Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson

Ep. 41 | ... and you’re feeling the pressure of purpose

October 17, 2022 Alicia L. Watson Season 3
Ep. 41 | ... and you’re feeling the pressure of purpose
Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
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Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
Ep. 41 | ... and you’re feeling the pressure of purpose
Oct 17, 2022 Season 3
Alicia L. Watson

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as discusses what it feels like to feel the pressure of purpose.  Alicia opens up her bible and reads a story that provides listeners with evidence of what will happen if you are feeling pressure of purpose. She also provides encouragement to all listeners! 

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Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

Show Notes Transcript

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as discusses what it feels like to feel the pressure of purpose.  Alicia opens up her bible and reads a story that provides listeners with evidence of what will happen if you are feeling pressure of purpose. She also provides encouragement to all listeners! 

 Share this episode with someone who needs to hear it!

Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

1 (4s):
You're listening to. Maybe You're Like Me, the transparent musings of a God Girl chasing After Her purpose. Maybe you're like me as a podcast for dreamers and doers who take life's lessons and level up to look more like Christ. We'll connect through super relatable stories, growing pains and aha moments that most of us share, just not always out loud. I'm your host, Alicia Watson, creative entrepreneur, playwright, author, wife, mother, daughter of the king, and so much more. And I can't help that Maybe You like me.

2 (48s):
Hey, beautiful people. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson. That's me. Alicia, Watson and If. You know me. You know that I am big on purpose. I am a fan of God's wellbeing done and God getting the glory. You might know that because I kind of mentioned it in almost every episode. I believe that each of us were made for a purpose. Some things that we do sometimes is in who we are, where we are, how we are positioned, who we're connected to and through our gifts and talents that we accomplish this purpose. I think our purpose is revealed and we are allowed to be active participants as we continue to live in and stay connected to God when we're seeking his space and acting out on our in the moment assignments. As we stay obedient, we get to see how he's working in and through us, right?

2 (1m 32s):
Sometimes our purpose is fun and fulfilling. Sometimes though our purpose and assignments feel kind of hard and burdensome. So maybe you're like me and you feel the pressure of purpose. Sometimes we wanna stray away and do what we think is best. Like Jonah de Prophet running from his assignment book. Sometimes it is isolating and alienating like Makaya the Prophet. Now, if you've never heard of Makay the Prophet, I understand it's one of those stories that's buried deep d b deep in the Old Testament, but it is one of my favorites. So for this episode, it's gonna be a little story time as we read it together, and by the end we'll see how Makaya is a great example of operating within your purpose. Even when you're feeling the pressure.

2 (2m 13s):
The story is in First Kings 22. It's chapters one through 40. I know it's a lot. It's a lot where we're gonna get through it. I'm reading from the OT verse one. For three years there was no war between A and Israel. Then during the third year, King Jfa of judo went to visit King Ahab of Israel. During the visit, the King of Israel said to his officials, Do you realize that the town of Ray Gilead belongs to us and yet we've done nothing to recapture it from the king of A? Then he turned to Jfa and asked, Will you join me in battle to recover Moff Gilia Jehovah Fat replied to the King of Israel. Why? Of course you and I are as one. My troops are your troops and my horses are your horses.

2 (2m 55s):
Then Jehovah Fat added. But first, let's find out what the Lord says. So the King of Israel summon the prophets about 400 of them and ask them, Should I go to war against Ray Gilead or should I hold back? They all rep replied, Yes, go right ahead. The Lord will give the king victory. But Jehovah fat asked, Is there not also a prophet of the Lord? Here we should ask him the same question. The King of Israel replied to Jha fat. There is one more man who could consult the Lord for us, but I hate him. He never prophesized anything but trouble for me. His name is Makaya son in-law. Jha fat replied, That's not a way King should talk. Let's hear what he has to say.

2 (3m 36s):
So the King of Israel called one of his officials and say, Quick bring Mackay's son of inlet, King Ahab of Israel and King Jha, fat of Judah dressed in a royal robes were sitting on the thrones at the threshing floor near the gate of Samaria. All of Ahab's props were prophesying there in front of them. One of them said, AKA's son of Ken Anaya made some iron horns and proclaimed this is what the Lord says. What these horns you will gore the he means to death. All the other prophets agree. Yes, they said, Go up to Ray Gilead and be victorious. For the Lord will give the king victory. Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get makay said to him, Look, all the prophets are ing victory for the king. Be sure that you agreed with them and promised success.

2 (4m 18s):
But Makay replied, As surely as the Lord lives, I will only say what the Lord tells me to say. When Makay arrived before the king Ahab asked him, Makaya, should we go to war against Ray Gilead or should we hold back? Makay replies sarcastically. Yes, Go up and be Victorias. For the Lord will give the king victory. But the king replies sharply, How many times must I demand that you speak only truth to me when you speak for the Lord? Then Maia told him in a vision, I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd, and the Lord said, their master has been killed. Send them home in peace. Didn't I tell you the king of Israel explained to Jha fat? He never prophesized anything but trouble for me.

2 (4m 57s):
Then Maia continued. Listen to what the Lord says. I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the armies of heaven around him, on his right and on his left, and the Lord said, Who can entice Ahab to go to battle against Ray Gilead so he can be killed? There were many suggestions. And finally a spirit approached the Lord and said, I can do it. How will you do this? The Lord asked, and the Spirit replied, I will go out and inspire all of Ahab's prophets to speak lies you will succeed, said the Lord. Go ahead and do it. So you see, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all your prophets, for the Lord has pronounced your doom. Then zak's son, Ken Anaya, walked up to Makaya and slapped him across the face Since When did the spirit of the Lord leave me to speak to you?

2 (5m 38s):
He demanded and Makay replied, You will find out soon enough when you're trying to hide in some secret room. Arrest him, the King of Israel ordered. Take him back to England, the governor of the city, and to my son Joe Ash. Give them this order from the king. Put this man in prison and feed him nothing but bread and water until I return safely from battle. But Makay replied, If, you return safely. It will mean that the Lord is not spoken through me. Then he added to those sanding around everyone, Mark my word. Drama. Right? The drama. Okay, Verse 29. So King Ahab of Israel and King Jha Judah led their armies against Ray Mo Gilead. The king of Israel said to Jha, Fat, as we go into battle, I'm gonna disguise myself so no one will recognize me, but you wear your royal robes.

2 (6m 22s):
So the King of Israel disguised themselves and they went into battle. Meanwhile, the king of Arum had issued these orders to his 32 chariot commanders attack. Only the king of Israel don't bother with anybody else. So when the a me and Chariot commanders saw Jha fat and his royal ropes, they went after him. There is the king of Israel. They shouted. Well, when Jha fat called out, the chariot commanders realized that he was not the king of Israel and they stopped chasing him and airman and soldier, however, randomly shout an arrow at Israelite troops and hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor. Turn the ho and get me outta here. They have grown to the driver of his chariot. I'm badly wounded. The battle rage all day and the king remained propped up on his chariot facing the amines.

2 (7m 4s):
The blood from his wound ran down to the floor of his chariot, and as evening arrived, he died. Just as the sun was setting the cry ran through. His troops we're done for run for your lives. So the king died and his body was taking the Samaria and buried there. Then his chariot was washed beside the pool of Samaria and dogs came and licked his blood at the place where the prostitutes bay, just as the Lord had promised the rest of the events of Ahab's reign and everything he did, including the story of the ivory palace and towns he built, are recorded in the book of the history of the kings of Israel. So Ahab died and his son at Hazah became keen next. So good, right? So what did Makaya do that we can apply under pressure Now?

2 (7m 45s):
The first thing is to remain bold and courageous and confident. Everyone was going left, but he stayed right? He only said what God told him to say. We might feel the pressure to go with the crowd to say what's popular, to submit to the voice and the message of the culture, but we'll always do better to not conform, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. You might have a voice and a message that's countercultural. It might sound different than what everyone else is saying and it might put a target on your back. You're unpopular. Take on something may be offensive and it might be convicting to others. They may hate you for it. They may attack you for it. But if it's what God is telling you to say, you have to say it. You are responsible for the message, not the response to the message.

2 (8m 26s):
Secondly, sometimes you have to show up when you don't want to, and sometimes for people who don't care for you, the very people you're called to may not be receptive When you're filling that pressure, remember, you are a vessel for the Lord. Don't take people personally. Lastly, you have to stand 10 toes down when you face opposition. Listen, that's what really threw me. People will feel invo to do some wild stuff to you because they feel they have the authority behind them and will gain some approval for it. But it still wasn't enough to get makay to change his story. That slap didn't stop him. Their opposition didn't stop him. What God told him to say, he said, and he stood on it. In fact, Makay got even bolder when he was getting arrested.

2 (9m 8s):
Arrested we're speaking the truth that God told him to say. Sometimes we receive punishments for things that God tells us to do, but you have to stand it and knowing that God will vindicate, God will revenge, God will revenge. You don't have to worry about it. I won't get too deep in it and believe me as deep. But there was a time when I learned of something disturbing that was going down between some people. I felt led to bring it to the attention of my leadership and bring it out into the light. The person who directly told me the information, who was the actual victim, who didn't know they were a victim, she cursed me out and called me a liar. When we were all confronted by the leadership and I understood, I broke her confidence and she didn't feel like she needed to be rescued. The other party wasn't deeply investigated or held accountable and it seemed like I made all of it up for some reason.

2 (9m 51s):
I don't know why I would, but okay. In fact, that party was elevated to positions with high visibility and responsibility. And so initially I was really hurt and confused. Why would God lead me to put myself on the line trying to protect people who didn't want to be protected? So eventually we all moved on and I just trusted God to be God. Then some years later, out of nowhere I was publicly criticized for my vigilance, attacking my character and integrity in a way that only the people involved would knew that that criticism was directed at me. And okay, that really did feel like a slap in the face. But a few years after that, everything hit the fan and my initial concern because it went unchecked for so long, got 10 times worse and the other party was able to hurt more people.

2 (10m 33s):
And you know, I cried when I learned about it. Like I cried real tears because God sent me with a message so many years earlier, those people didn't have to suffer, but they did because the leadership favored this person. God comforted me though in reminding me that ultimately I was responsible for my part, my part of bringing what was done in the dark to light, but I wasn't responsible for how people responded and used that information. So I'll leave you with that. If you're feeling the pressure of purpose, don't worry. Just believe and receive the download and move in obedience to do and say what God has instructed you to do and say two more verses. First. That's alone to and four, for we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the good news.

2 (11m 15s):
Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of the heart. And once again, Romans 8 28, which is just a theme of this season. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Well, that's all I have for you today. If you're like me, I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me on Instagram at the Alicia Watson sy dm and let's chat If, you know, someone who's like us. Share this episode with them. And If, you would so kindly please subscribe, rate, and review wherever you listen to fine podcast. I hope you have a beautifully blessed week. Thanks again for being here. Okay.