Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

60: Five Ways to Reverse the Root Cause of Rapid Aging for Entrepreneurs

January 12, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 60

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Embarking on the entrepreneurial voyage, I, Jeffrey Mort, stumbled into a fierce adversary: rapid aging. But fear not, for in our latest episode, I draw from my own health skirmishes to reveal how we entrepreneurs can wield the shield of antioxidants against this stealthy foe. Reactive oxygen species don't stand a chance as we embrace diets bursting with antioxidants and lifestyle changes that energize us, ensuring we're not just surviving but thriving in the cutthroat world of business.

Heartfelt gratitude resonates throughout this conversation as I cherish your unwavering support for the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast. Your engagement propels our mission forward, touching lives with each share, feedback, and story you contribute. Join us as we steadfastly march towards the next episode, where we'll continue to topple the barriers that entrepreneurial spirits face in their pursuit of success and wellness.

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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Speaker 1:

Welcome wellness seekers, to another episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, where we delve into the untold stories and challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Today we're unmasking a silent culprit that often lurks in the shadows of success unwanted rapid aging. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, certified Integrative Health Practitioner, and in this episode we are exploring the ROS connection and that stands for a reactive oxygen species, and how it impacts the lives of entrepreneurs. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with Integrative Health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, I'm always grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose driven entrepreneurs. This is episode 60. And, of course, as always, you'll want to stay till the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with Integrative Health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom. Click on that podcast button Shout out to our latest listeners today in Toronto and Brampton Ohio, brampton, ontario. So it's great to have a presence in the great country of Canada. Also, listeners in Edmond, oklahoma, and a city near and dear to my heart, worcester, massachusetts, or if you're from there, it's called the Wista, massachusetts. I have appreciation for each and every one of you, new listeners and regular listeners as well, and I just want to say that you know, maybe you have a friend or a family member or a coworker that maybe doesn't really listen to podcasts but they're more into reading. Each and every episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast is also available in blog post form at love and a g wellnesscom, slash learn, and you can check out the blog post there. All a shareable. So if maybe you know you want to share some information with somebody but they just don't listen to podcasts, you can go over there. You can find the blog post under the same title on our learn page and you can share it that way, and I'd appreciate that that helps us to help more people. So today you're going to discover one of the main causes of rapid aging and what you can begin to do about it, starting today.

Speaker 1:

Entrepreneurs, they have this boundary. You wake up one day, you look in the mirror and you wonder what the hell happened to my glowing skin, my lustrous hair and my zest for life. And you know that was me around 2015. Now, I can't remember if I had had my still had my hair around 2015 or not, but in 2015, that's when my my 28 years in construction, as a master electrician, put me in a dire position, and it didn't happen overnight. This is, you know, what's known as the rain barrel effect, as my mentor, dr Stephen Cabral, talks about in his book of the same name, and it put me in a dire position because my rain barrel filled up and just started overflowing and I had all these chronic issues, and that really led to the beginning. It put me in a position where it was the beginning to make a choice and to take control of my health. And then again in 2022, that happened to me again a second time, when I was labeled with the, with the label long COVID, and then, of course, I recovered from that. I mean, it took me a year, year and a half, to be able to recover from that so called permanent condition. But here I am with you know, zest for life and glowing skin and vitality and feeling amazing.

Speaker 1:

And so, before we get into today's episode, I just want to say that, of course, this podcast doesn't claim to provide any medical advice, medical treatment plans or cures or diagnosis, of course. But what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem and, a lot of the times, that root cause of the problem. I present that to you through experience In the fast paced realm of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship Women especially juggle multiple roles managing businesses, family and navigating life's challenges. Yet it admits the hustle and silent adversary emerges unwanted rapid aging. Now, this not only affects appearance, like we spoke about, but has a profound impact on energy levels and overall performance. So today we're uncovering the mystery behind this phenomenon and its connection to reactive oxygen species.

Speaker 1:

So reactive oxygen species ROS are highly reactive molecules containing oxygen, as you may have guessed, capable of wreaking havoc if not properly regulated. Now, some ROS is essential for cellular functions and imbalance can lead to something known as oxidative stress. And what this does is it causes damage to things like proteins and lipids and, yes, even DNA, and this damage contributes to the premature aging and decline in overall health. Now I want you to imagine life without that problem, because in a moment, you're about to discover how to break that boundary. The demanding nature of entrepreneurship, coupled with constant pressure, can, of course, elevate stress levels, as you may or may not know, exacerbating ROS production. It's time to understand the importance of maintaining a delicate balance, and there's the keyword today balance of ROS for optimal health.

Speaker 1:

Now let's explore holistic solutions to counteract the ROS imbalance and combat unwanted rapid aging. Of course, in every episode, I want to be able to give you a plan to be able to overcome the issue that we're presenting. So, number one, you may have guessed, nutrition is so important, as is an antioxidant rich diet, and that is the key. Antioxidants are the key to fighting those free radicals and rebalancing that reactive oxygen species. Now you can see reactive oxygen species, the oxygen and an antioxidant, so you can see the connection there. A foundational aspect of integrative health, of course, is nutrition, and a diet rich in antioxidants combats the effects of ROS, promoting overall well-being, which means eating more colorful fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and especially omega-3 fatty acids will provide the tools to neutralize excessive ROS.

Speaker 1:

Next, stress management techniques. Effective stress management is paramount. Practices, like you guessed it meditation, yoga, tai Chi, qi Gong, deep breathing exercises will help entrepreneurs navigate challenges while minimizing the impact of stress on their body. And then, of course, physical activity regular exercise will boost overall health and plays a crucial role in maintaining our ROS balance. Regular exercise enhances antioxidant defenses and supports mitochondrial function, and if you want to learn more about mitochondrial function, you can go back to episode 59 and learn a little bit about that function there, and this helps to mitigate the negative effects of excessive ROS. Now, of course, if you're somebody that doesn't exercise, you don't want to go right from zero to crossfit in one day. You need to work your way up there, because exercise is a stressor as well. So if you're overdoing it for what your body can handle, you're going to be creating more ROS in the body.

Speaker 1:

Next, quality sleep Adequate and restorative sleep is crucial. During sleep, the body undergoes a repair and regeneration process and this helps to combat that oxidative stress. So you want to prioritize sleep hygiene practices for rejuvenating rest. And if you go back to one of the very beginning episodes of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs, we went through on the Thursday episode, so that would be, I believe, the odd number of episodes. We went through the de-stress protocol. So diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplements and success mindset on the Thursday episode. So if you wanna learn more about sleep, go back to that episode there. I'll try to link it up in today's show notes so you don't have to dig for it.

Speaker 1:

Next supplementation, and the same thing goes for this topic as well. We covered that in one of the de-stress episodes. Integrative health practitioners may recommend targeted supplements supporting the body's antioxidant defenses. Vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals like selenium and zinc these are so important for balance in the body and personalized supplementation plans address individual needs, promoting optimal health. Now, what's right for you may not be right for your partner or your children or your parents or whatever the case, and that's why personalized wellness plan is always based on at home functional medicine lab testing. So we know, we can see those deficiencies, we can see those toxicities and we know exactly what action to take and what supplements to recommend in a personalized wellness plan. So by addressing reactive oxygen species in balance through integrative health, entrepreneurs can break free from the cycle of fatigue, compromise performance and premature aging. So let's explore some of the transformative outcomes that you can get when you put these five steps into action, you're gonna see enhanced energy levels. A balanced approach to ROS ensures optimal cellular function, leading to increased energy levels, sustained vitality and powers entrepreneurs to tackle challenges with enthusiasm and resilience the same enthusiasm that I bring to you today and the same resilience that keeps me showing up week after week to bring you these episodes.

Speaker 1:

Next, improved cognitive function. So many people I know you're concerned about maybe your parents, or if your age is getting up there, or you're seeing that rapid aging in yourself in the mirror every single day. You might be concerned about your cognitive function. Detrimental effects of oxidative stress on cognitive function can hinder decision making and especially creativity, and I know the fact that you're listening to this. You are a creative being. Integrative health practices support brain health, enhancing cognitive abilities crucial for success in the business world. That's one thing I really enjoy helping clients with, or clients that hire me to help their parents with cognitive decline. So next, longevity and sustainable success. That's what breaking boundaries is all about. This year, in 2024, the time of I'm recording this I'm not sure when you're listening to this could be well beyond that, but longevity is our goal age reversal, anti-aging health span, that is, staying healthy for as long as possible and getting you to live to 100 years old and beyond healthily.

Speaker 1:

Integrative health isn't just a quick fix. It's a lifestyle promoting longevity and sustainable success, and by addressing the root cause of premature aging, entrepreneurs can build a foundation for a thriving and enduring career. So it's time, as always, for your call to action. If you're an entrepreneur and you're ready to reclaim your vitality and defy the signs of unwanted rapid aging, take the first step towards integrative health. I'm always here for you to schedule your complimentary consultation with the integrative health practitioner at Love Energy Wellness. We're there for you. We're there for support. We also have our community support Facebook group as well for daily support and currently right now we're running our winter wellness total body and mind reset over there in that group. So if you're not in our Facebook community, go over to loveenergywellnesscom or you can scroll down in the show notes. There's always a link at both places and you can join the community. We'd be happy to invite you in there and give you our support and our love for your vitality and for your future. So visit lovin'adjewelnesscom, book your consultation and that will help you to embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you to let the demands of entrepreneurship compromise your health or your future, or your family, or how you can serve your clients, empower yourself with integrative health and pave that way for a successful and fulfilling career. So, wrapping things up here today, unwanted rapid aging is a silent adversary faced by entrepreneurs. By unraveling the connection between ROS imbalance and premature aging, we shed light on the importance of integrative health. The holistic solutions provided offer a comprehensive approach to counteracting oxidative stress, promoting vitality and ensuring sustainable success. So take charge of your well-being. It's easy. If I did it, you can do it too. And embrace integrative health and let your entrepreneurial journey be marked by resilience, by energy and by enduring success. So your key takeaway today just one, just one key takeaway is that it's all about balance Not too little, not too much, right in that sweet spot, and the way to know where your sweet spot is is by testing.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned for the next episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs. I'm so grateful for you joining me here today. Please share your favorite episode or your favorite blog post and, if you could, please leave a review, leave a comment so that we can help more people and we'll see you next time to help you with Breaking Boundaries. Bye-bye everybody, nos wea.

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