Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

98: Uncover the Impact of IgG Food Sensitivities on Your Health and Performance

August 14, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 98

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Can your diet be the hidden culprit behind your sluggishness and digestive woes? Discover the powerful connection between food sensitivities and your overall health in this eye-opening episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Jeffrey Mort takes you on a deep dive into IgG food sensitivities, explaining how these delayed immune responses could be at the root of your chronic issues like migraines, digestive discomfort, and skin problems. Learn how you can effortlessly test for up to 190 common food sensitivities from the comfort of your home and take the guesswork out of your diet.

In this episode, we break down the differences between IgG sensitivities and other immune responses like IgE allergies. Once you understand how these sensitivities work, you'll be equipped with practical steps to create a personalized wellness plan aimed at healing your gut and reducing unwanted symptoms. Say goodbye to the discomfort and hello to more energy and performance, both in life and business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your health and unlock your full potential!
>Introductory Food Sensitivity Test

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Today we're diving into a topic that could be the key to unlocking better health and energy understanding IgG food sensitivities. If you've ever felt bloated, sluggish or just off after eating certain foods, this episode is for you. We're going to break down what IgG food sensitivities are, how they differ from allergies and other immune responses, and how you can take control of your health with at-home testing. Stay tuned. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here yes, always grateful for you joining me here on the breaking boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to episode number 98, and today we're talking about food sensitivity. So what are food sensitivities? And, specifically, we're diving into something that's called igg food sensitivities. What does that? Well, the Ig is immunoglobulin, so we're talking about the immune system, and there are different types of immunoglobulin responses IgA, ige, igm and IgG. So IgG food sensitivities are a type of delayed immune response. Unlike IgE allergies, which can cause immediate and sometimes severe reactions, igg sensitivities can take hours or even days to manifest. That's right up to 72 hours later, up to three days after consuming something that you may have thought was a healthy food for you, this can make it really tricky to pinpoint which foods are causing your unwanted symptoms. These sensitivities are often linked to chronic issues like digestive discomfort, migraines and even skin problems. And because I mentioned the word migraines, of course I'm not providing any medical advice and we don't claim to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases. Now let's clear up some confusion about IgG reactions.

Speaker 1:

Ige Reactions are what most people think of when they hear food allergy. They're immediate and they can be life-threatening, like a peanut allergy. Now IgA responses are more localized and often affecting the gut lining and contributing to conditions like celiac disease. And then IgM is your body's first responder. This is your body dealing with acute infections and invaders. Now IgG, on the other hand, is more like the slow and steady immune response, which is why these sensitivities can be so elusive. So here's the good news you don't need to guess anymore.

Speaker 1:

You can now test and I say now, but this test has been around for years and years. You can now test for up to 190 common foods right at home with our comprehensive IgG food sensitivity test. This test gives you a detailed report showing exactly which foods may be causing your symptoms. But we don't stop there, of course not Once you have your results. We create a personalized wellness plan to help you manage these sensitivities while working on the root cause and, depending on the severity of the sensitivity, determines how long you would want to avoid these foods, either for six weeks or 12 weeks or six months. Very easy to determine that, and you know, with that personalized plan, we can create Something that's going to help you alleviate those symptoms while working on the root cause, which often involves healing and sealing the gut.

Speaker 1:

Now, addressing the root cause is the key, because many IgG food sensitivities stem from something you may have heard before called leaky gut, where the gut lining is compromised. This is also known as intestinal permeability. Where the gut lining is compromised, this is also known as intestinal permeability, and what happens is this allows food particles to escape into the bloodstream and trigger an immune response. These proteins do not belong in the bloodstream, so by focusing on healing the gut through things like diet and lifestyle changes and especially targeted supplementation, you can often reduce and even eliminate these sensitivities, getting you back to enjoying your favorite healthy foods. Now, if you're just getting started, we also offer an introductory food sensitivity test for under $100.

Speaker 1:

Now, this test, it doesn't look at the 190 foods, but it focuses on the top five most common offenders and take a moment and see if you can guess what maybe some of those offenders are, and then I'll tell you, and you're gonna be surprised that, as you may have guessed, gluten is one of them. It's actually gliadin that we test for, which is a component of gluten dairy, dairy eggs, chicken and this one might surprise you but almonds. And why may that surprise you? Because most people avoid dairy and they switch to something like almond milk and they could have a sensitivity to almond. It's one of the top five. So then they might be getting skin issues or migraine headaches or digestive issues, or so then they might be getting skin issues or migraine headaches or digestive issues or more bloating, and then they say, well, it wasn't the dairy. Well, maybe it was the dairy and maybe it was the almonds.

Speaker 1:

So with this one food sensitivity test. We can look at those top five. We can look at gliadin, almonds, dairy eggs and chicken, and it's a great way to just dip your toes into understanding how food may be affecting your health. I mean, let's face it, we eat every day, or at least most of us eat almost every day.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know I take a day off from digestive once in a while, but if you've been struggling with unexplained symptoms or you just want to optimize your health, consider testing for IgG food sensitivities. It can be life-changing and you can start small with that introductory test or go all-in with the comprehensive 190 food test panel. If you go over to love energy wellness comm slash shop, you can learn more over there about all of the at-home functional lab tests that we offer, including the introductory food sensitivity and the comprehensive food sensitivity. I appreciate you joining in tuning into Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Remember your health is your greatest asset. Don't let food sensitivities hold you back from living your best life. Until next time, stay healthy, stay vibrant and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye.

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