Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

76: Bending Time for Well-Being: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Mastering Sleep and Stress Management

March 12, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 76

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Prepare to shift your perspective on time as we unravel the mysteries behind its influence on our health and productivity. I'm Jeffrey Mort, and in this riveting discussion, we tackle the notion that our understanding of time, influenced by Einstein and personal insights, could be more flexible than we've ever imagined. The conventional view of time's rigidity falls apart as we examine its impact on our circadian rhythms, and how this can lead to sleep issues and increased stress, particularly for hardworking entrepreneurs.

Embark on a transformative journey with me to reclaim your well-being by aligning your daily habits with the natural ebb and flow of time. In this episode, I lay out five essential strategies designed for entrepreneurs to weave health seamlessly into their demanding lives. From the critical importance of maintaining a consistent sleep pattern to the subtle power of rituals over routines, we cover the gamut of practical advice to enhance sleep quality and manage stress. Discover how understanding the roles of melatonin and cortisol can revolutionize your approach to rest and how prioritizing self-care is not just beneficial, but vital for entrepreneurial stamina and success.

For a deeper spin on how quantum science shows time is an illusion, check out our blog

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Speaker 1:

Hello, entrepreneurs and wellness seekers, welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs Podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, certified integrative health practitioner, high-performance health coach, national guild certified consulting hypnotist, and today we are diving into a topic that affects us all the illusion of time, our health and our performance as an entrepreneur. Stay tuned. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself. This is episode number 76. And, of course, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and to reach the next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. And, of course, as always, if you enjoy reading, you can always read this podcast in the form of a blog post over at our Learning Center for Wellness at leaveningewelnesscom.

Speaker 1:

Today, my friends, we're going to discover why time is an illusion, a mere construct of human thinking, and can be a boundary for entrepreneurs. That's right. A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with the boundary of time. As entrepreneurs, our time is incredibly valuable and our health is our greatest asset. But what if I told you that the concept of time itself might be more fluid than we've been led to believe? That's right. It all comes down to our belief systems. Today, we are unraveling the quantum construct of time and exploring how it impacts our well-being. Now, you see, in the quantum world, time behaves in ways that challenge our traditional understanding, and this goes back to Einstein's theory of relativity that tells us that time is relative, affected by factors like gravity and even motion. The concept of time dilation blurs the lines of what we perceive as fixed moments, and I'll share a little story.

Speaker 1:

Maybe this will resonate with you, but over the last, I would say, couple of years now, it seems like this has been trending for most of my life, and you probably have said this yourself like oh my goodness, I can't believe it's Christmas already. The older I get, the faster time goes by, but just in the last year, year and a half, not even, I would say, in the last six to eight months, and I don't know if this has anything to do with my deep spiritual learning that I've been through or if this has something to do with the chronic illness that I experienced with long COVID or what it's from, but time seems to be going by like twice as fast. I always find myself saying, on a day-to-day basis I can't believe. It's like two or three in the afternoon already, it feels like it should only be like nine or 10 in the morning. And then I go for a walk every Sunday, like walk every single day, of course, as we all should, like seven to 10,000 steps per day, but every week I walk my dog. On Sunday we make it a special trip to go somewhere. My dog Luna You've probably seen her on some of my social media posts. She's my amazing 10 year old Australian Shepherd and I keep her as healthy as I keep myself, and we make it a point every Sunday to go on an adventure to either someplace new, hike someplace new or someplace we don't usually hike now. We walk every day.

Speaker 1:

I have a beautiful, a beautiful property that I live on in Central Massachusetts and I have about 10 acres of trails right right outside of my my breaking boundaries studio here, so we can go for a walk almost anytime we choose and I also have plenty of recreational areas and In trails in my, my local community here. But we like to venture off on Sundays and it seems like Every Sunday I'm saying to myself it seems like we just went on our Sunday walk yesterday. So these weeks are flying by and then, of course, I'm recording this here in in March. It's now March 13th, 2024 at the time of this recording and it's it seems it feels like it should still be November. I can't believe it's March already. So time for me is going by at an extraordinary pace and it makes me Really focus on and and I've done some research on this and it the research on a quantum perspective comes down to it comes down to it has a lot to do with consciousness and I've worked a lot on spirituality and consciousness in the last few years here. So maybe it's all coming together for me, but I I'll go deeper into that, maybe in a social media post or maybe a different podcast episode to go into that, but this one here is really going to be on Time, and especially because right now its daylight savings is now in effect, and how that affects our health.

Speaker 1:

So you know, if time isn't as rigid as we once thought, how did we come to construct it? Humanity developed the timekeeping systems to help us make sense of the world around us, or, more specifically, how the world spins on its axis and rotates in an orbit around the, around the Sun that Provides us with our energy for For living and our plants and everything else. But we divided the day into hours, into minutes and into seconds, creating a structure for our lives. But here's the catch our perception of time can profoundly impact our health and well-being. Research demonstrates that disruptions to our natural sleep wake cycles caused by the pressures of time management can lead to things like sleep disorders, increased stress and even influence how we age. And Then there's daylight savings time, another human construct within a construct. By adjusting our clocks forward or backward, we attempt to optimize our use of sunlight. However, this manipulation of time can have Significant consequences for our health, potentially increasing the risk of things like heart attacks and strokes and, of course, mental health issues as well.

Speaker 1:

So how can we, as entrepreneurs, reclaim our well-being in the face of the illusion of time? It starts with acknowledging the fluid nature of time and its impact on our lives, prioritizing self-care, embracing flexibility into our schedules and advocating for a healthier work-life balance. These are all crucial steps, so I'm going to give you five healthy tips based on circadian rhythm, from an integrative health perspective. Number one establish a consistent sleep schedule. I may have heard this one before, but it's super important to aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock and promotes better sleep quality.

Speaker 1:

Now next, expose yourself. No, no, not like that. Expose yourself to natural light. Get exposure to natural sunlight during the day, especially in the morning, even if it's just in the eyes. Now, if you could, of course, get a full-body tan, that's going to be amazing, but if you're exposing yourself to that first morning light and that spectrum of light, that is super important, and I go for a walk every morning at sunrise with Luna. That's one of the ways I get my 7,000 to 10,000 steps in every day is I get steps in first thing in the morning. Of course, I get some things set up and then I take her for a walk right at sunrise and I will pause and stop and I will actually not stare into the sun but look in the direction of the sun to get that first morning light into my eyes. And natural help. Natural help, natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm and promotes wakefulness during the day, which can improve sleep quality at night. Now it's also important to be around outdoors during the sunset to get that natural light, that end of the light spectrum which will set you up and signals the body to start winding down and release melatonin. So the daylight that you get in the morning is going to release morning waking cortisol and of course you want your cortisol higher in the morning and then that signal at night as that sun is setting or our earth is rotating and given that illusion there's another illusion of in our lives is the sunrise and sunset. Like you know, the sun doesn't move, but that's what we call it. So that can help. Both can help improve sleep quality at night.

Speaker 1:

Now you also number three here. You want to limit your exposure to artificial light at night, minimize exposure to screens from electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions before bedtime. Now, even though some of your devices may have a blue light filter, you're still receiving blue light emitted from these devices and that can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. Now, am I perfect at doing this myself? I mean, you know, it's one of my goals to not get back on the computer or any device after dinner time, but that doesn't always happen as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

Now, number four, you might have guessed eat a balanced diet at regular times. Consume meals at consistent times each day and focus on a balanced diet, of course, rich in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, organic, if you can. Getting healthy amounts of fiber into your body, of course, is very important and something that many people overlook. And, of course, lean, easy to digest proteins. Of course, I support you 100% if you're vegetarian or vegan, but if you're eating animal proteins, you know, try to avoid those heavier proteins at night, like steak Maybe. Have steak at lunch or only on the weekends and have something easier to digest for an animal protein, like, maybe, fish or poultry, at night. And, of course, avoid heavy meals at least three hours before bedtime, as they can interfere with digestion and disrupt sleep.

Speaker 1:

And number five, last but not least incorporate relaxation techniques before bed, develop a relaxing bedtime routine, or I should say a ritual, because a ritual is a little bit different than a routine. A routine is something that you do on a regular basis. A ritual is something that you do with purpose and this bedtime routine and ritual is going to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. This could include activities such as reading a book not on your Kindle or on your smartphone, but reading or gentle stretching, which I love doing before bed. I sleep so much better when I do some pigeon poses from yoga and stretch my legs and anything that is tight. I do a lot of sitting as well as walking, so stretching that psoas muscle and stretching the piriformis muscle is super beneficial. And, of course, meditation or taking a warm bath, especially if you're going to use salts. I love using my sauna, but not too close to bed at a high temperature, because that's a stressor, so I don't want to raise cortisol. What else do I do? I love doing some resonance breathing, so some focused breathing before bed. That's going to set my heart rate variability for the night and these practices can help reduce that stress, that cortisol level at night and allow the release of melatonin, and what that does is it prepares your body for restful sleep that is aligned with your circadian rhythm.

Speaker 1:

So wrapping things up here, time, once thought to be fixed and objective, is far more complex than we imagined. By redefining our relationship with time, recognizing the effects of constructs like daylight savings time, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. So if you want a little bit more information, a little bit different spin on this, go over into Levenage Wellness, levenagewellnesscom, slash learn and find the blog post over there and of course, it'll also be linked up in today's show notes and you can get a little bit more in depth on the quantum aspect of time. But that is all for today's episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs. Remember that your time and your health are invaluable assets on your entrepreneurial journey and if you're ready to prioritize your well-being, I absolutely encourage you to take the first step by scheduling your completely free, complimentary health consultation over at levenagewellnesscom. Until next time, keep breaking boundaries and creating your future endeavors. Take care everybody. I appreciate you and we'll see you next time. Contest.

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