Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson

Ep. 44 | … and sometimes, you overthink

November 07, 2022 Alicia L. Watson Season 3
Ep. 44 | … and sometimes, you overthink
Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
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Maybe You're Like Me with Alicia Watson
Ep. 44 | … and sometimes, you overthink
Nov 07, 2022 Season 3
Alicia L. Watson

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as she discusses overthinking.  Alicia provides listeners with the encouragement throughout this episode. You will leave this episode with ways to eliminate your overthinking.

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Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

Show Notes Transcript

In this week’s episode, join Alicia Watson as she discusses overthinking.  Alicia provides listeners with the encouragement throughout this episode. You will leave this episode with ways to eliminate your overthinking.

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Maybe you're like me and you need something tangible to navigate life's tough seasons. It's important to have the strategy and resources to come out on top. Take this short quiz to be matched with a tool you can use to flourish no matter what life has thrown your way:

1 (4s):
You're listening to Maybe You Like Me, the transparent musings of a God Girl Chasing After Her Purpose. Maybe You're Like Me, is a podcast for dreamers and doers who takes life s lessons and level up to look more like Christ. We'll connect through super relatable stories, growing pains and ah ha moments that most of us share. Just not always out loud. I'm your host, Alicia, Watson, creative entrepreneur, playwright, author, wife, mother, daughter of the king, and so much more. And I can't help but to think that maybe you're like me.

2 (43s):
Hey, beautiful people. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Maybe You Like Me with Alicia. Watson. How are you doing? Me? I'm doing great. I think I have a really good one for you today. But first, I want to thank you so much for listening and reviewing If. You haven't done it yet. Please leave a review. It helps others find and learn more about the podcast and it lets me know if what I'm sharing here is really bringing the value that I wanted to. So maybe you're like me and you overthink. Okay, so what are some things that you might be overthinking? Things that are important to you, like time sensitive decisions that you need to make. This could be what college to go to, which daycare to put your child in, where to move, which job to take, which van to marry.

2 (1m 27s):
You know, things like that. Overthinking might be a self-protection mechanism for you. I know that it is for me. Sometimes you think and plan and strategize and rethink and replant and re strategize and share your big ideas with others, but you never actually make a move, most likely because you're a high alert trying to avoid people, places and things and choices that lead to pain, betrayal, embarrassment, actual physical danger. Unfortunately in this case, you avoid taking risks that could lead to progress or acting out in a way that stretches your faith and allows God to show up and show up for you. And you also may be overthinking the results of some action you need to take.

2 (2m 8s):
How people will respond to this real, You need to drop or will anyone come to this birthday party. You need to plan or feeling like you have to have all the pieces in place before you move for, I talked about overthinking my website in a previous episode. For some reason it had really a high sense of importance to me, but in the big picture of my business, it mattered very little. A lot of people start businesses before even creating a website at all, and really that's a great order to do things. Test to see that your offer is actually viable before investing. All that time and money into branding and marketing. But for me, years of people pleasing and needing to appear as though I had my stuff together, had me really spitting in circles and embarrassed about a website that nobody was worried about and that to others who saw it, they actually raved about it.

2 (2m 55s):
Y'all life is not a game show. The stakes of your decisions aren't really that high in the greater scheme of things. If, you make a decision and it's your final answer, but it's not the best answer. No w music plays. The lights don't come on and the audience doesn't go If. You make the wrong decision. Life goes on, so own it. And I had a friend who bought a limit of a house, like there were so many hidden things that were wrong with this house that they inherited from the previous owners. They did what they thought was right. They had two inspections, they did their due diligence and it still ended up not being perfect. It ended up not being the best choice for them and it really sucked because it was a bad decision.

2 (3m 38s):
It was a headache to deal with, but eventually they got from under it. There was a process of repairing and replacing and bringing up to code investing money. They didn't expect to invest in understanding rules and regulations and so much more. At the end of the day, they were wiser for it though, and because of what they went through, they wanted to help others and ended up getting into real estate themselves. That's literally turning limits into lemonade because life is going to give you limits. You cannot avoid it. You cannot avoid it. Overthinking shows that you don't believe that you believe through your trying to work out every situation and outcome in your mind and in your life that you can somehow avoid the pain.

2 (4m 18s):
Pain is the promise of sin, but we serve a God who has overcomersquiz sin. Overthinking is just a fancy word for worry or anxiety. I know, I know. Overthinking makes you feel like you are in control of something. It makes you feel like you're being proactive. Not only are you thinking about it, but you're overthinking about it. You're being wise and responsible, Vigilant, careful, right? Sometimes, but most of the time maybe that's just worry. So one of the passages of scriptures that I like to look at when I'm thinking or overthinking, one of my favorite passages of scripture that I like to look at when I'm overthinking is Philippians four, six, and seven.

2 (4m 58s):
In the n iv it says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. So If, you wanna overcomersquiz overthinking, the methods are right there in the text. Don't be anxious about anything explanatory. Next pray, which causes you to stop and redirect your anxious thoughts toward God, inviting him into your everyday life. Then petition, which is acknowledging his authority, sovereignty and providence in the situation and every situation that you're overthinking and then worshiping him.

2 (5m 44s):
Then you have thanksgiving, which means you remember and have gratitude for how God has come through so many times in the past. And lastly, you present your request to God. That's your invitation to let go because If, you ask God to fulfill the order. You don't hop up and try to fulfill the order yourself. You wait with peace and a guarded heart and mind for him to deliver. I realized that my overthinking was directly related to me being a recovering perfectionist, and we've talked about this before. If there's one thing that I hate, it's making a mistake and looking stupid, I'm gonna do an episode about getting over the shame of making mistakes because it really is something that goes hand in hand with overthinking and it keeps us stuck.

2 (6m 24s):
But anyways, over the years and the closer I push to 40, the less I care about people's judgment and how I look to others. That's not really any of my business. My business is to not be perfect and to not be right all the time, but two, go all in and do my very best with what God has given me. Instead of ruminating and overthinking, I try to put in practice Olympians four, six, and seven. And when I hear the go ahead to move from God, I try to act in obedience, trusting that when I fall short and when I lack resources or at least the resources I think I need, he can step in and take care of the rest and as a bonus, he can get the glory.

2 (7m 4s):
I'll leave you with this thought that dropped in my spirit. A perfectionist fear is of being judged for doing something is wrong, but If you admit that you're always a work in progress, then that judgment is always premature. You don't judge something until it is complete. When you come to the end of your life, that's when your life is complete and that will be the only judgment that matters. You are work in progress, So am I. We don't have all the answers why we don't have it all figured out. So stop overthinking, let go and move forward. Well, that's all I have for you today. If you're like me, I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me on Instagram at Alicia Watson.

2 (7m 44s):
You can send a dm, we can chat there If. You know anyone who's like us, please, please, please share this episode with them. And also please subscribe. Great interview, wherever you listen to fine podcast. I hope we have a beautifully blessed week. Thanks again for being here. Okay, I.