Home Care Marketing & Sales Mastery by Approved Senior Network®

Capture More Home Care Leads and Caregivers with 24/7 AI Chat

Valerie VanBooven RN BSN Season 4

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Unlock the secret to transforming your home care business with the power of AI chat! Imagine having a tool that not only greets your website visitors with personalized messages but also answers their queries, collects their information, and integrates seamlessly into your CRM—all while you sleep. Our latest episode showcases this revolutionary AI chat feature designed to enhance customer interaction and service efficiency. We guide you through a live demonstration, revealing how this AI chat tool is trained to understand your website's content and FAQs, ensuring accurate and helpful responses every time.

Explore the perfect synergy of automated efficiency and human engagement. We discuss the invaluable benefits of maintaining a live chat option, allowing business owners to step in whenever necessary. This episode is a must-listen for home care agency owners and tech enthusiasts alike, offering profound insights into leveraging AI for superior customer service and operational excellence. Get ready to elevate your business operations and customer satisfaction to new heights!

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Speaker 1:

Hi, today we're going to talk about the power of AI chat. This video isn't going to take very long, but I wanted to show you something that we can now offer to anyone who's using our services. So let's check it out. The first site we're going to go to is asnhomecaremarketingcom, which is our website. Let me just go to the correct one here website. Let me just go to the correct one here. And when your website loads, or when my website loads, we have a little AI chat that pops up. It can be at the top, it can be at the bottom, it can be on the left or the right. I put it in the middle because I thought that might gather a little bit more attention than having it all the way at the bottom. So it actually says welcome back, valerie. How can we help you today? So it knows me. It knows that I've been here before, which is kind of nice. But let's go to a new incognito window and do the same thing. Now. This window doesn't. It's incognito in Chrome and it doesn't not know that I've been here before. So chat with me about your home care marketing needs. So I'm going to do that. It says hi there.

Speaker 1:

This is ASN team chat. Current clients use support for all support related questions. How can I help you today? What services do you offer? So AI is for our website, for our home care agency websites. The AI is trained. It's trained by looking at your current website. It's trained by looking at a frequently asked questions page or document that we set up that has all of the right questions and answers. So this AI has been trained. It says we provide online marketing and in-person home care sales training covering website design, seo, social media, blah, blah, blah, and I can continue to chat with it If I wanted to.

Speaker 1:

As the owner of my agency, I can log into the CRM and I can start chatting with this person in real time. I don't have to, though. How can I contact you? Or someone might say I'm looking for a home care job, or how much do your services cost, or what's your address, or how can I speak to you? Know the manager or whatever it is, and this system is going to give me the contact us URL.

Speaker 1:

If you're a current client, you can, you know, go to support. Can I also get your name, email and phone number to help you further? So if I were to type in Valerie V, and my phone number, 4954376, and my email, valerie, I'm just going to put in so that it doesn't think I'm the same person as usual. So I put that information in there and it's going to come back and talk to me again, probably, and say hey, valerie, thanks. So the other thing that's happening now is that it's taking this information that I just added to this chat and it's putting it in the CRM with my contact information. So when it does that and I go into the CRM, which I'll show you in just a second, this contact information and this entire conversation is already there. So I am going to pause. Okay, now I'm inside our CRM and I can see that it populated first name, last name, email address and phone, and I can see the entire conversation right here. How can I contact you? This is what I was talking about Now.

Speaker 1:

If I had wanted to, I could have come in here and switched over to live chat down here and said hey, what's up, valerie? And the live chat would have continued on the website. If I go over here and show you hey, what's up, valerie, you don't have to do that. Ai will take care of it all for you. But what we do is we notify the home care agency owner that someone is there and then you know, or whoever it is that's responsible for these kinds of things or leads, and they can choose to you know, butt in, or they can choose to let AI handle it.

Speaker 1:

This works while you sleep. It works while you're busy, it works all day and all night. It does not replace and I get it, it does not replace the human element. It's not a real human, but this is better than, I think, nothing at all, or it's better than not being able to talk to potential caregivers that you might want to hire or potential leads that might come in. We have found that the and not in every area, but in a lot of areas, that the in not in every area, but in a lot of areas.

Speaker 1:

The online option to chat is really valuable. So AI chat is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it's completely teachable to your content and it's ready for you. So I highly recommend that you try it out. If you want to test it, ask. Go to our website and ask it what color is the sky and it out. If you want to test it, go to our website and ask it what color is the sky, and it'll actually give you the answer, or one of us might end up chatting with you if we're available. Thanks so much, and that's AI Chat. Highly recommend it for all of your websites.

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