Church in the Peak

18/02/24 // I Am The God Who Sees - Jehovah El Roi // Neal Garratt

Church in the Peak

Sometimes in our lives we feel that God is distant and has forgotten about us and is far away from us, our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling and we are alone dealing with a situation. We can get frustrated and angry or disappointed with God and take things into our own hands to try and get them sorted out – most often with disastrous results! We only need to read the Psalms to remind ourselves how honest David was with God

Psalm 102
Psalm 13

We all feel like this from time to time in our lives.

Hagar (OT)
God has already promised to Abram that he will be the father of many nations

Genesis 15:2-5
Genesis 16:1–15

According to the prevailing culture of the day if a wife was barren (which was a sign of gods displeasure) she could offer her servant as a surrogate mother to her husband so Sarai gave Hagar to Abram and she became pregnant. This caused jealousy and arguments and such ill treatment of Hagar that she runs away into the desert. Abram and Sarai took things into their own hands rather than waiting on God. Waiting is hard – and yet that place is where God would stretch our faith and trust in him to deliver what he has promised – It's a hard lesson.

Hagar was out of Sarai and Abrams eyes but she wasn't out of God sight – she encountered God in the desert – Notice God knows her name and exactly who she is


This is an amazing story of God's grace as God's covenant is with Abram and Sarai and yet we have here an Egyptian slave with no rights who God sees, directs and names her son. She is the first person in the bible to receive a visit from the angel of the Lord and her baby is the first baby named by God whilst still in the womb. Hagar comes to know God, who sees her and is invited into a relationship with the living God – something she believed was only for Abram and Sarai – and in doing so reveals part of Gods very character – Jehovah EL ROI – "I am the God who sees you"

This is a wonderful story of God's heart for all men and women. However, there are consequences to Abrams actions which he has during his lifetime with Ishmael – Hagar's son which we are still struggling with today.

Phil Moore in his commentary says:

"...Whenever we hear news reports of fighting between Jews and Arabs over who should control Palestine, we are hearing the echo of what happened between Abram and Hagar"

In the midst of our mess God's grace is wonderful – He is Jehovah El Roi – the God who sees you!

The second person I want to look at is Nathanael (NT)
John 1:43-51
The Chosen –

Jesus is God and therefore is the God who sees – he sees Nathanael under the fig tree in despair and his plight is not ignored


Notice that Nathanael cries "DO YOU SEE ME" and quotes Psalm 102 which we started with today – Jehovah El ROI – I am the God who SEES – what a wonderful revelation to Nathanael – so much so that he immediately declares " Rabbi you are the son of God- the King Of Israel"

God watches over you, he knows your situation, he knows the trial you are going through, your concerns and your fears – Even when you are at your lowest ebb and its 4.00am and you feel all alone He loves you and he wants the best for you – always to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:13) – Jesus is always moved with compassion in our lowest moments when we cry out to him – he is Jehovah EL ROI – the God who sees

Psalm 33:12-22


1. Why do you think we take things into our own hands so often? What stops us trusting God?
2. What about the similarities and differences between Hagar and Nathanael's situations? What does this show us about God?
3. How does the fact that God is the God who sees us help me in my daily life?