Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

62: Navigating Cognitive Challenges: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Brain Resilience

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 62

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I never thought my own battle with long COVID would become a cornerstone for a powerful dialogue on brain health and performance for entrepreneurs. Yet, here we are, in episode 62 of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, where I, Jeffrey Mort, lay bare my personal struggles and the transformative strategies that brought me back from the brink of cognitive decline. This episode isn't just a narrative of recovery; it's a beacon of hope and a treasure trove of insights for any entrepreneur seeking to preserve and enhance their mental acuity, regardless of age.

Today's conversation transcends the usual wellness rhetoric, delving into the nuanced realm of integrative health—a synergy of mind, body, and entrepreneurial spirit. We explore the myriad ways our brains, those intricate command centers, can thrive on proper nourishment and care. Forget the fear of age-related cognitive decline; this episode is about equipping you with the knowledge to maintain sharp cognitive function and overall vitality. Join us for an enlightening session that promises to revolutionize not just your health, but the very way you approach life and business.
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Speaker 1:

Today on Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, the podcast that empowers entrepreneurs to thrive beyond everyday limitations. We're delving into a topic that's often overlooked but crucial for our success nourishing your mind a holistic approach to brain health for entrepreneurs. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful. Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself. This is episode 62. And, of course, you'll want to stay till the end, when we bring it all together on exactly how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links from today's episode, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. A big shout out and thank you to our newest listeners in Portland, oregon, in Ashburn, virginia, and in Sahrbrocken, sahrland, germany. Thank you for our international listeners as well. I appreciate each and every one of you listening and, if you are not aware, each and every episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast has a matching blog post. In case you have somebody that may not be a podcast listener but likes to read, you can always share that blog post with your friends, your family, your coworkers, your loved ones to help to create awareness around integrative health. So as we get started in today's episode, I do have to give you my disclaimer here that we on the Breaking Boundaries podcast, we don't give medical advice. We don't claim to treat, diagnose or cure disease, but what we do is we always get to the root cause of the problem. As entrepreneurs, we understand the importance of maintaining physical health, but biologically aging backwards goes beyond just a fit body and a balanced diet, and today you're going to discover the intricate world of brain health and how a holistic approach can enhance cognitive function and your well-being.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll share a little story with you here my own personal challenge with brain performance, and you've heard me talk about it on many episodes. But when I was dealing with long COVID for about 18 months and this just went beyond brain fog, it absolutely went beyond brain fog. Afternoons were debilitating, reaching a state of confusion. I couldn't string my thoughts together and on some days, on my worst days, I couldn't even complete sentences. It was not only frustrating, but it was frightening. But I never lost hope. I always knew. I always knew that I would get through it because of the skills that I had, and I knew it was only going to take time and the right approach. So today I'll share one targeted approach that I used to bring back my own personal brain back online. So it's common knowledge that the complexity of the of brain health is it's absolutely fascinating, at least it is to me, and I'm sure you find it fascinating as well.

Speaker 1:

Our brains, intricate as they are, require proper fuel and nourishment for optimal function and, as you already know, western diets high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats and, you know, hollow carbohydrates, can impede essential nutrient flow, contributing to something many entrepreneurs are concerned about, and that is age related cognitive decline. Now, you don't have to be elderly, you don't have to be old to experience this early onset cognitive decline. I've seen it in many clients over at our private wellness practice love, energy, wellness. I've seen it in clients that are, you know, in their 40s, in their 50s, I mean. I just described to you when I was dealing with long COVID. I wasn't quite 50 yet, so I was in my late 40s and I was dealing with that and that was maybe not age related. I mean, that was more related to you know, the serious health condition that I was experiencing at the time. But you know, it happens to many, many people that are not in that you know elderly or old, bracket, don't, don't even consider yourself old. And if you have, if you have difficulty with you know your age, then maybe hypnosis is is the key to that for you, is right for you. So you might be wondering how can we age backwards and maintain optimal cognitive function?

Speaker 1:

We're about to discover another part of the world of integrative health and that is targeted supplementation. So our first powerhouse supplement is acetyl L carnitine. Now I'm going to give you how many? Am I going to give you one, two, three, four, five or six. I'm going to give you here Acetyl L carnitine. This naturally occurring compound is found primarily in meats and fish. Naturally the body also produces this and it diminishes with age, impacting crucial neurotransmitters neurotransmitters like acetylcholine. Supplementation with bioavailable forms that's a key word, right there. Bioavailable forms supports learning, memory and cognition by crossing the blood brain barrier, so bioavailable. If you're buying your supplements in the same place that you're buying your tooth, placed in toilet paper, chances are they're not methylated, they're not activated, they're not bioavailable forms. So having a reliable source for supplementation is key. So acetyl L carnitine that was the first one.

Speaker 1:

Next up we have acetylcholine, and this is an intermediate chemical in neurotransmitter production, and what this does is it boosts neurotransmitters like dopamine and phosphatidylcholine. Acetylcholine may enhance memory and overall cognitive function. Naturally, it can be found in things like broccoli and cauliflower, those types of cruciferous vegetables, but chances are you're not getting the right amounts from diet alone. Now let's talk about something else. This next item is more of a product and not an exact compound, but it's called choline aid and this is a highly bioavailable form of alpha glycerol, phosphorylcholine. I know that's a big word, but this choline aid it supports acetylcholine production, aiding in memory and actually countering age-related cognitive decline. Now, naturally, that compound can be found in things like meats and eggs and seeds as well.

Speaker 1:

Now, next, this is a big one and I may just do an episode strictly on this one, because it's such a powerful compound and this is coffee fruit extract. It's also known as coffee cherry extract. So the outside of the coffee bean actually looks like a cherry, so you picture a cherry and it has a seed inside of it. That's what the coffee bean is like when it's growing. So what they do is they take this fruit, this coffee fruit, and they create an extract from it, and this is derived, like I said, from the coffee plant's fruit and it offers a unique benefit beyond just the coffee bean. There's wonderful, powerful nutrients, antioxidants, polyphenols in coffee itself, but this is going beyond that. So this is getting the extract from the actual fruit bean, from the fruit. Now it's clinically shown to increase the neuroprotein BDNF. This is brain-derived neurotropic factor, or neurotrophic factor, which is crucial for learning, it's crucial for memory and it's an absolute game changer for cognitive function coffee fruit extract. So next up is phosphatidylserine, and this is extracted from things like sunflower seeds and it acts as an antioxidant, protecting what's that do that protects brain cells and improving short-term memory, mood and concentration. And you might be thinking well, why can't I just eat sunflower seeds, jeff? Because the extract is much more powerful than the food itself. So remember that.

Speaker 1:

Next up is and this is the last on our list ginkgo bilboa. You may have heard this before. This is an ancient tree extract. It's been around for thousands of years. Well, it's been around since the dawn of time, but it's been used for thousands of years in modalities that practice ancient wisdom, such as Ayurveda, such as traditional Chinese medicine, and it's a tree extract and it's been used, like I said, in Eastern medicine for centuries. What it does is it supports circulation, it supports memory and its antioxidant properties contribute to overall cognitive well-being. Now that word antioxidant what's that doing? That is an antioxidant. So you've heard me talk about oxidative stress before. That oxidative stress, or oxygenation over oxygenation of the cells of the body, causes stress and that creates free radicals. So antioxidant properties contribute to overall cognitive well-being.

Speaker 1:

Now, you might be wondering if I'm having memory issues, jeff. How on earth do I remember all of these supplements? Well, I'll tell you what you can do. Our partner, equal Life, has put these all together in a very powerful longevity product called daily brain support. Now, I can't link up the product because I name things like cognitive decline and dementia, alzheimer's, things like that. So I can't link up any products. I can link up research studies and I can tell you where you can find the daily brain support, over at our private wellness practice, loveneagewelnesscom slash shop, and a special offer not a special offer but a special gift to you, to the Breaking Boundaries Podcast listeners If you use the code LOVE energy wellness at checkout. Use that code loveneagewelness at checkout for 10% off, and that's courtesy of our private wellness practice, love Energy Wellness. So check that out the daily brain support at loveneagewelnesscom slash shop and use the checkout code LOVE energy wellness. All one word Azure coupon code entry on checkout.

Speaker 1:

So as we wrap up today, remember that taking care of your brain is an essential part of avoiding failure and reaching that next level of success, because it's not about just avoiding failure, it's about hitting that next point of success with integrative health for maintaining optimal cognitive function. That's what today's program is all about. So consider incorporating some of these targeted supplements into your routine, whether it's with the daily brain support or whether it is individually. You can find those. Actually, you can reach out to me at Jeffrey at Love and Energy Wellnesscom as my email and I can set you up with your own dispensary account for supplements and, you know, top-notch functional medicine grade supplements.

Speaker 1:

We'll leave it at that, and what this does is it's going to support clarity of thought. It's going to support sharp focus and enhanced memory, and what entrepreneur doesn't want more sharp focus, enhanced memory and clarity of thought? So I also want to say for personalized guidance on your journey. You know, if you have any questions about your health or your health goals and how to get there, if you have questions on holistic brain health, I encourage you to schedule your completely complementary health consultation over at Love and Energy Wellnesscom to nourish your mind and empower your entrepreneurial journey. Today I thank you for joining us on the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast and if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, if you haven't already. Leave a review a five-star one at that, if you could please and share it with your fellow entrepreneurs. And I'll tell you what if you leave that five-star review, take a screenshot of it and email that to me at Jeffrey at LoveEnergyWonenesscom, and I'll share something very special with you when you do that. So until next time, keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

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