Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

50: Setting Sail to Success: Navigating the New Year with Your Wellness Plan

December 07, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 50

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Imagine embarking on a treacherous sea voyage without a compass – sounds risky, doesn’t it? Now apply this analogy to your health and entrepreneurial journey; navigating success without a wellness blueprint can lead to the rocky shores of stress, burnout, and health neglect. We're here to equip you with the right tools for your voyage – a bio-individualized wellness plan and knowledge about integrative health. By sharing our experiences from private wellness practice, we hope to inspire you to prioritize your well-being, set a course towards your health goals, and stay afloat amidst the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Striding into the unchartered waters of integrative health might seem daunting, but the truth is, it's one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on. We noticed a common hesitancy towards this holistic approach, primarily due to lack of awareness and understanding. That's why we're here to be your guides, helping you understand the value of addressing health issues promptly and having a definitive wellness plan. A personal story about a risky boat ride serves as a metaphor for your health journey, highlighting the importance of functional medicine health tests and protocols. Our goal is not to diagnose or cure but to empower you to identify root causes and leverage your body's natural healing abilities. So, let's set sail to a healthier, happier entrepreneurial journey – one that keeps you on your course to success.

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Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

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> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, seekers of wellness, welcome to another educational episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. In the spirit of ambition and innovation, we often neglect the sanctity of our well-being, akin to embarking on an uncharted voyage without a tool for navigation. Picture this sailing through uncharted waters surrounded by the vast expanse of unexplored possibilities. Now imagine doing so without a meticulously crafted navigation plan. This is the reality many entrepreneurs face as they plunge into the new year without a personalized wellness blueprint. It's like setting sail without a compass, where the current of stress, burnout and health neglect can lead one off course. Today, we dive into the profound repercussions of navigating the entrepreneurial journey without a personalized wellness plan and, conversely, the transformative success that awaits those who prioritize their mental, physical and emotional well-being. Join us as we unravel the profound parallels between a ship lost at sea and an entrepreneur without a roadmap to wellness, discovering the untold stories of resilience, triumph and the transformative power of a purposeful journey.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Moore. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, so grateful for you, my friend. Thank you for joining me today. Welcome to another Healthy Thursday episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. This is episode 50, and I want to say at episode 50, thanks for the thousands of downloads on the podcast and all the positive feedback on the content. I appreciate that and, of course, as always, you'll want to stay till the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links to today's episode number 50, visit JeffreyMortoncom and click on the podcast button. Shout out to our most recent listeners.

Speaker 1:

In Temple, texas, in East Grinstead, west Sussex, united Kingdom I love seeing the international listeners pop up there and in Terre Haute, indiana. Interesting fact Terre Haute means high ground in French and it was named by French explorers over 200 years ago For the high plateau overlooking that Wabash River. So wherever you're listening from today, I appreciate you, and if you're watching on video, you can see we've got our festive holiday decorations up in the background. Today you're going to discover what a personalized wellness plan looks like and the boundary of navigating the new year without one. You might know an entrepreneur who has a boundary, like low energy or hormone imbalances or low libido, maybe it's thyroid dysfunction, uncontrollable weight gain, maybe it's even infertility or poor sleep or so much more. Maybe it's many of those, not just one, but maybe it's several of those. Maybe the entrepreneur is you and every one of those health boundaries has a root cause. And how I know is from the client's symptoms on the intake form and their lab results that I see time after time in my private wellness practice over at Love Energy Wellness and the profound health results that they finally achieve by following a wellness plan that's bio, individualized from their labs to their health goals. But when they first come in, oh boy, I see what it looks like and I say that in quotation but what it looks like on their labs to have not had a plan and now I get it.

Speaker 1:

I understand people are hesitant. Maybe they don't have an awareness of their options to conventional medicine. I understand that they may not have an understanding of what exactly is integrative health. And no, that's a reason why we created this podcast to bring awareness to what integrative health is and if you actually go back to episode, I believe it was like episode number one, general intro what is integrative health? But anyways, it's one of our very first episodes. They might not have an understanding of what exactly integrative health is and they might have questions like how does it work or what is it like? Or is it just supplements? How long does it take is another question. And we have these answers and we're actually delivering these answers to you twice a week in our Breaking Boundaries podcast. But we have those answers and waiting to work on your health is, to use the boat analogy, it's kind of like waiting for the next life raft on the Titanic and, honestly, the longer we wait, the more work that it takes and eventually, if you wait too long, there's actually a point of no return. Or that point of no return could be when somebody opts for surgery when they really didn't have to, but it's difficult to reverse most surgeries. Some surgeries are reversible, but it's difficult to reverse surgery in general. So there is that point of no return. But I do tell people that I don't want to be your first stop. I want to be your last stop. I want to be the final place that you land when you feel as though you've tried everything. But then when I say, when I ask them, have you run any at home functional medicine health tests? Have you done any functional medicine protocols? And usually the answer is no. So I know that they haven't tried everything, but that lets me know they didn't have that. Back to my first point. They didn't have that awareness of their options to conventional medicine or an understanding of their options and what is integrative health. So our standard disclaimer here for the podcast this is not medical advice and as an integrative health practitioner, I don't claim to diagnose disease. I don't claim to treat disease. I don't claim to cure disease. But what we do is we find those underlying root causes and we remove the toxicities and replace the deficiencies and get the body so well that it does the healing on its own and disease cannot exist.

Speaker 1:

So going back to the analogy of the ship lost at sea, and the introduction there reminded me of a boat ride story I'll share with you. I'll take a sip of water here. Boat ride story. It was somewhere I want to say. It was the summer of 1995. I was about 22 years old give or take a year, and a friend of mine said hey, I got to move a boat from Westport Massachusetts to Barrington, rhode Island. You want to come with me for the ride? I said, yeah, sounds like fun. So it was a beautiful summer day and we went down to Westport Massachusetts If you're familiar with where that is, that's just north. If you know where Maratha's Vineyard is, it's north of there on the southern coast of Massachusetts and we got in this boat and we were trailering the boat.

Speaker 1:

We were going to drive the boat in the ocean to Barrington, rhode Island, and it's a small boat, relatively small boat, if you know anything about boating in the ocean. This was a 22-foot boat, which is actually kind of average for lakes around New England, but certainly small when it comes to a sea craft. And so being a small boat means that we sort of had limited fuel. We didn't have 1995. There were navigation systems out there, but this boat was not set up with one, because it really wasn't made for the ocean. Honestly, it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

We had a map though. We had a map, which was the best we could do then, but the conditions were something that I will never forget. There were big swells. I don't know exactly how big they were, but they seemed to be bigger than the boat, and so the waves that we were riding in between were huge and this small little vessel was riding up these waves and then crashing down on the other side. And we were just the beginning of our journey and I was wondering to myself how much abuse can this 22-foot boat take on this journey? That was probably a few hours. I mean, if it was calm seas we probably would have made it in half the time, but that wasn't the case, and at least it was sunny out. It was windy, of course windy, and it brought on those big swells. And there were three of us in the boat, my friend and his brother and myself. And you know my friend was, I would say, he was a seasoned boatman and you know he grew up around boats, his dad had boats, his stepdad had boats in the ocean and you know, so he knew what he was doing.

Speaker 1:

But I feel as though you know, given the circumstances, that there could have been a better plan, and my point here is that the trip was, you know, it was an idea, but it was foolish and it was risky under the conditions to act on an idea without the right plan and components for a safe journey with a definitive outcome. But I wasn't sure of the outcome. I clearly remember at one point that I wasn't sure that we were going to make it, and I actually you know, I was 22 years old, I believe. Yeah, I was still living at home in my dad's house and I called him because he I'd never told him where I was going that day, and you know it was probably a Saturday or Sunday, and I let him know where I was and you know what the conditions were like, and then call him to scare him. I just called to, you know, give him my whereabouts and my location. This was long before somebody could look at your location on a, on a smartphone, so, or have a navigation system in their pocket. But again, I wasn't sure. So I called them and let him know, and you know.

Speaker 1:

Point number two you're probably already thinking we need a solid plan, and that's what today's episode is about is a new year wellness plan going into the new year. It doesn't matter what year it is. This time every year, it's December when I'm recording this. This time, and every year is a great time to make a new plan. So I'm going to share with you what my new year's wellness plan is and, as I said, it begins in December and that starts with running some simple at home health tests to get a good baseline to see where I am going into the new year. So you know why December? Well, I want to be able to enjoy the holidays here in the US and you know, maybe have you know, a flex meal or two more than I should every single week? You know, in general I do allow myself one flex meal once a week and then I typically, you know, enjoy my regular regimen that I have custom tailored to myself, my biology, my genetics, my epigenetics, and you know. So I want to enjoy the US holidays and then I want to get my results around the first of the year and now, for four years now, every new year I begin my year with a total body and mind reset.

Speaker 1:

This is the Dr Cabral seven day functional medicine detox protocol, and I do this with a group, actually, and not just once a year, not just at the top of the year, but this is done seasonally. So you've heard me talk about functional medicine detox before. I'm sure this is something that this is a maintenance protocol and this is something that I do every 90 days. So every change of season I do that at the beginning of winter, beginning of spring, beginning of summer and in fall I do a 21 day functional medicine detox, as we just wrapped up about, I would say, 85 days ago or whatever. But so what this does for me and for the group that I do this with in our Leavening G Wellness community and support group over there on Facebook if you're not in it, check it out. There's always a link in the show notes or on our website, leaveninggwellnesscom. Hop over there, join the community If you're not there already. If you're there, you know what we do over there. We do weekly lives and informative videos and you know we run our detox program over there and also you're getting updates on special opportunities. And it's just amazing over there what it does for me and for everybody that does this.

Speaker 1:

It really resets healthy habits that I may have veered from, especially going through November and December here in the United States. So resetting some healthy habits. It helps my body focus on cleaning house. This is the detoxification part, a question that I get a lot of times when I mention the detox to somebody for the first time, they're like can I leave the house? Do I need to be near the toilet? It's not that kind of detox. That is more of an intestinal cleanse. And even our functional medicine intestinal cleanse does not have that effect. And if it does, there's a way to dial that back.

Speaker 1:

So it helps my body focus on cleaning house. What do I mean by that? I mean autophagy, autophagocytosis. It helps to shut down digestion and have my body focus on the cells of my body, particularly the blood cells, the white blood cells, to be able to go through and clean house. This is a defense mechanism that is built into your body but if its energy is always focused on digestion and you're not shutting that down with an intermittent fast, then it cannot do this process. And of course, as you know by some of the episodes we've done on the detox, if you're not giving your liver the phase one and phase two nutrients that it needs to convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble toxins so they can be excreted out of the body, then your body cannot do the functions that it knows how to do. You can't have a carpenter build a house if you don't give them nails and lumber in a plan. It's just not gonna work.

Speaker 1:

It also helps with my sleep. Oh boy do I. I cherish my sleep. I cherish how I feel too, but I cherish my sleep and quality of sleep and it's really become one of my unbreakable standards to focus on my sleep. And there's some non-negotiables that I'll say no to because I know it will affect my sleep. It also there's functional medicine detox total body and mind reset. That we do helps to rebalance my hormones I did after having long COVID ended up with really low testosterone and by testing I was able to see that. And then by doing functional medicine detox as well as another testosterone improving protocol, I was able to raise my testosterone naturally and it helped me immensely with my mood, my energy, libido, focus, all kinds of things, and that brings me to mental clarity. It helps with mental clarity as well. Boy, after day two, going into day three, day three of the seven, day functional medicine detox when I wake up on day three and that morning I feel so aware and sharp and focused and dialed in and connected and aligned. It's absolutely amazing. And then energy it just boosts my energy to a new level. Every time I do this. I've been doing this for four years now.

Speaker 1:

This functional medicine detox on a regular every 90 days, and every time I do it I have more energy, have more mental clarity, better sleep, feel better, feel leaner, I look better. I get compliments like your skin looks so amazing, and things like that I hear all the time. So that's the way that I start off while I'm waiting for my results. And then I get my results, and then I can see if I have mineral imbalances. I can see if I have heavy metal toxicities. I can see if I have vitamin deficiencies. I can look at what my gut health looks like as far as do I have yeast or fungal or bacterial overgrowth. I can check my levels, make sure I have healthy levels of inflammation going on. I can look at my IgG food sensitivities to make sure that my diet is dialed in perfectly for exactly where I am at that moment. I can also look at my blood sugar. I can look at stress levels, which is very important to see if my cortisol levels are off or what's going on there.

Speaker 1:

I can even do a lab to look at PSA for prostate and then testosterone and DHEA, or for women these tests would be looking at estrogen and progesterone and DHEA, as well as testosterone. There's a lot of women out there that have high testosterone and there are things that we can do naturally, first of all, there's underlying root causes to that that we can correct through lifestyle changes and then there's ways that we can support that, to quench that testosterone, so that you know they don't have some of those high testosterone symptoms that we'll cover in another episode. What else? So what's my plan look like? What does my plan look like once I get my results Usually by early January, I'll have my results for all these labs, excuse me and then I can make a plan. So obviously the plan we talked about the detox, and then I know where to go after that and I'll know if I need to do a parasite cleanse.

Speaker 1:

Now I can look at that through a parasite and bacteria lab and even if that lab does not show parasites, I still do a parasite protocol annually. That is one of my routine maintenance programs. It just happens to be annually that I do that protocol. Really easy to do. It only takes two months and then I can move into whether or not I need to rebalance my gut bacteria. If I need to rebalance Candida. Now Candida is naturally present, it's just when it's overgrown then it's a problem, and so many people have that issue, that boundary of overgrown bacteria in their gut or Candida.

Speaker 1:

We can look at fungal markers. We can look at things like C diff. Now C diff, that's clostridium difficile that should be in there in no way, shape or form. So we want those markers at zero and if they're slightly elevated we have a plan for that, as well as looking at small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which, coincidentally, you may or may not know that you can actually give yourself small intestinal bacterial overgrowth through chronic stress. So chronic stress will open the valve between your large intestine and your small intestine and allow that overgrowth to creep into the small intestine where it has no business being in that part of town I'll tell you. And when it does, there's big problems and we can see that on labs. So usually between bacteria, candida, fungal, c diff, c bow annually when I test these and I test these twice a year actually I usually have one or two markers that are elevated, and if it's more than two, we have a solid plan for that and if it's just one marker, we have a much milder plan that is highly effective to take care of that and I can look at my results to see if I have leaky gut. So I know which foods I should or shouldn't be eating.

Speaker 1:

Food sensitivities we mentioned IgG food sensitivities, which are different than food allergies. Food sensitivities can manifest 24 to 72 hours after you eat a food. So if you're having headaches, if you're having this joint pain that's traveling, or skin rashes or things like that, it could very well be a food that you ate up to three days ago. Now how do you narrow that down to whether it was one particular food at breakfast, lunch and dinner a while back? Like, how do you know? So you do an IgG food sensitivity test and then, of course, I can see if I have heavy metal toxicities. So that would usually for me it's aluminum and mercury, and every time I run a lab I can see I'm making progress on detoxifying those heavy metals which. That heavy metal detox protocol is another one of my annual maintenance programs that I do. But if I have a minerals and metals lab that comes back with, you know, higher, if the level's going up, then maybe I'll do one of those twice a year as well, and I usually end up doing a heavy metal toxicity detox twice a year and then, of course, mold. We can see that on our labs as well.

Speaker 1:

And actually I had recent exposure to mold and it was just. It was one night and I stayed at a house. I knew there was mold there. It was really bad. It was really bad, should have opted to stay somewhere else, but we chose to stay there and I just I did the best I could while I was there. Now do I feel as though I have toxic mold exposure from staying there one night? I definitely had some side effects that I can tie back to the mold exposure, but they went away after a few days. But I'm still going to test myself. I'm still going to run a lab to see what kind of exposure that had, because the interesting thing about mold is that it, you know it doesn't go dormant and die and go away. It's there and if it has the right environment, it will continue to grow inside the body and that's what happens Now, not being in that environment on a regular basis, then you know, I know it's safe to do a mold protocol and the work would be done.

Speaker 1:

But if you, you know, if you have mold in your environment on a daily basis. Maybe it's at work, maybe it's at home, you know, maybe it's your car was in a flood or something like that. Then that continued exposure. You need to take care of that first before you do a mold protocol as well. So that's usually what is in my plan and going through that, you know, detox parasite working on gut bacteria, working on my food, igg sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity is mold, and then you know getting those results.

Speaker 1:

Now I know where to start and, more importantly, where I'm going and what's involved. And I also know I also know this is very important you're going to like this that I'm going to go from feeling good to feeling great. Now, not everybody starts off just feeling good. Some people feel really crappy when they come to me and that's my job to be able to give them the tools to go from feeling crappy to feeling good. And then I want them to go from feeling good to feeling great. And then the next step is to go from feeling great to feeling great for the rest of their life and their long life, because now we have the tools to be able to get you to 100 years old and healthily, not some miserable in a wheelchair on oxygen 100 years old.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about like still getting up in the morning, happy to be alive, vitality, mobility, plenty of energy and feeling great and looking forward to you know what's next Like. What possibilities does that open up for you? If you knew you were going to live to 9900, 101 years old and still have energy and be you know, have that vitality, what would that, how would you show up differently then? So you know, that just goes to show that feeling good is the work, my friend, and feeling good helps to raise your vibration. It does. It helps to raise your vibration and to connect energetically to that success that you want and that you deserve and that's your birthright. I'll say it again feeling good is the work and with Integrative Health, you're going to love the way you feel. So you call the action. If you want a plan for yourself, then you know.

Speaker 1:

I would say, start by running the Big Five Lab Bundle that we have, that's the Minerals and Metals Lab, the Candida, metabolic and Vitamins Lab, the Food Sensitivity Lab, the Inflammation Lab and the Stress, mood and Metabolism Lab, which is absolutely amazing in itself, and then join us in Functional Medicine Detox with our community, whether it's a seven-day detox or a 21-day functional medicine detox and how do you know which one of those to do? We'll take our toxicity assessment. It's free. No, I didn't even ask for your email. It's over at lovinjwellnesscom. You can find it there at the top of the page or on our programs page for the Total Body and Mind Reset. That's forward, slash, transform and then get your personal wellness plan to start taking control of your health. Not alone, you're not alone on this journey, but with a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2,. You can find them at ihporg that's where I was trained. It's a wonderful community over there. Or you can run your Big Five with us over at Love Energy Wellness. We would be happy to bring you on board over there pun intended, I guess and bring you on board and, you know, give you a personalized wellness plan that is custom tailored for where you are right now, like right now, and to be able to create that life that you love and help you to avoid failure.

Speaker 1:

Like another year of poor health that's what failure looks like, and you know making excuses why not? You know a little bit of tough love here. But let's not make excuses for why we shouldn't do things and stop fighting for our limitations. Or, you know, feeling dismissed by your medical doctor or your primary care physician or whoever you're seeing for your current health care, like, how does that make somebody feel when they're dismissed by their doctor? That it's all in their head and I hear that so often. It just you know it. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. We'll put it, we'll put the positive spin on it that way. And you know, of course, there's the success story of knowing your plan, knowing your options, having a plan, being empowered and taking control of your health, and that's what the success story looks like.

Speaker 1:

So your three key takeaways here today is you know it's an old quote, it's an old adage, but I love it that and I forget who said it maybe one of the founding fathers of the United States said a failure to plan is a plan to fail. And also that you have a resource to help you take control of your health. And you know your final takeaway is I am 100% committed to your health. The question is, are you 100% committed to feeling the way you want in this new year coming up? I appreciate you being here today. Stay tuned for the next episode of our podcast, where we talk about how to combat holiday stress. You're going to love that episode. I'm grateful for you. Please share this episode and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform so that we can help more people and we'll see you next time to help you with breaking boundaries. Bye, bye, everybody.

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