Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

56: Breaking the Cycle of Fading Resolutions: The Blueprint for Sustainable Transformation

December 28, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 56

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Ever found yourself charged with ambition as January arrives, only to watch that energy fizzle out like a forgotten sparkler? You're not alone. Join  Jeffrey Mort, and together explore why the fire of New Year's resolutions often dims so quickly, and how reshaping this ONE THING can keep it burning all year long. This episode isn't just about setting goals; it's about transforming the very fabric of who you are to achieve them. We'll walk through the intimate revelations of Jennifer's story, embodying the cycle of enthusiasm and defeat, and uncover the psychological levers that can break this pattern for good.

Transitioning from fleeting motivation to deep-rooted change is the theme for our journey as I guide you towards embracing your most authentic self. I'm committed to lighting the path to a year brimming with wellness, joy, and abundance, and I’m not just painting a pretty picture – I plan on giving you the tools to redraw your inner landscape. Get ready to revamp not just your health and business strategies, but the subconscious scripts that drive them. The upcoming season of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs promises to delve into high performance health and longevity, equipping you with insights for profound personal and professional growth. Don't just listen—engage, share, and be a part of this transformative season with me.

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, entrepreneurs and visionaries, welcome to another electrifying episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Today, we're delving into a timeless struggle that echoes through the corridors of self-improvement the New Year's resolution. We've all been there armed with sheer willpower, determined to sculpt a healthier version of ourselves. However, as we navigate the course of wellness goals, we often find ourselves entangled in the web of fleeting motivation. You're about to discover the mystery of transcending the conventional approach to resolutions. Brace yourself as we explore the transformative power of working from the inside out, discovering the secret to sustainable success and lasting well-being. Get ready to shatter the limits of traditional goal setting and embrace a paradigm that unlocks the untapped potential within, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey towards holistic achievement. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health. When you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. This is episode number 56, and, of course, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. For all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. Shout out to our new listeners today. In Atlanta, georgia, in Buffalo, new York, and in Studio City, california, which is known as the jewel of the valley, there are celebrities like Bruno Mars, george Clooney and William Shatner all live there and they just may be listening to the Breaking Boundaries podcast to transform their mind, their body and their business with integrative health.

Speaker 1:

Today, you're going to discover why willpower will only get you to about February when it comes to New Year's goal resolutions. Every New Year's resolver has a boundary and it's harbored deep, deep, deep inside of them. Now, as your guide here, I like to get to the root cause of the problem and I'm going to share a little story with you, bring in a little nuance and give you some details here. So let me read you this little story here from Jennifer. And Jennifer says as the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I, a determined 45-year-old woman, clung to the promise of a healthier, happier future.

Speaker 1:

My resolution, etched in optimism, was to reclaim control over my well-being, shedding the extra pounds that clung to me like shadows, balancing my hormones and finally embracing my once youthful vitality. January unfolded with kaleidoscopic determination gym memberships, colorful salads and the rhythmic thud of sneakers against the treadmill. Yet by the time February whispered its end, the kaleidoscope had shattered, the vibrancy faded, replaced by the gray feeling of familiar defeat. The gym bag slumped in the corner and the refrigerator harbored remnants of abandoned resolutions. The sting of inadequacy settled deep within me, a reminder that the elusive goal of health remained just beyond my grasp. Each step backward felt like a betrayal of that hopeful midnight vow, and the weight of my perceived failure hung heavy on my shoulders, eclipsing the fleeting glow of a once bright resolve.

Speaker 1:

Now, does this sound familiar, this story? How do you choose to feel when hearing this story? Is it bring up emotions of empathy, or maybe guilt, or shame, or connection or failure? Now, this story wasn't meant to leave you feeling down. The intent was to shine a beacon on the place we don't want you to end up in. Three months from now. The month of March doesn't have to leave us questioning our willpower or our determination. What if I told you it's not about willpower at all?

Speaker 1:

The missing piece lies in understanding the power of your subconscious identity. That's right. This is a myth. All about willpower and, contrary to popular belief, failed resolutions aren't solely a result of weak willpower. Instead, the culprit lies in the depths of our subconscious minds. If you've been listening to the Breaking Boundaries podcast for any time, you'll know that the odd episodes 1-3-5-7-9, are all based on subconscious reprogramming and the power of the subconscious mind in some aspect or another.

Speaker 1:

I want to give you the pathophysiology of your subconscious identity. Now, in integrative health we, of course, as a forever student of integrative health, we're always studying the pathophysiology of how the upstream things affect the downstream things, especially when it comes to hormonal pathways and things like that. Your subconscious identity is no different. The results that you get, the outcomes that you get, are no different. They have a, so to speak, pathophysiology to them. It begins with our thoughts, that's right. Our thoughts are what evolve into feelings, and then those feelings, those feelings, are emotions, those feelings are energy in motion and those feelings which, in turn, shape our beliefs. So that creates a system, right. The thoughts create the feelings. The feelings create the beliefs. Now this natural progression creates habits that over time, those habits form our subconscious identity and it's this identity that molds our attitude, our decisions, our actions and, ultimately, the outcomes that we receive. So I'll go through that again. Our thoughts evolve into feelings, which shape our belief system. Now this belief system creates our habits, and the habits are what create our subconscious identity, and it's the identity that creates the attitude that we have, the decisions that we make and the actions that we take that produce the untimely outcomes.

Speaker 1:

So, no matter how strong our willpower may be, that is a finite resource, kind of like the battery in your cell phone that eventually drains and if you don't plug that back in and recharge it, you're not going to have any more power for your phone. Well, willpower is the same way. Eventually it runs out. It is a finite resource, but your subconscious identity, your subconscious identity, is an infinite resource. So what's the game changer here? What is the game changer in achieving lasting wellness resolutions? The answer lies at the intersection of neuroscience and hypnosis. These tools delve into the subconscious and you're able to reshape thoughts and beliefs at their core. Our unique NeuroTrust method of hypnosis understands the intricate relationship between those thoughts and the feelings and the identity, offering a unique approach to sustainable change.

Speaker 1:

So allow me to help you with understanding the power of reprogramming Thoughts, as the building blocks of our subconscious identity can be reprogrammed through hypnosis and by altering these deep-seated beliefs, we can pave the way for new habits and, subsequently, a transformed identity. And this breakthrough and I use that word breakthrough because that is a term that I hear so often with my hypnosis clients that they had an aha, not just a moment, but an aha breakthrough. And these breakthroughs allow us to escape the limitations of willpower and align our actions with our desired outcomes. And the fact is you don't get what you want, you get your habits. So it's these habits that create your identity and this is where we work, at a deep subconscious level to be able to get you those outcomes, those desired outcomes and sustainable results.

Speaker 1:

So in my hypnosis practice, I always begin with busting myths. And you might be wondering is that, jeff? Is there really efficacy in hypnosis? Well, the answer is yes. Research speaks volumes and studies comparing the effectiveness of hypnosis against other methods underscore its power. So, according to both past and recent findings, hypnosis has shown remarkable success rates in comparison to, let's say, traditional or conventional approaches, hypnosis offers a credible pathway to achieving wellness goals that withstand the test of time, and I'm going to link up our research in this episode. So if you're interested in the efficacy of hypnosis, you can find that at loveenergywellnesscom forward slash research and I will put that link in the show notes. So if you're the kind of person who's ready to break free from the cycle of failed resolutions and embrace the lasting transformation yes, the path to performance then take the first step.

Speaker 1:

I invite you to schedule your completely complimentary 60 minute neurotrust method of hypnosis consultation. I have these all the time with clients and they usually go wonderfully. You know, in health coaching we offer a 20 minute consultation because we can really get to the root cause of the symptoms and the health goal that a person wants to achieve in just about 20 to 30 minutes with a health consultation. But when it comes to, you know, subconscious reprogramming, the programming that's in there has been running in the background for, you know, 20, 30, 40, 50, sometimes more than 50 years, because most of the programming, the subconscious programming we have received and I've talked about this in other episodes comes from being zero to seven years old in that theta brain wave state. So when we are seven years old and younger we are, our brain isn't fully developed. We are in a constant state of hypnosis. We're just absorbing information, we're downloading information and that's creating that program that eventually runs in the background. But getting to you know, understand where those programs come from, takes a little bit longer. So that's why we do 60 minute complimentary consultations with our neurotrust method of hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to discover how hypnosis can unlock the power of your subconscious, leading to sustainable results and a healthier, happier you.

Speaker 1:

And I want your key takeaway today to be this as we stand on the precipice of a new year, may your journey towards wellness be guided by the understanding that true change emanates from within. And I'm wishing you a year with profound shifts, lasting transformations and the joy that comes from living in authenticity. So may 2024 be the year that you rewrite your subconscious script and step into the best version of yourself. And here's to a year of wellness, joy, abundance and prosperity. Remember, I'm 100% committed to your success and to help you to avoid failure. Please stay tuned for the next episode they actually the next season of the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast where we're going to be diving in straightforward to high performance, health and longevity going into the new year, and I can't wait to bring this information to you. I'm grateful for you listening today. Please share this episode and leave a review so that we can help more people and we'll see you next time with Breaking Boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

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