Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series

In Conversation - Richard Walsh Top Five Tips For Escaping The Owner Prison

Rael Bricker and Lindsay Adams Season 2 Episode 91

“I want to create a business that people want to work at. That's my first way of getting around the people shortage.”

Richard Walsh Top Five Tips For Escaping The Owner Prison 

1.  Understand what the owner prison is and how entrepreneurs get trapped in the repetitive 2-year cycle.

2.  Automate, delegate, and eliminate tasks to free up time and scale the business. 

3.  Overcome the need to do everything by quantifying time spent on tasks and showing others who can do them better. 

4.  Develop a strategic vision to give the business and employees a clear long-term purpose to work towards.

5.  Consider an exit strategy from the start and use it to filter opportunities and stay focused on the end goal.


01:20 Recognize repetitive business cycles

04:48  Free up time through automation, delegation and removal of tasks

07:14 Break need to do all tasks by tracking time spent

12:57 Create long-term vision to guide business 

15:58 Plan exit from beginning to stay on track

Where to find Richard? 



Richard Walsh Bio 

Richard is a 30-year seasoned entrepreneur. He’s the best-selling author of Escape the Owner Prison, the contractor's new way to scale, regain control, and fast-track growth while loving life. A speaker and podcast host, he’s a husband and father of six children, a US Marine, champion boxer, black belt, and an internationally recognized steel sculptor.

His expertise lies in combining both the strategic and the tactical. He's able to deliver immediate, problem-solving results (tactical), along with strategic, long-term implementation of systemization and scalability. With over 30 years in business himself, Richard has embraced time compression, sharing the secrets and strategies that bring rapid and lasting results to the companies he works with.

After 20 years in business and at the top of my game '08/09 hit and I lost everything. At this same time, I had a wife and six children under the age of four. As a Marine, champion boxer and black belt I'm not a fan of losing, so I had to do the hard work of determining why I failed so catastrophically. I connected all the dots (and there were a lot of them) and started to rebuild and regain success. At this same time business owners are trapped in the Owner Prison where they serve their business instead of it serving them. I show them how to Escape the Owner Prison. other entrepreneurs were watching and asking me how I did it. Next thing you know I'm helping them create their business to not only withstand hardship but begin to thrive and create a life with balance in the five most important areas of life - Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness and Friendships. I even wrote a best-selling book called Escape the Owner Prison where I detailed my story and how they can escape themselves. I learned that if I could help business owners understand the power that business ownership has, that it will not only balance their life, but it can do the same for those under their employment. That in turn transfers to their families which then influences the communities they live in. Now, do this with 10,000 Small businesses and we have the opportunity to alter the lives of millions of people for the better...