Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

21: Breaking Mental Boundaries: How Non-Local Consciousness Could Impact Entrepreneurial Success

August 28, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 21

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Imagine stretching your thoughts beyond the confines of your brain, into the vast cosmos of the non-local mind! Come along on a groundbreaking journey where we challenge conventional wisdom and explore the uncharted territories of consciousness. This episode pushes the boundaries of thought, suggesting your beliefs may not be limited to your physical being. We scrutinize the idea of a non-local mind, taking you through thought-provoking evidence from near-death experiences, telepathy, and quantum physics, paired with insights from ancient wisdom traditions.

We're not just talking theory here. We're also looking at practical ways you can harness the power of a non-local mind as an entrepreneur. Imagine enhanced creativity, expanded problem-solving abilities, and improved intuition - all by embracing the concept of a non-local mind. Due to the complexity of these topics, remember to approach them with an open and balanced mindset. We also discuss the potential benefits of hypnosis in breaking mental boundaries. But remember, we're venturing into the realms of the unknown here. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an enlightening episode that might just reshape your understanding of thought, consciousness, and achievement. Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride!

NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis

Dying To Be Me book

Kybalion book

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Speaker 1:

visionary entrepreneurs to another illuminating episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Today, we journey into the uncharted territory of the mind, transcending conventional wisdom as we delve deep into the realm of beliefs and consciousness. In a world where the prevailing notions suggests that thought is confined within the cranial confines, we dare to challenge this dogma and explore the untapped potential of non-local consciousness. Just as a seed's essence is not confined to its shell, the limits of our beliefs may be equally deceiving. Join us as we unravel the enigma of thought's origin and traverse the cosmic landscape of the mind, illuminating the path to a profound success, mindset that defies the constraints of the merely brain-based. Open your minds, dear pioneers, as we embark on a journey that promises to reshape the very foundation of how we perceive thought, consciousness and the boundless frontiers of achievement.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, that's right. My friends, I am grateful for you joining me here on yet another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. Welcome to another Mind your Monday episode of our wonderful podcast and Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. This is episode 21, and I'm having so much fun with this content, this program and bringing these topics to you Two episodes per week. Of course, we have Mind your Monday episodes on Mondays and Healthy Thursday episodes on Thursday, and it's all based on transforming your mind, your body, your business using integrative health. And, of course, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together just for you, on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success using integrative health. And for all the show notes and links from today's episode, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button, or you can always find it right in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So many, many, many entrepreneurs have a mental boundary, and it may not be in your head. I'm not talking about the physical brain Today. I'm talking about the mind and specifically the concept of non-local, subconscious mind, which can keep you in a cycle of getting in your own way on your path to success, if you let it. So. Today you're going to discover both research and ancient wisdom perspectives suggesting the non-local nature of the mind. The concept of the mind being non-local and not solely confined to the brain is a topic of philosophical and scientific debate. Some interpretations of research and ancient wisdom suggest that consciousness and the mind might extend beyond the physical boundaries of the brain. In here today I'm going to bring you three ways from each perspective. So first we'll talk about the research perspective.

Speaker 1:

Number one is near-death experiences. These are known as NDE's in the medical field, and some individuals who have experienced near-death situations report vivid and detailed experiences, including being able to perceive events occurring around them while their brain show little to no EEG activity. This suggests the possibility that consciousness might extend independently of brain function. And I'll give you a link to one of my favorite books. It's written by Anita Moriani and she was not an author before she had a near-death experience, but she experienced the situation and was inclined to share it with other people and it's a very, very powerful book. If you've never heard Anita speak of her story, she's just a fantastic woman who shares an amazing, amazing story. So I will link up her book that's called Dying to Be Me in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So number two telepathy and remote viewing. Again, this is research based. Now Certain studies suggest that individuals might exhibit telepathic or remote viewing abilities, where they can access information about distant or hidden objects or events without the use of their regular senses. While controversial, these findings hint at a form of non-local information transfer that challenges conventional notions of localized consciousness. And number three quantum consciousness hypothesis. Some theories propose a connection between consciousness and quantum physics. I absolutely am fascinated by quantum physics. The phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where particles become linked regardless of distance, raises questions about the nature of space, time and consciousness. While this idea is speculative and debated, it points to a potential non-local aspect of the mind. So there's three aspects, three perspectives from research near-death experiences, telepathy and remote viewing, and quantum consciousness hypothesis. Next we'll get into some ancient wisdom perspective, and this is another topic that I absolutely love.

Speaker 1:

Number one eastern philosophical traditions. Many eastern spiritual and philosophical traditions, such as Hermeticism, buddhism and Taoism, propose that consciousness is not limited to the physical body or brain, but is interconnected with the universe. These traditions emphasize the idea that the individual self is merely an illusion and that true awareness transcends material boundaries. Now I'm going to also share a link I wanted to give you a link to a perspective on the clinical basis. So that would be the Dying to Me, be Me book, and I'm also going to link one of my favorite books on eastern philosophy, specifically Hermeticism, and this book is called the Kaiballian. It's K-Y-B-A-L-I-O-N. A fantastic book. It's said to be an ancient transcript, and by the three initiates, and you're going to love this book. It's absolutely amazing and it gives you some foundational principles of the universe, and so check that out. That link will be in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So, number two shamanic practices. Shamanic cultures, like certain shamanic traditions, often emphasized altered states of consciousness achieved through rituals, meditation or even plant-based medicines, which seem to be all the rage nowadays. These practices suggest that consciousness can journey beyond the physical body and access realms that are not constrained by ordinary perceptions and resistance. Shamanicism is considered to be the oldest method of thought, and its foundational principles are something that I've been coached on and practicing for some years now by a very credible and authentic source. So, number three mystical experiences. Throughout history, mystics from various cultures and religions have reported experiences of union with a higher reality or divine presence. These experiences often involve a sense of transcending the limitations of the physical body and accessing a deeper, universal consciousness that goes far beyond the brain.

Speaker 1:

Now, with all this information, it's important to note, while these perspectives providing intriguing insights, the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the brain remains a complex and ongoing area of study and discussion. The scientific community has not reached a consensus on whether the mind is truly non-local or if these experiences can be explained within the framework of existing neurobiological and psychological models. So I want to give you a plan here today in ways that non-local mind perspective can break boundaries and aid in entrepreneurship, because, of course, this is breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs. So, number one enhanced creativity and innovation. Embracing the idea of a non-local mind can open entrepreneurs to unconventional and creative ideas. Hypnosis, for instance, can help individuals access deeper levels of their mind, potentially leading to innovative solutions to business challenges. Next, expanded problem solving Viewing the mind as non-local encourages entrepreneurs to look beyond traditional boundaries. Hypnosis, again, can also assist in breaking mental blocks and fostering a more flexible mindset, enabling better adaptation to complex and changing business environments.

Speaker 1:

And number three intuitive decision making. I love scheduling on intuition and planning my you know whether it's my year, my quarter, my month, my weeks, my days and even my segments of hours during those days using intuitive decision making, accepting the non-local nature of the mind can lead to increased trust and intuition, and who couldn't use more trust in themselves? It's you know, even if you feel like you fully trust yourself, there's always a next level that you can go to, and hypnosis can improve intuition by facilitating a deeper connection with one subconscious mind, which often holds valuable insights that might not be immediately apparent. So remember that while these perspectives can offer valuable insights, they also remain topics of debate, and incorporating such ideas into entrepreneurship should be done thoughtfully, considering both their potential benefits and any associated uncertainties. Always approach these ideas with a balanced and open-minded perspective.

Speaker 1:

And if you're interested in learning more about hypnosis, I will also link up our hypnosis page. The Neurotrust Method of Hypnosis and Trust is an acronym for Transformational Reprogramming, for Unlimited Success Technique, and if you wanna learn more about clinical hypnosis and how that can help you as an entrepreneur, I will link that up in our show notes as well. And, of course, you can always schedule your free consultation, your complimentary consultation for hypnosis sessions with yours truly and I'd be happy to talk to you about that and different from our complimentary consultations for health coaching, which are, you know, roughly 20 to 30 minutes. Hypnosis is a much deeper aspect and deeper modality of you know, tapping into the subconscious and getting into. Well, we'll just leave it at that, but those complimentary consultations are a little bit more lengthy, to make sure that we're a good match to work together, and those are 90-minute consultations as well, so just keep that in mind when you're booking yours. So you call the action.

Speaker 1:

My friends, don't believe everything you think. Stay open to all possibilities and be receptive to energy and information beyond your five senses, and doing this can help you to avoid failure. It can help you to avoid things like limited thinking, which brings limited results in life and business. On the contrary, you can be well on your way to a success story, working from the place of 100% possible, 100% of the time from this moment on, and that can immediately unlock your hidden potential. So your key takeaway today, my friends, is both research and ancient philosophy suggest that non-local consciousness is a doorway to untapped energy, information and success. I'm grateful for you listening today. Please share this episode with anybody that you feel as though it could serve and, if you would, please just take a minute to go to your favorite podcast platform and leave a review for the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast, so that we can help more people, and I will see you next time to help you with Breaking Boundaries. Bye-bye.

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