Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

88: Is This One Hidden Health Culprit Sabotaging Your Business Success?

June 05, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 88
88: Is This One Hidden Health Culprit Sabotaging Your Business Success?
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
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Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
88: Is This One Hidden Health Culprit Sabotaging Your Business Success?
Jun 05, 2024 Season 2 Episode 88
Jeffrey Mort

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What if chronic stress is secretly sabotaging your entrepreneurial success? Discover the hidden health issue of the calcium shell and learn how it could be affecting you more than you realize. Join your personal Integrative Health Coach, Jeffrey Mort, on this enlightening episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs as we reveal the intricate relationship between stress, mineral depletion, and the buildup of calcium in your body's soft tissues. By understanding how this condition can lead to joint pain, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and even cognitive decline, you'll be equipped to make crucial changes that will not only improve your health but also enhance your  performance.

We'll also explore an actionable wellness plan tailored for entrepreneurs. From the essentials of nutritional  and targeted supplementation to the transformative power of stress management techniques, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene, you'll gain practical strategies to optimize your well-being. Learn how a comprehensive health assessment, starting with an at-home precision minerals and metals test, can guide you towards a balanced lifestyle. By implementing these insights, you'll enhance your productivity, sharpen your decision-making skills, and set the foundation for sustainable business growth. Don't miss out on these invaluable tips to elevate both your health and entrepreneurial journey! For more detailed insights, be sure to check out the linked blog post.
Free Minerals & Metals Test

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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What if chronic stress is secretly sabotaging your entrepreneurial success? Discover the hidden health issue of the calcium shell and learn how it could be affecting you more than you realize. Join your personal Integrative Health Coach, Jeffrey Mort, on this enlightening episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs as we reveal the intricate relationship between stress, mineral depletion, and the buildup of calcium in your body's soft tissues. By understanding how this condition can lead to joint pain, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and even cognitive decline, you'll be equipped to make crucial changes that will not only improve your health but also enhance your  performance.

We'll also explore an actionable wellness plan tailored for entrepreneurs. From the essentials of nutritional  and targeted supplementation to the transformative power of stress management techniques, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene, you'll gain practical strategies to optimize your well-being. Learn how a comprehensive health assessment, starting with an at-home precision minerals and metals test, can guide you towards a balanced lifestyle. By implementing these insights, you'll enhance your productivity, sharpen your decision-making skills, and set the foundation for sustainable business growth. Don't miss out on these invaluable tips to elevate both your health and entrepreneurial journey! For more detailed insights, be sure to check out the linked blog post.
Free Minerals & Metals Test

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
[Register here]

Support the Show.

As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome wellness seekers to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast, where we explore the latest insights and clinically proven strategies to help you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey. I'm your host and personal integrative health practitioner, jeffrey Morton, and today we have a fascinating topic or at least I find it fascinating that might just change the way you approach your health and your business. We're diving into the world of integrative health, functional medicine and specifically focusing on a concept known as the calcium shell, as identified in an at-home minerals and metals functional health test, also known as the hair tissue mineral analysis lab test. Now you might be wondering what does a calcium shell have to do with running a successful business? We'll stick around, because by the end of this episode, you'll understand how addressing this hidden health issue can help you avoid failure and lead you to success, and, as always, I'll share how you can take action today on your path to holistic wellness. Stay tuned, hello. I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another mind-expanding episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. This is episode number 88. And, of course, you want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure, reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on that podcast button. Shout out to our latest listeners in Austin, texas, in Kent, washington and also Seattle Washington and back over to the middle in Cleveland, ohio. I appreciate each and every one of you and I invite you to use the new feature in the podcast. If you go to your show notes, wherever you're listening, you'll see the highlighted link that says send us a text message.

Speaker 1:

That's a new feature on the podcast. Click on that and you can share your biggest takeaway or ask me anything integrative health related, hypnotherapy related, anything in the mind body realm. I'd be happy to entertain that, answer your question and possibly create a podcast episode about that. And, of course, if you want more takeaways and information about today's topic. I will also link up the blog post that goes along with this episode and you can find that at loveenergywellnesscom slash learn. That's our learning center over there, because I just can't get all of the information that I want to convey to you on a topic in a 10-minute episode and I know I've been going a little bit longer than 10 minutes since I reduced from two episodes per week to one episode per week. So I will do my best to stick in our time frame to make these episodes consumable for you in your busy, busy day.

Speaker 1:

And before we start, I just want to say that I don't claim to provide any medical advice. I don't claim to treat, diagnose, cure any disease, but what I help you do is get to the root cause of the problem and usually how. I know that is from my own experience. So let's start by understanding what a calcium shell is. It's kind of an odd, odd term and when I first heard it I said I need to know more about this. Essentially, it's an abnormal buildup of calcium in the soft tissues of your body, so most people associate calcium being utilized for your bones and your teeth and things like that. But it also has many, many other functions and when it comes to metabolism, especially so this condition and metabolism of other minerals, and we'll talk about that in a minute.

Speaker 1:

So this calcium shell condition it's often a sign of chronic stress and that's why I'm talking about this on the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast, because stress is something entrepreneurs deal with, as is adrenal fatigue and impaired metabolism as well, and constantly striving for success can take a significant toll on our health and it can deplete our vitamins, it can deplete our minerals and leave us with what's called a calcium shell, and that is a physical manifestation of that stress. So we have the stress and then it starts pulling the calcium from where it belongs in the body, you know, teeth and the bones and it starts depositing it in the soft tissues we're going to talk more about that in just a minute and it can lead to a range of health issues, from joint pain and most people would not associate their joint pain with calcium. It could also lead to hormonal imbalances and fatigue, all the way over to cardiovascular problems and even cognitive decline. You know, I would be shocked if a medical practitioner or a medical doctor would link cognitive decline to calcium being excreted into the soft tissues. I really would, unless I've done some functional medicine training. So it's probably something you will never hear from your medical doctor, and even if you brought it up to your primary care practitioner, no offense to them, but they just don't teach this in medical school. They really don't.

Speaker 1:

So a calcium shell occurs when calcium levels in the body are above 170. On the minerals and metals lab that we use, a hair tissue mineral analysis and the ideal range, just for reference, is 32 to 66, somewhere in that range uh, age dependent and that indicates when it's above 170, that indicates a calcium shell and indicates soft tissue calcification. Now, normally calcium should be in the bones and in the teeth, as we discussed. But when the body lacks essential minerals like potassium and magnesium and boron, calcium gets pulled from the bones and starts to accumulate in the soft tissues, like joints and muscles and organs and even the brain. Now, now here it's also a soft tissue and that's why we use this for an analysis in an HTMA lab. It's a much better medium than blood for finding the underlying root cause, specifically mineral imbalances. So this buildup it's similar to the calcium deposits that you might see in hard water and it can block certain bodily functions, leading to specific symptoms and potentially affecting one's personality.

Speaker 1:

Now that reference to calcium deposits in hard water. If you were to look at those calcium deposits under a microscope, they're sharp and they're jagged. So when these things, when these calcium deposits, land in the soft tissue, when they land in the muscles, in the joints, in the organs, they can create pain and that's where the chronic pain comes from. It's these crystallized, sharp deposits of calcium, so common causes. You might be wondering what causes this? So common causes of a calcium shell include copper toxicity, which we can also look at on the minerals and metals lab test, because copper is a mineral and when it's toxic it can actually lower, or I should say, when copper is at a toxic level, it can actually lower potassium and it raises calcium. Everything has its synergistic partner. When it comes to minerals, it's all connected and what this does is it pushes. When that calcium raises, it pushes it into the soft tissue.

Speaker 1:

Iodine deficiency can also contribute, as iodine helps to decalcify calcium. Now, the HTMA lab doesn't exactly look at iodine. There's another lab that we can use to look at that. And another aspect is emotional trauma or chronic stress might actually, you will, this barrier around the cells and it acts as a barrier to emotional responses, and we'll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But overuse of calcium supplements. Now, as we get older and we go to the doctor and they say, oh, you should be taking calcium, you should be getting calcium. And hardly do they ever talk about the, the synergistic partner, magnesium, where most people are deficient in magnesium. So, as I alluded to earlier, when we're deficient in magnesium, that can, that can raise the calcium. And then also, of course, um, hard drinking water and uh is another potential factor as well, but more often not, it's a deficiency in magnesium and it's the stress factor that can drive this calcium up on a lab test.

Speaker 1:

So symptoms of a calcium shell, as I mentioned, include joint pain, muscle pain, this could be cramps, could be spasms and twitches, it could be arthritis, it could be osteoporosis, it could lead to bone spurs and kidney stones and you know all of these things. Most primary care physicians are not going to be looking at your calcium level in your soft tissue if you go there complaining of joint pain or cramps or arthritis or you know arthritis again, again, that's a diagnosis, but it's just an inflammation of specific joints. So, emotionally. Emotionally, when this happens, when the calcium is driven up that high and the minerals are out of balance, then emotionally, individuals may feel feelings of being disconnected or apathetic, or emotionally numb, struggling to connect with their feelings that's the best way to describe it. So understanding and addressing a calcium shell can enhance your productivity. It can improve decision-making and ensure sustainable growth in your business.

Speaker 1:

Now, in business, we want sustainable growth. You know, rapid growth is sometimes a bad thing as well, but whatever growth we have in business, we want it to be sustainable. Just as in integrative health, we want your results to be sustainable as well. There's so many fads out there, so many you know silver bullet, one pill remedies that have great marketing, but they're really just missing the mark for getting. You know, don't get me wrong they might get results in just a matter of a couple of days, but are those results sustainable? Usually not so. Integrative health offers a holistic approach to tackle these issues comprehensively and over at our private wellness practice, love Energy Wellness, this is where we specialize in these approaches tailored to entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

This is this lab that I'm talking about here. I don't have it pulled up, so I'm not going to do a screen share today if you're watching on video, but I will show you the lab in just a minute. This lab is a great way to look at metabolic function but more specifically, patterns of stress. So in this lab we can see your. Just in two markers, calcium and magnesium, we can see your level of stress and then, with sodium and potassium, we can actually see your body's response to that stress. So an overall picture of the stress in your body and how your body's responding to it. And yes, we can even see what burnout looks like on one of these lab tests and whether or not we are trending towards that burnout.

Speaker 1:

And you know, ideally these patterns show us the different stages of chronic fatigue syndrome. And again, no, I'm not diagnosing anything here. These are not diagnostic labs, but the patterns can show us the different stages. And I said there's seven stages of chronic fatigue syndrome. We'll break it down to just three alarm stage, resistance stage and exhaustion stage. And usually when people are in alarm and resistance they have plenty of energy, they're not worried about their energy levels, but they're starting to get depleted and we can see that on this lab and we can catch it at an early stage to make sure that they don't get into that exhaustion stage Because I'll tell you burnout and CFS sneaks up on you really quickly and then just a lot of people end up in the emergency room because of it, because they just they didn't see it coming and they don't know what's wrong. So this lab can help us see that coming. So, uh, you know, I invite you to take the first step towards your optimal health and your business success by going over to loveenergywellnesscom and booking your completely free. Completely free, no cost, no obligation, just a conversation, consultation, health consultation, and I'll link that up in the show notes. It's always there in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So how can we address this issue holistically and integrate it into our journey towards entrepreneurial success? This is where an integrative health coach comes into play. Integrative health combines not just conventional medicine practices but all kinds of other I don't even like to call them alternative therapies, but integrative therapies such as Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, herbalism, orthomolecular medicine, bioregulatory medicine, traditional naturopathy, hypnotherapy. I mean, we tie it all together over there at our private wellness practice and so we combine all these to provide a comprehensive approach to wellness. And it's about addressing the root cause of health issues. It's not just the symptoms, my friends, it's not just a symptom. So here's a holistic plan for you to tackle a calcium shell.

Speaker 1:

Well, first of all, in order to know if you have what's known as a calcium shell, you need to do a detailed health assessment. And you want to start with an at-home precision minerals and metals test. It's also known as the hair tissue mineral analysis. It's right here, comes in this beautiful little kit, right here. It's mailed directly to your home. Just a little snip of hair, enough to see if I have a scale. If you're watching on video, the scale looks like this X marks the spot. You put that on the table, you put just a little snip of hair on there until it tips to scale. It goes in the envelope, postage, prepaid. That goes to the lab. They burn the, the sample, analyze the carbon and it gives them the quantity of minerals. There's your electrolyte minerals, there is your essential nutrient minerals, then there's some trace minerals as well, and then your five heavy metal, toxic heavy metals. It also looks at and this helps to identify imbalances. It gives a clear picture of what exactly is going on in your body for stress, how your body is responding to that stress. It gives a good picture of your metabolism, as well as deficiencies and, of course, toxicities. So more about that. Minerals and metals test in just a minute.

Speaker 1:

So next number two nutritional therapy. You want to focus on a balanced diet that's rich in whole foods. I know I talk about diet all the time and you might be thinking you can't fix everything with diet, but that is the foundation. You want to reduce processed foods. You want to reduce sugars. You want to include magnesium rich foods like leafy greens and nuts and seeds, and organic whole grains to help balance calcium levels. Don't worry about calcium fortified this and calcium fortified that. You're going to get plenty of calcium in there. You actually get more calcium by eating leafy green vegetables like lettuce and spinach and celery and things like that than you would taking a calcium supplement or drinking milk.

Speaker 1:

So number three targeted supplementation. So, based on your minerals and metals test, you might be wondering what supplements do I take? Well, it's all based on your minerals and metals tests results, rather, and as a level two certified integrative health practitioner like myself, any one of us, any level two integrative health practitioner or naturopathic doctor can recommend specific supplements. Now, magnesium supplements are typically what would be recommended, but sometimes that magnesium needs to be balanced with calcium as needed, as needed. So if on the you know I said a calcium shell is above 170, then if the minerals and metals I'm sorry, if the calcium to magnesium ratio on that lab test is below a seven, then we need to supplement with calcium and magnesium. So that's how we know is by the ratio. So this lab test also puts into perspective the ratios of all of these minerals. So we know whether or not our body is balanced. It's all about equilibrium, it's all about homeostasis, it's all about balance in the body.

Speaker 1:

So also functional medicine. Zinc. Now, you know not zinc oxide is used. You know if you go to the pharmacy or your big box storeivitamin, same thing goes with zinc and you know if it's zinc oxide it's absolutely not going to serve you well. But you want something that's highly absorbable to the body and that would be like a zinc glycinate or zinc picolinate. You don't have to worry about that. You know. If you reach out to me and you need to know what to do, you can always find a functional medicine grade product over at loveenergywellnesscom. You can click on the supplement tab the picture of the supplements there. That'll bring you over to a partner, equal Life. They have full transparency. If you don't want to buy from them, that's fine, but just find an equal ingredient from your favorite brand or your favorite store.

Speaker 1:

And so on the aspect of zinc maybe you need balanced zinc. And what is the zinc balanced with? You might be wondering. It's balanced with copper, because copper and zinc are partners in the crusade for ultimate mineral balance in your body. So if you're copper toxic, you want to drive that down with zinc. But if you're copper deficient, then you want something like a product like balanced zinc that has a 15 to 1 ratio of zinc to copper in it, because you don't want too much copper. Definitely not cause issues. So, depending on your levels and ratios.

Speaker 1:

And then, of course, the heavy metal detox protocol when your heavy metals are shown as elevated in the soft tissue, which, honestly, most people have some level of heavy metal toxicity. The two, the five we look at, is mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum, and the two that most people are high in by far are mercury and aluminum. And I do believe I did an episode on the sources, but sources of your heavy metals and where those come from. So number four, last but not least in your plan, is course, lifestyle modifications. You want to incorporate stress management techniques like mindfulness and meditation and hypnosis and tai chi and qigong and yoga into your daily routine. You know, maybe you do a hypnosis audio upon waking and then maybe you do some yoga stretching before bed. I mean, that's all it takes and you work that into your daily routine and be consistent with it. And and then, of course, regular exercise. And I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about good sleep hygiene, which is also crucial for lifestyle modifications and stress management.

Speaker 1:

So you might be thinking this all sounds great, but how does it translate into business success? Well, by addressing your health comprehensively, you can enhance your productivity, you can improve your decision-making and ensure sustainable growth in your business. When you're physically and mentally well, you're more focused, you're more creative, you're more resilient, and these are all key traits for any successful entrepreneur. So consider this Clearer thinking and better cognitive function lead to sound business decisions. And then more energy and less fatigue mean that you can. You can be more productive and be more efficient in your day-to-day activities, not just during your work day, but at night and on your weekends as well. And then, of course, maintaining good health ensures that you're consistently present and engaged in your business, leading to long-term success.

Speaker 1:

Not just long-term success in your business, leading to long-term success. Not just long-term success in your business, but long-term success in your health. We're here for the long game. It's about longevity, it's about health span, it's about how long can I stay healthy in my life and, honestly, you know, if you're a purpose-driven entrepreneur like myself, you want to be able to help people as long as you can. So it's a win-win situation. You're not just improving your health, you're also investing in the success of your business.

Speaker 1:

And here's the best part, you don't have to do it alone. Again, over at Love Energy Wellness, we specialize in integrative health approaches that are tailored to the unique needs of entrepreneurs just like yourself, entrepreneurs just like yourself. We understand these challenges that you face and we're here to support you every step of the way with a bio individualized wellness plan that can fit your schedule. You know, so many people fight for their limitations. Well, I can't do this because of this or I can't do that because of that, and, honestly, we can work around any of those limitations, any of those excuses, any of those. Yeah, we'll just. We'll just leave. We'll leave it at that. We can custom tailor a program, uh, specifically for just about anybody.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to explore how integrative health can transform your life and your business by scheduling that complimentary consultation with us over there at loveandagwellnesscom and you know, during that consultation you might be wondering, well, what happens there. We discuss your health concerns, we review your HTMA test results and then we create a personalized wellness plan that is specific for you. So take that first step over there. And you know, remember your health is your greatest asset and by prioritizing it, you're not only improving your quality of life, but also setting yourself up for success in your entrepreneurial journey. So don't let a calcium shell hold you back. Embrace integrative health and thrive in all areas of your life.

Speaker 1:

Now I mentioned that I wanted to make a special offer here for you, and this is for an absolutely free HTMA lab, a minerals and metals lab. To you it's a $200 value, absolutely free. This is through our partnership with Equal Life, and Dr Stephen Cabral is giving away 100 of these labs each and every month because this was the lab that helped him to discover his underlying root causes and set him on a path to heal himself at 17 years old, when his doctor said there was no cure. So it's his mission, this is his purpose as a purpose-driven entrepreneur to get functional lab testing in the hands of as many people as he can. And I'm offering that free lab to you.

Speaker 1:

You just need to pay the shipping. It's a very small shipping fee for the amount of information that you're getting and, as I said, it's a $200 lab value that you're getting for absolutely free. So I will put that link in the show notes. If you do or I should say when you do order that lab for yourself and you receive it, you're going to register that lab and then, when it asks if you're working with an integrative health practitioner, just type Jeffrey Morton in there and I'll get to help you review your lab tests and your lab results and be able to create that personalized wellness plan for you. So thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with your fellow entrepreneurs, your friends, your family, your loved ones, who might benefit from this information. And while you're leaving us a five-star review on your favorite podcast platform, don't forget to visit loveandagwellnesscom to schedule your complimentary health consultation today. Until next time, take care of yourself and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye.

The Calcium Shell
Wellness Plan for Entrepreneurs