, you mishandle resources in your personal life. You'll do it in business. If you're a liar, you'll lack integrity in business If, you can't get along with people. It will transfer to your business. And if you're like me and you have reservations about trusting people, it will show up and how much you show up and make yourself vulnerable to other people. And that is also within your business. And that my friends, is why I hate marketing myself. I love marketing others and pushing them out there like a proud mama bird to me. Now I'm gonna just kick it here with the people who have proven themselves, those who I know, like and trust and that I am so sure they know, like, and trust me, God gave me skills in branding and being authentic.

2 (3m 39s):
So I attract amazing people. We align, we have synergy. They're great. I'm great. We just connect. We get each other and they have amazing connections. So most of my business has been by word of mouth with very little needing to put myself out there, which has kept me kind of comfortable. And I think that's all because of his grace that has been so gentle with me up until now, letting me stay happily in the nest. But deep down, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, I know that while I'm fine at reaching just one person, my impact is intended for far more. And outside of my introverted comfort zone of one to one, I'm starting to feel that nudge. This translates to my personal life too. If I'm always like no new and I keep my circle super tight, then I might miss opportunities to connect with genuine new people that God may be directing me to help or directing them to help me to be discipled or to discipled, to learn with and to grow with.

2 (4m 32s):
So that's my first observation. When God's in your business, he's patient with you and he protects you, but he also pushes you. I can say with confidence that God gave me my business. Ali Watson. He's not let, He's not, he's not. He's steadfast resource of and and providence and sovereignty so that I don't mess it. I can trust all of that. God has used my business to grow me in ways that I would have not grown otherwise. Like how being the face of my brand led me through a whole process of dealing with my body image issues and dealing with the trauma I experienced being an overweight child. It was tough, but I'm healed and content with myself at every size.

2 (5m 13s):
Now. I wrote a book about getting over my weight and that has not only changed my perspective and my life, but it has done the same for some others. Even after this recent surprise wake game, I had the best professional personal photo shoot to date because I was able to just be there in the moment and focus on what I was there to do. Instead of whether I look too fat in the photos, I still shop and dress this body. I still walk around the pool and beach without a cover up. I'm not hiding or beating myself up about it. And that's crazy. That's like really amazing If. You've known me since I was a child. You would know that that is such a huge change. That would've not been the case before I wrote the book. I would be depressed and defeated at this point. This perspective shift is a direct result of the obedience to do the assignment, to write the book, to explore my trauma and to share my story and his healing with others.

2 (6m 3s):
So my second observation is that when God is in your business, he brooms you. He peels away the heart and layers of muck that have attached to you and your heart as a result of your life's experiences. He changes your behavior, your identity and just how you see yourself. And sometimes he does it through unchartered and unexpected territory like your business. All of this is important to keep in mind because there will be times in business and life where you compare yourself to others, their progress with your progress and their success. With your success. They may be doing something simpler and it will seem as though you should be seeing the same results, the same level of success as they are.

2 (6m 43s):
But for some reason you just can't get your footing and it'll be frustrating. It will be disappointing, but their business is not your business. Your time may not have come during those times. God may be preparing you to be able to handle that level of success because if he gave it to you in the state where you weren't who he needed you to be, you would it or who's to say that that level of success would be what you want of all that's required to keep it. Who's to say that that's what you even need in order to feel fulfilled and to complete the, that God has given you? Sometimes the floodgates open and the winds come at you too fast. That's when you find leads you need to plug and weaknesses you need to address like processes and procedures and gaps in your staffing or whatever.

2 (7m 28s):
Lastly, I found that when God is in your business, he gives you perspective. Romans 12, two says, Don't copy the behaviors and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person. By changing the way you think, then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. I've learned to look at my business as a vessel. Now wait for God to teach me. Bless me, help me collaborate with me. Prove me. Create through me. Transform me is so much more the main thing is the main thing. God. God is the main thing. Everything and everyone else comes. Second. I view pretty much everything else in my life in the same way when things aren't going the way I want them to or the way I expect them to be going, I might get mad at first, but eventually I take a step back to see if there's something that I'm supposed to be learning from the experience.

2 (8m 15s):
I accept that I can't control anything or anyone but myself. And if there's a part that I play or something that I need to change, then that for me is a better use of my time and energy. My goal in every circumstance is to be content like Paul and to trust God deeply, like the people in the Hall of Faith. So I guess my message for today is just to let God mind your business because you are his business and he doesn't play when it comes to you. Knowing that mind your business doesn't mean that he's in your business in an nefarious way, but that he wants the best for you and that he's going to use you in this business in mighty ways. Trust the process. Well, that's all I have for you today. If you're like me, I would love to hear from you.

2 (8m 56s):
Reach out to me on Instagram at the Alicia, Watson and If. You know, someone who's like us. Please this episode with and please subscribe wherever to wonderful.