Rich Relationships Refuge with Gil & Renée

Unraveling the Tapestry of Personality and Temperament in Relationships

Gilbert J & Renée M. Beavers Season 6 Episode 122

Saying goodbye to a cherished friend left us reflecting on the integral roles that personality and temperament serve in the connections we make. This week, we peel back the layers of these complex traits, illustrating how they shape and influence our relationships through vivid personal accounts. As we contrast my vibrant extroversion with Gil's thoughtful introversion, we journey into the heart of what makes us click or clash with others—shedding light on the vibrant outfits of our personalities and the DNA-like permanence of our temperaments.

Embark on a voyage through the seas of charisma and calmness, and uncover how these inviting shores can unexpectedly morph into frustrating terrain. We share tales from the trenches—like Gil's unshakable peace amidst the storm of my labor—to unveil the significance of cultivating our temperaments. Take away actionable advice for enhancing communication and resolving disputes, as we emphasize the art of active listening and the power of presenting measured thoughts over untamed emotions.

As we wrap up our heartfelt discourse, we underscore the mirror-like nature of our reactions to the people in our lives. Offering sage advice on maintaining composure in the face of public challenges, especially when your partner is by your side, we celebrate the strength found in self-awareness and the pursuit of self-improvement. Join in the conversation, share your experiences, and continue the journey towards resilient relationships on our website and YouTube channel.

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Meet: Gil & Renée

Rich Relationships Refuge podcast with Gilbert J and Renée M. Beavers is fantastic because it's the best place to explore the reality of relationships — the good, the bad, and the painful and confusing. This podcast helps to illuminate what it means to be intimate with others and what it teaches people about them. It will make you want to strive for a kinder, more fun relationship with others., This a place where love flourishes, bonds deepen, and relationships thrive. We're Gil and Renee, authors, and marriage coaches, and we're honored to walk alongside you on your journey towards a rich and fulfilling partnership.

In a world where relationships can feel like a maze, we believe in providing you with the compass and map to navigate the path of love with confidence and grace. Whether you're single and seeking, newly dating, or preparing for marriage, our app is your sanctuary—a refuge where you can find guidance, support, and inspiration every step of the way.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Rich Relationship Podcast with Gil and Renee, where amazing things happen.

Speaker 2:

Our goal is to help build, repair and restore healthy relationships. We had to say goodbye, see you in eternity, to a friend of ours, so if we seem a little out of sorts, it's kind of hard to go from that to this and not feel something. So we just want to tell you guys that tonight our episode is about the difference between personality and temperament, and a lot of times we think that they're the same. So I'm going to share a little story. So we always talk about it. I'm an extrovert, gil is an introvert.

Speaker 1:

Before you get started, if you don't know who we are we appreciate you coming and joining us.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 1:

I'm Gil and I'm Renee From the Rich Relationship Refuge. Yes, we got to get a kiss. A little bit out of sorts. Now you can go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay, okay. So see, we all like routines, especially when there are things that feed our soul, and so a lot of times you know you hear all these. Okay, so I'm an extrovert and Gil is an introvert. We always talk about like the belly button is either an outie or an innie, and so either you're an outie or an innie, and so either you're an outie or an innie, and a lot of times when I was younger, people would say, oh, you remind me of so-and-so, you act just like so-and-so. Oh, you remind me of so-and-so, you act like so-and-so. So I'm sure you have been told that you remind someone of someone else, and that's because they probably share the same personality.

Speaker 2:

But over the years of working with couples and being married to the same person, I realized that there's reasons why certain relationships do better than others, and I think that the missing link we always talk about, as far as getting to the root, I think that the root cause of why some relationships don't work well is because of your temperaments being different. And so what's the difference between personality and temperament? If I had to say it, to make it real easy, your personality is like this outfit it's my personality, it shows my personality and you see, gil's personality. He's a lot calmer. He can have the same colors. However, it's not your personality. It may be what's on the outside, but your temperament is what's on the inside. So we can both have different personalities, but our temperament could be different, and so we're going to talk a little bit more about that. If you have questions about personality and temperament, if you have relationship questions, please put them in the chat. So, babe, what do you think about all this?

Speaker 1:

I was thinking when you think about how does all this play into relationships, relationships? That's what we are really talking about, because if you have a different temperament, obviously you're going to have a different personality, more than likely, from your significant other, but if you have a different temperament, that can be sometimes an issue when it comes to.

Speaker 2:

You got a piece of hair.

Speaker 1:

It's OK. It can be an issue when it comes to the relationship if your temperaments are different.

Speaker 2:

You think so, yeah, or you think it can be an issue if they're too much alike no.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead and elaborate on what you were just describing, because one of the things I can say.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, our personalities are totally different.

Speaker 2:

However, the thing I realized is that, while our personalities are different which your personality is shaped by the things you go through, the things you experience whereas your temperament is more your DNA.

Speaker 2:

It's the way you were born, it's the way you were wired. So there are some things that are hardwired into your temperament is more your DNA. It's the way you were born, it's the way you were wired. So there are some things that are hardwired into your temperament. Like, if you're the kind of person that you are easygoing, more than likely you're going to remain easygoing. If you're some person that is a hothead and everything sets you off, more than likely that is not something that's going to change because that's the way that's hardwired into your DNA, and so I do believe that the word of God has a way of helping us overcome all that, but I think that you can't ignore that there are certain things about the way people are that's kind of hardwired Absolutely, and so what would you say has been your experience when you think about the things we've seen in couples? What have you seen to be like a recipe for disaster?

Speaker 1:

If your temperaments are definitely different, it's going to cause a issue. You know, you have to be like minded. If you are like minded, what we're talking about is, for example, when we first started dating. For example, when we first started dating, if we, if Renee, was very vocal and say we argued about little things, or when you're having a disagreement and she gets loud or he gets loud, if your temperament is one that your environment or that you're, you don't respond well to that type of behavior, it's going to cause an issue. If you don't address it Right, you're going to have to change when it comes to how you interact with each other.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of it is driven by your temperament, and the thing that I thought that was so amazing was because I was talking to another couple and they're talking about you know, it's a blessing when you get to spend your life with your best friend. That is a gift and I'm grateful for that. But I also realized that there are some things that I had to learn, because for me, like I said, I grew up in a house where everybody screamed and hollered and yelled and cussed and even though that's what I grew up around, I didn't like it. I didn't like the way it made me feel, I didn't even like to do it, and so when the first time I did it to Gil, he was like really, no you are so beautiful to talk like that.

Speaker 2:

Do not use words like that. It so sidebar. So when I see women using that language, it makes me sad because I think that that takes away from the beauty and elegance of being a lady. When we use language or we behave in ways that are not appropriate for a lady, I think that's something. So I'm just as an older woman. I'm speaking to the next generation Ladies don't talk like a sailor. You know what I mean. Don't use words that should be in the toilet. Don't let that come out of your mouth. The Bible says let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth.

Speaker 2:

So we need to be mindful of that, that it may be trending to use vulgar language, but it's not 20 years from now. When you see that, are you going to be OK with it? Yeah, so that's something I just want to sidebar. I just want to go a little off rails for that. So anybody have questions?

Speaker 2:

Is there anything that, when you think about temperament, has that been something that you have noticed has been a problem in your relationships in the past or in the present?

Speaker 2:

If you're watching now or watching later on, put it in the chat if it has been an issue, because I think sometimes we don't realize oh man, so that's what it was our temperaments Like. If you get two people who are hotheaded more than likely, if you get two people who are hotheaded more than likely, if you get two people who are hotheaded, then it's going to be a problem. If you get two people who are quiet, that's going to be a problem. You know you need to make sure that somebody brings something different to the table, and it's not. You know people say opposites attract, but also opposites can also attack, and so what we want to do is just kind of make it easy for you to kind of point out some of the things in yourself that could be problematic in you being in a relationship. As far as your temperament versus your personality, how many personalities do you think there are?

Speaker 1:

I have no idea, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you know what's so funny. Honestly, we talk about it. You have introverts and extroverts, you have talkers and listeners, you have buyers and savers. So I think, when you really think about it, personalities can be there could be a billion personalities, but just our core of who we are as humans, it's not like it's 50 of them. There may be in the combination of it, but it's just understanding that while we are unique, most of our situations are not. And if we would learn to develop some ways to kind of navigate ourself and understand. Oh well, I know, for me I will yell and scream. If I was with somebody else who yelled and screamed, I probably would yell, still yell and scream. But because I married someone who was really calm and easygoing, it taught me to tap into that. Because my grandmother was like when you were little, you never liked a whole bunch of people in crowds, so he helped me to tap into the way I was really already wired. That's why it feels natural for me Sure what you thinking?

Speaker 1:

It's just been one of those days, you know, and that has a little bit to go with your temperament. If you've had a stressful day, you're going to be out of sorts, and it's important for you to be able to communicate that to your significant other because, if not, it's going to impact in your relationship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's easy to take Like for me. I am a upbeat personality, that's the way I'm normally. I talked about this. I did a short the other day and I was talking about even when you have an extroverted, bubbly, charismatic personality, you still have struggles with depression and anxiety, and it's just knowing that how it manifests in you. So I want to ask you the same question I asked the other day how does depression, anger and anxiety show up in you? I know, for me it causes me insomnia. I can be up for days and days and days. For me, I have to create, I have to build, I have to do something with it, whereas for Gil, how does it show up in you, babe?

Speaker 1:

What's that?

Speaker 2:

Anger and depression.

Speaker 1:

It caused me to go inward. You think about most people who are, let's just say, introverted by nature. If you feel like you're a little bit out of sorts or you feel like you're in as they would say, in your feelings you're more than likely going to draw in, you're going to get isolated, you're going to want to separate yourself away from not anybody who's bugging you, but just because you just feel better, more comfortable by yourself. So sometimes you have to take those times to where you get away, even if it's just being in a separate room or doing things on your own. It could be something as simple as just watching television, flipping channels or whatever on your phone, and you just want to be by yourself. It doesn't mean you're mad at anyone or you are in a funk or anything like that. Sometimes you just draw inward, so that's what.

Speaker 2:

I would say and one of the things how we navigate that because we are different personalities, we deal with things differently. I had to learn for me I was what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong. I had to first of all, learn to stop saying what's wrong, because when you start off with what's wrong, you make it seem like it's something negative. So my way that I address it now is hey babe, what's going on? What you thinking about? What on what you're thinking about, what's going on in your mind? So just a matter of changing what you say when you're trying to get to let the other person know you care can make a major difference.

Speaker 1:

Another thing I had to learn how to do is just give them time. I think you have to be mindful of your significant other or your partner. If you're in a way, let's just call it. You're not mad at me, in a mood, in a mood yeah, that's probably a better way of saying it. Don't take it personal. Don't think it's something that you did do or you didn't do. Sometimes it's just that the other person just may be going through a moment.

Speaker 2:

But I think it's important that you ask.

Speaker 1:

But you have to communicate Because you don't want to communicate.

Speaker 2:

You want to communicate. You don't want to assume that, oh, he's quiet, I'm going to leave him alone. It's just always being open to communicate with one another and be there for each other. It's like, hey, you seem a little bit out of sorts. Is everything okay? Checking in on each other, you know? I think that's important. I think, even when you've been together for a long time, even though you may think you know, there's nothing wrong with saying, hey, are you okay? What's going on? What's going on in your heart, what's going on in your mind? And that's where the temperaments and personalities come in to play a role in the way things manifest in your life. And I think that when you understand the way you are, it helps you to have more grace and empathy and compassion for another person, because, again, you and I are like night and day. Our personalities are that different, kind of like the black shirt in the daytime.

Speaker 1:

That's just the way it goes.

Speaker 2:

So we have people here, you guys. Let us know where you guys are coming in from. Let us know how we can serve you. If you have questions, things you want to know, please, please, please in the chat, put your questions in there. Um, have you had troubles distinguishing the difference between personality and temperament and did you even know? Because most people think that they're the same but they're not? Um, have you in your own life had struggles with that, and how can we serve you in this area as far as really navigating, understanding your own personality, temperament and how to do it in a relationship?

Speaker 1:

Dallas in the house. Hey, dallas, not that that's your name. We just acknowledge him where you're coming from. Thanks we appreciate you saying we're a beautiful couple, but we just want to share into relationships. That's why we come on here every.

Speaker 2:

Saturday night at 8 pm. Tonight's topic is the difference between personality and temperament. Do you know the difference and has your temperament or personality caused you problems in relationships?

Speaker 1:

And I think sometimes, if you think about the temperament and the personality, we're more driven and being drawn to someone's personality. You know they may be very charismatic, they may draw you in and they may be very mindful and thoughtful and those are all characteristics, but it could also be a little bit of their temperament. You know, if a person is an extroverted person, that's temperament. But if they're outgoing and jovial and all those things that that kind of attract you from their personality, that is what draws you in. But over time it's going to take a little bit of time for you to see a person's temperament yeah, and, and I think it, when you know, you see someone's temperament.

Speaker 2:

You see their temperament in traffic. You see their temperament when someone brings their order and it's wrong. You see their temperament when someone brings their order and it's wrong. You see their temperament when, like Gil was telling me I was talking to a telemarketer. He said you don't like telemarketers. No, I do not. I do not because they're intrusive and it's obvious in my tone and my temperament that I don't like them. So you don't want to ignore all those things in the beginning, because while someone's personality might be great, what is their temperament? Because really, your temperament is a reflection of your character. If you had to, what is it? Because your personality is going to change, because it's shaped by your environment and your, but your temperament is a reflection of your character.

Speaker 1:

You know, maybe even thinking about it a different way, maybe looking at it from how is your normal disposition, how is your countenance, how do you carry yourself on a day-to-day basis manner? That can be identifying what your temperament is like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think a part of it is that because for Gil, even when I was in labor and they called me, they called Gil and he was like this brother right here. He is cool, calm and collected. He could have been a surgeon and I love that about him. And so many times we tell our couples the very thing that you love and that you're attracted to, you may end up not liking it Because, again, the personality is like it reflects the light, but the temperament is really who you are. And so, while your personality may be great, what is your temperament?

Speaker 1:

And I like the way you what you say. There I can shut off. Sometimes. I'm working on communication better with my partner and that's exactly what you want to be doing, because if you're in a way that you need to be shut down, as long as you're not shutting down in the midst of a serious conversation or when things are really going on, that's not what you want to do, because you know there's an old psychological term that nurture versus nature. You know, yes, we have come from different environments and we have different backgrounds, but all of the things that we do in our relationships are a choice.

Speaker 1:

When you think about if you're in a let's just say, not a confrontation, but a discussion, that's pretty serious and maybe it's not going your way, or you get into your feelings a little bit Not saying this at you, but I'm just saying in general terms and you shut down Is it because you didn't like what was said or was it that you didn't like? You don't want to deal with it right at the present moment or the present time. Those are things that may be a part of your temperament, but you have to think about what is it that you want to accomplish when it comes to the relationship. Like you just said, you want to get better at communication. Well, that's going to require you to communicate not just in the good times, but it's going to also require you to communicate when conflicts arise, where you can sometimes especially someone who's maybe more laid back you can take a step back and kind of deescalate the situation and see if what it really is.

Speaker 1:

We see a lot of couples that are in the midst of a situation and their temperament kicks in and they tend to start focusing on symptoms when they're in the midst of a discussion or a conflict. If you're focusing on symptoms and not what's really going on, the root cause of the issue, that's where you have to take a step back and say, okay, let's take a minute and let's look at this. Somebody has to be that level head to say you know what? Let's take a step back and let's really focus on what may be the real issue that we're dealing with.

Speaker 2:

And I think the thing that Gil and I learned like for me because I am so vocal and I have something to say and I have a billion words, I am so vocal and I have something to say and have a billion words I had to learn how to be quiet. I had to learn how to, and I had to physically practice. It's like, okay, so today we are practicing being quiet, renee. So, renee, today we are not going to talk when people are talking, we're going to listen. And that was how I learned to develop my ability to be a better listener. So, like for Gil, you had to do the opposite.

Speaker 1:

She had to. Actually, one thing that we shared and this is something that we came across, how she had to help me in this capacity was she asked me what I think, not what I feel. If she says, hey, how are you feeling today, fine, good, I'm okay. But if she said, what are you thinking about? Oh, I'm just, oh well, I'm thinking about this and this and this and this and this. Well, all those may be connected to the feelings. That's a whole different question. That's a part of my temperament. If I'm an analytical person and a conscious person and trying to think about certain things, she's going to get more out of me if she asks me what am I thinking about versus how do I feel. So I'm not saying all guys, most guys are thinkers more than feelers, not that guys don't have feelings, but if you really want to get something out of them, ask them what they're thinking versus what they're feeling.

Speaker 2:

Yes, very much so, and a part of it for women is when we tell you everything we're feeling. We don't want a solution. We just want you to listen, unless I say, hey, I really I need you to help me with this, and that's just some. Those are the kinds of things you don't know that if you weren't taught that. But it's just understanding that you're living with another person who is not like you. So how do you benefit from, how do I benefit from his temperament and his personality? How does he benefit from mine? By one first knowing mine, understanding it and then giving him room to be the way he's wired.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, absolutely, and we appreciate you guys if you just join us.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining.

Speaker 1:

For hanging out with us. We talking about the temperament and how it can impact and affect your relationship and your personalities, how those things can all play into the relationship space. A lot of times. These are the kind of conversations and topics we like talking about because it's not common to talk about. It's one of those small things that people don't even give thought about on a regular basis and how it is impacting their relationship. So that's why we bringing up these out of left field topics because it matters and those things pay huge dividends when it comes to how it can affect and affect your relationship.

Speaker 2:

And, I think, a part of it. I was talking to someone I was seeing.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, Renee.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, is that Renee McKenzie?

Speaker 1:

No, Renee Feliciano.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you. Thanks for joining us, renee. We have another, renee too, but it's understanding.

Speaker 2:

The Bible says that. Well, people say the devil's in the details, but the Bible says the small fox will destroy the vine. So if we can help you guys, focus on all those little pitfalls that couples struggle with before you get there, it prevents you, because our whole thing is we would much rather give you prevention than the cure. We'd rather be a Tylenol and not a vitamin, because we want to help you navigate your pain where it gets better, not where you are nursing it and you don't know, you don't realize, but where you're actually getting better. So that's some of the things we're really trying to work on.

Speaker 1:

And we appreciate you chiming in. So if you got questions, if you're watching, if you want to talk about we're talking about temperaments and personalities and how it impacts your relationship and, marco, we're going to get to your question here right here in a second. But I just want to introduce if you want to talk about those things, just put it in the chat and We'll get to it, and as long as it goes with the flow of our conversation, and as long as it doesn't get inappropriate and hello from.

Speaker 1:

Is that Serbia? Wow, I just want to ask for advice on how to stay calm and cool when someone always keep doing stupid, wrong things in public. And I can't stay calm in front of my girl, hmm.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one.

Speaker 1:

You want to start.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying someone else is doing something crazy. That is not you.

Speaker 1:

And you stay calm. Yeah, how do you stay calm and cool when someone is always doing something stupid or wrong things in public? And how do I stay calm in the midst of that?

Speaker 2:

I will say this. I always say when I learned to control myself, everyone around me changed. Self-control is the most powerful form of control, because when we are governing ourselves, we realize that whatever that other person is doing is not a reflection of me. It's a reflection of that person and it's understanding that if I react to their foolishness, that I'm going to be responsible for the same consequence that they're going to get.

Speaker 2:

So you have to always ask yourself, because I know for me, I always felt like I had to say something and the thing the Lord showed me was may the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be pleasing in my sight, and when you get done, give them a piece of your mind. Who's going to look crazy? So you have to always have this inner conversation with yourself about the consequences of what you do. It is bad when people misbehave, it is bad when people, but at the end of the day, you're responsible for how you treat your girl, not for how this person in public is behaving. And so it's just a matter of I walk in and self-control and Gills helped me a lot with that, because self-control I would say that was my biggest. Biggest struggle was self-control.

Speaker 1:

And I would say, when it comes to a lot of times, we want to try to control things that are beyond our ability to control, especially in our relationships. The one thing that we always share with our couples is, believe it or not, I cannot change Renee. I cannot control Renee, much as I try to use my superpower and my Jedi mind tricks and all this other stuff to try to control him.

Speaker 1:

And when you realize that you can't control this other person, and when you realize that you can't control this other person, and even when they're doing something that you don't agree with or something that you may set you off, you have to take a step back and ask yourself why is it bothering me so much? What is it about this, what they're doing that I don't agree with? And am I trying to control the person or the situation or the circumstance? Only thing you can control is yourself. That's the only thing I can say. Since we're doing these questions kind of like right now. That's the best thing we can as far as advice to give you right now.

Speaker 2:

The wisest thing is always to remember you only have self-control and to remember that, whatever you do, you're going to be responsible for how you behave.

Speaker 1:

And I like the way you said that. Fivey, I hope I'm pronouncing that right. That's exactly what you want to do is use I statements when you start thinking about, I have a problem.

Speaker 1:

Just like Marco said, if somebody's doing something that you don't agree with, it's not a problem with them, it's a problem for you, so you're the one with the problem. A problem for you, so you're the one with the problem. So when you say I have a problem, instead of Renee is always doing this or she does that, or she does that when you're looking outward, that's where the problems really come. But when you say I have a problem with this situation, all you can do is vocalize that, be assertive with that, not aggressive. There's a difference between aggressive and assertive.

Speaker 2:

When you're communicating but being assertiveive, all you're doing is telling that person what they need, what you need, what you need from them, and telling them that once you do that, it's going to be on them to to respond in kind with that somebody else have a question no, go ahead, go ahead okay, and so I just think it's important that in relationships, and especially in the early in the dating stages, and even if you've been together for a long time, when we would be out, people would do and say things and I would always watch Gil and I'm like that doesn't bother you. He was like bother me why.

Speaker 1:

And I'm looking at what Marco was saying. And I'm looking at what Marco was saying yeah, if you're talking about a physical altercation and you intervene and you get involved with the situation and they're doing something wrong, especially if it's a domestic thing, if someone is actually having a altercation, especially someone that's outside of you and your significant other Call the police, you better off to call the police or let them deal with it, unfortunately, because, just like what you just said in there, they end up turning on you as being a source of the problem, because they probably have a history and a pattern of doing this. You just happened to come across it at the wrong time and, yes, that may be the honorable thing to try to intervene. You can intervene by calling the authorities. You can intervene by, you know, trying to create distance, but don't put yourself in a situation that you're going to reap some damage to you or the person. You don't want to be collateral damage when it comes to a situation like that.

Speaker 2:

And something that we always say is the things that people do make sense to them. You may never understand why people do what they do, because you don't have the same mindset.

Speaker 1:

Or you don't have the same experience, you don't have the history and the background that goes along with that.

Speaker 2:

And so there's things that people will do and it makes sense to them. It doesn't have to make sense to you. The things that you do have to make sense to you, and so it's just important that we always remember that at the end of the day, when I go stand before the Lord, he is not going to give me the consequences of somebody else. I have to stand before him for me, and so I hope that helps. As far as just knowing how to navigate yourself, I think that's our biggest thing is always we say there's no such thing as marriage problems. There's individual problems we bring into our relationships, and it's not just our marriage relationships, it's our sibling relationships. It's our sibling relationships, it's our family relationships.

Speaker 1:

Work relationships, work relationships, even the casual one at the drive-thru.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes. So a part of it is just understanding that you take your personality and your temperament with you everywhere you go and you have to learn how to navigate that.

Speaker 1:

So, even if you're in a relationship, if you have a marital relationship or even just in a dating phase, just kind of always remember you are a single individual first and the things that and I think somebody said it in the chat already you have to be working on you. You do the more you work on you to try to maximize the growth areas. I mean get better in the growth areas and minimize the weaknesses or the strength. Maximize the strengths, minimize the growth areas. Yes, focus on those things. That's where the real Benefit comes in the relationship. You know, if you have those growth areas that you have, that's where you want to focus on your effort and your energy and getting better in those areas to turn them into strengths, because it will make you better for the relationship as a whole.

Speaker 2:

And it will, because you're not dragging your unpacked pain and the other person's. So sit with your own pain, unpack it, figure out why. Because there's a reason why I always say there's no such thing as road rage because you were mad at home, you were mad at the grocery store, you were mad at the bathroom, you were mad, and so we need to really get to. Well, why does that bother me so much? And I was just reading, we have another book, y'all. I was just reading it and one of the things that I talked about was the way you unpack the pain of your past. You keep asking yourself why, until there are no more questions, why does that bother me? Well, why did that happen to me? We have to keep asking. We need to sit with why we feel the way we feel and ask questions so that we can get some answers, so that when we go to someone, we know why we do what we do. That's an important part of being able to be a healthy relationship.

Speaker 1:

So we appreciate you guys hanging out with us today. We try to keep this at about 30 minutes or so because we put out content on a regular basis and, just like what you were saying here, where can you find us? Where can you reach out? Why don't you give them the rundown about where you can find us and reach?

Speaker 2:

out. Yay, we have a new app. If you have an Android phone, you can go to the Google App and put in Rich RR Marriage Mentors. We're working on the Apple one Right now. Our website has changed. Our website is richrrmarriagementorscom. So if you want to reach us, you have a question or anything, you can give us an email at help at richrelationshiprefugecom. That's our email and, again, our website is richrrmarriagementors. You can go to our website and we can help you. We can go get our app. We have books, we have a YouTube channel, we have podcasts. Any way, we can serve you and we also do one-on-one sessions. So, please, we would love to be a part of your relationship journey.

Speaker 1:

And so you can reach us here. We do this one every Saturday night.

Speaker 2:

Yes, at 8 pm.

Speaker 1:

You know, and so that's where we're at, but we're also on the YouTube platform. We got all the videos and all the things out there you can catch us.

Speaker 2:

Go watch some of our other videos.

Speaker 1:

You can catch us anytime you want, anytime you got some free time. We always say you want to stick us in your ears. We got a podcast out there with over 100 episodes, plus episodes, so you can catch that. So however you want to do it, whether it's through your phone, through your streaming, while you're walking, while you're at the gym, while you're doing all that stuff, take us with you. Or if you just want to sit down and binge watch. You know that's cool too, because that's what we, that's why we do this. We just want to make deposits into people's relationships. That's on a positive side, because if you want the drama and the craziness and all the other stuff that goes along with relationships sorry, that's not us- we don't do that part.

Speaker 2:

You know what I realize Everyone is. There is an ocean of information. We are providing wisdom from our marriage 35 years From our relationship with God 18 years of working with couples. From our marriage, from our years of working with couples, years of working with couples, from our marriage, from our years of working with couples and for our desire to make sure people don't go through this marriage life alone, this relationship, life alone.

Speaker 1:

So we appreciate you guys. We will see you guys next week. Hopefully you got something out of this Next Saturday at 8 pm, central Standard Time.

Speaker 2:

We love you. Please watch more of our long content. Just sit and binge it, you know it'll help. It helps. The algorithm is really the audience. We want our audience to have more content, more things to watch to help us to have better relationships. So we love you all and we love serving you guys. We will see you guys next Saturday at 8 pm. Unless I go live, we're going to go live throughout the week too.

Speaker 1:

So remember, we're stronger together guys, you guys.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for watching Later. See you guys next week. Share this video, leave us comments. Watch more of our long content on YouTube. We create long content because we want to give you more than just 30 seconds or 15 seconds, so we try to make it at least 30 minutes. Now remember we're stronger together and we love you and you are more than enough. So we'll see you guys next saturday.

Speaker 1:

bye thank you for listening. Thank you for your investment in time. Remember to subscribe to the show and hit the notification icon to be notified when new episodes are posted on the podcast platform that you're listening from or you can always find us on our website at richrelationshipsuscom, or our YouTube channel, rich Relationships with Gil Renee.

Speaker 2:

If you found this podcast helpful or you think it could help someone that you know and care about, please pass it along and share it with them.