From Under The Bed
Join Stevie and Sarah under the bed each episode as they discuss spooky movies old and new! Grab your flashlights, a blanket, and some snacks. It's about to get SpOoKy!
From Under The Bed
Malignant (2021)
Stevie Andujar & Sarah de Leon
We're still trying to figure out this movie, the horror movie community is still trying to figure out this movie...this movie doesn't know what it is...but HEY we get that, Malignant! And listen, Adam from Supernatural is in it for 5 minutes so that has to count for something. Truthfully, we had a lot of fun with this film even when we were outright baffled, gagging from grasshopper legs, or mesmerized by long-lost final fantasy character designs. Join us under the bed for a movie that's still trying to find itself - but aren't we all *tear in eye* Hold our hand, we'll get through it all together, Dust Bunnies!