Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

59: Energizing Entrepreneurship: Harnessing Integrative Health for Business Vitality and Longevity

January 09, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 59

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Embark on a journey that electrifies your entrepreneurial spirit and rejuvenates your zest for business! I'm Jeffrey Mort, and today I'm delving deep into the well of integrative health, weaving my personal narrative into actionable insights that can supercharge your professional life. Ever wondered how the microscopic inhabitants of your cells, the mitochondria, can make or break your daily hustle? We pull back the curtain to reveal their immense power in dictating energy levels, mental acuity, and overall vitality, all crucial for your business's thriving heartbeat.

Say goodbye to those sluggish mornings and brain fog that hamper decision-making. In this session, I share a treasure trove of strategies designed to amplify your health and, by extension, your business prowess. From the transformative effects of optimizing sleep with resonance breathing to the profound benefits of detox protocols and toxin reduction, you'll gather a suite of practices that promise to elevate your entrepreneurial game. And for those seeking longevity in their careers, I delve into the clinically proven strategies to keep you at the top of your industry.

Finally, I extend an exclusive invitation to join me for a complimentary consultation at Love Energy Wellness, where we pave the road to a more energized and successful existence.
Precision Health Tests
Infrared Sauna
FREE Health Consultation

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

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> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, seekers of energy and performance, welcome to another riveting episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, where we delve into the unexplored realms of business mindset and the intricate dance between the two. Today's episode is a deep dive into the often underestimated but profoundly impactful factor of energy, one of my favorite topics and the silent force shaping our minds, our bodies and, ultimately, our businesses. Join us as we unravel the intricate web between low energy and the obstacles it can present in the entrepreneurial journey. As we navigate through the challenges entrepreneurs face, we uncover the transformative power of integrative health, the golden key to sidestepping failure and paving the way to unparalleled success. So, boundary breakers, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey to rejuvenate our spirits, re-invigorate our bodies and redefine our businesses through the lens of integrative health.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Moore. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, I am grateful, as always. Thank you for joining me here today. Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. For well purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself, this is episode number 59. And, as always, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to our new listeners today in Galveston, texas, in San Diego, california, califonia, and in Marston's Mills, massachusetts, nestled in the bicep of Cape Cod. And today I'm bringing you my best energy and I appreciate all of you listeners as well, not just the newer listeners, but all of the listeners that support the program each and every week. And I'm bringing you my best energy today. And I say that because I am just about 48 hours into a two and a half day liquid fast for our winter wellness community detox that I'm hosting, hosting that over in the Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group. If you're not in that group, I can't recommend it enough. Get over there and we're there for support every single day to answer your questions. It's basically access, direct access to me for Q&A and questions and the resources that I drop in there and some exclusive opportunities for you so you can join that. If you go to lovinagewwellnesscom, you can scroll down to the bottom there and join the group there, or you can simply that's the best way to join it. You can also get it in the show notes. And if you're not joining us in this winter wellness community detox, it's just a seven day functional medicine detox. If you're watching a video, I got my shaker bottle right here and drinking my midday shake Delicious.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to start, if you're like, what's this all about? You want to learn more about it. You can learn more in the group. You can learn more at lovinagewwellnesscom under the resources page. There's a course over there. We created that completely free course, 100% free, for you to learn about.

Speaker 1:

You know what is a functional medicine detox, what's it all about, where does it come from, what does it do for you, how long does it take, what's it like? Have all that information, and not just in the course but also on our page for the functional medicine detox on our website, that's lovinagewwellnesscom forward slash, transform. You can find it over there on our programs page. It's titled the total body and mind reset and I call it that because that is what it does. And I feel amazing, you know, two days into this seven day program, and I feel like I've stepped up two rungs on the ladder of wellness, of health, of energy and performance. So I want that for you too.

Speaker 1:

But today, today, my friends, you're going to discover a little about just eight symptoms of low mitochondrial function. There's so many more, it probably could have brought you 20. Maybe I'll do a follow up episode to this podcast, but today, to keep this around 20, maybe today might go a little bit longer than 20 minutes, but eight symptoms of low mitochondrial function, that's right, eight symptoms of low mitochondrial function. And then I'll give you eight mitochondrial boosters, that some of them are free and some of them may require an investment. But I wanted to mix it up a little bit Because with those eight mitochondrial boosters you are going to improve your energy and your performance, and you know so many entrepreneurs struggle with that boundary how low energy costs us so much more than just time or money.

Speaker 1:

It costs us our identity, because if we have low energy and we're saying our, our body Just won't keep up with our mind anymore. Our mind wants us to do all these things, but we just don't have the energy. That's impeding our Identity, that's changing and impacting who we are at our core, and then that in turn, affects our confidence. And if we don't have the energy and we don't feel like the person we used to, then that's gonna affect our confidence. Can I do these things any any longer? Is this what is as? Is this as as good as it gets for, you know, forever, for the rest of my life here on this planet? And that affects our confidence. And then, of course, in business, having low energy and Having you question your identity and question your confidence, that is going to impact the bottom line in your business.

Speaker 1:

So today I want to start off by giving you our typical standard disclaimer here, that this podcast doesn't provide any medical advice or claim to Provide any medical diagnosis, medical treatment plans, medical cures. But what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem and I'll tell you how. I know the root cause of this particular energy crisis here that some of you may be going through, as I've been through it myself, and you may have heard the episode that I talked about my experience with long COVID and how that took me out of commission for an entire you know a hundred percent commission for an entire year and then still another year after that, working, gaining traction, to get back to where I was at an energetic level. And you know, long COVID is no different than myalgic encephalomyelitis, known as ME, also known as CFS, which is chronic fatigue syndrome, and what those are is a cycle of mitochondrial damage. So in the case of long COVID, the virus damages the mitochondria which causes inflammation in the body, systemic inflammation, and then that systemic inflammation causes more mitochondrial damage. And that's the same for ME, the same as chronic fatigue syndrome. And there's, there's many stages to that chronic fatigue syndrome, more stages than the three that conventional medicine Tells you about, and I will do a podcast episode on that. I do give you my word on that.

Speaker 1:

But the cycle of all of those you know dis eases or you know whatever. You want to call them, syndromes or whatever the case may be. Those are nothing more than a name Given to a group of symptoms. That's all a disease is is a name given to a group of symptoms. It's not a life sentence. You didn't have it years ago. It's not part of your genetics, it's part of your Circumstance, it's part of your situation, it's part of your environment that caused those things to. You know, up level or up regulate the genetic expression that Allows somebody to get some of these things. So the cycle is mitochondrial damage and inflammation.

Speaker 1:

And you know, you don't have to have been diagnosed with long COVID or myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome To experience low energy on a daily basis. Now picture this you wake up in the morning, you're ready to conquer the day and only to find yourself drained, absolutely drained and exhausted by mid-afternoon. And then you know we try to power through it using our willpower and things like caffeine or energy drinks, whatever the case may be. Now, if that scenario Sounds familiar, you're not alone and today we're diving into the common pain points entrepreneurs may experience due to low energy and how Optimizing mitochondrial function could be the key to unlocking your extraordinary Energetic potential.

Speaker 1:

Now a little background on mitochondria. If you're a little foggy, if you have brain fog, that could be from mitochondrial dysfunction. But you know, going back to biology class in high school, you know, of course you were Schooled that the mitochondria were the powerhouses of your cells. So that's where the mitochondria are. You have over 50 trillion cells in your body. Somewhere around there, 30, 50 trillion with a T. That's a lot. In every cell has Hundreds of thousands of mitochondria in them a thousands, and then some Cells have more than the average. So you know, let's say a muscle cell or a tissue cell or a skin cell that has mitochondria in it. But where the mitochondria are more densely populated is in places like the heart and the brain, which is very important to know because if you have mitochondrial damage in the heart or the brain, or mitochondrial inflammation and damage in general, that could potentially cause lead to more probability of heart issues and brain issues because the mitochondria are more densely populated in the cells of those organs. So there, I just wanted to bring that point up to you.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about some some of the most common pain points Fatigue and muscle weakness. So you know, if you've ever felt like you're running on empty, both mentally and physically, having low ATP levels could be the culprit. And ATP is adenosine triphosphate. This is the, the energy currency of the cells, and when mitochondria aren't functioning optimally, your body struggles to produce enough ATP and that leads to persistent fatigue and muscle weakness in this instance. And now imagine the impact on your productivity and creativity as an entrepreneur. If you don't have enough currency to do the things you want to do, well, if you don't have enough ATP in your body, you're going to feel the fatigue and the muscle weakness. So next number two I have, you know, eight of these to go through and then eight potential solutions for the issues. So I want to go through rather quickly. I'll try not to get sidetracked, as I like to do so.

Speaker 1:

Exercise intolerance is number two your busy schedule. It demands physical resilience, but if you find yourself avoiding exercise due to constant fatigue or experiencing prolonged recovery periods, it's time to address the root cause. Optimal mitochondrial function is essential for efficiently converting nutrients into energy, ensuring you have the stamina to tackle both your business and your personal life with vigor, with vitality, with that youthful energy that you once had. So exercise intolerance you can see how this plays off of the fatigue and the muscle weakness. If you have fatigue and muscle weakness, you're going to have an intolerance for exercise. And if you find that you cannot get through a workout without being tired after the workout, if you leave a workout with less energy than you went into it with, then you're doing too much for the condition of your current condition of your body. Just remember that.

Speaker 1:

So number three neurological symptoms, things like headaches, brain fog, memory loss what was that other one Just joking? Memory loss and even more serious things like seizures and strokes. These symptoms can yes, they can be alarming. Seizures and strokes Like that's frightening to think about, and they do have a profound impact on your ability to lead as an entrepreneur and business owner, whether you're leading a team or just leading yourself and make those critical decisions on a day-to-day basis. Mitochondrial dysfunction is closely linked to these neurological challenges and by addressing and enhancing mitochondrial function, you may find improved cognitive function and mental clarity. And what's that going to do? That's going to enhance your entrepreneurial acumen, and who doesn't want that? If you're in business, you want to be on your game, on your A game. You want to be getting better and better every single day. So next, we already touched on this, but heart and respiratory problems, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, shortness of breath these issues can affect your cardiovascular health and limit your ability to navigate the demands of entrepreneurship. Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to these problems and by optimizing mitochondrial health, you can promote heart and respiratory well-being, ensuring you're at your peak performance, and that's what we are all about here on the Breaking Boundaries podcast and our private wellness practice Love, energy, wellness, energy and Performance.

Speaker 1:

So next number five gastrointestinal issues, symptoms like nausea, bloating, acid reflux, gerd constipation, ibs, which is irritable bowel syndrome. These digestive challenges can be more than just a nuisance. They can interfere with your daily routine and hinder your ability to focus on growing your business. Mitochondrial function plays a role in gut health. I will say that again Mitochondrial function plays a big role in gut health and addressing this aspect can lead to improved digestive well-being. I have so many clients and so many people that reach out to me that have digestive issues and I can honestly say not one of them would associate the gastrointestinal issues with mitochondrial dysfunction. And no disrespect to them, they just haven't been. They're just unaware of how integrative health ties this all together is really what it comes down to, and I'll say if you're interested in becoming an integrative health practitioner, you can go to our bio on social media and you can scroll down and find the link that says yep, there it is there. You can scroll down to find the link that says become a health coach If you're interested in learning the things that I've been taught for integrative health to be able to help you and entrepreneur to help more people.

Speaker 1:

So number six mood disorders. This is a big one. This is a big one because mental health impacts so many entrepreneurs out there. Anxiety and depression. They can be isolating, especially when you're juggling the responsibilities of entrepreneurship. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to mood disorders. Yes, you heard me right Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to mood disorders. Go back to what I said at the beginning of the show about the density of mitochondria in the cells of the brain, and by nurturing your energy at the cellular level, you may just find greater emotional resilience and a more positive mindset. Now there are a lot of other things for in regards to integrative health that can impact mental health.

Speaker 1:

I did do a podcast episode on it. Let me see if I can find that. I know I'm getting sidetracked again here, but I want to see if I can find this for you Um, mental health, mental health. Where are you? Uh, mental health, it's not all in your head. Episode number nine of the breaking boundaries podcast. I don't believe that's what the title was, but, uh, that's what my notes say. Um, so, anyways, mood disorders definitely ties into mitochondrial dysfunction.

Speaker 1:

And number seven here endocrine abnormalities, diabetes, hypothyroidism. These endocrine, these abnormalities of the endocrine system, can disrupt your hormonal balance, impacting your energy levels. It all ties together and as well as your overall well being. So mitochondrial health is intricately connected to the endocrine system and the hormonal system. You know the endocrine system can produce, produce the hormones, uh, and that all ties together and by addressing this connection you may just discover a renewed sense of vitality and balance. Now, you know how do you detect that? How do you know where to look? Well, you could simply do um a hormonal balance lab tests right at home. That's with a saliva sample, very, very simple to do and that can tell you your levels of estrogen, progesterone, the ratio between the two uh, levels of DHEA, levels of um, testosterone, levels of cortisol, and this all ties together. So hormone balance has a huge role in that, especially when it comes to the thyroid.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, the thyroid panel that your conventional doctor may do is usually not a panel. They're usually just looking at TSH and when TSH is out of range for them, then they uh say well, you're hypothyroidism and uh, you know, here's some pharmaceuticals for you. You're going to be on them for life and that doesn't have to be the case. So I don't want to get too sidetracked here. I'm going to, I'm going to stop there with the endocrine uh abnormalities so that we can keep the show under time, and I want to get into the plan here. I always like to give you a solution and you know, love energy, wellness. Our private wellness practice offers an integrative health solution to combat low mitochondrial function, and I'm going to give you, I'm going to share here with you, a few examples of how we work with clients to re-boost, uh reboot their mitochondrial function. Now it may sound too simple for you with this first step, but this I, this is a baseline that I address with every single private wellness practice client that I see.

Speaker 1:

Anybody that you know comes to me for advice family, friends, coworkers, whatever the case may be drinking water, staying hydrated. How much water are you drinking on a daily basis? And it may sound too simple, but this is the foundation. Think of it your body, just like the earth, just like mother earth, there's 70% water. Your body is about 70% water. Your blood is about 90% water, uh water plays a huge role in your overall health. So drinking enough water supports things like detoxification and cellular function and reducing oxidative stress. So what's your baseline? Your baseline should be half of your body weight, 50% of your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh, you know, just for general, let's say you weigh um 150 pounds, let's say 200 pounds. Let's say 200 pounds, you should your baseline of hydration during a day should be half of that, which is 100 ounces, you know. So if you are 150 pounds, then you should be consuming you should be consuming um 75 ounces of water If you're 100 pounds. Minimum of 50 ounces of water per day, and the majority of that at the beginning of the day, the first three quarters of the day at nighttime. If you've been properly hydrated, then you can start winding down, so that doesn't affect your sleep later on, um, but you want to be able to support the detoxification, cellular function, oxidative stress, things like that staying hydrated.

Speaker 1:

Number two high antioxidant diet. Where do antioxidants come from and why is this important? Well, they help to fight free radicals and they come from, of course, foods rich in vitamins and minerals, but in particular, vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits, or vitamin E rich foods such as leafy greens, and also foods rich in something that's called beta carotene, as in root vegetables with an orange color. So if you think of beta carotene, you think of carrots, you think of the color of carrots, anything that follows suit with that, that maybe grows from the ground, like sweet potatoes or, like I said, the carrots, or summer uh, not summer squash, but, um, butternut squash and things of that color scheme. Right, that orange is going to be high in beta carotene. And what this does is it helps to neutralize reactive oxygen species, known as ROS, and I'm not going to get into what is a reactive oxygen species in this episode, but I will do another episode on reactive oxygen species and why that is important.

Speaker 1:

So next, optimizing sleep improving mitochondrial function through optimizing deep and REM sleep. That's rapid eye movement. Sleep quality it's not just about the quantity, my friend, it is about the quality of sleep and you should be getting, you should be getting 90 minutes of deep sleep and two hours of REM sleep for optimizing your sleep. And how do you know? Well, tracking your sleep with a. You know if you're watching. I got my Apple watch on or you can. An order ring is maybe a little bit better to track your sleep with. There's so many sleep trackers that you can use.

Speaker 1:

But a few tips to be able to optimize your sleep. And again, this might sound too simple to be true, but stop eating three hours before bed. If you go to bed by nine, then stop eating at six. If you go to bed at 10, don't eat anything after 7pm. I know that might be difficult. Where you're an entrepreneur. You get home late, you know you feed the kids and then you're eating at eight, nine o'clock and then you're trying to go to bed an hour later. Worst thing you can do for your heart rate variability and for your deep and REM sleep quality is eating dinner and not giving yourself that time to digest that food that you just consumed.

Speaker 1:

Also, another tip is avoid screen time. Avoid screen time two hours before sleeping. I know a lot of people are on the screen all day. If you're a digital CEO or an online entrepreneur and then you go home, you take care of the family and then you might sit and rest on the couch and watch a little bit of TV maybe you know Netflix or you're on your screen, your laptop, your phone, you're back to work or something on your laptop for a little bit on the couch before bed. If you're using screen time, it's not just about the blue light, it's about the visual stimulation in the brain and it offsets the melatonin as well, so that stimulation elevates cortisol, especially if your screen time is television and you're watching the news after dinner. Forget about it. That just puts you into fear mode and scarcity mode and all kinds of fear mongering elevates cortisol levels, and that's not what you want before bed.

Speaker 1:

And then, another tip that I'll give you before we move on to the next topic is try three minutes of resonance breathing, resonance breathing just before you go to sleep to improve heart rate variability. And all this is a long exhale, I'm sorry, a long inhale with an even longer exhale. So this is known as 7-Eleven Breathing patterns, which you can breathe in for seven seconds and out for 11, if that's too much for you, if you don't have the lung capacity to breathe in for seven seconds, you can do four or five, you can do four, six, however you want to do it, but resonance breathing is exhaling longer than the inhale, and just do that for three minutes and what that's gonna do is help to improve your heart rate variability, which is gonna help to improve your REM sleep and your deep sleep. If you're tracking your sleep with a fitness tracker or a wearable device such as the Apple Watch or the Oro Ring. You will see an improvement over the course of five days. You may even see it on the first night that you try this resonance breathing, but you will see an improvement and the more you do this, the more you're gonna optimize your sleep.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next, toxin removal. It goes without saying I've done so many episodes on toxin removal. You can go back and listen to those at lovinagewellnesscom click on the podcast button or, of course, you're listening here on your favorite player. But avoid toxins. Consider our functional medicine detox protocol. I'm doing one right now. I practice what I preach. I do this functional medicine detox protocol every 90 days. Sometimes I'll squeeze in a seven day in between that 90 day period. You know, maybe if I came down with a virus, maybe if I had to take some medication, maybe if I just not feeling well. So consider doing a functional medicine detox protocol. I'm here to support you.

Speaker 1:

Now limit toxic exposure as well. So this could be industrial exposure. This could be getting rid of trading up, you know, swapping one for one your skincare products, your hair products, your whatever it is your toothpaste. Getting rid of those toxins. Yes, there is toxins in regular consumer based toothpaste. I highly recommend fluoride free because the fluoride is a neurotoxin and I've done an episode on that as well.

Speaker 1:

More toxins processed foods. More toxins. Alcohol. More toxins smoking, smoking of anything, whether it's tobacco, cigars, vaping, smoking, cannabis, whatever the case may be and I'm not against cannabis, I'm really not. I'm an advocate of plant medicine. However, I am not an advocate of smoking anything, putting any smoke inhalation into your lungs, because that creates oxidative stress. So does the processed foods. So does the toxin exposure. So does the fluoride. So does you know everything? The glyphosate in your food. So, toxin removal.

Speaker 1:

Moving on Number five mind body practices. Engage in things like yoga. I just did yoga this morning because I'm on my detox. I did not go to the gym and do my regular strength training because I'm giving myself the gift of winding down during this detox, so I did yoga this morning. On a regular basis, I do Tai Chi, I do Qi Gong. I highly recommend those for their proven benefits on physiological function, including mitochondrial health.

Speaker 1:

Moving on number six caloric restriction and intermittent fasting. This goes to the seven day functional medicine detox, or 14 days or 21 days. Whatever you choose to do. I am doing the seven day. This involves a little bit of intermittent fasting. So let's talk about caloric restriction and IF Enhance mitochondrial function while supporting redox balance. Redox is reduction of oxygenation of your cells, so the reactive oxygen species that I talked about, the ROS redox is reduction of that. So supporting redox balance will help with mitochondrial function.

Speaker 1:

Keeping a 10% caloric deficit. That's it not a lot, just a 10% caloric deficit. There is so much research on that. You can also look at the blue zones, because that's what they did, those areas around the world that had the communities that had centenarians, people that lived over a hundred years old. They basically practiced about nine different commonalities between them. You can learn about those in the blue zones, but one of those was a caloric deficit of about 10% in their diet and then also implementing a daily 12 to 14 hour overnight fast. So that's part of my program in the seven day functional medicine detox. On days three through seven is we move into a little bit longer, fast than that, but implementing a daily 12 to 14 hour overnight fast. How difficult is that? If you stop eating at 6 pm, then don't start eating till 6 or 8 am for your 12 to 14 hour fast. You know, if you eat dinner a little bit later say it's 7 pm, well then you'd move that to 7 am to 8, 9 am, somewhere in that, and then you could begin with your. I highly recommend liquid before lunch and that is in the form of a smoothie. But that can improve mitochondrial function is intermittent fasting and caloric restriction. So next, I got two more to go here Heat therapy and you may be wondering why not cold therapy?

Speaker 1:

Because heat therapy outperforms cold therapy, hands down, cold therapy is great for about 30% of the people out there, but heat therapy is great for a 100% of the people out there in some form or fashion. So, from a simple hot bath to an advanced infrared sauna, I highly recommend the Therasage 360 Plus infrared sauna with red light therapy. I have one. I've had it for over a year. I use it four to five times a week. It's absolutely amazing. And just a simple bath or the infrared sauna or a regular heat sauna have been shown by research to induce something that's called heat shock proteins. And these heat shock proteins they protect cells, including mitochondria, from stress related damage. So that's all I'm gonna say on that.

Speaker 1:

Moving on to our last one here, number eight, hormone balancing, ensure balanced hormone levels, especially the thyroid hormone, and to support metabolic rate and energy production. Unlike conventional blood work, our advanced at home functional medicine lab tests can pinpoint hormone imbalances, as I mentioned earlier, with a simple saliva sample taken at home, mailed to the lab. Integrative health practitioner level two, like myself, gets the results and then creates a wellness plan specific, bio, individualized for that person to be able to help them to rebalance their hormones. Because how do you know what you need Does? Do we need to bring estrogen down? Are we estrogen dominant? Even in males estrogen dominant, or in females we testosterone high? Do we have high levels of testosterone leading to the symptoms of that? So how do you know unless you test, especially, especially with the hormones? Don't guess, my friends, don't guess. Test and I will link up the at home health tests in today's show notes if you're interested. And these are just a few examples of the high performance health protocols that Love Energy Wellness offers to help you to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health and as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

Your energy is your most valuable asset and we're here to help you to reclaim it. So if you're ready to reclaim your energy and transform your life. Schedule your complimentary consultation over at Love Energy Wellness completely free. I'm not trying to sell you anything. I just wanna explain what ties your number one health issue to how we can help and to the symptoms that you're having on a day to day basis. So it's just a free education.

Speaker 1:

Hop on a call with me anytime over at Love Energy Wellness. You can schedule your complimentary consultation there. It's completely free. And what's that doing? That's taking the first step towards a revitalized you. So until next time, my friends, embrace a life with boundless energy, creativity and success. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. Stay tuned for our next episode, where you'll discover more on energy high performance and the science behind biological age reversal. I'm grateful for you being here today. Please share, leave a review so we can help more people and we'll see you next time to help you with breaking boundaries. Bye, bye, upbeat music playing.

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