Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series

In Conversation - Danielle Matthews Top Five Tips For Entrepreneurs

Rael Bricker and Lindsay Adams Season 2 Episode 74

Release the outcome, you have the right to action, you do not have the right to the results of your action.

Danielle Matthews Top Five Tips For Entrepreneurs 

1.       Be present

2.       Accept the polarity of life 

3.       Understand your inner reaction creates the outcome

4.       Look for the lesson in everything

5.       Release the outcome



01:21    Why being present is so important

06:15    Looking at the bigger picture 

12:53    Everything truly happens for a reason

17:45    Letting go has its benefits


Where to find Danielle


Website 2        



Bio Danielle Matthews

At the age of 23 Danielle was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a life-altering injury to her brain. The medical world said there was no hope of recovery & told her to accept this life as her “new normal”. Although her body was physically impaired, her spirit was strong & she refused to believe their diagnoses. Her mind was determined to recover…and she did! She is a testament to the concept of post traumatic growth and has since built an international business leading an organization that did $2.2 million in sales last year, authored an e-book called 'Mind Control: It's All In Your Head' and shares her life-altering experience with countless people around the globe.