Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

63: Rethinking Fish Oil: The Successful Secret to Balancing Inflammation

January 23, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 63

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Are common fish oil supplements really just snake oil in disguise? Let's tackle this heated debate head-on, revealing how entrepreneurs could be unwittingly sabotaging their health and businesses with ineffective inflammation "solutions." Chronic inflammation is a silent adversary, lurking behind serious health issues that can cripple energy levels and decision-making. As entrepreneurs, these are our most priceless assets. I peel back the layers on why inflammation matters and how the right omega-3 supplements – rich in EPA and DHA – can be the unsung heroes of our well-being, keeping our minds sharp and our businesses thriving.

Feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of wellness advice out there? Step into the world of personalized health consultations at Love Energy Wellness, where I've designed a unique integrative approach to align your health goals with your professional ambitions. Here's your opportunity to map out a bespoke blueprint for a more balanced life in a complimentary one-on-one session. Let's navigate the complexities of functional medicine together and pinpoint the high-quality omega-3 supplements that can transform your health – paving the way for you to conquer the entrepreneurial arena with vitality and vigor.


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Speaker 1:

Well, once again it looks like I stirred the pot. Who knew that one little social media post was going to get so much attention? I posted a simple post about the fact that most store-bought fish oil that is purchased with the intention of reducing inflammation, it's so highly processed that it causes more inflammation, and it got so many comments. So today we're going to be talking about inflammation on the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs and how that inflammation can impact your business performance, as well as what I look for when it comes to a good omega-3 supplement. Stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, thank you for joining me here today on episode. What are we on now? Episode 63 of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. I'm so grateful that you're here listening today. I appreciate you. It's just a quick episode today about inflammation and it's a natural response by the body to protect itself from harm and it's a crucial part of the immune system's defense mechanism. However, when inflammation becomes chronic and reaches unhealthy levels, it can have a significant impact on both personal life and professional endeavors. So, for entrepreneurs, managing inflammation is not just about physical well-being it can directly influence the success of their business. In today's episode, we'll explore the effects of unhealthy inflammation, the role of functional medicine, quality omega-3 supplements in restoring balance, and the key criteria that I use for choosing an effective omega-3 supplement, not just for myself, but for my family and my clients as well.

Speaker 1:

Inflammation can impact life and it can impact business. Chronic inflammation it's been linked to a variety of health issues, ranging from cardiovascular disease to autoimmune disorders and especially cognitive decline. Now mentioning those, I got to tell you that this podcast doesn't provide any medical advice and I don't claim to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. But for entrepreneurs, the toll that inflammation takes on overall well-being can also extend to the professional realm. So in some ways, inflammation may affect life and business, like reduced energy levels what else? Impaired cognitive function. Like I said, it can have an impact on mood and stress as well. Inflammation can affect mood regulation and contribute to increased stress levels. And for entrepreneurs facing the pressures of running a business, managing stress and maintaining a positive mindset are essential for sustained success. How else can it affect us? Well, joint pain and discomfort as well.

Speaker 1:

He can get those physical symptoms very, very common manifestations of chronic inflammation usually the first symptoms that you might get, and then that can lead to, if the inflammation, those related health issues, become super severe which in many cases they do they may lead to disruptions in your daily business operations and, of course, if you have employees or for yourself, absences due to health concerns can hinder the progress and the growth of business. So I want to get right into the role of functional medicine quality omega-3 supplements. One promising approach to managing inflammation is through incorporating functional medicine quality supplements into your routine. Now, if you're buying your supplements at the same place that you're buying your toothpaste and toilet paper, well, you might as well flush those down the drain too. Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties and various health benefits, and this is according to research and clinical studies.

Speaker 1:

However, not all omega-3 supplements are created equal, and that's the point of my post that I created on. It was over on Facebook if you want to see that, and, of course, facebook. They I don't know if you call it shadow banning or whatever they did, but they they restricted me from sharing any content. Basically, all I could do is comment on other people's posts and make Static posts. I couldn't share any links or link up my podcast or link up our blog post or Share anything from you know the content that I put out there, but I think I got one more day in their minimum security prison over there at Facebook and then I'm released on good behavior.

Speaker 1:

Not, I was saying not all supplements are created equal, and the key criteria that I use when choosing an effective omega-3 supplement, it's very important to look for specific qualities to ensure effectiveness and especially Safety, and that's what my post was about was about the, the high temperatures used in the processing of this Low-quality fish oil especially. You know, some of the questions were what about cod liver oil? What about this oil? And people were posting some of the oils they use and I would go and look that up and compare it to what, what I use and and the you know litmus test, so to speak, that I use to be able to say, yeah, this passes the test and I would purchase this product. So here's the key criteria for choosing that supplement and what it should meet.

Speaker 1:

First of all, clinical dosage Ensure that the supplement provides a clinical dosage of EPA and DHA. And you know, don't worry, you don't have to go looking up clinical studies that use, you know, specific amounts of these fatty acids to achieve the therapeutic effects. I'm going to tell you that right now, a quality omega-3 supplement should clearly state the dosage of around 1,250 milligrams. So that's 1.25 grams of EPA and 500 milligrams of DHA per serving, and I'm gonna get into the to why those numbers are vastly different right there in a minute. But those are clinical dosages. So a lot of the products out there on the market, even even some of the High-quality products, don't meet that criteria right there, off the bat. They don't have a clinical dosage, which means you need to take more of those capsules to meet that dosage and and means you're gonna be spending more money on the product.

Speaker 1:

So next, a two-to-one ratio of EPA to DHA. So I kind of gave that away previous in that previous Checkpoint. Of the 1250 milligrams to 500 milligrams EPA to DHA, the ratio Matters. It matters. A two-to-one ratio has been suggested to provide optimal anti-inflammatory benefits, because the body can convert EPA to DHA as needed, but not the other way around. So that's why it's important to have that first number be higher and, if you remember, and the EPA wants to be higher, this balance is, you know, that's gonna help to support your overall well-being.

Speaker 1:

Next is Try glyceride bound with and a lot of times it'll say a tg product. That's what that means is try glyceride bound. You want to look for supplements, and this doesn't just go for omega-3, but the omega-3 fatty acids are in triglyceride form and this form is considered more bio available. And what does that mean? It means that it's easier for the body to absorb compared to Ethyl ester forms. Next, single-sourced usually anchovies, and that's why I don't recommend cod liver oil, because the cod fish and the cod liver just doesn't produce the right consistency of omega-3s. To move the needle, you know, according to the functional medicine labs that we use. So we do the lab testing and this is clinical practice. So we do the testing and then we implement the plan using this high quality omega-3 supplement and then we retest and we see those numbers come down, but with anything other than something that's single sourced, especially with the small fish, right.

Speaker 1:

Choosing a supplement derived from a single source, such as anchovies, ensures better quality control and it reduces the risk of contamination and provides a more consistent product. What kind of contamination? Highly, highly probable. The bigger the fish, the more heavy metals that are in it. So you want to make sure that it doesn't have heavy metals. But we're going to get into that in a minute.

Speaker 1:

Minimally processed this is the basis of the post that I made, because minimally processed supplements retain the natural integrity of the omega-3 fatty acids. Excessive processing causes high temperatures, which can degrade the quality and effectiveness of the supplement and actually cause increased inflammation, which is the exact opposite of why somebody is taking an omega-3 supplement, as well as for cardiovascular health and brain health, but it's really to reduce the inflammation. Now next, gmp approved. What is GMP? Good manufacturing practice, a GMP certification for that company ensures that the supplement is produced under strict quality standards Very important. It's a mark of quality and reliability and transparency in the supplement industry. Make sure your supplements say GMP approved on them.

Speaker 1:

And then, last but not least, third party tested, especially for heavy metals. I told you I was going to get back into that. Third party testing for independent laboratories is essential to verify the purity of the supplement. Testing for heavy metals is particularly important to ensure that omega-3 supplements. They're free from contaminants that could be harmful to health, especially mercury. Mercury is the big one in anything that comes from the ocean, but third party testing to make sure it doesn't have heavy metals is important. So there we have it A very quick episode today about the criteria that any supplement that I'm using, especially an omega-3 supplement, has to pass that test in order for me to use it for myself, in order for me to use it for my family, my children recommend it to my loved ones and my clients, whom I love as well.

Speaker 1:

So, now that we understand the importance of managing inflammation and the role of a quality omega-3 supplement, it's time to take action, and I invite you over to Love Energy Wellness, because we are committed 100% committed to your health and to supporting entrepreneurs on their journey to optimal health and business.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to take that next step towards a healthier and more balanced life by scheduling your complementary consultation free health consultation with yours truly, and I would love to hop on a call with you and create a personalized approach to health and wellness for you, incorporating these integrative and functional medicine principles. For more information on Love Energy Wellness, click on that link over there for getting on a complementary consultation, no cost to you, just a casual conversation about what your health goals are, what your health challenges are and how we can help. And although I cannot link up any supplements in the podcast today or ever, you can find all of the products that we recommend over at loveenergywellnesscom slash shop and at your checkout, make sure you use the coupon code LOVEENERGYWELLNESS that's all one word for 10% off of your purchase. So, wrapping that up today, I hope this episode was helpful for you and we will see you next time on Breaking Boundaries. Bye-bye.

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