Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

55: Harnessing the Law of Giving: Cultivating Prosperity and Abundance in Entrepreneurship

Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 55

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Embark on a journey to prosperity with the wisdom of the law of giving, a powerful tool for entrepreneurs to create a cycle of abundance. In our latest exploration, we unravel Deepak Chopra's teachings on the law of giving from "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success," demonstrating how generosity fuels success in business and personal growth. We go beyond the conventional understanding of giving to reveal a universal pattern of energy exchange—where gifts we offer the world return to us in manifold ways. Join us as we connect the dots between hermetic philosophies and the ancient Incan law of Ayni, underscoring the profound impact of reciprocity on our lives.

As we conclude this episode of Breaking Boundaries, we make space for reflection and anticipation. Gratitude fills the air for your companionship on this transformative voyage. In our upcoming discussion, we'll tackle identity's evolving nature—an essential element for personal evolution in the forthcoming year. We invite you to share your insights, post a review, and join our community that's dedicated to stretching the limits of self-discovery. Together, let's continue to challenge ourselves in our next session of boundary-breaking discourse.


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


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Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you. Because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here, yes, always grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another mindful episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. This is episode 55. And keep in mind that the odd episodes are our mindful episodes, so more to do with the mind and thoughts and feelings and beliefs and identity and hypnosis. And then, of course, the even episodes have more to do with integrative health and wellness and weight loss and discovering those underlying root causes. And of course, today you'll want to stay till the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure, as we always do, and help you to reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. Shout out to our new listeners All the way from Long Beach to London, from Montana to Miami. I appreciate each and every one of you listeners and please share the episodes with those who you feel it could serve. So today you're going to discover one of the seven spiritual laws of success.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be talking about the law of giving, and this is based on the book by Deepak Chopra, one of my favorite favorite books and audio books. You can listen to it here if you're watching on video the book. It's a very small book. How many pages are in this book? It's about 100 pages. Yeah, 110 pages maybe. And the audio book is a really quick listen. It's maybe most audio books are 10, 20, 30 hours of content. This is a mere two hours. You can listen to this on your commute to work and back in some instances, and I often listen to that audio book because it's so short and so powerful. And today we're going to be visiting just one of the seven spiritual laws of success the law of giving.

Speaker 1:

And tis the season to be giving, and that shouldn't just end in the month of December. The season of giving should be all of the time and we're going to talk about that and a lot of listeners, a lot of entrepreneurs have the boundary, and this is when the flow of energy stagnates, when it coagulates and it stops bringing abundance into their existence. So I did a live in our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group over there on Facebook. If you're not part of that community, feel free to join. There's always a link in the show notes to join that. Or you could go to loveenergywellnesscom, click on the community button and join there. We'd be happy to have you over there. And the live that I did was similar to what we're talking about today and I thought it would be a great podcast episode, especially this time of year.

Speaker 1:

So the seven spiritual laws of success, the law of giving, is actually in that book. It is law number two. And this is no different than a lot of the other ancient wisdom that, let's say, I subscribe to, such as hermetic philosophies. And another one of my favorite books is the Kaiballian K-Y-B-A-L-I-O-N. If you're watching on video, here's what it looks like. And this is based on hermetic philosophies. And the sixth principle of hermetic philosophy is the principle of cause and effect. So that could be very relatable to the law of giving and receiving. And this also plays into the ancient Incan philosophy of Aini A-Y-N-I. And if you, if we're friends in some other groups. You may or may not know about the Incan law of Aini, which is the law of reciprocity. So this goes into the law of giving and receiving. And it's very interesting that when somebody gets into the mode of hoarding, like, they have the mindset that there's a pie and there's only eight slices of that pie and if I don't get my slices there's not gonna be enough pie to go around for everybody. And that's really not the case. That's not how the universe works and what that is is that's a hoarding mindset, that's a mindset of scarcity, that's a mindset of lack and hoarding scarcity and lack, these are all fear-based thinking and fear-based behaviors. And the law of giving and receiving. I'll tell you what it says.

Speaker 1:

In the book the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, each chapter is very short and on the first page of each chapter it has an introduction to the concept of that spiritual law. And for the law of giving and receiving, it says this it says that the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe and in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives. Now, that's the introduction to the chapter. Now I'm not gonna read the entire chapter to you, but I'll give you some of my takeaways from the very short chapter of giving and receiving, and those are that nothing is static, everything in the world is in constant motion, constant growth mode. The universe is constantly expanding, the, you know, in nature, things are constantly changing. Rivers are constantly running, trees are constantly growing and losing their leaves in a cycle. The sun is well, the sun is where it is, but the earth is constantly rotating around the sun. Nothing is static, everything is moving. And it talks about the flow of life. Everything in life has a flow to it, and this is what's known as the field of existence. This flow is an energetic field of resistance.

Speaker 1:

Another touch point in the chapter of giving and receiving is that, you know, when a lot of people think of giving, they think of giving money. And it reiterates that money is just merely a symbol of energy. And you know I learned this in Jim Fortin's transformational coaching program that money is energy. Money is not. You know, money is not paper, money is not greed. Money is energy, it's an exchange of energy, and when you put out good energy, that good energy comes back to you. And that goes to show that every relationship is one of give and take. Every relationship, whether it's a personal relationship with a spouse or a partner or a child, or a coworker or an employer, every relationship is one of give and take, and the more that you give, the more you'll receive.

Speaker 1:

That's a very important concept that is brought up in the chapter on the law of giving and receiving and what also goes into a little bit of consciousness and how thought has the power to transform. That's a very powerful statement. Thought is energy and thought has the power to transform. So hopefully you're staying with me on this. And then you know, last, my last takeaway of the chapter is to choose or let me put it this way, not my last takeaway, but a way to put this into action is to choose to give to everyone everywhere every time that you come into contact with somebody. And you might be thinking, well, I don't have enough to give to everyone everywhere every time. Well, giving doesn't always mean buying gifts or giving money. So the plan here and the wonderful thing about this book where'd it go?

Speaker 1:

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is, at the end of each short chapter, there's an actionable plan to put the concepts of each one of the spiritual laws into practice to bring success to you. So the first step in the plan is giving a compliment. First of all is giving, and that could be something as simple as a compliment or a smile, or a written note of gratitude. How impactful is that to somebody where you hand them a written note that you took the time to write to tell them how grateful you are for something that they did? Or just being in your life, or whatever the case may be? Or it could simply be giving well wishes, maybe not even verbally, maybe just in a silent thought, and this is something that I began to practice over and over again, and the more that you do it, the more that you will see coming back to you.

Speaker 1:

And that brings us to the second part of the plan, which is receiving, giving gifts. Not just receiving and gifts from people, but gifts from nature. Right, if you can look at a sunrise and have appreciation for that, if you can watch a flock of birds flying in unison, or listening to the sounds of the forest or a river, and appreciate those gifts of nature, that is super important to be in dynamic exchange with nature, if you can appreciate and realize that you and the trees around you are in dynamic exchange, because those trees give off the oxygen that you breathe and those trees breathe the carbon dioxide that you give off. So you're in constant dynamic exchange with nature. Now receiving gifts like material gifts or monetary gifts, or even compliments from people I had the most difficult time when I was younger accepting money from somebody or receiving a compliment from somebody. I would come back with some snide remark or whatever the case may be, with the compliment and what's wrong with just saying a simple thank you and actually receiving those gifts that somebody else is giving to you?

Speaker 1:

And then number three this is my takeaway to redefine what wealth is. Wealth can be more than money. It can be more than physical things. It can be more than businesses and homes and cars and things like that. It can be knowledge, right, wealth of knowledge. It could be caring, a wealth of care, a wealth of appreciation, a wealth of gratitude. So redefine wealth and all of these things, gratitude, even love and laughter and, yes, money as well. Keep it circulating daily.

Speaker 1:

So this is when I say step number one is giving a compliment or a smile, you're giving your knowledge, you're giving your wisdom, you're giving your caring, your appreciation, your gratitude, you're giving love, you're giving laughter and, yes, even money, and keep that circulating on a daily basis and be okay with receiving those things as well. So those are the three steps in the plan and your call to action is give what you wanna receive. So if you want more joy in your life, then give joy. If you want more money in your life, then give money. And if you want more love in your life, then give love. And if you want the other six laws of abundance, then I highly suggest you get the audio book or the book that we're talking about today, the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. I'll put the link in the show notes so you can check that out and I'll actually link up the audio book, because you're really gonna love listening to that audio book and, like I said, it's only a two hour listen so you can piece, mail it or you can listen to it all at once.

Speaker 1:

All at once so to help you avoid failure. We wanna stay away from hoarding things, we wanna stay away from the mindset of lack and scarcity, because those are all fear based thinking and fear based behaviors, and we wanna stay out of fear. We want you to be in a, we want you to be able to share your success story with us and in order to do that, remember this one simple thing joy precedes abundance. So if you can stay in a state of joy, then what's going to follow is abundance. And the one key takeaway I want you to take away today from today's episode is that everything is energy, and the flow of universal energy works on dynamic exchange.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you tuning in today. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast, where we're gonna be talking about the new year and the new you. That's right, we're gonna be going into identity for the next podcast episode. I'm grateful for you listening today. Please share and leave a review so that we can help more people and we will see you next time with Breaking Boundaries. Bye, bye, everybody.

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