The Simple Home

020: Morning Routines, Nightly Routines, And Daily Resets For Families

September 19, 2019 Jenna Arvidson Episode 20
020: Morning Routines, Nightly Routines, And Daily Resets For Families
The Simple Home
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The Simple Home
020: Morning Routines, Nightly Routines, And Daily Resets For Families
Sep 19, 2019 Episode 20
Jenna Arvidson

Do you ever feel like motherhood is just one big ground hog day experience? There are so many tasks you have to complete day in and day out, sometimes multiple times, just to keep the house running and the kids (and husband) alive. 

In order to thrive in motherhood, rather than feel buried or burdened by it, you need to set up morning routines, night routines, and daily resets.


Starting your day off right and keeping the flow running smoothly is only possible if you have routines and rhythms in place to help you manage all the to-dos.


Imagine if you woke up to a clean kitchen, had space to breathe, and went to sleep feeling recharged for the next day. It wouldn't be realistic to promise you a perfect day everyday, (especially if you have little running around), but I can promise that having routines in place will simplify your life and lighten your load. 


This week on the Simple Home Podcast I teach you:

  • what a daily reset is, 
  • how to set them up to make your day run smoother, 
  • and how you can use them to keep your house feeling tiny and clean. 

We also talk about starting and ending your days with simple routines so you feel ready and relaxed. 

  • I'll tell you what I do during these times 
  • and what I recommend as you develop your own routines. 


This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of my links I might receive a small commission.


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Show Notes Transcript

Do you ever feel like motherhood is just one big ground hog day experience? There are so many tasks you have to complete day in and day out, sometimes multiple times, just to keep the house running and the kids (and husband) alive. 

In order to thrive in motherhood, rather than feel buried or burdened by it, you need to set up morning routines, night routines, and daily resets.


Starting your day off right and keeping the flow running smoothly is only possible if you have routines and rhythms in place to help you manage all the to-dos.


Imagine if you woke up to a clean kitchen, had space to breathe, and went to sleep feeling recharged for the next day. It wouldn't be realistic to promise you a perfect day everyday, (especially if you have little running around), but I can promise that having routines in place will simplify your life and lighten your load. 


This week on the Simple Home Podcast I teach you:

  • what a daily reset is, 
  • how to set them up to make your day run smoother, 
  • and how you can use them to keep your house feeling tiny and clean. 

We also talk about starting and ending your days with simple routines so you feel ready and relaxed. 

  • I'll tell you what I do during these times 
  • and what I recommend as you develop your own routines. 


This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of my links I might receive a small commission.


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Find this episode of The Simple Home Podcast and others you’ll love on your favorite podcast player, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and TuneIn! Remember to subscribe on your favorite podcast player so you don’t miss an episode.

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Hey there, you're listening to the simple home, a podcast for the modern mom looking for a slower pace, a life with less stuff, less to do and more time for what really matters. Let me simply is more than just getting rid of clutter. It's about letting go of expectations to create a life of intention. Motherhood is the ultimate ground hog day experience, where much of every day is spent on the logistical stuff necessary to keep everyone alive so you can wake up and do it again the next day. You don't need just one more thing. You need easier ways to manage the constant cleaning and feeding the overwhelming clutter, never ending to do list. I wish I could hire you a personal chef, a nanny, housekeeper and a personal finance guru. But I can't. But I can do Is support you in your journey of letting go of all expectations in taking life at a slower pace. So sit back, relax and enjoy the podcast today. Well, hey there. Welcome to the simple home podcast. I'm your host, Jenna. And today we're gonna be talking all about morning routines, nightly routines and daily resets to help make your days run a little bit smoother. Now I know from having three kiddos of my own going from morning tonight is quite exhausting. Ah, lot of the times we've got so much on our plates and so many things that happened day in and day out and it can feel quite overwhelming. And the on leeway that I ever survive is toe have routines and place and rhythms within my day that keep things a little bit simpler. So I thought I'd share those with you today so that you can take what you hear and try it out with your family and in your household and use what works and just throw away. What does it you know? Because we all have different houses and I don't expect every single thing toe work in every household with saying that I would also love to hear your ideas, things that you do in your morning in the evening throughout your day that just make life easier. If you want to share those in the comments for us, you can go to at home with kids dot com forward slash Episode 20 and that way we can all benefit from what you've learned that works within your household as swell. Before we go any further into the episode, I wanted to let you know that this episode of the simple home podcast is brought to you by manual mode made simple, which is a free course you can take that will walk you through using your DSLR. Because I know as a busy mom I want to capture every single moment with my young kiddos because I know these moments are going so fast and I just want to capture them at this stage. So I had my first DSLR for 10 years before I actually learned how to use it and take better pictures with it. And I don't want that to be you. So I developed a course called Manual Mode, made simple. It's a completely free course. There's video lessons that are easy to follow along with so few of a DSLR, and you've been trying to figure it out, but just haven't had the time or you're just confused by all the settings. Or maybe you've just never taken it out of auto mode. Now is the time to do so, so sign up for the free class at at Home with kids dot com forward slash Photo Challenge Or you can go to the show notes of this episode at home with kids dot com. Forward slash Episode 20 to get signed up for this free course. So first thing I want to talk about is just getting some regular rhythms, um, for your day, just to help you organize your day. So in order to do this, you kind of need to think about the things that you do daily. Now. Maybe you have kids that are school age, and in the mornings you get ready the exact same way you need to get them to school. They need to brush their teeth, brush their hair, get dressed those sorts of things. Maybe you're a working parent and you need to get your kiddos out the door so that you can get to work and get them to day care. Whatever it might look like for you, think about the things that happen every single day in your house. Now this could be stuff that you don't want to dio, also, maybe in the mornings it's just too rushed, and you don't wanna have to put dishes away. You don't want to, um, you know, deal with all the clutter on your counter and all those sorts of things. So when you're thinking about setting up some rhythms for your day, you've got a look at your day. I think about the things that have to get done at certain times and the things you don't wanna have to dio at certain times as well. And the third thing I want to say before we kind of go go through all this is don't over complicate it. Make your mornings, your evenings, your daytime routines. A simple as possible because as soon as you start over complicating it or thinking you're gonna get way more done than you can get done, then you're gonna think that you failed at it and you're gonna probably stop doing it. So we want to keep things simple, give ourselves enough time to do the things that we really need to dio and let go of some of the other things that could maybe wait until another time of the day. Have you ever gone on vacation? And you wake up in the hotel room and you go about your day, your morning and you go out for the day and you come back and you're very relaxed. There isn't much to do. There's not a lot to clean up all of those things. This is a feeling that would be great if you could make happen at home. Now I think about this almost every time we go on vacation. I think, man, how do I get my house to feel like this like the hotel room? Because I always feel so much more relaxed now I know that there's lots of things we have to do in our regular lives that we obviously don't have to do when we're on vacation, and that's part of that feeling. But the other part is just that everything is so streamlined in a hotel. The processes are the things that need to get done. Just get done without much that, especially on your end. If you're staying in the hotel and there isn't a lot of clutter, there's not a lot of things to pick up or a lot of things to do, So when you're setting up your rhythms and routines, I want you to keep that in mind. Keep that vacation feeling or the hotel room feeling in mind when you're thinking about your space and your routines. Okay, so let's jump into how you can set up some routines for yourself and some resets within your day to help you organize your day. First, let's talk about resets now. A reset is just a time of day when you take 10 to 15 minutes to quickly reset your space. Meaning put things back that are on the counters or out on the floor like your kids picking up their toy room real quick. Um, making beds really quickly. Whatever you need to do to kind of reset your space. I I like to choose 2 to 3 times a day where we do this now, your times might look different than mine, So you've got to think about what would work within your schedule If you goto work, maybe you want to do a quick reset in the morning, one right when you get home, and then one right after you put the kids down for bed or right before you go to bed. It doesn't really matter when you do the three sets and it also doesn't have to be three times a day. I do three times the day because, um, my kiddos air at home with me during the day and we often have a mess going. At some point, we need to kind of put things back away where they go. So I like to do kind of a midday reset, but you don't have to. It's completely up to you. To be honest, I think the most important reset is the one right before you go to bed, because this is what's gonna give you the opportunity to wake up to a nice, clean, refreshed house rather than start your day looking at the mess that you didn't clean up the night before. So you're gonna choose a couple times a day to reset your space, and during these times, it's okay to get everyone involved. You don't have to be the only one who's running around the house, getting things tidy backup. You can definitely involve your kids in this time having them pick up certain things or certain areas in the house. Or maybe it's just resetting their room, whatever it might need to be. But don't feel like you have to do all of these things by yourself. This is gonna take some teaching. Probably, especially if you have younger kids. You're gonna need to kind of show them the things that you want them to do during these times. If you want them to reset their room and you guys set a timer for 10 minutes and you're gonna be resetting the living room and kitchen area, you've gotta show them the things you want them to accomplish during that time picking up toys off the floor, picking up any dirty clothes that didn't get put back into the laundry, things like that. So if you teach them ahead of time and it might take some repetition, especially with the younger kiddos. But if you teach them these things, pretty soon they're gonna be doing it on their own, and it will make that time go so much faster, and you'll be much more efficient in that time Now. This is also a time where you can include your daily chores or maintenance tasks like laundry. So part of our or part of all of the resets in my day really include laundry. So in the morning. When we start talking about morning routines, I'll go over this a little bit. But in the morning, I put the laundry in the washer right when I wake up, and then I throw it in the dryer right before we leave the house and then in our afternoon reset. When the kids get home from school, they help me fold it and put it away. So that's all just part of that 10 to 15 minute reset time, and we're all helping out. So it only takes a few minutes, and that way it gets done every single day. And I don't have to worry about a pile and the stress that comes with that so you can use thes daily chores to help you, um, keep your house tidy, put those into your daily resets, and then you're not stressing about when am I gonna clean my whole house? Um, you just use little short bursts of time. Now, one thing One tip I want to give you is give yourself less time than you think you're actually going to need. So when I say 10 to 15 minutes, I really mean set a timer and don't go outside of that because you can get kind of down a rabbit hole and end up 30 or 45 minutes later. You're all still picking stuff up or wiping stuff down or cleaning, and then you're going to start hating it. You can't do that three or four times a day. So set the timer because often the amount of time we give ourselves is thea amount of time we're actually going to take. We get things done way faster than we think if we don't allow as much time to do them. So really think about that as you were doing it. Give yourself less time than you think. You're going to need One other major part of these resets being successful is not having a lot of stuff. If you have a ton of stuff and it's all over the place, you never gonna want to reset your house. You're never gonna be able to put things back where they go really quickly, and it's going to feel stressful and overwhelming. So if you can start the decluttering process even just in one room, you're going to start to see where your daily reset time and these routines just go much, much smoother for you. Like I talked about with the laundry. If you don't have as many clothes for your kids to go through for you to go through, the laundry's even easier. So everything is easier when you don't have a CE much clutter. So I know that seems overwhelming, and you're probably thinking, win in the world. Do I have time to de clutter my house? And you know what? You might not have time to de clutter your entire house. So start small. Start with something like your living room or your kitchen, the areas you spend a lot of time in so that when you do do these resets, you get the benefits right away. And then I promise you you're gonna want to tackle your whole house. As soon as you start to feel the peace that comes with having less stuff, you're gonna want to go through all of your belongings and you'll find the time to do it. But I know it seems overwhelming at first. Now, if you're looking for a great resource to gets you through the UN cluttering or the de cluttering process, Joshua Becker has an awesome course. It's called the Uncluttered course. He offers it on his Web site. I will link to it in the show notes to this episode at home with kids dot com. Forward slash episode 20 He also talked a little bit about it in episode number 19 so I had him as a guest on the last episode episode number 19. So if you haven't yet listened to that, please make sure to listen to it. It was my favorite interview so far, and I know you're going to get a ton of value from it. So check that out. One of the things that he mentions that I'm going to talk about a little bit in my nightly routines but will mention it here. A swell is that in that course, he encourages everybody to do a kitchen reset before bed, meaning all the dishes air put away. Maybe that means they're put into your dishwasher or they're put away completely. However you do your dishes, your countertop gets wiped down real quick. Sweep the floors. Just make sure that your kitchen is reset so that you can wake up to a clean kitchen. Most likely Your kitchen is one of the first places you spend time in in your day. And if you start there and you start stressed out, it kind of sets the mood for the rest of the day. So he always encourages to get your kitchen reset before bed. Which is one of the things I'm gonna talk about in a nightly routine as well. Now things too, including a reset. We kind of I kind of mentioned this before, but I just wanna recap really quick because we're gonna move on to some more routine stuff. But if you're doing 2 to 3 resets per day, some of the things I think that you should include are putting things back in their place, wiping down surfaces and floors just quickly, not major scrub jobs unless they need it, but just something quickly. And if it needs to get done, some other things that I do everyone smile is I'll do a quick vacuum. Now. You may not have time to vacuum your entire house, depending on the size of your home. We only have two rooms that have carpet in them, so it's really easy to do a quick vacuum or I might wipe down the toilet bowl as a quick reset as well. I have three young kids, two of them are boys, and it can be beneficial to wipe down the toilet quite often. Now, if you start doing these resets and you realize that they take longer than 10 to 15 minutes or it's not really making any kind of difference in your day, say you do to reset today and your house still feels and looks crowded and cluttered and messy throughout the day. Then there could be a couple different things going on. The first is that you might just have too many belongings like we talked about with de cluttering first, and you don't have anywhere to put them. If you go around and you're trying to put stuff back in its place and you don't have a place for it, that's gonna be an impossible task. So you may have to start with that with the decluttering before these resets really make a difference in your day. You may also just not have a system in place for keeping these items where they go or getting them put back where they go So the entryway is a common one that gets very out of order in people's homes because you're coming and going so much so you really have to have a system in place. Where did the shoes go? Maybe you have a different been for each person in your family, or you have a place to hang back packs. If you don't really have the system's set up, then doing the reset is really just gonna, you know, make a cluttered space. So you've got to really set up some systems. Get those in place so that you can get them reset during these times and that your kids can help you as well. If you see backpacks all over the floor and you're doing an afternoon reset, but you're not really sure where to put those because you don't have a system with like a hangar for each kid or something like that, then it's not going to make much of a difference. So think about your systems. You might also just be trying to do it all yourself. Now, if you can't get it done in this time frame and it just exhausts you or you dread these times a day or you're giving up on them really quickly. Chances are you're trying to do it all yourself with no help, and it's caused just a hard spot in your, um, day. So get your kiddos or your husband or spouse or whoever's at home with you get them to help as well. And that way you don't have to feel so overwhelmed at each time. Katie's really should just be quick and easy. It shouldn't feel like one more thing to do. It should make the rest of your day a little bit smoother. You also might be giving yourself a little too much time, so, honestly, if you have a kitchen timer, just use it and stop it. The 10 minutes If you don't get everything done, it's not that big of a deal. Just wait until the next time a day that you want to do it. But you can't spend your whole day picking up organizing, cleaning after your kids. You've got to just set some boundaries to those times so you can enjoy the rest of your life as well. Okay, now that we talked a little bit about resets, what they are and how to put those into place. Let's talk about some routines Now. I'm gonna talk about morning routines and night routines, and everybody's gonna have their own routines that they need to d'oh! And you're also probably gonna have different things for your kids to do as well, depending on their age, depending on what they need to do to get ready and all of those things. But here's some things that I think you should include in your morning routine. So let's start with you as Theodore Ult as the mom. Here's some things to include in your morning routine to help get your day off to a good start. One is to get yourself ready. Now that might mean a shower. It might mean just doing your hair. It might mean just getting dressed. It might mean putting makeup on whatever you need to do to make yourself feel ready for the day and just ready to go out. Make sure that you give yourself time to do that. If you don't, you're gonna leave the house feeling not as ready or as prepared for things as you could and just not as good about yourself. So make sure you give yourself time to get ready. Whatever that looks like for you, I also think you should include some kind of quiet time. This might be time in your Bible. Just time to read. Time to sit and think about the day. And it doesn't have to be a lot of time. It could be five minutes, but some kind of time or you're not thinking about work. You're not thinking about kids, and you actually have some quiet space in your mind. Maybe don't even plan anything. Just give yourself five minutes to sit on the couch and think about nothing or let your mind wander or whatever you need to do. But I think having that white space in the morning is super important now. Another thing. Hopefully, if you confined even 10 or 15 minutes is toe workout, it can just be in your house. It can be doing, you know, 10 push ups, 10 squats and 10 sit ups would have heard you wanna do just to get your body moving a little bit and help you feel good about yourself. Try to put that into your morning routine. If you can now I understand if you're rushing off to work or, you know, in the mornings your kids wake up extra early or everybody's sick. But if you can try to schedule that in the morning, then you'll make sure that that's a priority and you get it done right away. If you leave that for your night routine, unless you're super motivated, a lot of times you're not gonna get to it. So try to get that into your morning. You might also want to set time to do some quick chores. Really, really quickly. Not anything, major. Just some quick ones. Like I said earlier, one of my morning chores is to put the laundry, and when I wake up, put it in the dryer before we leave the house. If I don't do those two things, then it's over my head for the rest of the day. I mean, I'm thinking about it, and I want to get it done, and so I'm thinking about when I'm gonna get that done. So instead, I just make sure that I throw that in. It literally takes me two minutes. It doesn't take a lot of time. I'm not folding. I'm not putting away. I'm just putting it in the washer and then putting it in the dryer before we leave on. The other thing I do in the morning is unload the dishwasher. Now I like to have this done before we leave for the day, because that way right after breakfast, I can load the dishwasher with those dishes right after lunch. I can put those dishes in right after dinner. I can put those dishes in, and then it all starts again. So I give myself those two quick little chores to Dio Um, and then when my kids wake up after they've done their little chores, one of their morning things to help out in the house is to wipe down the kitchen counter and wiped on the bathroom counter. So after they brush their teeth, I just asked them to wipe the counter really quick. And then, after they eat breakfast, they wiped down the kitchen counter real quick and the floor underneath where they sit. And that way those things are done. It takes them just a couple minutes, and it's done at those times, a day, every day, and we don't have to worry about it much after that. Now you do have to make these things doable. Like I said, if you set yourself up with too many things to d'oh, you're gonna get frustrated every morning and it's gonna be a disaster. So set yourself up for success. Put things in your morning routine that really will help you start the day well and put things in your kid's morning routine that will help them start the day. Well, so an example of my kids morning routine is when they wake up, they make their bed, brush their teeth, get dressed. They just do that right when they get up. Um, and then we do breakfast. They clean off the table and clean under the table and then clean the bathroom counter as well. So it's not a lot of things, but it gets us, you know, it gets us moving in the morning. It gives them a couple things that they have to check off and gets them started with their day. One thing that you could look into if you haven't ever read the book The miracle Morning. Go ahead and make sure that you read that book. It's very very inspirational would give you lots of tips on how to start your day well, and there's a kid's version. So if you haven't seen the kid's version, it's awesome, especially for some older kids to give them ways to start their day as well. He has so many great things to put into your morning routine that I'm not mentioning here, but it's just an awesome book. So if you have not read that book, I will into it in the show, notes the Miracle Morning, and you can get it up your library or purchase a copy off Amazon or wherever you like to get your books. But it's definitely worth the read. So the Miracle morning. And then there's a kid's one to the miracle morning for kids, so make sure to pick those up if you can. I mean in all your spare time when you're to be reading all these books, but it's an awesome, awesome read. Now let's talk about night Time's a little bit. Nighttime is very similar to morning, but instead of getting your day going on the right foot, you're kind of winding it down and preparing for that next day. So, um, in doing this, I like to take this is like the This is like my daily reset, but at night, um so this counts as my third reset for the day. But I like to take 10 to 15 minutes, max, because otherwise I'm not gonna stick to it. As soon as my kids go to bed. I am, like, on the couch, either working, writing or watching the show with my husband. And that's it for me. My brain pretty much stops working, and so it has to be really, really quick. But the things I like to make sure are that my kitchen is clean, the counters air clear, and everything's kind of put back where it goes in its place. So just like a morning, the morning routine and the reset in the afternoon, you can get everyone involved here, You know, as your kids are finishing up their their meal. Once they're done, they can bring the dishes to the dishwasher. They can wipe under the table and wipe on the counter before they go get ready for bed. You could be putting dishes in the dishwasher from the rest of the meal or cleaning your pots and pans as they're finishing that up as they're getting ready for bed. You can just get everybody involved, give your husband a job and you a job so that you guys can get to your relaxing time a little bit quicker. But get everyone involved in this time. Everybody's eating so everybody can be cleaning up. So kitchen clean, clear counters and putting things back in their place are going to make your morning and your next day, so much better. So I would suggest doing those three things. You also might want to make a quick to do list for the next day. Now, one thing I'm gonna say here is I can go to do list crazy, and it stresses me out to no end. And so one rule of thumb is to Onley. Ever have one to do list going? So if you're the kind of person like me who makes to do lists all over the house on sticky notes, as you're thinking about things you need to get done, you have to get out of that habit as soon as you make your new to do list for the next day, throw away any other to do list. You confined because if you have several of them going, you will never finish them. And you will feel stress before you even start. So have one list at a time. Make a quick to do list for the next day and then just circle one top priority. Now, you might want to circle one priority for work and one priority for home or something like that. Make a quick note of any appointments that you have things you have to get to at a certain time so that those aren't floating around in your head and you have them nailed down. But don't go overboard with your to do list. Don't make a to do list for tomorrow that has 55 items on it. Think about the things that actually need to get done and the amount of time you actually have to do them and circle one priority and feel good about yourself. If you get that one thing dead, Nan, you need thio. Make time to relax. So after you've done your little nightly reset, put it in your nightly routine that you're going to relax for a while this might mean that you are going to spend time with your spouse. This might mean you're gonna read a book. You might watch a show to relax. I would suggest not spending your relaxing time by scrolling through Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest because those kinds of activities do not often make us feel better about ourselves. They often do the opposite. So you're relaxing time should help recharge you and reset you for the next day. So he was that time to read or to work on something that you're passionate about. Do a craft something like that. But don't spend all your time on social media right before bed because it's not going to give you the reset or recharge that you need. Okay, now really quick. Besides my morning routine in the night routine, and then that afternoon reset that I d'oh! There's a couple other routines that I put into my day that just help it to go a little bit smoother. And some of these I kind of talked about. But when you're setting up routines, you can anchor them to an activity that you're already doing. It will help set them up and make them habits for you and your family. So one thing is when we eat. So every time we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, we clean the floor really quick. We wipe the counter, always put the dishes in the dishwasher. He is when I brush my teeth at night. So whenever I brush my teeth or what I'm done brushing my teeth at night, I wiped down the bathroom counter. Remember, I said, I have my kids do that in the morning as part of their morning routine, while at nighttime I do that. So I brush my teeth, wash my face, and then I wiped down the bathroom counter, and I also wipe the toilet down one more time as part of my nightly routine. So those two things only take me a couple minutes, and it makes the bathroom feels so much cleaner when those things are taking care of. So I do those things when I brush my teeth at night, and that's really it. Otherwise, I pick up as I need Thio and, you know, get things done as I need to. But if I keep those routines in place most of the time, I feel really good in our house, things airport where they need to go, you know things. Most of the really dirty areas and our house stay pretty clean and tidy because of those resets, and it just makes the day go smoother. There isn't a part of the day where I feel like, Oh, my goodness, I've got to stop and clean for an hour or get these things put away or our house is such a mess. When we go to bed, all of those extra stressors go away when you put some routines in place. It also really, really helps at bedtime and getting out the door in the morning when my kids have a simple routine to follow because they know I'm going to do this, this and this and I'm gonna go to bed or I'm going to do this. This and this. And then we're headed out the door for school. It keeps things moving a little smoother, a little bit faster, more efficient and were all a little bit happier. I'm not constantly saying, OK, now go brush your teeth. Okay. Now go do this. Wait. You forgot to do this. I mean, some mornings. I am still saying those things, but for the most part they know the routine and can do it on their own. Ah, one tip I have for you for younger kids is to make a little checklist for them. So we have a checklist on our refrigerator and it has a morning and evening or morning and afternoon and an evening little checklist. There's little pictures to follow. Super Easy. You No. One is the morning one, which is brushed teeth. Um, make your bed. I can't remember. Get dressed. You know, there's like four or five pictures on it. They can look at that if they're not really sure what's next. Especially my youngest one. And if they come to me constantly asking me what to do, I can just point to that little checklist to help them. And not only does it help me, but it also helps them feel more empowered and independent to be able to do all those things on their own. Now, after school looks a little different if your kids are in school, and so the afternoon checklists. Besides putting the laundry away with me, they also have read a book or draw or color. So, depending on the age of your kiddo, my son always needs to read for his homework, and my daughter is just learning how to read. So for them it's read a book, but then they can draw our color as well. So I want them to be doing something like that when they get home from school. So we often do. That's on their on their little checklist so you can put together a little checklist for your kiddos. Don't make it super long. If you put 20 things on there, there's no way they'll get it done. You will be frustrated, and they will be frustrated. I'd say 3 to 5 things. Max for a routine. And that's it, Um, otherwise, it's not really a routine. It's like a list of chores they have to accomplish, and that never, never feels good for anybody. So I hope this was super super helpful for you, and that you can put some routines in place that will help your days go smoother as well. Now, don't forget to go to the show. Notes at home with kids dot com. Forward slash Episode 20 for any of the links that I talked about today, including Joshua Becker's class, the unknown cluttered course. It's excellent, and his information is just awesome. Also, I've had so many moms join me in my photography class. If you have a DSLR and you don't know how to use it, make sure you join us in manual mode. Made simple, it's completely free. I will walk you through in video lessons how to use your DSLR because I don't want you missing any of those sweet moments with your kiddos, so make sure that you join us there. I've had tons of Mom's joining this past month or so, and we're just having a great time in the course and in the Facebook group. So come and join us there. I will link to that in the show notes. Or you can go to at home with kids dot com forward slash photo challenge and get signed up. Remember, it's free, and it's just ah, fun course to get you familiar with all the settings on your camera and get you taking great photos with your DSLR HQ. Thank you so much and I will talk to you. Then you just listen to an episode of the Simple Home. Thank you so much for spending your time with me today. I feel truly honored to be a small part of your life. Please take a moment to give a rating and rent a quick review on iTunes that will help this podcast reach more people. And I appreciate the feedback we meet here every week. So hit. Subscribe. So you know, in the newest episode goes live. And for more practical tips on simplifying motherhood, visit at home with kids dot com. I can't wait to talk to you next time.