Bro Research Radio

Episode 21 with Jeb Johnston and Dean Guedo - How to be an Ethical FitFluencer

Dr. Ben House

In this episode, we take on...

What does it mean to be a fitness or nutritional professional in our current fitspiration highlight reel social media world?

The importance and danger of social proof. Dean's Incessant Pandering. Ryan's Resistance. Ben's regretful not selling selling and Jeb's Aging Out. 

Defining your why for creating and sharing content?

-Reciprocal Altruism is a constant and Ego is always there and that is OK. 

Clarifying and sticking to your social media philosophies?

Extreme Reach Barriers and Imposter Syndrome. You don’t have to be perfect? Do the work. Get the rough draft down on paper. Then you can hone the message and edit, revise, and decide if you want to actually share it. 

In the face of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias the importance of searching out and finding your own answer.

The juxtaposition between click heavy myopic content and contextual integrity-driven content and deeply knowing both sides of the game so if you want can play it well with limited REGRATS. 

*Selling the shit out of the narrative with a thoughtful limitation and context section at the end. 

The ladder of short, medium, and long-form content. 

Find your medium! Discuss the positives and negatives of audio, video, and writing. 

Finding your passion vs. finding your NOT passions. 

In the end...

"Make Good Art!" - Neil Gaiman because if you don’t get the money or the fame at least you have the work.