Bro Research Radio

Episode 22 with Evan Peikon - Slaying Energy System Sacred Cows

This episode is a banger and we get right into it. You may want to read through the questions and the Trello board first before listening. Ryan and I are just dumb enough on this topic to ask the right questions.

Trello Board provided by Evan.

Outline of the Episode:

What is wrong with the classic reductionistic view of energy system training? 

Ie: less than 10s=phosphagen system; 10s-2mins=glycolytic, 2mins=oxidative what is really happening?

What is the true role of lactate? 

Why do you think Shulman’s glycogen shunt hypothesis didn’t go viral in the early 2000s? It’s hardly cited which is quite odd to me. 

Is this conventional mode view of energy systems even helpful to use for programming purposes? 

How does this new model change how you train your endurance athletes?

Hypertrophy “athletes”?

How do you respond to those who NIRS without doppler measurements of blood flow is not very useful and NIRS is may only be getting superficial readings?

There seems to be a push recently to avoid “glycolytic” training as it is proposed to be more “damaging” and less adaptive when compared alactic and aerobic methods….thoughts? 

Thoughts on why some Crossfitters get huge and how their limitations may explain their hugeness 

A case for local hypoxic (BFR) training for hypertrophy

Bjorsen, 2019--Type 1 fiber hypertrophy w occlusion training. Refer to metabolic stress podcast

Would some people benefit more than others? 

Capillarity and hypertrophic potential? 

Sjinders, 2017 Capillary to fiber distance predictive of hypertrophy in older males

Any trends with MOXY that may support this 

My hypothesis: anecdotally seems like the muscles that grow the most in people are the ones that they get a pump in the easiest…

Cardio for hypertrophy 

If metabolic stress is hypertrophic could we just do 1min echo bike repeats for quads? 

WHY do some cyclists have such massive quads BRO?!