Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

58: Unlocking Subconscious Potential: A Hypnotic Revolution in Personal and Professional Growth

January 05, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 58

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When my skepticism about hypnosis was turned on its head, it wasn't just a revelation; it was a revolution for my personal and professional growth. That same power awaits you in this episode, where we celebrate World Hypnotism Day and peel back the layers of our own limiting beliefs. As an Integrative Health practitioner and certified consulting hypnotist, I, Jeffrey Mort, along with insights from my energy coach and the wisdom of a master hypnotist, will guide you toward unlocking the boundless potential of your subconscious mind.

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we address the deep-rooted social programming that often sets boundaries on our success. Learn how the history and clinical applications of hypnosis can be harnessed to overcome mental barriers and propel you forward in life and business. With the help of pivotal figures, this episode is not just a listen; it's an experience that promises to reshape your understanding of what's possible. Let's break through those mental boundaries together and redefine the limits of your success.



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Speaker 1:

Get ready, boundary breakers, because today we're embarking on a fascinating journey into the world of hypnosis as we celebrate World Hypnotism Day, this day dedicated to unraveling the mysteries, debunking myths and exploring the clinical efficacy of hypnosis. I'm excited to be your guide on this episode where we dive into the history, dispel misconceptions and explore the transformative power of the subconscious mind. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with Integrative Health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, that's right, my friend. I am grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, certified Integrative Health practitioner, high-performance health coach, national Guild certified consulting hypnotist, mindset coach, and this is episode 58. And, of course, as always, you'll want to stay till the end, because we're going to bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with Integrative Health, and for all the show notes and links from today's episode, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. Big shout out today to our latest listeners in Lincoln, nebraska, in New Bedford, massachusetts, not too far from where I am located, and also in Clinton, connecticut. Today, my friends, you're going to discover the history, the misconceptions and the efficacy and applications of hypnosis as we celebrate World Hypnotism Day, which happens to be January 4, 2024. It's actually January 4 each and every year, and the reason for this is entrepreneurs have a boundary, and that boundary, that one boundary, is limiting beliefs. That's what we're addressing here today. Now, of course, as always, I give you my disclaimer. This program does not claim to provide any medical advice or psychological treatment, or claim to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, but what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem, and the root cause of the problem here, in this instance, for limiting beliefs, comes down to social programming, and that social programming that happens from zero to seven years old and then beyond that. As you accept these beliefs and you know belief is nothing more than just a thought that you keep thinking over and over again, that social programming may not align with your desired outcome, and therein lies the conflict.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll give you a little story personally with myself and my introduction to hypnosis and you may have heard this on some of my other Mind your Monday episodes talking about hypnosis, especially the first few episodes. My first introduction to hypnosis was, like many people, with stage hypnosis In particular. My first experience was with a. It was a comedy show and it was an X-rated hypnotist and he was very, very good at what he did, at his craft. And after witnessing that event and that show, with this very powerful demonstration, this dramatic demonstration of hypnosis, I vowed to never be allow myself to be hypnotized. Now that was probably back in, I would say, the early 1990s that I experienced that. And then years, years later, talking about maybe 2015 or so, my energy coach suggested hypnosis to me and of course, I shared my experience through hypnosis and of course he laughed. He says that's not how hypnosis is supposed to be used. And my energy coach was a former US Special Forces specialist and he explained to me his experience with hypnosis in the US Special Forces and gave me a totally different outlook on hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

And around that time I was also involved with a personal transformation coach who later became my business coach, who later became also a spiritual coach for me. That's Jim Fortin. If you want to check him out if you haven't already the Transform your Self from the Inside Out, I think, transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. Anyways, look up Jim Fortin, the Jim Fortin podcast. Jim is also a master hypnotist. He solidified my new outlook on hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

Through Jim, I met a woman named Mary Lou Rodriguez in one of those programs. She created the program Hypno Thrive, where I got my National Guild of Hypnotist Certification. So a big shout out to all of those people my energy coach, whose name is Jim, my transformational coach, whose name is Jim, and, of course, mary Lou, who created Hypno Thrive and is creating some badass hypnotists out there, and people that are doing some amazing good for the world. That really helped me. All of that helped me to develop my own style of hypnosis. Now I'm working as a mindset coach as well as an integrative health practitioner, but I blend these modalities the seven modalities of integrative health and then bringing in the power of the subconscious mind through hypnosis, with my certification and being a mindset coach, with amazing, amazing entrepreneurs all around the globe, and we're getting some amazing, profound transformations and it's just an alignment with my mission and my purpose to be able to help more people. And that's one of the main reasons why I work with entrepreneurs, because typically the purpose driven entrepreneurs perhaps like yourself are heart centered and focused on helping people. But when these entrepreneurs that I'm working with have these limiting beliefs from this social programming that doesn't align with their desired outcome, I can help them with that and in essence, I'm living my Dharma and in alignment with my mission and my purpose of helping more people. So let's get into it, let's touch on.

Speaker 1:

You know, our first stop here on this exploration today is the rich history of hypnosis and from ancient cultures using trance like states and rituals to the 18th century introduction of animal magnetism by Franz Mesmer. Hypnosis has evolved over the centuries and interesting Franz Mesmer. Now I'm not sure if he coined the term or if others coined the term because of his work, but this is actually where the term mesmerized comes from. Doesn't that make sense now? So, according to the world hypnotism day dot com, this idea was soon discredited by French Royal Commission and the idea that it found that magnetic fluids did not exist. And James Brayd reexamined mesmerism in the 19th century and reached similar conclusions. And it was he who coined the term hypnosis for the induction of a trance like state through simple suggestions. So there you go, a little bit of history.

Speaker 1:

And it goes on to say in the early part of the 20th century, hypnosis was used almost exclusively by stage hypnotists. So there you go, that's in its ongoing even still to this day, thereby projecting a hopelessly distorted view of the very powerful therapeutic tool. However, in 1955, the British Medical Association endorsed the practice of hypnosis in medical school education and in 1958, so a little bit behind the times here it was recognized by the American Medical Association as a healing modality. And then, since then, hypnotism has become a valuable addition to conventional medical and, I'll add, psychological treatment. So hypnosis often finds itself wrapped in mystery and misconceptions, as we just touched on, and today we're going to unravel some of those myths.

Speaker 1:

So, contrary to popular belief, hypnosis isn't mind control and participants are not made to do things against their will. And I'll go back to my example of stage hypnosis, because when I witnessed that professional hypnotist using his skills on stage as an ex-rated hypnotist, excuse me, was he getting people to do things against their will? Take a sip of water there? And the answer is no, because he brought up about 20 volunteers on stage and, as he was doing his induction process with these people, he could tell who was a willing participant and who was not a willing participant. And he gave his little speech at the beginning for these participants, saying, as I'm doing this induction, if you feel me, tap you on the shoulder, please get up from the stage and go, retake your seat. Because he knew who was not going to be in full cooperation with the process and those were people that were not giving their giving into the process right. So you have to be willing to be able to become hypnotized or go into trance, and this hypnotist on stage could tell who wasn't, who wasn't going to be a good candidate for that, and he would release the people that were not for the benefit of his dramatic demonstration on how powerful hypnosis could be, for the entertainment of us sitting in the crowd. And boy was it entertaining. So it's more of a collaborative process and scientific research challenges the notion that only certain individuals can be hypnotized. In fact, most people can experience some level of hypnotic suggestion.

Speaker 1:

Now, next, let's explore the clinical side of hypnosis. Beyond its portrayal and entertainment, hypnosis has proven clinical efficacy and I'm not going to go down the entire list because it's very, very lengthy, but I will link up our research page on our hypnosis, our research section on our hypnosis page, in today's show notes. So if you want to check that out, it's at loveenergywellnesscom forward slash research. I will link that up in today's program. Now it's a very, very valuable tool in managing conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, phobias, stress related disorders and so much more, so, so much more. Hypnotherapy has successfully integrated into things like smoking cessation, alcoholism, cognitive decline. That's right. It's very useful for thwarting off cognitive decline and if you check out our research page, there's an entire section on that with hypnosis being used for dementia and Alzheimer's and then also weight management programs as well, and this highlights its potential as an adjunct to traditional medical treatments.

Speaker 1:

Now some of our more popular applications for hypnosis at our private wellness practice love energy wellness using our neurotrust method of hypnosis are replacing fear and anxiety with peace and self love. Do I need to say any more about that? I mean self love. Who couldn't use a little bit more of that? Next is creating your future identity today and you've heard me talk before about the topic of identity, where you cannot outperform your subconscious identity and your identity is based on your habits and your habits are based on your thoughts and your feelings and your belief. So when we get in and we can identify the part of the identity that the client wants to change and become your future self at a sooner date, that's where we do the work is in the identity portion of the subconscious. Next is accelerating physical and emotional healing, and this is where we intertwine hypnosis with the integrative health practitioner portion of our health coaching program, because we can accelerate either the physical healing that a client comes to us for or the emotional healing that they're coming to us for. So very, very beneficial in that Improving focus and confidence.

Speaker 1:

A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with overwhelm, with analysis, paralysis and especially with issues with self-worth. Now, if you can resonate with that feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough hypnosis can definitely help with that. And then, of course, rewriting your old money stories. Now, if you've ever heard growing up as a child that we can't afford that or that's too expensive or any of those money stories that are not serving you as your adult self, hypnosis can help to rewrite those old money stories so that you can change your money mindset.

Speaker 1:

A lot of the questions that we get. We have a frequently asked question section on our NeuroTrust page and I'll link that up in the show notes as well. But if you've ever wondered what hypnosis feels like, what does it feel like to be hypnotized? As one of our frequently asked questions, and I'll explain it like this, the experience is highly individualized, with sensations ranging from deep relaxation to heightened focus and a sense of, let's say, detachment from surroundings. Many describe it as a pleasant, dreamlike state where the mind is open to suggestion and remember, much like integrative health.

Speaker 1:

There's no one size fits all wellness plan for clients and there's no one size fits all description for hypnosis, as individuals may experience hypnosis differently. Now, if you're intrigued by the potential benefits of hypnosis or you wanna explore it further, consider continuing the conversation with a complimentary consultation over at lovinajwellnesscom forward slash NeuroTrust, and over there you can submit your application and schedule not a 20 minute consultation like we do with health coaching, but a 60 minute consultation for hypnosis, because it's a little bit more involved. And then there you can connect directly with me, where I'll provide personalized insights and answers to any questions that you might have about the transformative power of hypnosis for your future self. So, as we wrap up this special episode today celebrating World Hypnotism Day, I wanna demystify this ancient practice, appreciate its historical evolution and recognize its positive impact on mental and physical wellbeing. So, whether you're a skeptic or you're a curious enthusiast, the journey into the world of hypnosis is filled with fascinating discoveries and potential for personal growth. If you wanna learn more about World Hypnotism Day, we will link that up as well, but you can find it at worldhypnotismdaycom. And your three big takeaways from today Of course, the history of hypnosis, the myths around hypnosis and the efficacy of hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

I want you to stay tuned for the next episode of the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast, where we're gonna be diving into energy with some of our high performance health protocols and we're getting deep into the biology of the body and talking about the mitochondria and how to know when your mitochondria are suffering and causing energy loss. I'm grateful for you listening today. Please share this episode or your favorite episode, and if you could just take a moment and leave a review over on your favorite podcast platform, it literally takes 30 seconds or less to go there and just click that five star review and that will help us to help more people and we'll see you next time to help you with Breaking Boundaries. Bye, bye, everybody.

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