Shoot From the Heart with Diane Bell: Filmmaking, Screenwriting, & Inspiration

Ep #111: You are The One

Diane Bell

Do you ever feel like you just need to meet the "right people" in order to have success as a screenwriter or filmmaker?  Do you imagine that you're going to get an agent and they'll do the work of selling your script?  Or you'll land a producer who'll do the work of raising the money?

The truth is: to get to the point that people want to do these things for you, you're going to first have to do them yourself.  YOU are the "right people" you've been seeking.

In this episode, you're going to learn why you have to create momentum first yourself and how to do it.  Stop being a dreamer with no plan, and step into your power!

If you're ready to take action, sign up for a free class today:

1.  To learn about creating success in your career as a screenwriter:

2.  To learn about getting your standout script on the page: www.dianebell.comwriteyourscreenplay


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