Lead To Excel Podcast

Spring into Success: Rising and Thriving in the New Quarter - E103

Maureen Chiana Episode 103

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As we step into the vibrant energy of April and the heart of spring, "Spring into Success" invites you on a timely journey to rise and thrive in this new quarter.

This episode guides you to embracing the season's promise of growth and renewal. We delve into the essential blend of emotional intelligence, mindset shifts, and the pioneering science of neuroplasticity to empower your journey towards achieving your goals.

Learn how to navigate the challenges of change with grace, leverage the power of gratitude, overcome procrastination, and set meaningful goals that align with your deepest values.
Whether you're looking to reset your brain for success, find support in the Mindsight Women's Network, or enhance your leadership skills, this podcast provides actionable insights and encouragement to harness the spring's transformative energy.

Join me to make this quarter your most productive and fulfilling yet, as we explore strategies for personal and professional growth.

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Stay curious and empowered!

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Lead to Excel podcast, where every story sparks inspiration and every conversation brings you closer to your best self. I'm Maureen Chiana and I'm here to explore the extraordinary fusion of leadership, emotional intelligence and the groundbreaking inspiration of neuroscience. Together, we'll uncover secrets to unlocking your potential, enhancing your decision-making and elevating your performance to new heights. Whether you're leading a team, building a dream or simply on a quest for personal growth, you're at the right place, so let's dive in and transform the way you think, lead and live. Welcome aboard. Remember to subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode, and go ahead and share so others can also find it. Hey everyone, welcome.

Speaker 1:

As we step into the beautiful season of spring, a time when nature wakes up and everything around us starts growing and blooming again, it's the perfect moment for us to talk about personal growth and transformation. Today, we're diving deep into how our emotions, mindset and a sprinkle of neuroscience can radically change how we approach our goals and challenges. It's not just about science. It's about unlocking that incredible potential within you to make real change happen. Incredible potential within you to make real change happen. All right, now let's have an honest chat about emotions for a moment. Picture them as the undercurrents of a river, constant and powerful, guiding us through life's journey. Sometimes these currents propel us forward, boosting our speed and direction. Other times they seem to pull us under, making it hard to keep our heads above water. That's the nature of emotions they can be both our greatest allies and our trickiest challenges. Now think of your mindset as the boat navigating these waters. With the right mindset, you are the helm of a nimble vessel, adept at riding the currents to new horizons, exploring uncharted territories with courage and enthusiasm. But if your mindset isn't quite in the right place, it's like being stuck in a boat that's just spinning in circles, caught in the eddy of negative thoughts and self-doubt. Caught in the eddy of negative thoughts and self-doubt, going nowhere fast. This is where the magic of shifting to a growth mindset comes in. Imagine transforming your boat into a state-of-the-art ship equipped with the sails of resilience, the compass of adaptability and an insatiable curiosity for the adventures ahead.

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A growth mindset isn't just about switching gears from I can't to how can I. It's about viewing every challenge as a treasure map leading to personal growth and new opportunities. Map leading to personal growth and new opportunities. It's like looking at a steep mountain and instead of thinking I'll never make it to the top, you start asking which path will take me there? What skills do I need to develop? Who could guide me?

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This mindset doesn't just apply to tackling physical challenges, but to overcoming emotional hurdles, navigating professional obstacles and pursuing your passions with a relentless drive. Embracing a growth mindset means celebrating every small victory along the way, learning from setbacks without letting them define you, and understanding that every experience, good or bad, is a valuable lesson that's preparing you for your next big adventure. So as we sail through emotional currents together, remember that your mindset is the rudder steering your journey. With a growth mindset, there's no telling how far you'll go or what incredible discoveries lie just beyond the next bend in the river. The question isn't whether you can navigate the waters. It's how you use the currents to your advantage. Have you ever wished you could hit the reset button on your brain to start afresh with a clean slate?

Speaker 1:

Neuroscience brings us some encouraging news. With dedication and the right approach, it's entirely possible to reshape our brain. This fascinating ability is known as neuroplasticity. It's the brain's capacity to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout our life. This means that our thoughts, behaviors and environment can actually change the structure and function of our brains. But how do we harness this power?

Speaker 1:

First, let's dive into mindfulness or meditation. These are not just buzzwords. It's a science-based practice that can lead to significant changes in our brain. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to increase gray matter in parts of the brain involved in learning, memory and emotional regulation. By simply dedicating a few minutes each day to being present in what you're doing, to meditating. I personally meditate on the word of God. So I read a scripture stop, process it, think about it, reflect on it and relate it to my life. What is God saying? And just stop and listen. We're not only calming our minds this way, but it also physically enhances our brain's ability to process emotions and information. It gives our brain the opportunity for the neural pathways, the neural connections, to form, connections to form, and this creates deep insight, new ideas, great creativity, calmness that removes stress and anxiety.

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Next, challenging our brain with new skills is so important. I don't know if you felt a sense of accomplishment after you've learned something new. Accomplishment after you've learned something new, that's neuroplasticity in action. Whether it's picking up a new language, mastering a musical instrument or even engaging in a new hobby, these activities stimulate our brains in unique ways, promoting the growth of these neural pathways. It's like taking your brain to the gym the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

Speaker 1:

Positive thinking plays a crucial role too, because our thoughts have a profound impact on our brain structure. Engaging in positive thinking and gratitude practices can bolster areas of the brain that control attention and emotion, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. So start your day with a gratitude journal or affirmations, or just spending time being grateful for where you are, where you've come, what you've overcome, and watch how it can transform your outlook and your brain. Integrate these practices into your daily routine to truly embrace neuroplasticity. Dedicate time to being present and meditate on God's word. Challenge yourself to learn new things regularly and cultivate a habit of positive thinking. Remember, the journey to rewiring your brain is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience, persistence and dedication, but the rewards A more resilient, adaptable and fulfilled mind, ready to embrace whatever life throws your way. As we explore our brain's incredible capabilities, remember that change is not only possible. It's within your grasp. By understanding and applying the principles of neuroplasticity, you're unlocking the door to endless potential for growth and transformation. So I encourage you to start today. Choose one practice to incorporate into your routine and begin the journey of rewiring your brain for a brighter, more adaptable future.

Speaker 1:

Reflection and setting boundaries might sound like buzzwords as well, but they're game changers. Reflecting helps us see the bigger picture and align our actions with our true values and our true desires, our true goals. Boundaries, on the other hand, are not walls. Other hand are not walls. They're actually guidelines that help us focus on what truly matters to us, preserving our energy for the goals that ignite our passion. Because a lot of times, you find that, without boundaries, you end up going off track. You end up moving from where you're meant to be going to where other people are either directing you or you follow them on their own path.

Speaker 1:

And this is why many people get to a point and they wonder how did I get here? I'm not even sure what they should be doing. I was speaking to someone recently. She told me what she wanted to do and I asked her why, and she had no clue. She said well, I see people doing it. It looks good, they make money from it. So yeah, I decided that's what I want to do. How sad is that? The problem is that she's been trying to do this for about six years. She says and she will start when it doesn't work. She stops Because there's no connection, there's no emotional connection for her, there's no alignment for her. And this is the problem with not having boundaries and not having focus as well about what you want for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Now I want us to talk about overcoming procrastination. It's something we've all experienced Putting off tasks, feeling overwhelmed by change, clinging to the comfort of the known, of the known. But here's the kicker Procrastination isn't laziness Well, most times it's not. It's a tug of war in our brains between instant gratification and long-term goals. Recognizing this can be your first step to overcoming it. By breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting clear, actionable goals, you can train your brain to celebrate the small wins on the way to your bigger goals. This also releases dopamine in your brain and gives you that feeling of reward, which then enables you to keep moving forward. So it basically keeps you motivated to keep going after the goal that you set for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Procrastination really happens when you lack clarity about what you want to do. Or it can also happen when you've wired your brain to be risk averse. When you've wired your brain to be a perfectionist. Procrastination could set in as your subconscious brain's way of keeping you in your comfort zone, keeping you in the known. So the best way around it is to really understand what your goal is, why it's your goal, and when your brain tries to stop you, it's giving it the information it needs. That is the why you're pursuing the goal. So tell it the reason why. And it's repetition. I always say it. Repetition is what rewires the brain. It's not just repeating it once and thinking that the brain will hear it. Remember, you've wired the disempowering or limiting mindset or thought process into the brain over a period of time, so it will take time to create a new narrative. So be patient with yourself.

Speaker 1:

As we wrap up this podcast, today, let's talk about planting those seeds for your future, literally and metaphorically. Setting goals now, with the energy of spring in the air, is like planting your garden with intention. It's about envisioning the blossoms you want to see and nurturing them to life. You want to see and nurturing them to life. And if you're looking to deepen your understanding or need a toolkit to get started, check out the Saw Higher Bundle eToolkit for goal setting available at the Mindsight Academy. It's packed with resources to help you set, pursue and achieve your goals In our life journey. We're all both the gardener and the flower. It's up to us to nurture our growth, to make the most of the sunshine and to thrive through this season with the help of God.

Speaker 1:

If you found today's chat inspiring and you're keen to explore how emotional intelligence can transform your self-leadership or your leadership style, the Emotional Intelligence for Leadership course at the Mindsight Academy is just what you need. And for the incredible women watching, the Mindsight Women's Network supports you in blooming to your full, maximal potential. If you're looking for someone to speak at your next conference or retreat, I'm just a message away Together, let's embrace this season of growth and step into our power. Into our power. And again, for those women that want to go deeper and understand and be equipped to thrive, check out our membership program for the Women's Network. So it's called Mindsight Women's Network. Check that out. Send me a message if you want more information. And it's just a powerful place to be, to grow and thrive. Thanks again for joining me on this journey. Here's to a season full of growth, renewal and endless opportunities.

Speaker 1:

Make this quarter really count. Don't let it go past and then you get to the end of this quarter and wonder where's the time gone. You can do this. You've got the time. Make the most of it. Invest in yourself. Use your time wisely. I look forward to seeing you in our next podcast episode. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

We've gotten to the end of another enlightening episode of Lead to Excel podcast. Thank you for spending your valuable time with us today diving deep into the intriguing world of neuroscience and leadership. Remember, the journey to personal and professional excellence is not a sprint. It's a marathon, and every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. If you found value in our conversation today and it sparked insight or even questions, I invite you to share your thoughts with us.

Speaker 1:

Please also consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts, spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Your feedback not only helps us improve, but it also helps others find our show. Sharing is caring, after all. Lastly, don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. We have a treasure trove of insights, inspiration and expert advice coming your way in every episode and, trust me, you won't want to miss a single one. Thank you once again for tuning in. Until next time. This is Maureen Chiana, reminding you to keep exploring, keep learning and keep leading to excel, stay safe, stay motivated and let's live a life of no limitations Because, after all, you are limitless.