Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

97: Try This Weekly to Boost Cellular Rejuvenation and Metabolic Health!

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 97

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Unlock the secret to cellular rejuvenation and turbocharge your energy levels with our latest episode! Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as we uncover the incredible science behind autophagy and how a simple 24-hour fast can trigger your body's natural self-repair mechanisms. Discover how fasting from the 12-hour mark onward leads to significant biological changes, such as reduced insulin levels and ketone production, that can enhance your metabolic health, reduce inflammation, and promote a longer, healthier life. We'll guide you through the phases of autophagy and provide practical tips on integrating fasting into your routine for maximum benefits.

But that's not all – we're taking a holistic approach to optimizing your health. Learn how strategic meal planning, hydration, and incorporating nutrient-dense foods like brightly colored fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can support your fasting journey. We'll also share essential relaxation techniques like Qigong and meditation to aid your body's recovery process. Plus, get our expert advice on breaking a fast gently and effectively. Finally, we'll wrap up with a heartfelt thank you to our listeners and encourage you to spread the word about the transformative power of a 24-hour energy reset. Stay vibrant, stay healthy, and let's continue breaking boundaries together!

Test your Food Sensitivities
4 Ways to Fast Episode 78

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Speaker 1:

Imagine there was a pill that makes your body clean out damaged cells and regenerate new, healthier ones. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? But what if I told you this is not science fiction. It is the science of autophagy, a natural process that you can activate through fasting. And if there were a pill that accomplished this, it would be an overnight sensation, but proving once again that nature prevails over chemistry. Today we'll explore the science behind autophagy, the biological processes at play and how you can integrate this longevity practice into your weekly routine. So grab a seat, grab your notebook and let's break another boundary.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Ah, yes, always grateful for you joining me here. Hello, beautiful boundary boundary breakers, and welcome back to another episode of breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs. I'm your host and personal certified high-performance health coach, jeffrey Mort, also the founder of love, energy, wellness. Today, on episode 97, you're going to discover how to reset your health and boost your energy, as we're diving deep into the incredible benefits of a 24-hour fast, specifically from 6 pm one day to 6 pm the next day, and the benefit of this is most of the time you are sleeping during that time. And if you go back to episode number 78, I'll link that up in the show notes, but episode 78 of Breaking Boundaries podcast was titled Four Ways of Fasting, and today we're going to be honing in on one of those four ways, and that is the 24-hour fast.

Speaker 1:

Now, fasting is nothing new. It's been practiced for centuries. But in recent years, it's been a topic of discussion, and there are people that are advocates of it, people that are against it. But in recent years, science has also begun to uncover the profound health benefits it offers. As a matter of fact, in 2016, autophagy won a Nobel Prize for health sciences, and so that was absolutely a breakthrough and really brought attention to the power of fasting.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the most fascinating processes that occurs during fasting. It's called autophagy, which is I guess it's kind of short for autophagocytosis, which means self eating right. Auto meaning self, and phagy or phagocytosis meaning eating. So it's basically the body is cleaning up it's, it's, it's devouring what is not needed. So autophagy, let's get into it. Autophagy is a natural process where your body cleans out those damaged cells and regenerates new ones. So think of it as a natural detoxification process at the cellular level.

Speaker 1:

When you fast, your body shifts its energy from digesting food to repairing itself. So you know, digestion, as you've probably heard me say before, takes up to 30% of your energy. Well, when digestion gets shut down, it shifts that extra. Well, that 30% of energy it's not extra, but that 30% of energy to repairing itself. The body knows how to do this 30% of energy to repairing itself. The body knows how to do this and you know pet owners, if you've ever had a pet that just refused to eat for a day or two. Like this is programmed into organisms like animals cats, dogs, people but most people don't do it because of habit. It's programmed into nature, into animals. When they know they're ill and sick and they need to heal and recover, they automatically shut down that digestion. They refuse to eat for a couple of days or a day and then their body goes into what's called autophagy. It's no different for animals. And then you know, amazingly, they become well. So we're going to talk about the particular phases of autophagy during this 24-hour fast. So this shift of autophagy and repair self-repair usually begins around the 12-hour mark, but it becomes more pronounced as you approach 24 hours and beyond.

Speaker 1:

Now, in the Four Ways of Fasting, episode 78, I talked about the benefits of a longer fast. Today we're going to stick with the 24-hour fast, but this is a great setup. I'm going to give you the process to put this into action, to set yourself up for a longer fast, if you choose to do that, and when to do that. So what happens biologically around the 24-hour mark? You might be wondering. By this time, your insulin levels have dropped significantly and your body starts to break down fat for energy. This is why people go into intermittent fasting for weight loss as well. It can have some profound effects for weight loss. Now, this process when your body is breaking down fat for energy, it produces ketones, which are not only great sources of fuel for your brain, but also have anti-inflammatory properties. So fasting can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well.

Speaker 1:

Simultaneously, autophagy kicks into high gear, removing dysfunctional components within your cells and recycling them into new healthy parts if they're not getting rid of them through a waste process as well. And you, under an electron microscope, you can actually see the cells consuming the waste products. So it reminds me of the game Pac-Man, where you know the Pac-Man is going along and it's eating up the dots on the screen. That is exactly what's happening in the body. That's what it looks like or represents when you look at it under a microscope. Now, research has shown that regular fasting can improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation and even enhance longevity. Now, when you improve metabolic health and you reduce inflammation, that's going to lead to a healthier life and that's going to add years to your life. Studies published in reputable journals like Cell Metabolism have highlighted how daily intermittent fasting and longer fasts, like the 24-hour water fast can activate autophagy and promote overall health.

Speaker 1:

Now notice, I said water fast. As you go into longer fasting, you want to make sure that you stay hydrated, because the water has compounding effects. Your body utilizes the water for energy as well, so you want to make sure that things are liquid, things are diluted inside the body and that's where the hydration comes into play, to be able to carry that waste product out through, you know, through the kidneys, through the bladder, through the liver, and you want things to be very, very fluid and diluted. Now you might be wondering how to incorporate a 24-hour water fast into your weekly routine without feeling deprived or low energy. So here's a very simple and effective plan, and I'd lay this out for you step by step, because most people are afraid to not eat. They think that they're going to die if they don't eat for 24 hours, and nothing could be further from the truth. They're actually going to become healthier and actually, the the longer you fast up to a certain point, the more benefits that you have. Now I do a longer fast every 90 days, every quarter, and I implement this 24-hour fast on a weekly basis most weeks. I don't do it every week, but I do it at least three weeks out of the month. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

Number one preparation. You want to begin your fast after a light, balanced dinner around 6 pm. So think of like a Mediterranean or even a vegetarian diet. If you don't particularly want animal protein or seafood, you can go with vegetarian amount of protein for your body type, for your fitness level, for your daily routine, to make sure you're getting the right amount of protein, as I said, and also fiber very important. But you know, think of Mediterranean diet. What does that look like? Well, it's, first of all, it's something easy to digest and nutrient-rich is what we're going for here. So if you picture your plate, you probably want 50% of that plate as brightly colored vegetables. So you know you can do carrots, you can do what else, you could do purple cabbage, you could do broccoli, you could do Brussels sprouts. You know going with some of the greens here.

Speaker 1:

If you're not looking to lose weight, you can add in a root vegetable for your starch, so you could do like a baked sweet potato. That's going to be soft, easy to digest. It's brightly colored orange, so it's going to have plenty of beta carotene in it, which has some fantastic benefits for your body as well. And then, so if you're going to have the starch, you would do. You know, 50% of your plate with the vegetables, 25% of your plate with the starch. The other 25% of your plate is going to be an easy to digest protein. So that would be like a baked pasture, raised chicken or maybe a baked wild caught salmon would be absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1:

You know, try to stay away from lean beef this time around, because it's a lot harder for your body to break down that lean beef. Now. If you have to have beef, then I suggest using maybe a digestive enzyme to help break that down. Or you could just simply do maybe an ounce of apple cider vinegar diluted in a little bit of water and sip that over your meal. And again, you know, one of the I guess, misconceptions or defaults that we do is we drink liquids with our meal, which dilutes the digestive enzymes our body naturally produces while we are chewing. Remember, digestion starts in the mouth and you know, I think of this every time I feed my dog, because when she knows, if you've followed me on social media, you know Luna, my Australian shepherd. She's 11. She's absolutely amazing and healthy, and she starts to salivate when she knows that I am getting her dinner ready. She pretty much eats what I eat, and so I understand that the digestive enzymes are being created as soon as she understands that she's going to get fed. So, in the same aspect with people, when we are preparing for a meal, our body is actually starting to generate digestive enzymes, and the chewing process of the of the jaw actually activates digestive enzymes not only in the mouth, but in the stomach as well.

Speaker 1:

So enhancing that with a supplement like a digestive enzyme or some apple cider vinegar can certainly help to break down those heavier proteins. Uh, is my point there. And so you also want to include. So I talked about the brightly colored fruits and vegetables, the starch, the healthy starch root vegetable, if you are not looking to lose weight. If you're looking to lose weight, then three quarters, 75% of your plate should be the brightly colored fruits and vegetables. You stay with the 25% of the protein animal protein or if you're going to do a plant-based protein, that would still be 25%. And then you want to add in one to two tablespoons, maybe two to three tablespoons, of a healthy fat. What is that? That is an olive oil high in polyphenols, and you could also do an avocado oil, but raw avocado is definitely a better choice than the avocado oil. And again, the olive oil. Don't cook with it because it's going to oxidize and you don't want the oxidation. So you use that after the fact, after the cooking is done, as a garnish. One to two or two to three tablespoons of a healthy fat is going to give you lots of benefit. So that's preparation and that's your meal.

Speaker 1:

Try to do it no later than 6 pm and then next step is the fasting period. For the next 24 hours, consume only water. Try not to drink too much water after the meal. Like pretty much be done drinking any liquids after the meal and you want to maintain your energy level. So for most of this period you're sleeping right. Go to bed about 9 pm. When I do this fast, I always make sure that I am getting my seven to nine hours of sleep that night, because that's going to help with recovery as well. I want my body to be resting and relaxing in a parasympathetic nervous system. So a lot of times I'll do some stretching, maybe some yoga, qigong, some meditation before bed is a great way to do that.

Speaker 1:

Now, most of this 24 hours you're going to be sleeping. So you know, 9 pm to 6 am, say. You're getting up at around 6 am. You know, give yourself the grace, go to bed early this night, and so that's going be what? Nine hours of sleep. Right there you're gonna wake up so refreshed and start your day off with a glass of filtered water or spring water and add in a little bit of sea salt, add in some lemon. That's gonna get the. That's gonna help with your digestive system. That's gonna help with opening up liver detox pathways to be able to process some of these pathogens and toxins. That autophagy that's gonna help with your digestive system. That's gonna help with opening up liver detox pathways to be able to process some of these pathogens and toxins that autophagy is gonna escort out through the liver. And so now most of your fast is already done and you're more than halfway there, and then about 8 am you're going to have, you're gonna have another 20 ounces of water and I recommend putting in uh, one scoop of something like the daily nutritional support powder. You can find this uh on my link in the bio, or I can. I cannot link this up in the show notes, but you can find it at loveenergywellnesscom slash shop. So the daily nutritional support um, if you're watching on video, looks like this comes in chocolate, comes in vanilla.

Speaker 1:

This is an all-in-one activated multivitamin, multimineral and vegan protein supplement that's going to keep you fueled with 7.5 grams of protein per scoop without breaking your fast. Now it might break your fast for just a short, short duration, but not enough to really make a difference here. I put that in my shaker bottle, as you're looking at here, and then I sip that over the course of about 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and get that in. What's that going to do? That's going to keep me hydrated. It's going to keep me satiated, meaning not feeling hungry because of the little bit of protein that's in there. It's going to give my body all of the vitamins and all of the minerals that it needs through the course of the day. Now I'm doing this every three and a half hours. I'm spacing out my shake. So this is the liquid fasting part of it.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you just want to do water, that's fine, but you're going to be missing out on those vitamins, the minerals and a little bit of protein to keep you satiated. You could also do lemon water, could do lemon tea. You could basically do any herbal teas, uh, throughout the day to stay hydrated. Uh, if you, if you're waiting on your daily nutritional support powder to come in and you want to get started with this 24-hour reset right away, um, this is a great way to do it. Now.

Speaker 1:

The next step is breaking the fast. Now you're going to have these shakes every three and a half hours. Like I said, about 20 ounces water. You can actually mix in 50-50 nut milk. If you want, you could do a little bit of almond milk, as long as you don't have a food sensitivity to almonds.

Speaker 1:

If you want to find out if you have a food sensitivity to almonds, I can link up the introductory food sensitivity test. It does test almonds and four of the other top foods that people are most sensitive to and you can always find that at loveenergywellnesscom slash shop as well and click on the lab tests. It's called the introductory food sensitivity test. It's a basic version of our full food sensitivity panel that we can run, and so every three and a half hours you're going to be doing one of these shakes. So what's that look like? That is about 8.30, say 8 am, and then 11.30 am and then again at about 3 pm. Those are your shakes and then you're going to break your fast around 5 or 6 pm that following day. So break your fast with another light dinner, like I mentioned, mediterranean or vegetarian and focus on nourishing your body with those whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals and healthy fats, like I talked about. So anything that's a brightly colored vegetable, make sure that they're. You're using the clean 15 and dirty dozen. I'll also link up that podcast for you as well in the show notes so you can check out exactly what is the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen and that is basically it. So you're going to be breaking your fast around 6 pm. You're really not going an entire day without eating because you're eating.

Speaker 1:

I do this usually on Mondays, this 24-hour energy reset, and I'm actually at the time of this recording, I'm actually doing one because I'm recording this on a Monday. So it's a fantastic way to do that. So Sunday night last night I had a fantastic dinner, woke up this morning, had my lemon water I actually used some alkalizing vitamin C in that, a little bit of sea salt as well. 8 am I hit the gym, brought my shake, did a light workout because I knew that I was going to be fasting for 24 hours and it's difficult for me to dial that back because I really I get into my workouts lately, and 11 am have another shake, and then 3 pm have another shake, and then 3 pm have another shake, and then tonight at around 5 pm I'm going to have a fantastic dinner with some steamed vegetables with some olive oil on it. I might even sprinkle some hemp hearts on there for a little extra protein to balance out my workout today, and I'm also going to have some.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'll probably do some pan-fried wild-caught salmon, or I should say I put it in a cast iron pan and then I bake it. So again, no oil, no frying, no oxidation whatsoever, but put all kinds of herbs on there, like salt and pepper and cilantro and Bragg's 24 herbs and spices. I put that on there as well. Tastes fantastic. Maybe I'll put a little bit of garlic and onion in the pan with it. It's amazing. I'm getting hungry just talking about it.

Speaker 1:

So the beauty, the beauty of this approach, is that it is sustainable and can become part of your weekly routine, weekly routine. So by fasting from 6 pm to 6 pm, you're allowing your body to rest, to repair and rejuvenate without compromising your daily activities or your social life. So regularly practicing a 24-hour fast can lead to improved mental clarity, better digestion, a stronger immune system and it's going to boost your energy like nothing else. Plus, the added benefits of autophagy can support long-term health and vitality. This is a longevity protocol, my friends, so give it a try and see how your body responds.

Speaker 1:

Remember, the key is to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed and, as always, consult with a certified IHP, an integrative health practitioner. You can find level one or level two health practitioners over at IHPcoach, where you'll also find me. But if you want to go to loveenergywellnesscom, you can always schedule your complimentary consultation with me over there, happy to get on a call with you, absolutely no cost. We can talk about your challenges, health challenges. We can talk about your health goals and how we can help. And, of course, you know you always want to talk to a health coach before starting any new fasting regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Speaker 1:

So thank you for joining me today on Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. If you found this episode helpful, please send us a message with the link in the show notes before you share this episode with someone who might benefit from a 24-hour energy reset. And don't forget to subscribe. Leave a review, and your feedback helps us to reach more people on their health journey. Until next time, stay vibrant, stay healthy and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye.

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