Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

89: Beyond Sleep: Harnessing Melatonin for Superior Health and Longevity

June 12, 2024 Jeffrey Mort

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Have you ever felt like the demands of entrepreneurship are draining your vitality and productivity? Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as I share my personal journey of overcoming rapid aging, low energy, and chronic ailments through the power of integrative health practices. In this episode, we explore the transformative benefits of micronized liquid melatonin, a game-changing supplement that has significantly boosted my health and business performance. From enhancing sleep and boosting immune function to reducing chronic pain and offering neuroprotective effects, discover how this potent antioxidant can revolutionize your well-being and entrepreneurial success.

Unlock the secrets to optimizing your health for greater business success. We delve into the multifaceted benefits of micronized liquid melatonin, including its potential anti-cancer properties and its role in mood support. Learn practical tips for sourcing high-quality melatonin products and discover the advantages of booking a complimentary health consultation through Love Energy Wellness. By investing in your health, you’re making a strategic business decision that can lead to higher productivity and fulfillment. Tune in for actionable strategies and personalized advice tailored to support your well-being and entrepreneurial goals. Stay healthy, stay productive, and keep breaking boundaries with integrative health!

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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Speaker 1:

Hello wellness seekers and welcome to Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. I'm your host and personal integrative health coach, jeffrey Mort, and today we're diving into a fascinating topic that could be a game-changer for entrepreneurs Integrative health and the incredible benefits of micronized liquid melatonin. Now, if you're an entrepreneur, you know the grind never stops. The constant hustle, the stress and the long hours can take a toll on your health if you let it, impacting not just your well-being but also your business performance. But what if I told you there's a way to boost your health, improve your productivity and avoid the pitfalls that lead to failure? That's exactly what we're exploring today. Stay tuned. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business. Yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me here today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. This is episode number 89. And, of course, you want to stay to the end, where we bring it all together for you on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for those show notes and links, visit jeffreymortcom and click on the podcast button. Shout out to our newest listeners from Austin, texas, from Fairfax, virginia, and from Boston, massachusetts. Hey, how about that? From Austin to Boston? I appreciate each and every one of you listening and I invite you to use the new feature in the show notes. You can send me a direct message right from the show notes wherever. Listen to your uh this, your favorite uh episode of the breaking boundaries podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Go to the show notes and you can click on that send us a message feature. I'd love to hear what your biggest takeaway was to from today's episode, what your favorite episode was, uh, and any questions that you might have about integrative health, and maybe we we will create an episode specific to your question, and you can find more details on today's topic in our latest blog post over at loveenergywellnesscom. Forward slash learn. That's our learning center there.

Speaker 1:

And before we get started, I want to just give you my disclaimer that I'm not providing any medical advice in today's program or any program for that matter, and I don't claim to treat, diagnose or cure disease, and I have to say that, unfortunately, to keep myself from getting shadow banned or banned or pulled off of YouTube or you know any of the social media platforms, and it's kind of unfortunate, but there it is. So you know, what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem, and you know how I know about this one here is because I was struggling back years ago before I became an integrative health practitioner. That's really what led me here is my, my downward spiral of my health. I was dealing with rapid aging. I was dealing with low energy, low libido, low mood. The ailments were just stacking one on top of the other arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue, sarcopenia, which is muscle loss, you know all kinds of things just kept getting worse and worse, but but not anymore. And when that was happening, my medical doctor, my primary care physician she's retired now and you know I loved her, she was amazing, but she didn't know what she didn't know and she would tell me that it was just a normal part of aging. And I have to disagree because although it's common, it doesn't mean it's normal. It's very, very common, all those things that I mentioned, but not normal. And now that I have a scheduled routine for my health and maintenance and doing all the things that I'm supposed to be doing through the de-stress protocol, I have more vitality and energy and libido and all kinds of vitality that I never had before, even 10 or 15 years ago. So amazing. So let's dive in here.

Speaker 1:

What is micronized liquid melatonin, you might be wondering, and how can it help me succeed? Well, let's break it down. Micronized liquid melatonin is a form of melatonin that has been finely processed into very small particles and dissolved into liquid to enhance absorption and effectiveness in the body. So that's the key here is it's liquid, so it can be taken sublingual, it can be easily absorbed. It doesn't have to go through, you know, the digestive system to be processed and it's micronized, so it's very, very small and easily absorbed into the cells of the body. And it offers very extensive and various health benefits beyond sleep support. Most people, you know, they hear melatonin and they instantly think well, you know that has to do with sleep. But it's so much more than that, and you're about to discover ten of those benefits.

Speaker 1:

So first let's talk about its antioxidant properties. Melatonin, it's not just a sleep aid. It's a powerful antioxidant properties. Melatonin, it's not just a sleep aid. It's a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from something that is very damaging, something called oxidative stress, which can cause inflammation. Now, for entrepreneurs, this means less cellular damage from chronic stress and environmental factors. Antioxidants they'll neutralize those harmful molecules that you've probably heard of before. They're called free radicals, which can cause cellular damage in the body and accelerate aging, and that's exactly what I was experiencing about 10 or 15 years ago. So by incorporating micronized liquid melatonin, you can enhance your body's defense system, promoting longevity and vitality. That's right. Most people just think of melatonin as a sleep aid. I see it as a tool for longevity. It is in my daily supplement stack. After I went through the high performance health coaching program with dr Stephen Cabral, my mentor, he really opened my eyes to how melatonin can be used for longevity.

Speaker 1:

Now let's discuss the immune system. Support Very, very important, and you know, for the last four years, people have been doing everything they can to improve their immune system if you know what I mean and things I can't say on the podcast without getting banned. So a robust immune system it's crucial, especially under the constant pressure of entrepreneurship. So melatonin what it can do is it can enhance immune function and reduce inflammation, as I led to when we were talking about the antioxidant properties. So this is beneficial for conditions like autoimmune disorders, like no medical doctor is going to associate a melatonin supplement for autoimmune disorders I mean, they're just not teaching this in medical school. So a strong immune system means fewer sick days, more energy and greater ability to stay focused and productive. You know, if you're a solo entrepreneur like myself, you know if you take a sick day there's nobody carrying the load and getting the things done and being productive if it's not you. So most entrepreneurs want to avoid sick days and I don't want to say they can't afford that. I don't even like that term, but that's a conversation for another day.

Speaker 1:

So next, pain relief. It's another significant benefit. So chronic pain, which I used to suffer with day in and day out, can be a huge distraction, made me absolutely miserable, probably one of the cofactors of my low mood back then, and it's a huge distraction and it can hinder your productivity. So melatonin's analgesic properties offer potential relief for chronic pain management. Now most people go for the Tylenol or the ibuprofen or whatever the case may be, for the chronic pain, and really don't consider melatonin. So by reducing pain, you can maintain your focus on business activities without the constant distraction of discomfort.

Speaker 1:

Now next, cardiovascular health. Now you know I just keep saying it over and over again Stress is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and melatonin can help lower blood pressure, it can help reduce cardiovascular risk factors and again, not giving any medical advice here and it can also improve overall cardiovascular health. So maintaining a healthy heart is essential. Well, of course, for those heart-centered entrepreneurs, but it's also essential for enduring the high demands of entrepreneurial life. Now here's one that's really going to surprise you Neuroprotection. It's a critical aspect and entrepreneurs need sharp focus and cognitive functions and brain health, and melatonin can help with that because it has neuroprotective effects, potentially helping to prevent or slow neurodegenerative diseases, things like Alzheimer's and dementia and Parkinson's. So this means a sustained ability to think clearly, make strategic decisions and be innovative in your business.

Speaker 1:

Now melatonin also has potential anti-cancer properties. That's right, I said the C word there. It is cancer and it has anti potential, anti cancer properties. So emerging research research has demonstrated and suggests that melatonin may have anti-tumor effects and can enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment. So I'm not saying it's a replacement, I'm saying it. It's shown by research that it can enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment. So it's still an area of ongoing study, but the potential cancer-fighting properties of melatonin add another layer of health protection for entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

Next, digestive health. This can't be overlooked. This is something that so many people are struggling with. Stress can wreak havoc on your digestive system and that can lead to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, which melatonin can help to regulate. Gut motility. It can help, like we said, reduce inflammation so that goes for the gut as well and improve ibs symptoms. So a healthy digestive system is crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall well-being. And let's not forget mood support. So so important mental health. It's paramount for entrepreneurs who face a high level of stress and pressure and you know, honestly, a lot of times we're putting that pressure on ourselves and creating that stress. So having systems and processes in place in our business is helpful for that as well. But melatonin back to our subject may have anti-eliptic and anti-depressant effects, potentially benefiting mood disorders, especially things like anxiety and depression. So improved mood and mental health translate to what? Better decision making and resilience in your business, like you know if you're working with clients or working with employees in your business. You just you get better results when you're in a better mood, and that's all.

Speaker 1:

There is to it surprising benefit the oxidative stress from long working hours and environmental factors. You know toxins built up in the body can accelerate skin aging and, again, it's common, but it doesn't mean that it's normal. So melatonin's anti-aging effects on the skin can reduce oxidative stress, as we mentioned, that keeps coming back up, and inflammation that keeps coming back up too. So it's not just, you know, up back up too. So it's not just, um, you know, in your organs, it's not just in your digestive system, it's also in your skin as well. So promoting a healthy, youthful appearance is some another benefit that we can get from melatonin. So it not only boosts self-confidence, but it also represents a healthy lifestyle to clients and partners and your family and everybody in your life as well. And lastly, this one's going to surprise you as well eye health, prolonged screen time it's a common aspect of entrepreneurial life and increasing, well, okay, and so is the free radicals, the oxidative stress.

Speaker 1:

And when you think about the eyes, they're very small. The muscles around the eyes are very small, the blood vessels around the eyes. They're microscopic, they're tiny, so they can become inflamed so much easier than the other cells and vessels of the body. So, as a powerful antioxidant, this is how melatonin can help support and protect against age-related macular degeneration and other eye disorders. So what this does is it preserves eye health and ensures that you can continue your work without visual impairments. Imagine losing your eyesight gradually. There's so many limitations to that. So taking care of your eyes On a regular basis, melatonin can definitely help with that.

Speaker 1:

So how do you apply all of this information, you might be wondering, to be able to, as I always say, avoid failure and lead you to success? So if you're integrating micronized liquid melatonin into your health regimen, like I did, I recommend using between and this is not medical advice but in between 2.5 to 5 milliliters for the average 150-pound adult, and you can address several potential pitfalls that might lead to failure in your life. And I just want to say that melatonin is perfectly safe for children too, in the right dosages. And, of course, you would want to work with a certified integrative health practitioner, level one or level two, to be able to make accurate recommendations for your family health or your personal health. So some of these ways to avoid potential pitfalls is the enhanced cognitive function, like we talked about. So improved sleep yes, back to sleep. Melatonin is going to help us to get restorative sleep, but improved sleep and neuroprotection support will lead to better decision making and innovative thinking.

Speaker 1:

Next is increased resilience, enhanced mood support and pain relief. Those build emotional and physical resilience against stress and yes, you guessed it burnout. Optimizing your health so that strong immune system, the cardiovascular health, the reduced oxidative stress that is all going to keep you in a peak physical condition. You know, I'm all about energy and performance, and that's what we're talking about here and that keeps you ready to tackle those challenges of business. And then, of course, improved productivity. It's not just about busy work, it's about being productive. So better overall health and reduce chronic pain translate into higher productivity and efficiency in your business endeavors. And next, sustained energy levels Again, all about the energy. Here. Digestive health and immune support ensure sustained energy levels and that's going to allow you to maintain a high level of performance. So by focusing on all of these areas, not only avoid common health related pitfalls, as we talked about, but you also create a solid foundation for longevity and long-term success.

Speaker 1:

So if you're intrigued by the potential of micronized liquid melatonin and want to explore how integrative health can transform your entrepreneurial journey, I invite you.

Speaker 1:

You know I can't link up the melatonin or products because I mentioned diseases in the podcast episode here, but I can tell you where to find it. If you visit jeffreymortcom forward slash shop, go there. That's going to bring you over to our partners page, equal Life. Just type in melatonin in the search bar and then I invite you to visit lovingyouwell wellnesscom and book your complimentary health consultation where you can meet with me, your personal health coach, your integrative health expert, and I can guide you through a personalized strategy that will optimize your health and support your business ambitions. So remember my friends, investing in your well-being is the smartest business decision you can make, and your health is your greatest asset and taking proactive steps to maintain it will lead to unprecedented levels of success and fulfillment. Thank you for joining me here today on the breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs podcast. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies to help you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey and until next next time, stay healthy, stay productive and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

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