The Mike Holt Show

Grassroots Movements for Australian Liberty

Mike Holt

What if the very foundations of our government are being ignored, and your freedoms are under siege? Join us on the Mike Holt Show as we unravel the historical significance of the Magna Carta 1215 and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. We promise you'll gain a profound understanding of the vital rights these documents protect and how governments are systematically undermining them. From illegal lockdowns and border closures to forced medical treatments, we expose how current political actions violate basic constitutional principles.

Australians, it's time to reclaim your rights! We spotlight the burgeoning grassroots movements responding to these injustices and offer insight into peaceful strategies being adopted nationwide. Hear about Dick Yardley's explosive book on political and religious treason, and explore the innovative ways Aussies are fighting back, from blockades to questioning the efficacy of our voting system. This episode is a comprehensive guide to understanding and reclaiming the freedoms that are rightfully yours, ensuring a just and free society for all.

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Speaker 1:

Where do you find the most interesting podcast with amazing guests and heaps of helpful advice? Join me now on the Mike Holt Show. Hey there, australia. The Magna Carta 1215 is the foundation and bedrock of our political, legal and social system today. Clause 61 protects our right to replace a government that is not serving the will of the people.

Speaker 1:

Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 opens with the words Whereas the people. This establishes that it is the will of the people to establish a government to make laws for the benefit of we, the people. The Constitution does not authorise a government to make laws restricting our rights and freedoms and in fact, in section 51, placitum 23a, it specifically forbids the government forcing us to do anything at all. The capital A in 23a means that the people voted in a referendum to amend the constitution and insert the following the provision of maternity allowances, widows pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services. Brackets, but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription. Benefits to students and family allowances. In other words, that's what the government is allowed to provide, because the injunction to not authorize any form of civil conscription is inside brackets. It qualifies the whole constitution and therefore it is a statement of the law and the government must obey the law in everything. Imposing lockdowns, closing borders, forcing medical treatments on people are all clear violations of the Constitution. Our Constitution, clause 5, is our common law contract with the Parliament, binding them to govern our nation in peace and prosperity. Under our Constitution.

Speaker 1:

No government has ever taken responsibility for the many crimes against the people permitted off orders from those we trusted to protect us but who have betrayed us instead. They are unfit to govern and if they had any honour, they would step down and answer for their crimes. We Aussies are slow to anger, but when we are pushed to the wall, we start looking for solutions. Ever since John Howard took the guns, many have thought we are helpless, but that is not true. The COVID hoax created opportunities for many to start using technology to network and exchange information. As a result, a grassroots movement is spreading across the land, each part doing its own thing, but we are all headed in the same direction. We are seeking freedom from the attempts by politicians, churchmen, bankers and businessmen to impose their will on us.

Speaker 1:

Australia may have been born in chains, but we threw off those shackles over a century ago. We have grown and evolved into a modern, dynamic, successful country, or we had, until the communists started destroying it. Unfortunately, our political systems have not kept up with the changes. Instead, those we trusted have perverted the system to enrich themselves at our expense. At the same time, our social systems have been manipulated by closet communists determined to destroy Western civilization from within. True change can only come from we, the people. We put the politicians in the position where they took advantage of our trust, but we also have the power and authority to demand that those same people step down and face the consequences of their decisions.

Speaker 1:

One option is to blockade key government installations so that no business can be conducted. Imagine if everyone stopped work and joined in a blockade of a government building or a fuel depot or an airport or anything else run by the government. Yes, this would inconvenience many people, but we must be willing to sacrifice something to regain our rights and freedoms. This kind of sacrifice is much better than a blood sacrifice, agree. Another option is to finally realise that voting is futile when we only have the choice of two parties, which is then diluted through preferential voting. And, to add insult to injury, we are forced to vote and find, if we don't, what sort of a government is that People often ask in fear. But what about the fine? What about it? There are many ways to take care of that with a BOE without you being out of pocket. If we are going to defeat the communist tyrants, we must get creative and look for peaceful ways to stop complying with them and to undermine their corrupt system.

Speaker 1:

Think about it Australia, in a world where power collides with secrecy and loyalty hangs by a thread, comes a groundbreaking revelation that will challenge your perception of history Dick Yardley's masterpiece Australian political and religious religious leaders treason, treachery and sabotage. Dive deep into the hidden narratives that shaped a nation. Uncover the untold stories of those who walked the corridors of power, often veiled in shadows, from the heart of Parliament to the sanctums of faith. Treason, treachery and sabotage unveils the enigmatic lives of leaders who dared to defy our Constitution. Come on an expedition through history's most guarded secrets. Expedition through history's most guarded secrets. Delve into the pages that expose the intrigue, the alliances and the betrayals that history tried to forget. Are you ready to uncover the truth? Experience the gripping revelations that redefine Australian history? Get your copy of Australian political and religious leadersason, treachery and Sabotage, now Available only at advance-australiacomau, and select merchandise on the menu.