Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

65: Trapped by Disintegration Anxiety: Breaking Resistance to the Very Change we Seek

February 01, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 65

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Venturing into the entrepreneurial realm, I discovered an unexpected ally in my pursuit of triumph: the subconscious mind. My own journey, ignited by Jim Fortin's Transformational Coaching Program, saw a transformation from master electrician to integrative health practitioner and clinical hypnotist. This episode is a candid sharing of that metamorphosis, emphasizing how pivotal inner work is for external success. As we peel back the layers of transformation, I highlight how this introspective approach not only redefined my career but also reshaped the very essence of our podcast, guiding you toward a more holistic path to achievement in both business and personal fulfillment.

The entrepreneurial journey is riddled with challenges, not least among them the cyclical trap of unproductivity and the unsettling experience of disintegration anxiety—a resistance to the very change we seek. In this episode, I delve into the transformative power of clinical hypnosis, a tool I've harnessed to break these cycles and reshape the subconscious beliefs that form the foundation of our identity. By sharing insights on how to overcome these mental barriers, we set the stage for profound personal and professional growth, making this exploration an essential listen for those ready to leverage the untapped potential within. Join me as we unravel how hypnosis can be the key to unlocking the success that lies dormant in business and health.


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Speaker 1:

Today on Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, the podcast where we explore unconventional integrative strategies and tools to empower entrepreneurs. You're about to discover the key to unlocking success by overcoming a very specific type of anxiety through the transformative power of subconscious reprogramming. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. My friends, welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, and this is episode number 65. And, of course, as always, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on that podcast button. A shout out to our newest listeners from the Breaking Boundaries studio here in Central Massachusetts to my south in Port Charlotte, florida, I appreciate you. To my left in Los Angeles, california, I appreciate you. And to my upper right in Kingston, nova Scotia, I appreciate you and each and every one of our listeners here at the Breaking Boundaries podcast. And, if you're not aware of that, we also have matching blog posts to each and every one of our podcast over at lovinagewelnesscom. That's our Lovinagie Wellness Learning Center and that's where you can find all of our blog posts, even dating back to before we started the Breaking Boundaries podcast. So today you're going to discover something that's called disintegration anxiety, and many entrepreneurs have a boundary, and that boundary could be either being stuck or having feelings of being stuck, or feelings of repeating unwanted patterns. And first I need to give my disclaimer here that the Breaking Boundaries podcast we don't provide any medical advice or any medical treatment plans or claim to treat, diagnose or cure disease, but what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem, and usually how I know is from personal experience and in this particular instance, not just personal experience, but also my experience as a clinical hypnotist.

Speaker 1:

Now, back in 2019, speaking of personal experience I joined this program to be able to do some internal work on myself. This program was run by, or it still is run by, jim Fortin. Jim Fortin is a transformational coach. He's a master hypnotist and he runs a program called the TCP. It's called the Transformational Coaching Program, so TCP for short, if you have a. He had me reference to that and Jim has an amazing podcast. You can look it up under his name. It's the Jim Fortin podcast, but it's a Transform your Life from the inside out Absolutely amazing, and I will put a link to the TCP program in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

But back in 2019, when I embarked on that coaching program, much like many of the students, thousands and thousands of students go through this program multiple times and you might be wondering why would somebody go through a program multiple times? He must not be that good of a coach and nothing could be further from the truth, because every time that personally I went through this program and I went through it three times it was like peeling back an onion and getting to a deeper layer. Now, originally I embarked on that journey in TCP for business purposes, to be able to help me in my business ventures, but it quickly became apparent to me that I was there to do some deep inner work and that is something that a lot of Jim Fortin's experience, his students experience going through the TCP program. Now, the first week was he calls it clarity and vision week, and that's the first week and, like I said, I thought I was going in there for career, but it turns out that I was working on some deeper levels. And on the aspect of career, though, it made me realize that I had a deeper purpose, and that's when I decided to go all in to become an integrative health practitioner, to become a consulting clinical hypnotist, to become a high performance health coach, and all of the path. Basically, I was at a crossroads, as you may or may not know, prior to deciding to get into the wellness industry back in 2015,.

Speaker 1:

My career prior to that was as a master electrician, and for 35 years I had been an electrical apprentice and then a journeyman electrician, then a master electrician. I was an employee, I was a business owner, a contractor, back to an employee, again as a foreman for one of the nation's top electrical contractors, and that industry really took its toll on my health, as well as some other issues and, of course, personal choices as well, but I was an educator in that space as well, and that's what I felt, as though I was meant to do was to use my knowledge and wisdom of 35 years in a particular industry to be able to teach online, and I just was not fulfilled. I was not. I didn't feel rewarded. I didn't feel fulfilled, although I was, you know, damn good at what I did. No, I say that with no ego, but I was a career professional and I had some expertise. So I thought, why not create programs around that and be able to teach people what I know to help them to avoid failure and reach success? But it just wasn't fulfilling. So it was in that first week of TCP Clarity and Vision Week that I shut down the online educational program that I had and the podcast that I had actually rebranded the podcast, and that's where Breaking Boundaries came from.

Speaker 1:

After that but that was years ago. And then you know, to get into today's topic, in weeks two, three and four of the TCP program, as a 13 week venture, we got into subconscious identity, we got into subconscious values, we get into subconscious reprogramming and as I did the work in round one of that TCP program, I experienced a type of anxiety that I had never experienced before, and that's what we're talking about today, that is, disintegration anxiety, and for probably a duration of I would say it seemed like forever, but it was a short duration maybe two to three weeks that I didn't know who I was, at a subconscious level, like I had this identity that I thought I was. And as I did this internal work, I tore that down. I stripped it down and tore it apart, burnt it to the ground, no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

During that duration, as I was rebuilding myself internally for who I have become, I didn't know who I was and there was this uneasy, anxious feeling. I didn't know what was going on until I was educated that it was something that's called disintegration anxiety and I learned more about that through my training as a clinical hypnotist and that's what we're talking about here today. So I had to establish new habits for myself to reinforce and we're gonna talk about habits a little bit in this episode to reinforce whom it was that I am here to be. And in that statement there's a lot to unpack there, because the I in that statement is not my body, it is my inner being, it is my cosmic being, my cosmic energy, my source, like we are all part of the cosmos and the universe and I'm not gonna go too deep into that rabbit hole here on this podcast, but we're specifically going to address hypnosis, subconscious reprogramming, disintegration, anxiety and how to get through that, and what I've come up with in this podcast episode is some steps to be able to go through that process as easily as possible so that you don't go through the feelings and the challenges that I went through doing that.

Speaker 1:

So the entrepreneurial world is very dynamic and the journey to success it can be filled with challenges and setbacks and unexpected twists, and many entrepreneurs often find themselves feeling stuck, as I talked about in the introduction to today's episode, and then repeating those unwonted patterns and getting so frustrated with being back at where they were prior to doing some work and because of those unwanted patterns that they were doing. But they're not back in the same place, they're actually further behind because they're losing time and they're losing money by repeating those patterns. And maybe that resonates with you. I'm not sure. I'd love to hear from you. So if you're watching this on YouTube, you can leave a comment below or if you are checking us out on your favorite podcast platform, you can always reach out to me with a direct message on social media or email me at Jeffrey at lovin'ajewelnesscom. I'd love to know if that pattern of unwonted patterns resonates with you.

Speaker 1:

So today we're diving deep into how clinical hypnosis not stage hypnosis clinical hypnosis can be a powerful tool to break free from the shackles and pave the way for success. So what is the cost of feeling stuck? Entrepreneurship is undoubtedly thrilling. It's a roller coaster ride. If you're just getting on board, tick, tick, tick, tick, you're going up to that first drop. But feeling stuck in encountering repeated patterns Can not not only be frustrating but also very costly. Time wasted on unproductive habits, self-doubt and ineffective strategies that directly impacts the growth and the success of a business, not to mention, it's downright frustrating, and every moment spent in a cycle of stagnation it's a missed opportunity for progress.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to get into talking about reprogramming the subconscious mind, and I know that seems very mysterious. It's a topic that so many people are interested in and a lot of times when I present myself as an integrative health practitioner and as a consulting hypnotist, people want to know more about the hypnosis aspect because they are very intrigued by it. So I know that quite a few of the last episodes were solely based on integrative health and strategies for your health and at-home functional medicine, lab testing and longevity and things like that. And I wanted to get back into doing the earlier week episodes on hypnosis and the subconscious mind and the mind in general, and that's where we are today. So there's a powerful, powerful technique that goes beyond strategic business planning and that is hypnosis. Yes, it's often misunderstood and there's so many myths around that I'm not going to get into myth busting on hypnosis today, but hypnosis is a proven technique and it's used by high achievers to reprogram their subconscious mind.

Speaker 1:

It involves accessing the mind's deeper levels of awareness to bring about positive changes in thoughts, in feelings and in beliefs. And those thoughts and feelings and beliefs are which create our habits, that solidify our identity and that's the basis, the foundation of who we believe ourselves to be and it's the primary driver. Our identity is the primary driver for our attitude, which leads to our behaviors and ultimately leads to the outcomes that we get in life. So you cannot outperform your subconscious identity and you get your habits. You don't get what you want, you get your habits. So that is the cycle Now disintegration, anxiety. That's the culprit. So let's break that down so you understand it a little bit better.

Speaker 1:

The common barrier to personal and professional development disintegration anxiety. So this phenomenon occurs when the subconscious mind resists change, clinging to the familiar patterns. The brain loves predictability, it loves the familiar patterns and identities, and it's that discomfort and anxiety that arise when attempting to break away from the known, even if the known is holding you back. And that's exactly where I was in 2019, my known reality and my habits were holding me back and as I tried to get further away from those by reprogramming my subconscious, my brain was holding on to that past identity for dear life. And once I broke free of that, I was in this no man's land because I hadn't reprogrammed my new identity yet I was broken free from my old identity and it just felt strange. It felt strange and uncomfortable and that's why it's called disintegration anxiety, because that old identity was disintegrating and disintegrated. And then I was left with an identity that was starting from scratch and I needed to rebuild.

Speaker 1:

And if you ask anybody that knew me, let's say, 10 years ago or 15 years ago or a few, who would see some of my social media posts back 10 or 15 years ago, you're like, who is this person? Because I am nowhere the person that I used to be, and physically, 10 years ago. Physically, biologically, I am not the same being that I am, because the body is a process, as you heard me say before, where cells die and they replicate. So, physically, I am not the same physical body that I was 10 years ago, because every cell in my body has been replaced after 10 years. Some cells are day to day, some are week to week, some are month to month, some are year to year. That being said, the mind is also a process, but that's a story for another podcast.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about dealing effectively with disintegration anxiety. How do we deal with that disintegration anxiety effectively? Well, the first step is self-awareness, and you've heard me talk about awareness so many times in these episodes. You want to acknowledge the patterns holding you back and recognize the need for change. Self-awareness acknowledge, recognize that need for change Understanding that these patterns are rooted in the subconscious allows for a more targeted and effective approach to transformation. And that's what we are all about here in breaking boundaries, breaking through those boundaries and transforming into being the person that you want to be Now.

Speaker 1:

Embracing change can be challenging, yes, especially when it involves challenging long-held beliefs and behaviors. You want to rub somebody the wrong way anytime, just go ahead and challenge their beliefs that they hold true to their heart. But, honestly, what is truth? It is an illusion. Truth is an illusion. So challenging those long-held beliefs and behaviors, it's definitely a challenging task. Now it's essential to view change as a gateway, as a doorway, as a portal to growth and success, and hypnosis facilitates that process by creating a relaxed state of mind that allows for greater openness to new ideas and perspectives and opportunities. I'm telling you, hypnosis is a powerful tool.

Speaker 1:

And now the third step reprogramming through hypnosis. Hypnosis serves as a powerful, powerful tool, as I've said, for replacing limiting beliefs with beliefs that are going to empower you and, through guided visualization and positive suggestions, hypnosis can reshape the neural pathways that dictate behavior, leading to a more aligned and successful life. And does it work? You might be wondering does this work? I can attest it absolutely works. I would not be where I am today If it was not for this powerful tool and reinforcing what I wanted in my life using hypnosis. And it's like I said earlier hypnosis is a tool of superachievers. It's not uncommon for those superachievers to incorporate hypnosis into their routines. Successful entrepreneurs, successful athletes, successful leaders they all understand the immense potential of the subconscious mind and leverage hypnosis to propel themselves forward. So by addressing disintegration, anxiety and reprogramming their subconscious minds, they gain that competitive edge and maintain a resilient mindset in the face of challenges.

Speaker 1:

So how do we avoid failure and how do we embrace success? Well, failure is inevitable in any entrepreneurial journey. The best advice I get asked often, especially in networking groups, what's the best entrepreneurial advice that you ever got? And that would be to fail faster. Because as you fail faster, you learn more lessons. You learn lessons quicker and you get back on the horse and you ride again. You know, if you fall off the bicycle, you're not going to quit learning how to ride the bicycle. You're going to get back on and you're going to learn again. So fail faster. It's inevitable to fail, but how we respond to it makes all the difference. Makes all the difference.

Speaker 1:

Hypnosis can equip entrepreneurs with that mental tool to navigate challenges with resilience. It's about resilience, it's about determination, it's about tenacity, it's about commitment. And then, by addressing that disintegration, anxiety, by breaking free from unproductive patterns and by cultivating a success mindset, failure becomes a stepping stone rather than an obstacle. And there you have it the key to unlocking success lies within your subconscious mind. You have this within you, and if you're an entrepreneur ready to break free from the chains of poor decision-making, unwanted patterns and disintegration, anxiety and unlock your full potential, well, maybe, perhaps it's time to explore the transformative power of hypnosis for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Now, how do you do that?

Speaker 1:

Well, our private wellness practice, love Energy Wellness, offers a 60-minute complimentary hypnosis consultation to be able to help you understand exactly how reprogramming your subconscious mind can specifically help you and lead to business success and health success as well. So if you want to visit loveenergywellnesscom, look for the programs page, or you could do loveenergywellnesscom slash Neurotrust. That's N-E-U-R-O-T-R-U-S-T and that is our hypnosis page, and right there you can schedule your complimentary consultation today and you can also over there. You can also get a free hypnosis two-part audio training for confidence If you want to take it for a test ride and see how that feels for you and then take the first step towards overcoming disintegration, anxiety and paving the way for future of achievement and fulfillment in both your personal life as well as your professional life. So remember the journey to success it starts within, and hypnosis can be the key to unlocking your true potential. I thank you for joining us today on this episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, and until next time, I want you to keep breaking those boundaries. See you next time.

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