Lead To Excel Podcast

Resilient Minds: Unpacking Daily Mental Wellness & Practical Self-Care Tips

Maureen Chiana Episode 94

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What if there was a way to harness the power of your mind and use it to become a better leader and a happier, healthier person too?
Get ready to unravel the infinite power of your brain as I take you on a journey into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity. This episode is a deep dive into mental wellness, emphasising its crucial role in effective leadership. I discuss the silent battles we all face and explore the quiet strength of mental health.

You'll learn about the science behind mental wellness and the steps you can take to build resilience and positivity. I cover it all from the significance of daily practices like mindfulness and gratitude to the value of seeking professional guidance.

As leaders, taking care of your mental health is fundamental to your well-being and impacts your ability to inspire and influence others.
So, enjoy an insightful discussion on timeless principles like gratitude, contentment, and love and their pivotal role in maintaining good mental health.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome, welcome. You're tuning in to the Lead to Excel podcast, the hub where science meets leadership and transformation begins. I'm your host, maureen Cheyanna, founder of the Mindsight Academy, a trailblazer in the world of neuro-leadership, I'm an executive neuro-coach, leadership transformer and a neuroscience enthusiast, dedicated to empowering leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers like you. Every week, we delve into the heart of neuroscience to discover how you can unleash your potential, master your brain, manage emotions yours and others alter behaviors and exceed expectations. We are here to help you not just to survive, but thrive and flourish in the fast-paced world around us. We are about to kick off another high-impact episode today, diving into a topic that is powerful, intriguing and has the potential to shift your leadership journey. So, my friends, it's time to put on your thinking caps, grab your favorite beverage and get comfortable. It's time to elevate your leadership, to excel and so hire, let's dive right in.

Speaker 1:

In today's episode, I want us to embark on a crucial journey, navigating through the serene yet complex waters of mental wellness. Let's start with the importance of what mental wellness is, or mental health. In the hustle and bustle of our lives, mental health often takes a back seat, yet it's the silent force staring our lives ship, crucial for both leaders' wielding influence and women, the backbone of our society. It's about the silent struggles, the quiet strength and the invisible load carried by so many people. Let's dive a bit into how our brains work Now. Don't worry, I won't get all technical on you. Let's keep it simple and relatable. We all know life is full of ups and downs and sometimes our minds need a bit of help to handle it all right. So our brain works with this cool principle called neuroplasticity. Think of it as the brain's magic trick. It means our brains can change and adapt to whatever life throws at it. With the right practices, like mindfulness and positive thinking, we can train our brain to be more resilient and positive. Picture this Every time we think or do something repeatedly, our brain learns, adapts and gets stronger in those areas. It's like going to the gym, but for your mind, practicing things like gratitude and mindfulness isn't just good vibes. It's a workout session for your brain, helping it become stronger and healthier. This isn't just fluffy stuff. Science backs it up. When we actively practice being present, counting our blessings and thinking positively, it's like we're giving our brain the tools it needs to help us navigate through life's stormy seas with a bit more ease and grace.

Speaker 1:

So let's all try to be mindful of our thoughts and actions. Give yourself a break, breathe and take a moment to appreciate the good around you, appreciate how far you've come, appreciate who you are. Little by little, this simple acts help in building a mind that's not just healthy but thriving, ready to take on the world with a smile. Give it a go and you see what I mean. I'm going to pause briefly and just speak to ladies. Now, ladies, a golden opportunity awaits at MindSight Women's Network. Did you miss the last registration? Don't worry. Join our waiting list to be the first to know when registration reopens again, diving to a space brimming with support, empowerment and shared wisdom. We're. Science and scripture merge to enable you, empower you to be your best self. Secure your spot now and let's continue growing together.

Speaker 1:

So back to the podcast. Let's talk about some age-old wisdom that still rings true today. You know the stuff found in the Bible isn't just about spirituality. It's actually packed with practical advice that science backs up, especially when it comes to taking care of our minds. Take gratitude, for example. Being thankful for the good things in our lives isn't just a nice gesture. It actually makes us feel better. Science says that practicing gratitude regularly can boost our mood and improve our overall mental well-being, and the Bible has been telling us to be thankful for centuries.

Speaker 1:

Then there's the concept of contentment. It's easy to always want more, but finding happiness with what we have is a game changer for our mental health. Being content doesn't mean giving up on ambitions. It means appreciating the present and the blessings we have now, which is a lesson we often see in Scripture. And let's not forget about love, the kind of love that's about caring for others selflessly. Acts of kindness, empathy and love don't just help the people we are supporting. They also make us feel good. It creates a sense of connection and community, which we all need. The Bible champions love, and so does modern psychology. So, whether or not you're religious, there's something for everyone in these timeless principles Gratitude, contentment and love three simple, powerful ideas that can make a huge difference in our mental health. Let's try to live by them and see the positive changes unfolding in our lives.

Speaker 1:

Now, leaders, this segment is a shout out to you. Leading can be quite challenging. You've got expectations coming at you from every direction and a team that's looking up to you for guidance. That's a lot of pressure and a unique set of challenges you deal with every day. It's not just about making decisions. It's about staying steady, clear-headed and inspired so that you can be there for the people who depend on you, and that means taking your mental health seriously, not just for you, but for the people that you lead. You must have your own back here, creating a mental safety net for yourself. Think of it like having a quiet, strong place inside where you can recharge and find your balance.

Speaker 1:

This isn't just about avoiding stress. It's about building strength, focus and a sense of calm that you can draw when needed. How do you build a safety net? Start with a few daily practices that support your mental health. This could be anything from taking short breaks to clear your mind, practicing mindfulness to stay grounded, or engaging in physical activity to blow off steam. Sometimes it's helpful to seek professional advice too.

Speaker 1:

I always tell people everyone needs a coach. Get one, don't shy away from it. Coaching isn't a sign of weakness. It's a smart move that gives you the tools to handle the pressures of leadership. And, as I'm talking about leadership, this actually includes entrepreneurs, because you're leaders. Remember. Taking care of your mental health isn't just good for you. It sets a positive example for your team and creates a healthier, more supportive environment for everyone. So make mental wellness a priority, leading not just with your mind, but with your heart as well.

Speaker 1:

Again, to all the women tuning in, this one's for you again, life throws a lot at us, doesn't it? One minute we're caring for others, the next we're diving head first into our professional life, and then we're back home, creating a space that's warm and welcoming for everyone. Through our this, it's super important to remember that taking care of your mental health isn't a nice to have, it's a must. Have your mental wellness isn't a treat or reward. It's your right, you're entitled to it, and it's not just about getting through the day without losing it. It's about feeling good, feeling strong and feeling like yourself. So take the time to do things that make you feel good, that help you relax and make you happy, because when you're well, it's like everything around you just falls into place.

Speaker 1:

As we wrap up this episode, let's take away some real, hands-on advice that we can all use. First off, mindfulness, and no, it doesn't have to be complicated. Think of mindfulness and meditation as taking a few moments to just be, breathe and notice life happening around you. Take it apart of your day every day, like having a cup of coffee in the morning. And then there's gratitude. It's about more than saying thanks. It's about appreciating the good stuff in your life, big and small. So maybe start or end your day by thinking of one thing that made you smile. And do this as you lie down to go to bed every night. And, of course, find what makes you happy and do more of it. Whether it's reading, jogging, painting or watching your favorite show, make time for it. There aren't just hobbies. They're like mini vacations for your mind. After there, we have it Mindfulness, meditation, gratitude and doing what you love Three simple, doable things that can make a world of difference to your mental health.

Speaker 1:

Give it a try and let me know how you get on. As I wind up today's chat, let's just take a moment to soak in what we've talked about. Mental health isn't something to just shove in the corner and deal with later. It's not something to just focus on on World Mental Health Day. It's an everyday thing, something we should weave into the fabric of our lives, for leaders, for women, for every single person. We've covered some ground today, haven't we, from understanding the unique pressures on leaders, on entrepreneurs, acknowledging the juggling act women perform daily to drawing on ancient wisdom and putting simple everyday practices into action. It's all about taking some steps towards a healthier, happier mind. I keep focusing a lot on women, but men, this also applies to you.

Speaker 1:

Using these principles will enable every single person own their own mental well-being. Remember, it's okay to have bad days. It's okay to seek help when things get tough. They strengthen vulnerability and power in admitting when you need support. And those simple practices we talked about gratitude, meditation, mindfulness and finding joy. Don't just nod along. Leave them, breathe them and let them guide you through the air and flow of life, because taking care of your mental health isn't just about preventing illness. It's about celebrating life, embracing each moment with clarity, ownership and joy. Thanks for joining in today. Until next time, promise to be kind to yourself, to check in on how you're feeling and to take those small, crucial steps towards nurturing your mind. Stay well, stay strong, and here's to our collective mental wellness.

Speaker 1:

We've gotten to the end of another enlightening episode of Lead to Excel podcast. Thank you for spending your valuable time with us today, diving deep into the intriguing world of neuroscience and leadership. Have a great day and good morning. The journey to personal and professional excellence is not a sprint. It's a marathon, and every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals.

Speaker 1:

If you found value in our conversation today and its packed insights or even questions, I invite you to share your thoughts with us. Join our community on the Mindsite Academy it's called Limitless Leaders Community where we continue the conversation and share valuable resources to help you lead and excel. Please also consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts, spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast. Your feedback not only helps us improve, but it also helps others find our show. Sharing is caring, after all. Lastly, don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. We have a treasure trove of insights, inspiration and expert advice coming your way in every episode and, trust me, you won't want to miss a single one. Thank you once again for tuning in Until next time. This is Maureen Chihana, reminding you to keep exploring, keep learning and keep leading to excel. Stay safe, stay motivated and let's live a life of no limitations because, after all, you are limitless.