Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

70: Turning the Tide on Chronic Fatigue: How Entrepreneurs Can Regain Their Spark

February 17, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 70

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Ever felt like you're running on empty, with your entrepreneurial spirit flickering in the face of fatigue? I, Jeffrey Mort, have been there, grappling with the invisible chains of persistent viral infections that drain energy and focus. In an intimate conversation, I pull back the curtain on my own battle with long COVID and the stealthy culprits like Epstein-Barr virus and Herpes-Simplex virus that can sabotage your thriving business. You'll get an insider's look into integrative health—a game-changer in my journey to rejuvenation, and perhaps, the missing puzzle piece in yours. It's not just about taming symptoms; it's about holistic healing that conventional medicine often overlooks. Let's embark on a quest together to reclaim your vigor and elevate your life.

Ready to revolutionize your health with a peek under the hood? The episode continues with a deep exploration into functional lab testing—the entrepreneur's compass to optimal health. Discover how the Starter Kit and Big Five tests go beyond the basics, unearthing everything from mineral imbalances to stress triggers that could be hindering your performance. Say goodbye to the perpetual cycle of pharmaceutical quick fixes as we champion science-backed natural protocols that tackle the root causes of illness. Remember, taking control of your health is pivotal in powering your professional success. Tune in and unlock a world of vitality you didn't know was possible, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find the key to a thriving business and a vibrant life. Join me at, where we don't just talk health—we live it.


Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome boundary breakers and seekers of wellness to breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs, where we explore innovative strategies to help you succeed in business and in life. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, and today we are diving into a crucial topic that affects many entrepreneurs combating lack of energy and focus with integrative health. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Ah, yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. Welcome to another riveting episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. For purpose-driven entrepreneurs just like yourself. This is episode number 70. And for all the show notes and links, make sure you visit JeffreyMortcom and click on that podcast button.

Speaker 1:

Now it's common knowledge that, as entrepreneurs, our energy and our focus are essential for success. You hear me talk about that every single week. But what if I told you that lingering viral infections could be hindering your journey? Today, we're going to uncover, and you're going to discover the root causes of these challenges and explore how integrative health can help you unlock your pure potentiality. Now I do have to give you my disclaimer. We do not claim to provide any medical advice. We don't treat, we diagnose, we don't cure diseases as integrative health practitioners. But what we do, what we do, my friends, is we get to the root cause of the problem, and I know this one very well. And if you've been listening to the podcast for a while, you know this may be seem like it's on repeat for you, but it's a little different spin today. And talking about my story of how I went through a two-year period of dealing with long COVID. And what is that? Covid is a viral infection. We're going to talk about that and some other viral infections today that are very, very similar.

Speaker 1:

And it took me you know it took me the better part of, I'd say, two years to recover from that, from that state of being, and there's a lot of people out there that are dealing with that on a daily basis and they're not making any headway. Now, you know, am I completely recovered and rid of that? I would say about 90 to 95%, depending on the given day. So I'm still. There's still work to be done and I'm still working on it every single day. But if you know, there was no way that I would have the energy to see clients, to you know, work on my business and, to you know, do the podcasting and promoting and all of the the presentations that I do and coaching other health coaches and doing all the things that I do, plus, you know, raising my children as well. I would never have the energy to do that had it not been for integrative health. So, as entrepreneurs, you face numerous challenges on a daily basis, from managing businesses to balancing personal and professional responsibilities, like I talked about. However, when those lingering viral infections sap your energy and cloud your focus, can you resonate with that brain fog, my people? Oh man, that was the worst, and it becomes even more challenging to thrive in your endeavors.

Speaker 1:

Now, conventional medicine often treats symptoms with pharmaceuticals, and I'm not against this. I am not against this. Let's be clear right up front. But this approach may not address the underlying root cause, and that can leave you feeling frustrated. It can leave you feeling stuck in a cycle of just temporary relief and there's nobody nobody that I know that wants to be on a medication for the rest of their life. That feels like a life sentence when they hear those words from their, from their doctor. Now, there are situations, of course, when you know if, if somebody opts to have their thyroid removed, well then of course they're going to be on a a, a thyroid medication, for the rest of their life and there's things that we can do to work with those type of people. But if they, if they come see us and this, this episode is not about, you know, thyroid issues or Hashimoto's or graves or anything like that, although the thyroid is affected by viral infections. So you know, that's just one instance where somebody might be on medication for the rest of their life. But if a client comes to see me prior to having their thyroid removed, there are things we do, we can do, and there is hope for that particular person.

Speaker 1:

So back to today's topic. I want to talk about the research behind this, and recent research has actually shown that chronic fatigue syndrome, which is known as CFS, may be caused by a combination of factors, including viral infections such as Epstein-Barr virus, so that's known as EBV, or Herpes-Simplex virus, which is known as HSV, and also SARS-CoV-2, which, as you know, is COVID or COVID-19. Now, additionally, reactivation of latent viruses like EBV and HSV has been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome. Now SARS-CoV-2 infection has also been associated with the development of long COVID and CFS-like symptoms. This comes down to mitochondrial dysfunction and rapid aging, which also may play a role in the chronic fatigue syndrome pathophysiology. Now I'm going to link up that research. There's actually three pieces of research that go along with what I just spoke about. So if you want to learn more about each one of those and how those can affect the body and create rapid aging and mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation, systemic inflammation you know that's really the cycle, but I'll link all those up in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Integrative health offers a paradigm shift and this emphasizes a comprehensive approach that considers the interconnectedness big word interconnectedness of mind, of body and of spirit, like there is no separation. The body is not a machine, it's not mechanistic, there is no separation. And when we're starting talking about the mind and the body and the spirit, we get into energy, because everything, again everything is energy. If you go back to our previous episode, number 69, we talk about the energy of a problem that is way different than the energy of a solution, and how to tune into that. So tune back into episode number 69. That'll be a great one for you if you want to learn more about energy.

Speaker 1:

But today, by integrating the best of conventional medicine, like I said, this is integrative health. This is not alternative health or alternative medicine that I'm talking about here. It's integrative health because there are some aspects of conventional medicine that we do need. That was instrumental. Conventional medicine was instrumental in my healing and the reason was because I needed my doctor to write me, give me the hall pass, to be able to get out of the industry and take a break from the industry that I was in at the time, to give me the time to allow myself the grace to heal. That was very, very important and I couldn't have done that without conventional medicine.

Speaker 1:

Now, with natural health practices such as functional medicine now we're talking integrative health here functional medicine we can apply functional medicine to uncover the underlying imbalances contributing to your symptoms and support your body's innate ability to heal. Now, not just functional medicine. Functional medicine is really what we utilize to pinpoint those underlying root causes, using advanced at-home functional lab testing. Now, when we talk about the imbalances and dealing with those and supporting your body's innate ability to heal. That's when we start applying things like Ayurveda, which is the science of life, or bioregulatory medicine, which is your body's ability to naturally heal, or orthomolecular medicine, which is the science of vitamins and minerals, or traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism, and applying Eastern philosophy and traditional naturopathy and all the seven modalities. If you want to throw in psychology and neurolinguistic programming and hypnotherapy into the mix, that brings in eight different modalities that we're talking about for integrative health. Functional medicine specifically delves deeper into understanding the unique biochemical makeup of each individual. You are a bio-individualized person and by utilizing these at-home functional lab testing, we can identify underlying root and balances caused by lingering viral infections, such as chronic inflammation or compromised immune function. Especially Now, you might be wondering what type of labs are we talking about?

Speaker 1:

Well, we have what's known as the Big Five and then we also have something that's called the Starter Kit. Now, the Starter Kit is the best place to start. If somebody's not too sure about functional lab testing, or if somebody wants to go all in and they're like just give me what you got, I want all the information, then that's where we go with the Big Five. But we're talking about things like a minerals and metals test. We're talking about things like a Candida metabolic and vitamins test. In the industry it's known as the organic acids test. We're also talking so that's the Starter Kit right there those two minerals and metals and Candida metabolic and vitamin. Great amount of information, really easy samples to do. We're talking about a small snip of hair, so a hair sample, and we're also talking about a urine sample. This can be done for anybody ages three and up, so three to 120 ages can do these labs and give you so much information.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want to go to a deeper level, we have what's called the Big Five, which also includes the Starter Kit, but it goes a little bit deeper. We're talking about an IgG food sensitivity test, which looks at delayed reaction, food sensitivities Very important for somebody that's struggling with digestive issues or auto immune. Then we also have the stress mood metabolism test, which is not recommended for children only because we want them past puberty to be looking at hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, things like that. But there are single labs that we could do for children that are dealing in struggling with health issues as well. The stress mood metabolism test that looks at so much. It looks at those sex hormones I talked about. It looks at stress hormones like cortisol, also looks at DHEA. It looks at what else does it look at? It looks at a full thyroid panel. It looks at blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C. It looks at vitamin D levels. It's an amazing lab just in itself Stress mood, metabolism test as part of the Big Five.

Speaker 1:

Then, of course, the Omega 3 and inflammation test is really key when we're talking about chronic inflammation and things like chronic fatigue. It gives us a good baseline on where the person is at so that we can measure, because what goes unmeasured? It's difficult to track your progress if you're not measuring, as you know in business these tests. They provide valuable insights into your bodies functioning. This information empowers you to take proactive steps towards restoration and, most importantly, vitality. If you are engaged in the content that we're talking about here and the information we're talking about in today's episode, what are you looking for? You're looking for restoration and vitality. That's what this is all about. These labs give you the information. I will link up the labs in the show notes. You can also learn more about those at lovenagewellnesscom and go to our programs page and check out the New Beginnings program. It talks about lab testing there. Plus, if you go to our learning center, there's tons of information on the functional labs. You go to our shop page, there's tons of information there in the labs too. So much learning. It's all about education. That's what we do here in the podcast as well.

Speaker 1:

Back to pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals, they may offer that temporary relief that we spoke about, but they often come with negative consequences. Now, long-term use can lead to sometimes dependency, but most of the time adverse side effects. Of course, dependency is an adverse side effect, but side effects and they can further disrupt the body's natural balance. And what I'm talking about here is mineral ratios. It can deplete minerals. It can deplete vitamins as well. It can cause well, I should say they pharmaceuticals can cause intestinal permeability as well as bacterial overgrowth in the gut. Now, any one of those can wreak havoc on the body and deplete you of your energy.

Speaker 1:

But integrative health seeks to minimize reliance on pharmaceuticals by offering science-backed natural protocols. Now, just because these, you know, just because it's natural health, doesn't mean that there's not science behind it. There is. So these are science-backed natural protocols they're clinically proven that address the root cause of your symptom without the harmful side effects. Now, natural protocols what they do is they focus on?

Speaker 1:

Go back to the very beginning of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. I talk about the two main reasons why we get ill, and that is toxicities and deficiencies. So these natural protocols they focus on removing those toxicities and replenishing the deficiencies, and what this does is that supports your body's innate healing process. Your body knows what to do. It just has things that are getting in the way or it doesn't have the building blocks it needs to be able to do these processes. So, through evidence-based approaches such as nutrition supplementation, stress management, lifestyle modifications and I'm not talking a major overhaul of your lifestyle, I'm talking about knowing which buttons to push, which levers to pull, to make these small adjustments that are going to move the needle and make the biggest difference so we can restore balance and vitality into your life. So by addressing the underlying imbalances caused by these viral infections, we can enhance your energy levels, sharpen your focus and unleash your entrepreneurial potential, so that you can go on to not only help yourself, not only help your family, but to help your clients too.

Speaker 1:

If your health is getting in the way of you being at your best and showing up your family and serving your clients, then maybe it's time we have a conversation and if you're ready to reclaim your energy and your focus and your vitality, I invite you to schedule a completely free, a complimentary health consultation over at lovinagewwellnesscom, where, of course, we specialize in integrative health solutions and we help to tailor these solutions to entrepreneurs just like you, our experienced practitioners. And if you're not comfortable, if Lovinagew Wellness doesn't resonate with you, you can go to ihpcoach. You can click on the practitioner directory and you can find a practitioner that resonates with you. There are over 4,000, I think 5,000 now registered integrative health practitioners that would love to work with you as well as I would. You know we do have some room here in our practice for you if you're interested.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I invite you to that conversation to work with you to develop a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs, because that's what it's all about the bio-individuality. And that's where the functional lab testing comes into play, because that tells us exactly which levers to pull, which buttons to push, which direction to go in, so that we can support you, we can empower you, so that you can thrive in both your personal and your professional life. So don't let the lingering viral infections hold you back any longer. If that's what you're dealing with, take that first step towards a healthier, more vibrant future. Today, you know, your journey towards success should not be hindered by lack of energy, lack of focus, lack of information, lack of support, lack of, you know, accountability or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Integrative health offers a holistic approach that complements the conventional medicine approach, and what this does is it empowers you to overcome those lingering viral infections and reclaim that vitality, I can't say it enough. So by embracing the functional testing, you know you may. Before this podcast episode, you may not even have been aware that you could do this functional lab testing, you know, let alone with your local naturopathic doctor, but these labs can be delivered right to your home so you can do these in the privacy of your own home. The information is completely private and confidential. It's not shared with your doctor, it's not shared with your insurance company, it's not even shared with your spouse. And you know, of course, unless you want it to be, and you know, this way you can find out exactly what the underlying root causes are and then address those underlying imbalances of your body.

Speaker 1:

So again, you know, I invite you to a conversation, completely free health consultation, no pressure, just a simple conversation about what your health goals are and how we can help you get there. Over at lovanyjewelnesscom, you can check that out today and embark on that journey towards optimal well-being, and I'm telling you right now, your future self will thank you. So that's it for today's episode of the Breaking Boundaries Podcast for Entrepreneurs. Remember that your health is the foundation of your success. So I have to ask what do you hope to gain by waiting to work on your health? Check out the show notes for all the research and the links we talked about today and until next time, keep breaking those boundaries and being a deliberate creator of your dreams. Bye-bye, everybody.

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