Buzzsprout Conversations

How do you get more engagement on Patreon?


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In this bonus episode, Travis shares several tips to help Tara increase her engagement on Patreon and incentivize more listeners to support the show every month.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So Tara, what's, what's something that I can help you with? What's like your top or you know, number one question about podcasting right now?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's such a good question. Yes, it's my number one question. Um, to be honest, marketing and engagement, the ways that you feel like, um, and I'll even use like if you're familiar with Patriana as a platform, do you have Patrion

Speaker 2:

I've used Patriot for podcasts. Yes. I'm familiar with[inaudible].

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. Just like the ways that that feels, um, worth the time and the energy, like I say, the time is and the energy investment. Um, well also not, um, being too like redundant or feeling fresh and different forms like the types of forums. So for me, so much is about, I'm at this point I think where we have definitely patrion folks, we have people that come in and it's great, but how do I keep that engagement? How do I grow that engagement I think is the biggest thing. So much of me is like how to grow engagement. I think that's my biggest question I could ask. And specifically around subscription services. And then just in general, so it could kind of be like my grow into Patrion and then, um, the kind of macro kind of meadow version of like in general growing engagement.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's a fantastic question and I think that's something that a lot of podcasters wrestle with. Um, because it's like, okay, cool, I see these numbers of people that are listening but you know, I'm not, I'm just hearing crickets or there's only a few people that are really responding or even engaging at the paid level. Its like you're contributing, you're contributing every month to help me on my podcast. But yet you're not like commenting on stuff and totally, and the opportunities to talk to you. So, so here's what I would say. Um, on the Patrion Front, uh, from a workload perspective, you want to straddle this line of offering something exciting and extra that doesn't take a ton of extra work because you don't want Patrion to become a second podcast. That's a mistake that I've seen a lot of people make is they think I'm gonna make these incredible offerings and bonuses and then like to people watch the videos that you spent hours editing. Right? So, so I think it's figuring out what are people excited about? Like what can get them incentivized to go higher up on your tier level. Um, so it's not just the$3, but they get up to the$60. Right. Um, and then, you know, whenever somebody does comment on anything, like as soon as possible have really great insightful answers. Right? Cause that's the, that's the thing, especially with like youtube or Instagram, it's like, you know, you, you write this comment and who knows if they'll ever see it or read it. And then when they reply to it, you're like, Whoa, this person like realizes that I exist now. And so now I'm even more likely to comment in the future. Even if they never reply to anything. It's like I've already had that interaction and that connection. So now I feel emboldened and confident to like actually engage and contribute. Um, so I think just make sure anytime anyone says anything on Patrion, um, make sure to reply with like a really great thoughtful comments and then to get people excited to Jiv and jump into a membership site like Patrion, uh, is highlighting the people that you already have in there. So thank people that are your patrons, thank them by name. Um, talk about the conversations you're having a talk about how their info helping influence the show. Um, and, and really just make it something that people are like, oh, that sounds like super cool. Like I want to get to have conversations with Tara. Like that would be awesome. I would love to ask my questions. Um, and even creating an f as you're thinking about kind of season two of your podcast and different elements that you want to include, uh, I would encourage you to figure out a way to include your patrons. Um, so whether it's, hey, at the end of every episode there's going to be like a three minute Q and a and I'm going to be answering questions from my patrons. And so, you know, they can say, Hey, what do you think about this? Or you know, I'm going through this, what would you do for this? And you can say, hey, here's the patrion section of my podcast where I answer questions from my patrons. If you would like me to answer your question, it's super easy for as little as$3 a month, you can engage with me. We have conversations during the week, you get this bonus content and you have an opportunity to shape the show, right? So you're trying to weave all of these different elements together. So they're not like two different silos or like two separate things, but they're really come together and compliment each other. And so I think the more that you can bring everything kind of together, then when somebody really loves your podcast, they want to be incorporated into it and that in that way. Um, so that's kind of the mindset that I would, that I would approach it with is how do I make my patrion strategy incorporated and integrated into my podcasts? So that way there's a lot of overlap between them. And then making sure that when you're on Patrion it's, it's like you're inviting someone into your living room, right? Like you're really hosting them, making them feel welcome, and they, so they don't feel like, well, they're just taking my money because they asked for it. But no, like, I really want this to be a place where we can have really great, authentic conversations and I get to engage with you on a deeper level than I do with my normal listeners. So, so kinda having that perspective about it.

Speaker 1:


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