Church in the Peak

14/01/24 // The Samaritan Woman At The Well // Neal Garratt

January 15, 2024 Church in the Peak
14/01/24 // The Samaritan Woman At The Well // Neal Garratt
Church in the Peak
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Church in the Peak
14/01/24 // The Samaritan Woman At The Well // Neal Garratt
Jan 15, 2024
Church in the Peak

The Samaritan Woman - John 4:4-26

Jesus  reveals for the first time that he is the Messiah – not to the Jews or the Pharisees or Sadducees but to a Samaritan woman who has led a colourful life. He is breaking all social and religious norms in the process and blowing apart any pre conceived ideas about who Jesus came to save!

Phil Moore: “John shows us in the first few chapters of this book that devout Jews are not good enough to be accepted, he now adds that wicked Samaritans are not bad enough to be rejected”

When Jews travelled from Judah to Galilee they would go the long way round across the Jordan River rather than go through Samaria. Rabbis were not allowed to speak to women in public including their own wives under Jewish law – and yet here is Jesus meeting a woman in public, in Samaria, telling her that he is the living water she needs to change her life forever! This is a wonderful gospel moment giving us all hope – all can receive God’s spirit – no longer just in the temple but now he lives in our hearts – This is the gospel message in a nutshell!

For Jews the temple in Jerusalem is the place of worship – “The Holy of Holies” and  “The Holy Place” – Only accessible by the High Priest/Priests - Behind the great curtain separating God’s Holy presence from sinful people – this was 60’ high, 30’ wide and 6” thick! Then there was the Court Of Israel for men and a wall, then the Court of Women and a wall and then outside the actual temple was the Court of Gentiles – that’s where we would be, as far away from God as is possible!

BUT Jesus coming changes everything!
Hebrews 10:11-12

So what happens?
Matthew 27:45-46

The curtain had to come down because it hindered access to God’s presence. Jesus came to restore our RELATIONSHIP to God – access is no longer in a building, it’s in your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit  - Christ in you the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1) – no matter who you are – Worship him in Spirit and Truth.


FRESH – Daily refreshed by the Holy Spirit – bringing life to us daily – A fresh touch  from Jesus every day

How do you feel this morning?
Fresh or dry?
Full of life or not?
Same old Church week in week out- nothing changes?

We pray – Come Holy Spirit – Have your way – Do we really mean it – what are our expectations when we pray that? Let’s expect him to come in power and change things – this womans life was changed forever by one meeting with Jesus and yet we can meet with him every day.

Whatever we need is met in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit – If we are dry we need Fresh Water – Why? Because we leak, live in a fallen world, sin daily and need fresh water to empower us – We need a fresh start just as the Samaritan woman!


What does the Holy Spirit do?

John 16:13

He guides us into truth by revealing Jesus and witnesses with our spirit that we are sons and daughters of God

Romans 8:16

TRUTH – Brings us into all truth
WITNESS – Our spirit witnesses with the Holy Spirit
DISCERNMENT – Truth instead of lies – Discerning of Spirits

So what’s the result of this encounter?

To finish - a reading from the Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn – The Ruach

1.How did your spirit react when you watched the clip?
2.Remember your own conversion – How did you feel and how do you feel now looking back?
3.How does this story open up the scriptures and specifically about the temple and worship and our hearts?
4.Discuss the reading “The Ruach” – what can we lear

Show Notes

The Samaritan Woman - John 4:4-26

Jesus  reveals for the first time that he is the Messiah – not to the Jews or the Pharisees or Sadducees but to a Samaritan woman who has led a colourful life. He is breaking all social and religious norms in the process and blowing apart any pre conceived ideas about who Jesus came to save!

Phil Moore: “John shows us in the first few chapters of this book that devout Jews are not good enough to be accepted, he now adds that wicked Samaritans are not bad enough to be rejected”

When Jews travelled from Judah to Galilee they would go the long way round across the Jordan River rather than go through Samaria. Rabbis were not allowed to speak to women in public including their own wives under Jewish law – and yet here is Jesus meeting a woman in public, in Samaria, telling her that he is the living water she needs to change her life forever! This is a wonderful gospel moment giving us all hope – all can receive God’s spirit – no longer just in the temple but now he lives in our hearts – This is the gospel message in a nutshell!

For Jews the temple in Jerusalem is the place of worship – “The Holy of Holies” and  “The Holy Place” – Only accessible by the High Priest/Priests - Behind the great curtain separating God’s Holy presence from sinful people – this was 60’ high, 30’ wide and 6” thick! Then there was the Court Of Israel for men and a wall, then the Court of Women and a wall and then outside the actual temple was the Court of Gentiles – that’s where we would be, as far away from God as is possible!

BUT Jesus coming changes everything!
Hebrews 10:11-12

So what happens?
Matthew 27:45-46

The curtain had to come down because it hindered access to God’s presence. Jesus came to restore our RELATIONSHIP to God – access is no longer in a building, it’s in your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit  - Christ in you the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1) – no matter who you are – Worship him in Spirit and Truth.


FRESH – Daily refreshed by the Holy Spirit – bringing life to us daily – A fresh touch  from Jesus every day

How do you feel this morning?
Fresh or dry?
Full of life or not?
Same old Church week in week out- nothing changes?

We pray – Come Holy Spirit – Have your way – Do we really mean it – what are our expectations when we pray that? Let’s expect him to come in power and change things – this womans life was changed forever by one meeting with Jesus and yet we can meet with him every day.

Whatever we need is met in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit – If we are dry we need Fresh Water – Why? Because we leak, live in a fallen world, sin daily and need fresh water to empower us – We need a fresh start just as the Samaritan woman!


What does the Holy Spirit do?

John 16:13

He guides us into truth by revealing Jesus and witnesses with our spirit that we are sons and daughters of God

Romans 8:16

TRUTH – Brings us into all truth
WITNESS – Our spirit witnesses with the Holy Spirit
DISCERNMENT – Truth instead of lies – Discerning of Spirits

So what’s the result of this encounter?

To finish - a reading from the Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn – The Ruach

1.How did your spirit react when you watched the clip?
2.Remember your own conversion – How did you feel and how do you feel now looking back?
3.How does this story open up the scriptures and specifically about the temple and worship and our hearts?
4.Discuss the reading “The Ruach” – what can we lear