The Supersized PhysEd Podcast

Five Boomer Friday: Engaging PE Games, Creative Teaching Insights, Wayne Gretzky and more!

David Carney Season 4 Episode 226

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Did you ever wonder how to make Physical Education classes more engaging and fun for your students? On this episode I'm thrilled to bring you "Five Boomer Friday" where I reveal five fantastic ideas that have caught my eye. First up is "Porch Pirates," a lively game that uses hoops and beanbags. I'll walk you through the setup and different variations to keep your students entertained. Plus, I dive into "Finding Your Yellow Tux" by Jesse Cole, the creative genius behind the Savannah Bananas. This book is a treasure trove of insights on how to inject fun and stand out in your teaching methods. I even share my personal encounter with Jesse Cole and how attending a game with my kids demonstrated the power of his principles in action.

This episode also brings important updates about the frequency of future episodes and how crucial your feedback is to shaping our content. Don't miss out on the Five Boomer Friday newsletter, brimming with extra links and insights that extend beyond the podcast. Your questions and active participation are key to our community’s growth, and I encourage everyone to continue contributing to the Pe Nation community. Let's make our Physical Education classes not just educational but unforgettable. Tune in and join the conversation!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Supersize Phys Ed podcast. My name is Dave and today we're going to do another 5 Boomer Friday. That's right, it's time for 5 Boomer Friday. So here we go. All right, my friends from PE Nation. So if you have not listened to the first one actually I've had a lot of Five Boomer Fridays just a long time ago and I'm starting to bring it back so if you haven't listened to any of them, especially last week's, this is the second installment of Five Boomer Friday, at least the 2024 edition.

Speaker 1:

So what I do in this episode, all these episodes are listing. I list five just cool things episodes. I list five just cool things. Usually there's a book involved, a podcast, a documentary, something cool I've learned or I'm obsessed with currently, and a question at the end. So let's get going. It's like the name it's Five Boomer Friday. So here's your first boomer, let's go.

Speaker 1:

So number one is going to be a teaching tip or strategy. I'm not going to always do my own podcast, but last week I did and this week I'll do another one. It is porch pirates and I put this out not that long ago. I actually want to continue to give a shout out to coach uh, gerardi, I think it's his name on. Uh, he does the tikt TikTok videos and stuff like that, or Giraldi I'm sorry if I have his name wrong. I think it's Giraldi. He gave me the inspiration for this game just by watching his videos and it's a game. I'm not going to go into great detail, but there's a whole podcast about how to play this game. It is a one or two class game.

Speaker 1:

I actually like doing this with two classes, because that's what I usually have and I've run this by myself outside with two classes. You can do this inside or outside. It's involving a hoop. You get a partner, so it's two people per hoop, and you have a set number of beanbags or some kind of treasure and you're trying to steal other teams' treasure while they try to tag you and not let you steal theirs. And there's various ways to play it different levels, different just again stages and things you could do and different challenges you could do. So definitely check out that podcast and it comes with a free PDF.

Speaker 1:

So that is number one. That is Porch Pirates. So number two is usually going to be a book I'm reading or I have read. I don't read super fast, so I do listen to a lot of books, but I did read this book. It is called Finding your Yellow Tux and the subtitle is how to Be Successful by Standing Out, and it is by Jesse Cole. So if you don't know who Jesse Cole is, he is the founder and president, I believe, unless his title has changed of the Savannah Bananas. And if you don't know who they are, you really need to see them live, definitely. Or, if not, go on TikTok or YouTube, basically any social media venue or channel. They are on and they are amazing. They are on and they are amazing.

Speaker 1:

Again, without getting too deep into certain things, the Savannah Bananas are, I guess, the easiest way. I've always explained it to people, even though Jesse the owner does not like this exactly, or it's not perfect one-to-one kind of thing apples, apples but if you take the Harlem Globetrotters of basketball, they would be the Harlem Globetrotters of baseball, basically. So they are funny, they dance, they sing, they do crazy stuff and they also you know it's a regular baseball game, not really, but with different rules and things and I spoiled not really spoiled, but I tainted my children because I took them to one of those games and now they don't want to ever go to a regular baseball game again, which kind of stinks, yeah, but it is true, because they're so much fun and, yeah, we had a great time. That was about a year ago and now tickets are really hard to get. I couldn't even get tickets for this time around because it's like a lottery system and they're playing now in like Fenway Park and other places that are just these huge venues, so hopefully you could check them out sometime.

Speaker 1:

But the book is actually a little bit. It's an older book. It's around 2017 or 2018, I believe it's when he first kind of started this and all about how he started to change the game and I actually did a podcast about the Savannah Bananas. But this is a book about, just in general, how to stand out in a crowded field. It changes your way of thinking and it really applies to PE just to do different things, to entertain, to not just be rigid and boring. I mean, yes, we want the kids to learn, of course, we want them to learn their skills. Yes, definitely, but have fun. We have the best job in the world, I think. Have fun and this really helps the process.

Speaker 1:

And the cool thing for me is I actually got to meet him and there's actually a picture in the newsletter that I will attach if you sign up, or if you've already been signed up, you'll get it. There's a picture of me and him and my kids. It was cool because we, they, they hang out with everybody, they sign autographs, do pictures like the whole team, and actually there's actually there's two, now there's three teams there's like the Savannah Bananas, and then there's actually there's two, now there's three teams there's like the Savannah Bananas, and then there's like the other two teams that go with them. I think it's the well, it's the party animals that we saw, and then I think there's also the firemen. I think they're kind of like the bad guys. I know the party animals are so.

Speaker 1:

But I got to talk to Jesse for, you know, briefly, but I did tell him how. You know, he really inspired me. He has three books out, I believe, now, and I've read all three. Maybe I listened to one or two, but I definitely, hey, I read this one. Be proud of me, my wife is, I do like to read. So I read this one and I did tell him about it. So he was very thankful and appreciative of that.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that is number two Finding your Yellow Tux. Finding your Yellow Tux. Number three I'm not going to spend a lot of time on because I just did a podcast about Gore Downey and the Tragically Hip, but I do want to mention that because that is something I'm currently. I'm obsessed with the Tragically Hip. Now I listen to them all the time in the car when I'm not listening to, like audio books and podcasts.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, there's a documentary called Long Time Running and that really got me hooked. The movie, or the documentary, follows the band in 2016. And it shows older clips and things, but it shows his last concert and his last tour ever, because he was diagnosed with brain cancer and so he knew his time was limited and it just shows again. I did a longer podcast on this, much longer, but it shows, you know just how he was trying to deal with it and he was. His memory was was really bad because from the surgeries he had to try to, you know, alleviate the pain and prolong his life and give him a better quality of life. Pain and prolong his life and give him a better quality of life. But that gave him just a hard time with his memory and so he needed like six monitors, like teleprompters to help him through songs and it just in general.

Speaker 1:

It was just amazing to watch Canada and that's where they're from just come together for this man and this band. That was just like a Canadian treasure. And to see just all these people, like millions of people, watch the final concert from around the country, like from coast to coast, doing watch parties. And I believe I said on the podcast, but I've seen every emotion. I think this is a separate video. I watched a YouTube video of their final song, ahead by a Century, which I love, and there were people all over the again, all over the country, doing watch parties and they were in like drive-in theaters and they were in people's houses and bars and parks and everywhere and people were just like they were showing every emotion you can see or you can imagine. It was like laughing and crying and hugging and dancing and singing and it was just amazing to watch and it was a really cool documentary in general and it made me really appreciate the band and their music and what he tried to do for his country.

Speaker 1:

But again, I don't want to get too deep into this. I want to keep this podcast to a minimum time-wise. So, anyways, check it out. That is number three. It is Long Time Running by Gore Downey and the Tragically Hip Number four is a cool thing or an awesome thing. I've seen recently that I want to share and I think this is a cool way to share it. Awesome thing I've seen recently that I want to share and I think this is a cool way to share it. So I actually put this in my new book coming out I don't know next year sometime. I'm not quite finished with it. It's a sequel to my first book and there's a story about Wayne Gretzky that I never heard before and I saw it on Instagram. I'm like, oh, this is so cool.

Speaker 1:

So in his final game ever and I remember watching his final game ever, but I didn't know this part he, before the game, signed it was something like 40 sticks. He signed them all with tape and the plan was for him to use them during the game at different breaks, like a commercial break or different whistles, and his I don't know one of the assistants would hand it to him at like a different stick, just so that he can say he played with all 40 sticks in that final game. And then he was going to take those 40 sticks and give them to the staff and his teammates and, I guess, whoever else he wanted to give them to, and so that became like a collector's item. It's a you know one of 40 and they're signed by him in his final game ever. But the whole thing was that got me was that he was thinking of other people like the. This is a very emotional game for him. They, they, uh, when they sing the national anthem. They actually changed some of the words in the canadian national anthem, uh to uh, kind of make it a wayne gretzky thing, which I don't know if I really agree with, but that's, it was kind of funny and whatever. And you know his family was there as well. You know his wife and kids were there. His old teammates were there Like they would just come to watch. I mean, it was just really emotional and he was thinking about other people and I just thought that was really cool.

Speaker 1:

So check out that video and there's different clips. If you can hopefully the link works. There's different. Go to the end one. I think the end one is the one that explains what happened. So, anyways, I just think that's cool and he's just my favorite. He's just the best. So Wayne Gretzky, the great one. He is number four.

Speaker 1:

All right, number five is going to be a question. Sometimes it'll just be a question to think about. Sometimes it'll be a question to email me back. Maybe In this case it is a a poll. Um, it should take and I wrote in there like about 30 seconds to fill out. I just want to know if, what kind of learner you are. So I, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

I never thought I would be a writer, because I don't type fast at all, and I also did videos for a little bit. I did youtube. I still do some videos here and there, but I just found my kind of my niche in podcasting. I think, and don't get me wrong, I love to read, I love to watch videos. You know, like I just said, there's a documentary I just watched, or you know recently, and things like that. And you know, I love learning different ways. But the question is which? Which is your favorite way to learn? Is it by reading, by listening or by watching? And again, that should take 30 seconds. It's a quick.

Speaker 1:

I just found this survey thing and I just signed up for it. It's a free. I don't know what it's called, but it's a free survey or poll asking thing, and so, yeah, check it out. I'd love to hear your answers and maybe we'll you know I'll talk about it on upcoming five boomer Fridays. So that is it. That's number five. That's your question. All right, thank you everybody. I really do appreciate you tuning in today to five boomer Friday and I hope you like this.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm not going to do this every single week or every single other week. I might. I don't know. This one's a one of those. I'm not sure. We're going to see how it goes. We're going to see if people like it. And if you are not signed up already for the Five Boomer Friday newsletter, please do so, because it contains all the links I talk about and it contains a few more little tidbits of information or whatnot going on. So definitely check that out. And if you've not signed up, like I said, please do so, and I'd love to have more people you know answering questions and tuning in. So that is it for the day. Pe Nation. You guys and girls are amazing. You're awesome. Have a great day, week, weekend, whenever you're listening to this, and let's keep pushing our profession forward. Thank you.

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