Dreamful Bedtime Stories

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep

April 12, 2024 Jordan Blair
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep
Dreamful Bedtime Stories
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Dreamful Bedtime Stories
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep
Apr 12, 2024
Jordan Blair

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Bonus episode! Apologies for last week's episode still not showing up. While I try to straighten things out with Spotify, I have decided to publish this exclusive bonus episode for everyone to enjoy. 

In tonight's tale,  a shepherdess and her chimney sweep go on a daring quest into the wide world. Our protagonists face the daunting expanse of the world beyond their shelf, their hearts heavy with the choice between safety and the scent of freedom that lies just beyond the chimney's sooty embrace. 

The music in this episode is 8 PM by Anna Landstrom.

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Dreamful is produced and hosted by Jordan Blair. Edited by Katie Sokolovska. Theme song by Joshua Snodgrass. Cover art by Jordan Blair. ©️ Dreamful LLC

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Bonus episode! Apologies for last week's episode still not showing up. While I try to straighten things out with Spotify, I have decided to publish this exclusive bonus episode for everyone to enjoy. 

In tonight's tale,  a shepherdess and her chimney sweep go on a daring quest into the wide world. Our protagonists face the daunting expanse of the world beyond their shelf, their hearts heavy with the choice between safety and the scent of freedom that lies just beyond the chimney's sooty embrace. 

The music in this episode is 8 PM by Anna Landstrom.

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Dreamful is produced and hosted by Jordan Blair. Edited by Katie Sokolovska. Theme song by Joshua Snodgrass. Cover art by Jordan Blair. ©️ Dreamful LLC


Welcome to Dreamful Podcast bedtime stories for slumber. Welcome to Dreamful Podcast bedtime stories for slumber. Last week's episode was a little delayed due to an issue with one of the podcasting platforms, so I'm going to be releasing this bonus episode to everybody. The story I will be reading is the Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep. So snuggle up in your blankets and have sweet dreams.


Have you ever seen a very old cupboard or cabinet, quite black, with age, carved all over, with trailing stems and leaves? There was a cabinet of this kind in a sitting room Once it had belonged to the family's great-great-grandmother. It was covered from top to bottom with carvings of roses and tulips, surrounded by curly flourishes, while through the spaces numbers of little carved deer poked out their antlered heads. But in the middle there was the complete figure of a man. Well, an odd sort of character. He was comical enough to look at, for he had legs like a goat's small horns coming out of his forehead, a long beard and a peculiar sort of grin. You could hardly call it a smile. The children of the house called him Brigadier, Major, General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. The name suited him, they thought, because it was hard to say. Because it was hard to say Besides, who else living or carved ever deserved such a title? Anyhow, there he was, and his eyes were turned all the time to the table, under the mirror.


For on the table stood a lovely little china shepherdess. Her shoes were gilt, her dress was neatly pinned with a china rose, she also had a golden hat, and she held a shepherd's crook. Oh, she was beautiful. Close beside her was a little chimney sweep. He too was made of china. All of him was black, except his face, which was pink and white, as a girl's. Really, he was just as clean and tidy as anyone else, for he was only a make-believe sweep. The China-maker could have turned him out just as well as a prince. And there he stood with his ladder and his pretty face which hadn't even a dab of soot on it.


And since the sweep and the shepherdess had always been placed together on the table, they became engaged. The most natural thing in the world. Indeed, they were very well suited. Both were young, both were made of the same kind of china clay. Each was quite as fragile as the other. Not far away was a very different figure, about three times their size.


This was an old Chinaman, a Mandarin, who could nod his head. He too was made of China and he always declared that he was the shepherdess's grandfather. He could give no proof, but he insisted that he was her guardian. So when Major General Goatlegs asked for her hand in marriage, he nodded his consent. There's a fine husband for you, he said to the shepherdess. He is made of mahogany, I'm almost sure of it, and you will become Madam, Lady, Brigadier, Major General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. He owns this whole cupboard full of silver plate, as well as what he has secretly hidden away. I don't want to go into that dark cupboard, said the little shepherdess. I've heard that he has eleven china wives in there already. Then you can be the twelfth, said the mandarin Tonight, as soon as the cupboard starts creaking, the wedding will take place as sure as I. Cupboard starts creaking, the wedding will take place as sure as I'm a Chinaman. With that, he nodded his head and went to sleep.


But the little shepherdess began to cry and look at her true love, the chimney sweep. I think I must ask you, she said, to come out into the wide world with me, for we cannot stay here. Your will is my will, said the little chimney sweep. Let us start at once. I feel sure that I can earn enough to keep you by my profession. Oh, if only we were down from the table, she said. I cannot be happy until we are out in the wide world. So he comforted her and showed her where to place her little foot on the carved projections and the gilded leaves down the leg of the table. He took his ladder too to help her. And there they were at last on the floor.


But when they looked up at the dark old cupboard, what a commotion. All the carved deer were poking out their heads still further, pricking their antlers, turning their necks from side to side, and Brigadier, Major, General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs was jumping up and down and shouting across to the old tournament. Jumping up and down and shouting across to the old tournament they're running away, they're running away. This frightened the lovers and they quickly hid in the drawer of the window seat. Here they found three or four packs of cards, none of them quite complete, and a little toy theater. A play was being acted and all the card queens, diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades were sitting in the front row fanning themselves with their tulips. Behind them stood all the knaves with their two heads, one at the top one at the bottom. All playing cards are like that.


The play they were watching was about two lovers who were prevented from marrying, and the shepherdess wept again, for it was just her own story. I cannot bear it. She said I must get out of this drawer. But when they had reached the ground and looked up at the table, the old Chinaman had awakened and was rocking his body to and fro. He had to move like this since, apart from his head, he was made all in one piece.


The old Chinaman is coming, shrieked the little shepherdess, and so terrified was she that she fell down on her porcelain knees. I have an idea, said the chimney sweep. Let us creep into the big potpourri jar over there in the corner. We can hide in there among the roses and lavender and throw salt in his eyes if he comes. That will not help, she said. Besides, I happen to know that the old Chinaman and the Potpourri jar were once engaged, and there's always some feeling left when people have been as close as that. No, there's nothing left for us but to go forth into the wide world. Have you really the courage to come with me into the wide world? As the chimneys sweep, do you realize how vast it is and that we can never come back again. Yes, I have thought of that, she answered.


The chimney sweep gave her a keen and serious look. Then he said the only path I know lies through the chimney. Are you sure you are brave enough? I know lies through the chimney. Are you sure you are brave enough to follow me through the heart of the stove and into the dark tunnel of the flue? That is the way to the chimney, and once I am there, I shall know how to manage. We shall climb so high that no one can reach us, and right at the top there's a hole that leads out into the wide world.


And he led her across to the door of the stove. It looks very black, she said, but she went with him all the same through firebreak and flew where the darkness was as black as night. Now we are in the chimney, he said, and look, the loveliest star shining above our heads. Yes, there was indeed a real star in the sky overhead, shining right down on them, as though it wanted to show them the way On. They clambered on, they crawled up and up and up, higher and higher, up and up and up, higher and higher. It was a horrible journey, but the little sweep kept lifting and helping her, showing her the best places for putting her little china feet until at last they arrived at the edge of the chimney pot. There they sat down, for they were tired out, and no wonder. High above was the sky with all its stars. Below was the town with all its roofs. They could see far, far around them where the wide world lay with its distances.


The poor shepherdess had never imagined anything like it. She laid her little head on the sweet shoulder and cried so bitterly that the gold was washed from her sash. It's all too much, she cried. I cannot bear it. The world is too big. Oh, if only I were back again on the table under the mirror. I shall never be happy until I am there again. I shall never be happy until I am there again. I have followed you into the wide world. Now, if you really care for me, I beg you to take me home again.


The chimney sweep gently reasoned with her. He reminded her of the Chinamen and of the Brigadier, Major General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. But she wept with despair and kissed and clung to her chimney sweep until he could not help giving in to her, foolish as it was. So they crawled back down the chimney a hard and perilous business and crept through the flue while the nastiest parts of the journey, and at last they found themselves inside the dark cavern of the stove. They stood behind its door for a while to hear what was going on in the room. Everything seemed quiet enough, so they peeped out. But oh, there in the middle of the floor lay the old Chinaman Trying to run after them. He had fallen from his table and now he lay broken into three pieces his back, his front and his head, which had rolled into a corner.


The Brigadier, Major, General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs stood fixed where he had always stood, deep in thought. Thought, how terrible, cried the little shepherdess, Old grandfather's broken to bits. And it is all our fault. I shall never get over it. And she wrung her little hands. He can still be mended, said the chimney sweep that that can easily be done. Now don't get so excited. When they have glued him together and put a rivet in his neck, he'll be as good as new. He'll be able to say plenty of tiresome things to us yet. Yet, Do you think so? She said, and they climbed back to the tabletop where they stood before. Well, we have been a long way, said the chimney sweep, and here we are back where we started. We might have spared ourselves the journey. Oh, if only old grandfather were mended. The shepherdess said Will it cost very much? Do you think? The Chinaman was mended? The family had his back glued on, A rivet was put in his neck and he looked as good as new, but he could no longer nod his head. You have become high and mighty since you were broken, said Brigadier, Major General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. But what have you got to be proud of, Dear Major General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs? What have you got to be proud of? Tell me, am I to have the shepherdess or not? The sweep and the shepherdess looked anxiously at the old Chinaman, for they were afraid that he might nod. But he could not do this and he did not wish to admit that he had a rivet in his neck. So the little porcelain lovers stayed together and went on loving each other in the greatest happiness until they broke.


Have you ever seen a very old cupboard or cabinet, quite black with age, carved all over with trailing stems and leaves? There was a cabinet of this kind in a sitting room, Once it had belonged to the family's great-great-grandmother. It was covered from top to bottom with carvings of roses and tulips, surrounded by curly flourishes, while through the spaces numbers of little carved deer poked out their antlered heads. But in the middle there was the complete figure of a man. Well, an odd sort of character. He was comical enough to look at, for he had legs like a goat's small horns coming out of his forehead, a long beard and a peculiar sort of grin. You could hardly call it a smile. The children of the house called him Brigadier, Major, General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. The name suited him, they thought, because it was hard to say. Besides, who else living or carved ever deserved such a title? Anyhow, there he was, and his eyes were turned all the time to the table under the mirror.


For on the table stood a lovely little china shepherdess. Her shoes were gilt, her dress was neatly pinned with a china rose, she also had a golden hat and she held a shepherd's crook. Oh, she was beautiful. Close beside her was a little chimney sweep. He too was made of china. All of him was black, except his face, which was pink and white as a girl's. Really, he was just as clean and tidy as anyone else, for he was only a make-believe sweep. The china maker could have turned him out just as well as a prince. And there he stood, with his ladder and his pretty face which hadn't even a dab of soot on it. And since the sweep and the shepherdess had always been placed together on the table, they became engaged. The most natural thing in the world. Indeed, they were very well suited. Both were young, Both were made of the same kind of china clay. Each was quite as fragile as the other.


Not far away was a very different figure, about three times their size. This was an old Chinaman, a Mandarin, who could nod his head. He too was made of China, and he always declared that he was the shepherdess's grandfather. He could give no proof, but he insisted that he was her guardian. So when Major General Goatlegs asked for her hand in marriage, he nodded his consent. There's a fine husband for you, he said to the shepherdess. He is made of mahogany, I am almost sure of it, and you will become, Madam, Lady, Brigadier, Major General, Captain, Sergeant, Corporal Goatlegs. He owns this whole cupboard full of silver plate, as well as what he has secretly hidden away. I don't want to go into that dark cupboard, said the little shepherdess. I've heard that he has eleven china wives in there already. Then you can be the twelfth, said the mandarin. Tonight, as soon as the cupboard starts creaking, the wedding will take place. As sure as I'm a Chinaman. With that, he nodded his head and went to sleep.


But the little shepherdess began to cry and look at her true love, the chimney sweep. I think I must ask you, she said, to come out into the wide world with me, for we cannot stay here. Your will is my will, said the little chimney sweep. Let us start at once. I feel sure that I can earn enough to keep you by my profession.


Oh, if only we were down from the table, she. I cannot be happy until we are out in the wide world. So he comforted her and showed her where to place her little foot, on the car of projections and the gilded leaves down the leg of the table. He took his ladder too to help her. And there they were at last, on the floor. But when they looked up at the dark old cupboard, what a commotion. All the carved deer were poking out their heads still further, pricking their antlers, turning their necks from side to side and Brigadier Major General Captain, Sergeant Corporal Goatlegs was jumping up and down and shouting across to the old gentlemen they're running away, they're running away, they're running away, they're running away.


This frightened the lovers and they quickly hid in the drawer of the window seat. Here they found three or four packs of cards, none of them quite complete, and a little toy theater. A play was being acted and all the card queens, diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades were sitting in the front row fanning themselves with their tulips. Behind them stood all the knaves with their two heads, one at the top, top, one at the bottom. All playing cards are like that. The play they were watching was about two lovers who were prevented from marrying, and the shepherdess wept again, for it was just her own story. I cannot bear it. She said swept again, for it was just her own story. I cannot bear it. She said I must get out of this drawer.


But when they had reached the ground and looked up at the table, the old Chinaman had awakened and was rocking his body to and fro. The old Chinaman had awakened and was rocking his body to and fro. He had to move like this since, apart from his head, he was made all in one piece. The old Chinaman is coming, shrieked the little shepherdess, and so terrified was she that she fell down on her porcelain knees. I have an idea, said the chimney sweep. Let us creep into the big potpourri jar over there in the corner. We can hide in there among the roses and lavender and throw salt in his eyes if he comes. That will not help' she said "'Besides, I happen to know that the old Chinaman "'and the Pope Purijar were once engaged, "'and there is always some feeling left "'when people have been as close as that. "'no, there is nothing left for us "'but to go forth into the wide world'. Have you really the courage to come with me into the wide world, asked the chimney sweep. Do you realize how vast it is and that we can never come back again? Yes, I have thought of that, she answered.


The chimney sweep gave her a keen and serious look. Then he said the only path I know lies through the chimney. Are you sure you are brave enough to follow me through the heart of the stove and into the dark tunnel of the flue? That is the way to the chimney, and once I am there, I shall know how to manage. We shall climb so high that no one can reach us, and right at the top there's a hole that leads out into the wide world, and he led her across to the door of the stove. It looks very black, she said, but she went with him all the same, through firebrick and flue, where the darkness was as black as night. Now we are in the chimney, he said. Now we are in the chimney, he said and look, the loveliest star is shining above our heads. Yes, there was indeed a real star in the sky overhead, shining right down on them, as though it wanted to show them the way on.


They clambered On, they crawled Up and up, and up, higher and higher. It was a horrible journey, but the little sweep kept lifting and helping her, showing her the best places for putting her little china feet, until, at last, they arrived at the edge of the chimney pot. There they sat down, for they were tired out, and no wonder. High above was the sky with all its stars. Below was the town with all its stars. Below was the town with all its roofs. They could see far, far around them where the wide world lay with its distances.


The poor shepherdess had never imagined anything like it. She laid her little head on the sweep shoulder and cried so bitterly that the gold was washed from her sash. It's all too much, she cried. I cannot bear it. The world is too big. Oh, if only I were back again on the table under the mirror. I shall never be happy until I am there again. I have followed you into the wide world. Now, if you really care for me, I beg you to take me home again. The chimney sweep gently reasoned with her. He reminded her of the Chinamen and of the Brigadier Major, general, captain, sergeant, corporal Goatlegs. But she wept with despair and kissed and clung to her chimney sweep until he could not help giving in to her, foolish as it was. So they crawled back down the chimney a hard and perilous business and crept through the flue while the nastiest parts of the journey. And at last they found themselves inside the dark ca parts of the journey.


And at last they found themselves inside the dark cavern of the stove. They stood behind its door for a while to hear what was going on in the room. Everything seemed quiet enough, so they peeped out. But oh, there in the middle of the floor lay the old Chinaman Trying to run after them. He had fallen from his table and now he lay broken into three pieces His back, his front and his head, which had rolled into a corner.


The Brigadier, major, general, captain, sergeant, corporal Goatlegs stood fixed where he had always stood, deep in thought. How terrible, cried the little shepherdess. Old Grandfather's broke into bits. And it is all our fault. I shall never get over it. And she wrung her little hands.


He can still be mended, said the chimney sweep. That can easily be done. Now don't get so excited. When they have glued him together and put a rivet in his neck, he'll be as good as new. He'll be able to say plenty of tiresome things to us yet. Do you think so, she said, and they climbed back to the tabletop where they stood before.


Well, we have been a long way, said the chimney sweep. And here we are, back where we started. We might have spared ourselves the journey. Oh, if only old grandfather remended the shepherdess said Will it cost very much? Do you think the Chinaman was mended? The family had his back glued on, a rivet was put in his neck and he looked as good as new. But he could no longer nod his head. You have become high and mighty since you were broken, said Brigadier, major, general, captain, sergeant, corporal Goatlegs. But what have you got to be proud of? Tell me, am I to have the shepherdess or not. The sweep and the shepherdess looked anxiously at the old Chinaman, for they were afraid that he might nod. But he could not do this and he did not wish to admit that he had a rivet in his neck. So the little porcelain lovers stayed together and went on loving each other in the greatest no-transcript.

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