The Perfect Property Podcast: An Atlanta Real Estate Guide

Radon Facts & Myths

Juli St George Episode 17

In this episode of The Perfect Property, Juli covers everything you need to know about Radon with
special guests Chandler of the EPA, Derrick of University of Georgia, and Paul of Metro Atlanta Mitigation Company. Juli encourages you to be educated on this important topic and to check your
home for radon if you have not already.
This episode provides valuable information including where radon comes from, common myths, the facts and more. All three guests emphasize radon testing is not something to fear and it is an easy problem to remedy. The key to health is knowing your facts and taking action if necessary.

What You’ll Learn:
● The truth about where radon comes from. (0:09)
● The truth about uranium. (0:22)
● Facts about the dangers of radon. (0:25)
● Juli introduces Chandler, an environmental engineer with the EPA. (1:17)
● Chandler shares her background. (1:46)
● How radon relates to your home. (5:08)
● Juli introduces Derick Cooper, radon educator at UGA. (19:15)
● More myths about radon (25:14)
● Juli Paul from a local radon mediation company shares facts and testimonies from the local area.

Key Points:
“Radon naturally occurs when uranium breaks down to form radon and radon is found in granite.”
“Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless gas found in all types of soil all over the world.”
“It’s the second leading cause of cancer behind lung cancer.”
“It wasn’t until the 1980s that we discovered radon to be a problem in homes.”
“One out of every 15 homes has high radon levels.”
“Any home can have a radon problem.”
“Testing is the only way to know your exposure.”
“Any measurement above 4, we recommend you get your home mitigated.”

“In water, radon is mostly a concern in well water. We recommend testing it if you have a private well.”
“Radon risk in water is much lower if you are on a city system.”
“Radon is found in old homes and new homes.”
“It’s much cheaper for anyone doing a new build to install radon mitigation during construction to
reduce radon build up possibility by 50.”
“Granite does release radon but of more concern is radon coming up from soil than granite
“Another myth is we are on a slab so we can’t have radon.”
“Most people haven’t tested for radon while they may have smoke detectors.”
“In Georgia, we have lots of granite which is a high source of radon.”
“No level of radon is safe but radon is everywhere so what level are we comfortable with?”
“Building of condos can have contaminated rock which can increase radon levels.”
“Radon occurs when the pressure is lower inside the structure than it comes in around
cracks, in the floor, seams, around tubs/ shower, the sides of walls or the wall under the garage/front
porches/pulls/french drains...”
“Test when it’s raining and when it’s not raining.”
“Once it’s in there, it stays in there.”
“The main reason radon is higher in new houses is the construction under the slab (particularly in
“Newer houses are supposed to have 4 inches of gravel which gives radon easy access.”
“Older neighborhoods had concrete directly on clay.”

Juli’s Email:
Juli’s Phone Number: 404-668-8975 (call or text)
The Perfect Property Website.

Chandler at EPA
Certified Testing: National Radon Safety Board or National Radon Proficiency Program

UGA radon info
Interactive radon map for state of Georgia and order kits: