Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

67: Harnessing Harmony: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Business Mind

February 06, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 67

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Unlock the transformative power of Wuji in your entrepreneurial journey with me, Jeffrey Mort, as we delve into the profound principles of stillness and silence. This isn't your typical business strategy talk; it's an exploration of ancient wisdom tailored for the modern business innovator. In today's episode, we chart a course through integrating the mind, body, and business, revealing how the practice of Tai Chi can provide you with the balance and clarity needed for success. Discover how embracing the limitless potential of Wuji can open your mind to boundless creativity and strategic thinking, all while preserving the vital energy you need to thrive in the competitive world of entrepreneurship.

Be prepared to transform the way you view your challenges and opportunities as we examine the dance of opposing forces that every entrepreneur must navigate. From the Wuji stance of neutrality and relaxation to the power of mindfulness and conscious breathing, we're lifting the veil on strategies that fortify your mental and physical resilience. As your guide, I'll share insights on how to harness the dynamic interplay of risk and reward, innovation and stability, and how to cultivate a state of mental clarity that will act as a catalyst for sustained focus and creativity. Join us for a journey that promises not only to revolutionize your entrepreneurial approach but also to align your professional aspirations with a more harmonious and healthy lifestyle.

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Speaker 1:

You may not have realized it, but you can tap into pure potentiality through the power of stillness and silence. On this episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, you're about to discover ancient wisdom to empower your entrepreneurial journey. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, and today's episode comes from my training as a Tai Chi athlete, and it's all about the application of Woo-Gee in entrepreneurship embracing potentiality, stillness and balance. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Thanks for watching. I'm Jeffrey Mort.

Speaker 1:

Now, research estimates that the average person has about 50 to 70,000 thoughts per day, and thoughts are energy and it takes energy to be able to acknowledge and process those thoughts. So the more thoughts that we have, the more energy it utilizes, and today is all about energy conservation. Today's episode and those thoughts you know, 70,000 thoughts are those thoughts tending and trending more towards the negative side. Are those thoughts of curiosity, of possibilities and what is possible. Are those thoughts beneficial? Are they leading us to where we want to be in our life and in our business? Entrepreneurship? It's a thrilling journey, but it comes with its fair share of challenges, and this is one of them. So today we're going to delve into the ancient wisdom of Wuji. That's spelled W-U-J-I, and this is drawing parallels between this profound concept from Chinese philosophy and the complexities that entrepreneurs face. So let's get started with our first point here. Wuji, often translated as emptiness or nothingness, isn't about absence, but about limitless potential. In the entrepreneurial context, before an idea crystallizes or a business plan takes shape, there's a stage of infinite possibilities. Entrepreneurs can tap into Wuji's open-mindedness, fostering creativity and receptivity to new ideas. Just as Wuji represents the free flow of energy without obstruction, entrepreneurs can benefit by allowing their creative energies to flow freely, unencumbered by preconceived notions or limiting beliefs, and stay to the end, because I'm going to explain to you exactly how you can implement this, starting today. This is completely free to be able to do anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

Speaker 1:

Now let's move on to our second point preparation and stillness. Preparation is the key to success in both entrepreneurship and the ancient practices of Qigong and Tai Chi, the Wuji stance. It's a posture of neutrality and relaxation. It mirrors the mental and physical reset that entrepreneurs need. Moments of stillness and introspection prepare them for the challenges ahead, fostering a calm and focused mindset, essential for informed decision making and navigating uncertainties. So our journey here it's continuing with our third point unity of mind and body.

Speaker 1:

Wuji emphasizes the integration of mind, body and breath, a principle vital for the entrepreneurial journey. The dynamic nature of entrepreneurship demands a holistic approach where mental clarity and your physical well-being are intimately intertwined. And entrepreneurs can learn from Wuji's emphasis on cultivating a state of mental clarity and physical relaxation. I emphasize the mental clarity because that is the most important part to be able to usher out those cluttered thoughts, those scattered thoughts, and just clear the mind and clear the body. So, through mindfulness practices, conscious breathing and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, which we talk about through our de-stress protocol, entrepreneurs can align their mental and physical faculties, creating a foundation for sustained focus, for creativity and especially for resilience.

Speaker 1:

So as we go on here, we're gonna explore our fourth point, and this is the transition to Tai Chi movements. Entrepreneurs, much like practitioners of Tai Chi, experience a shift from ideation to execution. So the principles of Yin and Yang come into play as entrepreneurs. Balance opposing forces, things like risk and reward, things like innovation and stability, things like flexibility and structure. It's all about balance, and that's how we get the body healthy and the mind healthy is through balance with integrative health as well. So by maintaining balance and a connection to the Wuji state so this is a state of consciousness Entrepreneurs can navigate transitions with adaptability and grace, and what that does is it ensures a harmonious progression through that entrepreneurial landscape. Now, in Qigong and Tai Chi, wuji serves as a foundational principle for aligning and circulating the body's energy not just the body's energy, but cosmic energy as well and similarly, entrepreneurs can benefit from aligning their energetic resources mental, emotional and physical to achieve a state of dynamic equilibrium, balance. It's all about the balance, and by connecting with that Wuji state of mind, entrepreneurs can optimize their energy flow, promoting both health and vitality, and that leads to longevity. So this alignment fosters a sustainable approach to entrepreneurship, preventing things like burnout and enhancing overall well-being.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to talk about the application here, as I promised I would, and to be able to prepare for this stillness before engaging in Tai Chi or Qigong movements. Practitioners like myself, we often start from the Wuji stance. Now, this is a neutral and relaxed posture that embodies the concept of Wuji. So here it is. The Wuji stance involves standing with your feet flat on the ground, about shoulder width apart. You want your knees slightly bent and, traditionally, arms hanging naturally by the sides, if that's more comfortable for you, or, as I was taught, arms are raised to about chest level and your arms are rounded, sort of like there's a hula hoop that you're holding with your arms, but you want your elbows anchored towards the ground, like there are strings with weights pulling your elbows to the ground. You want your palms facing towards the heart and the fingers gently opened. Now here's the key the body is relaxed, the tongue is pressed up to the roof of the mouth, the tip of the tongue is pressed behind the upper teeth, and what this does is it creates a microcosmic circuit of energy within the body.

Speaker 1:

Now the breath. The breath is rhythmic and intentional and, most importantly, the mind is calm and void of all thought. This is a magnificent state of consciousness. Now, my teacher also used to hang three pound steel rings on my wrists for this practice, but you can try it without those if you'd like. Now entrepreneurs can adapt a similar practice by taking time for mindfulness. If you don't want to particularly try that Wuji stance, that's fine, but just take the time for the mindfulness.

Speaker 1:

Meditation helps as well. Meditation is, you know, there's different forms of meditation. Meditation can be guided, or meditation could be simply clearing the mind, maybe focusing on a noise like a fan or ticking of a clock or an air conditioner or something subtle like the machine running like a refrigerator or something like that, and just focus on that sound, and that will help to be able to clear the mind. Or you can just have simple moments of quiet reflection and paying gratitude to the fact that you're breathing, that your body has the intelligence to keep you alive all night while you slip off into restorative sleep, things like that. So quiet, reflection and gratitude, and what this does is it prepares for the challenges ahead, fostering that calm and focused mindset that is essential for making informed decisions and navigating uncertainties.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want to take it to the next level, go back and play back what I said about that Wuji stance and apply that position. There's a lot more to it than that. It could be very detailed, such as, you know, not slouching or rounding the back. You want to have an upright posture, like there's a string with an helium balloon attached to the crown point of the head. So it's elevating the spine nice and straight. And then the hips want to be rotated in. So if you could picture your tailbone sort of tucking your tailbone, like if you had a tail, you'd be tucking your tail between your legs, so rotating the hips inward and upward towards the front. That is a lot easier for women than it is for men, but it's very effective to create that microcosmic orbit within the body. So, as we wrap up today's episode, I want to reflect on how embracing the principles of Wuji can be a game changer in your entrepreneurial journey. And, honestly, sometimes I slip in my practice and I forget to do this exercise on a regular basis and then when I come back to it I say I need more Wuji in my life and it can be a game changer, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Wuji offers timeless wisdom for entrepreneurs, guiding them through the mental and physical challenges that they encounter on a day to day basis. So by integrating some of these really simple principles, but highly effective principles, into your mindset and your practices, you can cultivate. This is what it's all about is cultivating energy. That's what Qi Gong is. It's cultivating, storing and emitting that Qi energy, that natural life force energy, and a balanced and harmonious approach to unlocking the limitless potential within yourself and your business ventures. I appreciate you joining us today on the very special edition here of the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast. If you found today's episode helpful or insightful, please share it with those that you love and connect with us on social media, if you could, and remember embracing Wuji in the entrepreneurship journey. It can be the key to avoiding failure and unlocking the path to success. So until next time, keep breaking those boundaries and redefining that success.

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