Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

66: Love in the Fast Lane: Is Low Libido Impacting Your Business?

February 04, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 66

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Welcome to the crossroads of high stakes and high stress where we tackle the silent but pivotal role of libido in entrepreneurial success. I'm Jeffrey Mort, and through my expertise as an Integrative Health Practitioner and High-Performance Health Coach, I peel back the layers of how chronic stress can disrupt our hormonal harmony, particularly zeroing in on cortisol's grip on our reproductive system. The conversation doesn't stop at the problem; we chart a course towards solutions, discussing the integration of functional medicine lab tests that can be done right from your home. By identifying and addressing deficiencies and toxicities, we set the stage for a revival of both intimate health and overall vitality, which may just be the missing link to elevating your professional game.

As the episode winds down, we don't just say goodbye; we impart a final nugget of wisdom on the criticality of setting personal and professional boundaries. This is an essential strategy for all you trailblazing entrepreneurs out there, and it's your secret weapon to navigate the relentless demands of your ventures. Remember, your journey to success is about more than the bottom line—it's about thriving in every aspect of your life. Subscribe, leave a review, and join our community of innovators who are redefining the edge of possibility. Your well-being isn't just part of the equation—it's the foundation upon which empires are built. 
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, the podcast that explores unconventional topics crucial to your success. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, certified Integrative Health Practitioner and High Performance Health Coach, and today we are diving into a topic really discussed in entrepreneurial circles the connection between libido, stress and success. In this episode, we will explore how an integrative approach to health can not only enhance your intimacy, but also propel your entrepreneurial journey to new heights. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. Welcome to another energizing episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs. This is episode number 66, and, of course, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all those show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button.

Speaker 1:

A shout out today to our newest listeners in Miami Beach, florida Boy. Does that sound nice right now being nestled up here in central New England? Also, grants Pass, oregon, and Dallas, texas, boy. Do I love that Texas music, the likes of Guy Clark and Ray Wiley Hubbard and, of course, david Allen Co. And if you're not aware of our blog posts that we have that match each and every episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. So if you know somebody that maybe doesn't listen to podcasts but they do enjoy reading, we can link you up with the blog post in the show notes so you can share that with your friends, your family, your coworkers, your loved ones. So today we are in the beginning of February. If you're listening to this in real time, of course you could be listening to this in the future as well, but February is known as the month of love and today you're going to discover how to get your mojo back Now.

Speaker 1:

Entrepreneurs they may have this boundary where stress is up and intimacy is down, which can actually cause more stress, and you can see how you listen as you listen to this episode. You'll make the connection in that cycle between stress and libido, and I need to give you my standard disclaimer here that the podcast doesn't provide any medical advice or claim to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. But what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem, and usually how I know is from personal experience, and back in 2014, I was under a immense amount of stress. My body was systemically inflamed. I've actually had people comment that they went to my social media and they scrolled back and they saw photos of me years ago and I think I might have cleaned up my social media and taken some of those photos down. But they commented that I look like a completely different person Because back then I was overweight, I was puffy, I was inflamed, I had anxiety, I had depression and I had intermittent mojo, aka libido. But I got it back, and I got it back 10 fold and I'll explain how this integrative approach can work for both men and women struggling with low libido.

Speaker 1:

As you already know, the journey of entrepreneurship is undeniably thrilling, filled with highs and lows and challenges and triumphs. But amidst the hustle and well-being of entrepreneurs, that well-being often takes a backseat. And today we're breaking the silence and delving into the impact of low libido on mental, physical and entrepreneurial health. Our bodies are intricate ecosystems where various systems interact and influence one another. Low libido, often dismissed as a personal issue, can be a sign of a deeper imbalance within the body, and one key player in this scenario is cortisol, the hormone released during the famous fight or flight response. And you've heard me talk about cortisol, the stress hormone, many, many times Now.

Speaker 1:

From an evolutionary perspective, the fight or flight response served our ancestors well, but in today's fast-paced world, chronic stressors can trigger it more frequently than necessary. You see, the brain doesn't perceive the threat of a saber-toothed tiger any different than having an argument with a co-worker or a boss or a loved one. And this perpetual state of high cortisol wreaks havoc on our systems, disrupting the delicate balance of reproductive hormones. Chronic stress can lead to imbalances in estrogen and progesterone, or testosterone, both in men and women, impacting fertility and overall reproductive health. And for women entrepreneurs specifically juggling the demands of business, this can become a vicious cycle, as the stress of work further exacerbates the lack of desire for intimacy.

Speaker 1:

Now you may be wondering how can we break free from this cycle and restore balance? And that's what it's all about when it comes to integrative health and functional medicine is the restoration of balance in the body Equilibrium, so to speak. The answer lies in the integrative health approach, a holistic strategy that considers the interconnectedness of that mind and body and spirit. So to address low libido and the associated stress, it's very crucial to identify things like deficiencies and toxicities in the body. You hear me talk about this over and over. Those are really the only two reasons why we become unbalanced and we become unwell and we become chronically ill is from those deficiencies of things like minerals and vitamins and toxicities. That can be a whole array of things in the body. Now how do we figure out where we are out of balance and deficient and toxic? We utilize these advanced at home functional medicine lab tests, which can provide insights into those nutrient imbalances, into the hormonal fluctuations, as well as the very specific toxin exposure. Now, when you're armed with this information from these lab tests, that can be done again right at home in the privacy of your own home. None of the information is shared with your insurance company or your medical doctor or your provider of your insurance. This is not insurance driven medicine here. This is functional medicine and integrative health and the information from these lab tests, integrative health practitioners like myself can develop a personalized, a bio individualized, natural health protocol, including things like dietary adjustments yes, it does include diet and supplementation as well, but these small, subtle lifestyle changes aimed at rebalancing the specific deficiencies and eliminating those toxicities.

Speaker 1:

Navigating the intricacies of integrative health, it can be absolutely overwhelming, especially for busy entrepreneurs. But that's where integrative health coaches come into play. Whether it's myself or the other 4,999 integrative health coaches that you can find at integrativehealthpractitionerorg there's a directory there. You can find one that resonates with you if it's not myself, although I'd be happy to help you out and these professionals, these professional IHPs, both level one and level two now they have to be level two certified to be able to run these at home functional lab tests for you. But these professionals, we all specialize in guiding individuals through the process of implementing health protocols, providing support and ensuring adherence for optimal results. It's all about that support, that accountability. And if that sounds intriguing to you, what I'll do is I will link up in the show notes how you can also become an integrative health practitioner yourself, so you can, as the model goes in IHP, you can heal yourself and then go on to heal others. I'll link that up in the show notes for you in this episode. You can always find that link in my social media bio as well. Click on the link tree. You can scroll down. It says become a health coach and you can hop on a call with one of their admission counselors and have one of those. No pressure, no obligation calls to learn what the integrative health practitioner institute and community is all about.

Speaker 1:

So I digress the stress back to today's episode on stress and on libido specifically, the stress of entrepreneurship. It can be all consuming, but it doesn't have to lead to burnout or failure or chronic health issues or any of those by addressing the root cause of low libido I should say causes, because it could be many, many different causes. And that's where this lab testing comes into play. It takes the guesswork out of what to address first and if there is a second and third, of course, but the root cause of low libido. Through Integrative Health, both women and men entrepreneurs can actually reclaim their vitality, reclaim their creativity, reclaim their passion for both business and personal life, including intimacy. Now, integrative Health not only restores libido, but it also contributes to entrepreneurial success. And here's how we're gonna go through a few items here Enhanced mental clarity. Integrative Health protocols not only address physical health, but also contribute to mental clarity. By rebalancing neurotransmitters and reducing cortisol levels, entrepreneurs can experience improved focus and cognitive function, essential for making strategic business decisions.

Speaker 1:

Next, sustainable energy levels. I'm all about sustainable results and, at my private wellness practice, love Energy Wellness. We are all about energy levels optimizing for that. Chronic stress often depletes energy reserves, leaving entrepreneurs feeling fatigued and drained. Can you resonate with that? Because I sure could at one point in my life. Integrative Health focuses on restoring energy levels through, of course, proper nutrition supplementation, stress management techniques, exercise regiments you know what else? Optimizing your sleep and ensuring sustained vitality throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

Speaker 1:

Now here's one of the wonderful things that a regular let's say, healthy habits can create is resilience to stressors. So this is our third point here. Integrative Health equips individuals with these tools to be able to cope with stress more effectively. This is the emotional balance, part of the de-stress protocol that we're taught as level one. Integrative health practitioners right that de-stress is an acronym for diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplements and success mindset. So, by adopting mindfulness practices and it doesn't mean that you have to meditate all day or do yoga or sit in. You know the typical lotus position. That's not what we're talking about here, but adopting mindful practices, stress reducing techniques and personalized health routines that your integrative health practitioner can teach you on how to implement what's right for you and what you are comfortable with into your daily practice.

Speaker 1:

Entrepreneurs like yourself can build resilience and navigate challenges with greater ease, and who doesn't want more ease in their life? Who doesn't want more peace in their life? Who doesn't want more tranquility? So, point number four improved emotional well-being. I know we touched upon that a little bit, but entrepreneurship I have to reiterate that it's such a roller coaster of emotions and maintaining emotional well-being it's crucial for long-term success. So integrative health specifically addresses the connection between physical health and emotional health, and you've heard me talk about this before on the episodes that are focused on hypnosis, where our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings create our beliefs, and that trifecta there of thoughts, feelings and beliefs is what is the foundation for our habits, and you don't get what you want in life, you get your habits. So promoting balance and resilient mindset is essential for entrepreneurial endeavors.

Speaker 1:

Now, last one here enhanced creativity and innovation. A healthy body and mind foster creativity and innovation and that desire that we are pointing to, for bringing that libido back into our lives. Integrative health encourages a holistic approach to well-being, unlocking the creative potential within entrepreneurs by addressing things that go through diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal all of those reducing stress both women and men can tap into their creative reservoirs because they get their energy back. They get their their chi energy back and it builds up that reservoir to be able to drive innovation in their business. So, as you've already learned here today, the transformative power of integrative health is immense.

Speaker 1:

And now I have a very special call to action for you Embarking on a journey towards integrative health. It doesn't have to be a solitary endeavor. So Love Energy Wellness, my private wellness practice. It's 100% virtual. We offer a helping hand through personalized health consultations and the experience that we have with working with people. We're always ready to guide you towards a healthier, more vibrant life, enhancing both your personal and entrepreneurial success. And how do you know if it's right for you? Well, this is why I offer you to take the first step towards revitalizing your mind, in your body and your business with integrative health by hopping on a completely complementary health consultation with me over at LoveEnergyWellnesscom, and this is where you'll discover the transformative power of integrative health to be able to unlock your and I really don't like to use the word full potential, but unlock your inner being, unlock your true self as a thriving entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

So, to wrap things up here, the pursuit of entrepreneurial success. It must not overlook the importance of well-being on a holistic level, and low libido can serve as that powerful indicator of underlying imbalances, especially chronic stress and cortisol dysregulation or hormonal imbalance in general. And integrative health emerges as, let's just call it, your homing signal, your beacon of hope, offering personalized solutions to be able to rebalance those deficiencies, remove those toxicities, restore that libido and promote overall health, especially in the month of love here. Show yourself a little self-love this month, would you? I would really appreciate that, and you know you can do that through cutting yourself some slack, by choosing happiness, by scheduling some self-care, scheduling fun. Put that in your schedule and taking care of yourself and finding what those underlying root causes are, so that you can pave the way for sustainable success in both business and in life.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you joining us here today on Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a good review, if you could please. That would help us to reach more people and until next time keep on breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye everybody.

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