Work In Progress Podcast

WIPp 031 Frannie Foltz: From Teacher, Administrator, Project Manager to Podcast Agent

Dana & Angela



From Teacher to Podcast Agent, Frannie's goal is to help others maximize their personal brand through podcasting and digital marketing.

Aside from working as a teacher, she was also a school administrator, project manager and fitness instructor. When she was let go from her job in early 2020, she was able to turn things around using the skills and experiences she’s accumulated over the years. 

Topics discussed
- Everyone is a work in progress
- How she got started in teaching
- Her philosophy of “people before profit” 
- How she discovered she was good at customer service and sales 
- How she created a business that fits her skills and personality
- She found her first client on the same week she was let go from her previous job
- Writing her first book in three weeks 
- The importance of knowing your boundaries
- Frannie’s brother got a date from being a guest on her podcast 
- The worst part is cold calling
- Morning routine 
- Advice on asking open ended questions
- We might be guests on Frannie’s future talk show
- Advice on creating a pitch for yourself in the podcast space


We have more interviews on our podcast! Head over there to check out more interesting stories. 

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Happy by MBB
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I can either be like the 16 year old girl with excitement of like, "What's next", or I can be like, "What's n xt", you know, in fear. nd I thought, I'm going to b the excited young girl that's xcited about this. And when I tarted seeing that as an oppor unity, it switched things


You're listening to the work in progress podcast, and we're your hosts, Dana in Angela. We believe your work and career should evolve with you. And it is therefore always a work in progress. In this podcast, you will hear stories of people who turn their careers from something that no longer serves them into something that complement who they are and their life goals. The way I like to think about it is that the careers are growing and stretching, just like they are. Our goal is to inspire you to get out there and to make the changes you want for yourself and your future. So let's get started. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, wherever you are. Welcome back to the working progress podcast. Today, we're very excited to be talking to friends in the past friend who worked as a teacher, administrator, project manager, and today she is a podcast agent, she helps solopreneurs build their audience and become the go to industry expert in their field, through podcast appearances. It's really exciting to talk to another person who has experienced going through all these transitions, especially during the time of COVID. So thank you so much for joining us. How are you today?


I'm awesome. I'm so excited to be here. You know, transitions are the number one thing in life, right? You're always either in one, you're coming out of one or you're going into one, you know. So I think that it's a very timely thing. So when I stumbled across your podcast and started listening, I was like, This is so perfect, because we are all works in progress. And you're constantly, you know, in an evolution to get to your next stage and phase, I guess in life.


Thank you so much. I'm so excited to have you here. I know that you've been through quite a few transitions yourself. And first of all, I want to ask you a little bit about your background, how did you get started in teaching.


So from the time I was a little girl I have I'm one of four. So I have three brothers, actually two of them are cousins. But in an Italian family, everyone's kind of like your brother, your sister. And so I used to always sit them down and try to teach them from the time I was a little girl. So I knew that was a trajectory that I wanted to go into. And so when I went to college, then I knew going into college that I was going to enter education. And my grandmother had said she was an immigrant, my mom herself as an immigrant and worked really hard. And she said, Okay, I'll pay for four years, whatever you get done that four years. So being the overachiever, the only girl in the family, I said, Okay, I'm gonna get three degrees in four years. So that's what I did. So I, all my degrees are in education. And so I knew nothing else. So to branch out to some of the places I have, and we'll wait until you get later into the conversation. But it was a big huge reach for me. But so I have pretty much always have wanted to be a teacher. And that was where, where I ended up in 1997. I got my first teaching job that's, you know, a few months out of school, and then was in the classroom until 2010.


I see. And what did you teach?


I taught middle school English at an all girls school on the east side of Cleveland, I absolutely loved it. Some people have questioned like, Oh, I don't know if I could ever work in girls go, how did you like that. And I absolutely loved it, you know, obviously, being a woman, but the way that we empowered students, and you know, just the philosophy and the pedagogy of an all girls education was very different and foreign to me. But it was wonderful. So I taught English, which has then helped me because I do write I've written a book and I'm currently writing a book, as well as you know, doing blogs and things like that. So it certainly has helped me to know, you know, when to use a common DIRECT address, or can I use a semicolon here? So that English background is certainly helped me


Do you feel you must feel like you're like when you were eaching middle school? All girl chool? I wonder. I mean, obv ously, I don't know. But I'm j st imagining that maybe it' just feels like you're ta king to a bunch of you're ta king to your little sisters a d you're trying to you know, hel them grow and teach obviously teach them English at the same ime. That's such a very uniq e experience, I guess because I don't have a little sister. I have an older sister, but it wa that's the perfect descripti n of a Dana because, you know, not having children myself an not having other siblings. It was wonderful because I would just treat them you know, like, okay, we're gonna tak a little break right now we're just gonna do some yoga. We ere just stretching. It was ju t so fun.


It was fine. It was you know, and it's funny now, because crazily enough a lot of my students are now you know, have been graduated and they're lawyers. In their nurses and their physicians and, and they'll write me and say Miss volts, you'll never, you'll never know the impact you had on me when we would lay on the ground, and we would do our breathing. And we will put our hand on our chest and a hand on her belly. And I'm like, oh, who ever knew that, you know, as a 10 year old student, that that would impact them. But you're exactly right, like having that kind of influence and impact. And, you know, for anyone who's listening to this, to just recognizing that planting seeds, like you might never see, like, not all my students are gonna email me and say, you know, whether good or bad, you know, hopefully, it's more good. But the impact you've had on them, but, you know, certainly things that you say or do along the path can certainly, you know, be watered and cultivated and hopefully harvested later.


Yeah, absolutely. I remember one of my favorite teachers, actually my middle school teacher, and she happens to be a woman too. She wasn't my English teacher, but she was my math teacher. And I think she was the person that actually got me to enjoy math. And I think having a good teacher that you you like, and you can, can, like, is able to teach you, without making you feel like, like, this is all for a test, something like that, it makes a huge, huge difference and really affects you down the road. It's not just when you're there a student, it's like, lifetime, actually.


Right? When it's interesting. And I know exactly, we need to give all teachers especially now during you know, COVID and everything, giving such an appreciation with virtual schooling and all the ways in which they're pivoting. But you know, one of the things I think about I'm a very, very much a relationship person, I think relationship, you know, especially in business should come before anything, you know, people before profit is what you oftentimes hear. And I think that's so true. And, you know, I think about how just pouring into my students, yes, if they learned, you know, if this is a Geron or an infinitive, that was great, but what mattered most is that I believed in them and encourage them. And, you know, I think if, like you just mentioned, Dana, like, if we think back to our schooling experiences, like most of us don't remember the trigonometry test we took, or, you know, maybe the dissection of the frog, you know what that bone was, but we remember that the teacher incited in us a passion for learning, or they believed in us, or they encouraged us to reach more think differently. That's really what I hope, you know, that I was doing with the students all those years, you know, yes, I wanted them to learn. And of course, they were their parents are paying for an education. And I think they learned along the way, because they knew that I cared about them.


That's amazing. And tell me about the transition that you you love. So when you left teaching, what did you do and, and why did you leave?


So in 2010, then I pivoted from the classroom, and I was then an administrator. So at the same school, and that was really the first time ladies were like, my eyes were open to something beyond, you know, I always joke that, you know, I was doing sales, I was doing admissions. And so, you know, I always joke though, as a teacher, you're also a salesperson, right? I was getting my students to, I was selling them on the idea that writing a persuasive essay was exciting and fun, you know. And so now I was doing that. And still in the administration side, though, in the school, it's at this point, then, again, very much relationship building, but it opened my eyes to marketing, all of a sudden, I was looking at, oh, this is the language or this is the sales language, you know, and even though we never talked about it like that, it that's really what it was, you know, I was sharing experiences and sharing stories. And then, of course, the advertising side of things, having open houses and meet and greets, and, you know, different events. And that really then gave me some experience and exposure to managing events, man and group managing groups of people doing things. You know, I used to, like, take little videos on my iPhone, I would get a group of girls together when a student got accepted. And I would, you know, congratulations, Angela. And they would you know, and I send off a video, the parents love that like personalization. So then, when I was when I was doing that, and my boss, I had a really good yield. It was my first year in it, and which meant all the students who we accepted chose us. And I had 100%. And she said, What did you do? And I said, I just created relationships. Like I would call the parents and just say, Hey, I remember your dog, you know, was going in for hip surgery. How did that work out? And they would just say, like, are you calling me about the applications? Like, I'm calling about your dog, like, didn't have the surgery yesterday, you know, or something. And they just loved that like that attention. So I realized, like, I'm onto something. Now, I also didn't mention this because it was more of my side hustle. I've always had a side hustle. And I think it's important for people to have a side hustle. But I worked at Disney. When I first started teaching in 1997. I started working at Disney. So talk about, you know, the kings and the queens of customer service and excellence. So I had really had learned about how to go that extra mile, you know, somebody dropped their popcorn on Main Street. I would just swoop right in and pick it up, Nick Oh, here you go. And, you know, magically disappear with new popcorn. And so I have learned that as customer service. So that was certainly something that was a part of my informal training, if you will, I'll be at formal in the form of a job, you know, part time job. So, then that helped me then to pivot when COVID happened. And I was like, well, I kind of have this customer service thing dialed in, and this relationship building thing. And that led me to the launching my own business now. So I, I have a very niche. And if you if it's okay with you'll kind of just dive into that, you know, I know you didn't ask the question. And if you do have a specific question, by all means, I will circle back to that we can piggyback but it's funny because, you know, people ask, Well, how did you get into this, and it's certainly something as I just shared the story. So far, it's happened over many years, you know, the English background, has helped me then to writing pitches. So I call myself like a punk podcast, pardon me, I'm concierge. So I really help people get on podcasts, which is funny, because I'm on the other end of it now, where I'm actually the guest, which is hugely exciting for me. So thanks for having me. But I started, you know, thinking about the relationships that you build, and then the connections you have with people, not only with my clients, but then also with the hosts. So now I have enough of, you know, credibility with hosts, Rob, just call and say, hey, I've got somebody I think might be a really great guest, are you interested in learning more, or here's their media sheet, or, you know, here's the website or whatnot. So it's a lot of those foundational skills that I've learned along the way that kind of led me to this circuitous route in this niche that I don't even think people knew existed, you know, or that does exist.


Now, that is so so amazing, I just want to say like, you know, all of the things that I heard so far, like, you also already gave a summary. But I just want to kind of like highlight that one more time, because a lot of the times when you're coming from, like anon, not to say that your background is not traditional, but like when your route or your career path is not very linear. And you know, you're not seeing like the same kind of industry. And then you're going from like, maybe entry level to like the executive level, sometimes you're a little concerned. And at least that makes me feel a little worried, because I feel like I'm not advancing, but you really, you know, did a really good job of using all of your combination of education background, and your English teacher expertise, and your customer service kind of knowledge from working at Disney, which is a world class company that's known for their customer experience, and then your passion for building relationship and putting people first, which is something that's unique to you know, and then all of those combined, like you said, kind of helped to create this little niche. And you're, you know, your own business right now, which is helping people get on their podcast, I think that's just really amazing. And maybe something that you never imagined word like, you know, you never like pictured yourself doing. But then kind of just along the way, you realize you have all of these skill sets and experience. And now there's something that you're interested in doing, and you just jumped right into it.


100% and like you just mentioned, Angela, you know, I think that, you know, they say that millennials, or you know, this generation that they will have a number of careers, it's upwards of a dozen careers, and they're not just talking jobs, they're talking careers, so you don't even completely pivoting. And so that's remarkable in and of itself, you know, during the course of their 40 or 50 year, you know, career span, that they'll have the number of careers and I think, you know, I'm in my mid 40s. And I think to myself, wow, I would never have thought that. And you know, when I first started teaching in 1997, podcasts weren't even a thing. I think that the first podcast were in 2004, you know, so I was definitely ahead of my time. But again, I think it goes back to one knowing what your talents are and what your giftings are. And then also to like, knowing how you can serve people, you know, when I was like, go for my job in February, I sat down on my last flight, I was going to New Orleans. And I thought, okay, what's next? Like, this is my last work trip. What am I going to do, even though I'm getting a severance, like, I have to figure out like, what are my next steps? And I was going to travel and I just really I just sat down on the plane, you girls, and I just started writing like, Okay, what are the things that light me up? What are the things that I'm jazzed about doing? What are the things that I hate and that my energy and I literally just started listing things? And then I was like, Alright, what applications do I know how to use? And I just started, like, you know, okay, Google Slides, Google Drive, like the basic things, you know, I mean, Microsoft Word like anything, you know, database systems, everything that I've used all on my way, who are the mentors who I really looked up to in the past, what are the things that I liked about their jobs, and I just sort of brain dumping and it was like this divine download, where God was just like, pouring it into me and I literally wrote this little book and it's about, it's called from your frog from that girl's fire, you know, from your fire to that girl's on fire. And it's all about making transitions in life because, as we mentioned, you're always transitioning into something, whether it be into a relationship, you know, you're going into a relationship or out of a relationship or into motherhood or, you know, in an empty nester like you're constantly evolving and transitioning. And so to have, you know, almost like a practical roadmap was helpful for me because I've been, I've had a lot of transitions in my life, whether it be literally being homeless, breaking up engagements, like I've had an array of things in my life that have happened. A lot of them choices, you know, I would definitely never be a victim about that. But how can I help somebody and put them first to help them navigate through a transition that they might be going through to?


That's amazing. And was that when you wrote your first book? Tell us about your first book.


Yes. And it was it was my first book. So I am Christian. And I feel like God has given me this pride about three years ago. He said, it's time to write a book, you know, more of a memoir. And I started writing and I have 90,000 words written right now. But it's awful girls, if you were to read it, you'd be like, What is she like? It's all over the place. And literally, I just sat down, and I told a story about, you know, being in fifth grade, and I told a story about my high school homecoming, and that, you know, just it's all over the place. So I have all these words, kind of in this Google Doc at this point. So this was my first book that I just wrote in February, I self published literally, wrote the book, edited the book, got everything, you know, my cover everything up and done in three weeks, like I was like, wow, I mean, it's really, it's only a 90 page book. So it's not like it's anything that crazy, but it was enough, you know, that I was able to get it out there. So I have that. And then I now have just restarted, Oh, my gosh, the undertaking of writing my book now. So I'm really kind of diving in. And I've, I've taken a course I've hired a coach and author coach. So I'm working on that now. Because I really want to commit to this, by the end of this year to at least have some semblance of at least a manuscript to get out there with my 90,000 words, even though I have a feeling that 75,000 of them will have to be scrapped.


And what is the second book about?


Great question, because again, in the outlining process, you know, I just started writing, and it was my memoir, but now I know that it needs to be more for a reader, right? Like, it just can't be about my stories, because it's not going to be about helping them. So it's about owning your worth, and about knowing your boundaries. And so in relationships, physically, you know, intimate relationships, as well as friendships, I've learned a lot of things, you know, when to say no, teaching, you know, you teach people how to treat you, and things like that, but then also how that has impacted me in career, you know, in my career as well, knowing those boundaries of when to say no, when something is not ethical, you know, especially being an entrepreneur. You know, sometimes you go after the money because you're like afraid that that you're not going to have it. And so here's a perfect example, a couple weeks ago, I was interviewing client, I always interview my clients, because it's a two way street. And as I mentioned, I'm Christian. So I work with a lot of Christian entrepreneurs. And oddly enough, a lot of them are authors. So I'm on a phone call with this gentleman, and he was sweetest anything, but he dropped all the swear words. And there's no judgment in that. But that's just not me and my brand. So a lot of the podcast connections I have, are also Christian. So I thought I can't have this guy going on there. And I don't want him you know, and so I just got to the end of the call, and I just said, you know, you have an awesome story, your book sounds awesome, I really want to read it. However, I just don't know if we're a right fit. And I went on to explain that. And so with that being said, I think that that is really important. You know, going back to my book, The theme of it is, knowing what your boundaries are. And I had to say, Okay, this is what is valuable to me, and this is what I value. So I'm going to have to say no to picking up this high end client, you know, at the cost of it not necessarily being in alignment with what my value system is, and how in the middle of all of these. I mean, you're you have your own podcast, you interview your clients before you actually bring them on. How do you balance your time between writing a book and, you know, working on your, your business? So I actually do my podcast is more I don't know, I call it more of like a vlog, right? Like almost like a video blog. But I'm Sunday nights, I do mine. And I just do them live. And then I just repurpose them over on YouTube at this point. And so with that being said, those are pretty easy. And I just love getting out and talking with people. But with writing the book, I make an intentional time. So what I did was I found that I know I'm best in the morning, I'm I'm an early bird, I'd not a night out also I get really good rest. And then I wake up in the morning. And I have a really good routine in the morning of you know, prayer time and just quiet time. And then I just literally start diving in. And I block out for 90 minute blocks throughout the day. Really, after about one o'clock, I've spent like there's not as much creativity. And so between 60 and 90 minutes, I really try to get that before noon. And then I try to have my meetings only on certain days. I have my meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays and I really only try to then write Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. And then of course on the weekends I really try so it takes a lot of structure and discipline. Like you have to to treat it as your full time job at this point even though it's not. So I'm working a lot right now but because I have a deadline and want to get it out there. I'm really kind of focused.


So if you're done by 12 and then you have these four blocks of 90 minutes, that means you start at...


About 430 is usually when I wake up really get up because, and you know, my prayer time is usually like I have a prayer time and routine in the morning. And that's usually I walk at, in the mornings, and I just do that. So from like, 445 ish, you know, the time I get my coffee and whatnot until like six is kind of my own personal quiet time. And then I kind of dive in around six 630 with kind of sitting down to write


This is okay, this is interesting. It's obviously a bit off topic. But I'm, I'm, I'm the opposite of you. I'm a night owl. And recently, I've been trying to wake up early, because I was reading about it. And then I noticed that a lot of the things I want to get done, actually don't get done, because usually I do them at night. And then just lately, when I when I try to get to them at night, I'm already too tired. So I heard about, you know, doing all those things in the morning. And the benefit of that, so I decided to try it. And in the beginning I was doing well, I actually bought like a, what they call like a wakeup alarm clock. It's like a light that turns on. So that has been helping me. And so I was for a while I was able to wake up at I think six, which is extremely early for me. And then I really do see the benefit of you know, just get like having that quiet moment for that. Like you said, you have like an hour and a half to yourself. And that's such a, like a golden hour, I feel like you can get what you want to do get started in the morning, so, so they don't get derailed by whatever happens in the rest of the day. And that is so amazing. But I don't know how like. So for example, if you go to if you wake up at 430, that means when do you sleep,


I go to bed early as I usually get to bed around nine 930. Like I really try to check my phone, I put it on airplane mode, usually around nine and my friends and family know that. And I don't, I don't take it off until I'm done with my quiet time. So I don't check email, I don't check Instagram, I don't check the weather, I don't do any of that until after I've had my quiet time. I do have like an old iPod that I use. And I will check my you know, I have a Bible app that I use. And I'll check the Scripture and things like that, or sometimes I'll use it for commentary or referencing. But otherwise, I really try to stay away from technology during that time I try to read journal, and if you know how Elrod he has morning miracle, or Miracle Morning, I can't remember which one it is. But he has a great book. And as you know, to you know, both of you ladies know, any successful entrepreneur has a morning routine before they go into work they have their entire day has been like thought about, you know, they have intentionally thought about the people, they're going to meet with what they're going to say, you know, all of those details. And I've always been a morning person. And you know, I help people also I'm a fitness teacher as well. And so I would always tell people, I used to teach class at 533 days a week in the morning, and the class would be packed ladies, there would be like 40 people in there. And I would always say, nobody needs you at 530 in the morning, you know, I mean, it's very unusual that people want you or they're calling you at 530 the morning, but 530 at night, everyone wants your attention, you know, or even at 930 at night, you know, it's so much easier to get distracted or throw in the load or laundry. Whereas in the morning when it's quiet, you don't want to wake anyone else up and you kind of have your own little routine. So that's always just worked for me.


Got it. Yeah, that's um, yeah, thanks for agreeing to do railing with me a little bit. But this is a this is a very, I guess, a topic. I'm really, really interested lately. So thanks for indulging me. Before we should go back to the career transition part. So. So let me see. So you left corporate America? And what was the transition? Like, you know, coming out of it, and then starting your own company, figuring it out? I think you touched on that a little bit. But I'm interested in learning more about it. Like, you know, what's the actual process? What did you actually go through? And, yeah, was it difficult? I imagine it must be kind of hard, but just tell me about it. I'm interested in it


So first of all, you know, I was let go of my job. And I think that just like anything like in a relationship or anything, nobody wants to be rejected. So I went through a lot of emotional stuff, like, Oh my gosh, like, even though many other people at the company had been, moko was like I was isolated. It still took a toll on me, you know, mentally where it was like, Okay, I was rejected, you know, like, they don't want me to, you know, not everybody was like, oh, and so that kind of took its own toll on me. So I had to really like dig in deep there and to say, okay, like, this is not, you know, there's a expression that things don't happen to you, they happen for you. And I was like, Okay, this is an opportunity. Like, I get to see this as an opportunity. And there's that commercial for insurance. And there's a 16 year old girl and she comes outside. And the script is simple. It's two words. She says my car, she's super excited, and she sees her car and has a big bow on it. And then they, you know, split screens and there's the guy who comes outside and he's a, you know, middle aged man and his cars being towed away. And he goes my car, it's the exact same expression, but their perspective and their circumstances were completely different. And I thought to myself, I can either be like the 16 year old girl with excitement of like, what's next? Or I could be like, shoot what's next, you know, in fear. And I thought, I'm going to be the excited young girl that excited about this. And so, when I started seeing that as an opportunity, it switched things around. And then when I started, like, you know, doing some research, and what were people doing, and, you know, I kind of fell into as I mentioned, the podcasting thing, I, I just started reaching out to all my friends, I was like, hey, look, I've been let go of my job. This is my skill set. What are some things you know, do you know anybody who might be looking for this, this and this. And, you know, I, I was doing project management, a lot of things were in the online space. So I was able to help people with, you know, setting up landing pages or conversion pixels, and I had had experience or Hey, I can do an Instagram story, you know. So a friend of mine reached out and said, Hey, you know, my fiance, I think, you know, he's an older, he's in his 60s, and he's wanting to make a transition, like, maybe you could help him and I was, like, awesome. And so he was an amazing first start. And then he was the one who ended up starting to get on podcast right away. And I thought to myself, wait, like, this might be a need, you know, I was able to book him on over 50 podcasts, really not, not quickly. But I started, like, figuring out the perfection, like I perfected a pitch. And then I would listen to podcasts. And then there's millions of podcasts, as you ladies know, and I was like, there's so many ways I can go ahead and pivot this. And you know, my business name is shine with frannie. And my goal is to help amplify other people and help them shine, you know, to be able to take what their story is, because everybody has a unique story, you know, everybody has something to say, because their experience, even if you've seen the same movie, you're going to walk away from that movie with a different experience because of your own background. And, you know, the schema that you come into that with. So that was where I was like, I think I can do something with. So like you said, You had mentioned earlier, Angela, like it took my education background, my writing background, my customer service experience I related to building and I was like, I'm gonna kind of craft this. And then I just started kind of rolling with it. And sure enough, here we are, ladies. So it was you know, it was it's tough, though. And I will be honest, like, you had asked, like, tell a little bit about it. As they say in everything, all relationships are good, but they're hard. And they're hard, but they're good. You know, like, It's hard being an entrepreneur, like you're constantly like, okay, who's in my pipelines, you know, setting up social media, hiring a VA to set my social media doing the different things that I'm doing. And then also, you know, it's so good, because I get to be flexible, I get to have my own hours I get, you know, I get to meet new people, I get to travel places, you know, all of those things. But yet, it's hard, you know, so I think that if somebody is listening to this, and they're like, I want to do that 100% go all in, do it, try it, figure it out, you know, you'll figure it out. Find a mentor to help you along the way, which is the number one thing I think it's important for any any person and in any phase of life, whether you're losing weight, or whether you know, you're in a relationship, you need to have somebody who you're looking to an aspiring to be white, you know, who can get wisdom from, and especially with starting a business this day and age especially.


Yeah, absolutely. And would you say that? If Would you say that you would be doing this? If you were not let go from your previous company?


Not at all, I wouldn't have thought that, you know, like, this was almost like a resourceful, like, I have to figure out how I'm going to make this happen. And, you know, my family, I come from a very traditional Italian background, Holmes and my family. Just the other day, somebody said, Does your family know what you do? And I was like, nope, they have no clue. You know, and I think to myself, because it is it's something that's one its niche, and two is kind of more progressive and New Age, you know, rather than my family who's just like, so are you going to get a job? Or have you sent on a resume? And I'm like, No, I'm kind of doing this whole podcasting thing, you know. And so, it is interesting. I think a lot of people don't understand a lot of the new careers, if you will, because they are so non traditional. Right? This I think there's something to be said. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. No, I was just too interesting. No, that was my thought. I totally just went It was kind of off at a tangent. I think there's something as I mentioned before, you know, in my mid 40s, there's so much to be learned from the younger generation, whether it be working from home or working from a coffee shop or having casual Fridays, like we have so much just the ways that I think that so many younger people are very innovative and outside the box thinkers. I know that sometimes millennials get a bad rap and, you know, oftentimes, like, oh, that they're lazy or they're unmotivated or something. I've heard that you know, from people who are my age, and I'm like, but how can you work within that, like they're not lazy because they're wanting to work in a coffee shop. They're just wanting to work differently. It just doesn't look the same way that we work, you know?


Well, you're so nice. I feel like a lot of millennials must be so happy Right now?


Well, I hope so I think that there's too many times where we look down on, we don't look at the opportunity to learn from, whether it be the younger generation or the older generation, there's something from everybody, right, like, Millennials have just as much to learn from our generation and the generation before me as well. And that's where I think the open mindedness, you know, coming into it saying, What can I learn? How can we do things differently?


Hmm, that's so true.


Tell us about how you found your first client.


Girls, it was cold calling, I literally just put it out there like, and again, that's where it goes, just it speaks to having those relationships from all those years, you know, and I just started picking up the phone, and I literally started cold calling, which I was not really familiar with, you know, I'm not in kind of the sales that way now that some professions like they want you to have 25 calls a day, you know, in certain fields, and I that was not ideal. And even in admissions, you know, a lot of people came to us, I didn't have to do as much cold calling. So for me, it was humbling, you know, to pick up the phone and to say, Hey, I just lost my job. You know, this is what I'm doing. Do you know anybody who might need some services? And, you know, in it, and I was willing to do anything in the beginning. And that's one thing, I think, too, for anybody, you know, recognizing that there's nothing and I told people, there's nothing that's too low. For me, there's nothing that's beneath me. Like, if you need me to scrub your toilet for a while I would do it. You don't I mean, because I think that that's where like, I learned grit, and also that it has made me successful in my jobs in the past, where they knew they could ask me to do anything like, Oh, hey, frannie, will you go on this field trip with these students? You know, for a week in Cape Cod, which, hey, I'm not complaining about that, by any means. But, you know, is an undertaking of time and energy and resources to go with these, you know, it was just a bigger deal. But I've always been willing to pay Sure. Send me Yeah, let me do it, you know, you need me to shut that box, I'll move it for you. You know, whatever it is, I've always been willing to do it. So I was willing to do whatever, you know, when I was first let go in February, I just started reaching out like, hey, if they need me to, you know, write a blog for them, I'll do that if they need me to make phone calls for them. I was making phone calls for one of my clients who is a real estate agent. And I was just calling and getting referrals. And I was kind of doing her telemarketing. And so I was willing to do whatever it took. Yes, exactly.


And that you actually, so when you say cold calling you like actually call them call them just because nowadays, there's so many different ways of contacting people. And I wonder like, you know, have you tried a few different kinds? And maybe do you find one platform works better than the other or anything like that?


Yeah, it's interesting. You mentioned that, Angela, because I think you're right, like, meeting people where they are, right. So if I knew, for example, by one client, who ended up signing with me, who is 16 and 16. For him, it wasn't gonna make sense to send a DM, right, or to send something that was just, you know, electronic, I had to pick up the phone and call him or I couldn't hashtag and be like, Hey, you know, so. So that I kind of have to meet people where they are, but because I was, I was really looking at my inner circle. And I was like, Alright, let me identify 10 people who I know have a very, very, very wide net, you know, and who can cast the net wide for me. And I just wrote those 10 people down. And you guys, I want to say it was easy. But literally, by the second day, I got a phone call back like, Hey, I actually know somebody who. And so I was able to sign a five figure client that same week that I was like, Oh, my job.


Wow. Yeah.


Yeah. So which, again, you know, that's not normal. And I don't want anyone to be like, Oh, that's way too easy. It's not easy. And that five figures was over the course of three months, not over the course of, you know, a week or a month that I was making that money. But I was able to come up with a proposal and get, you know, everything dialed in and was like, Hey, you know, this worked for you. And, you know, how does, you know which part of this works? So and that was that. And so since then, you know, it's it's definitely evolved, if you will, because I've had to meet people where they are. So now I use a lot of LinkedIn connections, which is actually how I connected with you girls, you know, and I just use filters on LinkedIn to connect with, you know, podcasters. And that was kind of how it was. And it was funny, because many of my clients, I have one other one, but I was like, I was intrigued by yours. I listened to a few episodes. And I was like, oh, Mike, my clients, I don't know if they'll be good fits, because they've kind of like the one was in a career for 25 years. It's like, he didn't really have a lot of transitions. And then another one, he was actually in prison, which is really interesting. But I was like, I don't know if that's the kind of transition they're looking for. But I was like, I might be able to speak to this, which is the reason why I was like, hey, if you are ever looking for somebody I might be able to help out.


For sure. This is so interesting. And then it Love that you mentioned great. That reminds me of something that I guess I don't normally show this part of life. You know, my it's definitely not on my resume. But I think this was when I was just starting out. So on my first job, I had just something came to me. And I felt like I needed to learn how to Oh, I remember sorry, this was when I was first became a be starting to become interested in the business side of, I guess any kind of business. Even though I did graduate with an economics degree, I think at the time, I chose to do something that was a little more relevant to my science degree. And I think a little bit into the job, I felt like, Okay, I understand how it works, and how operations kind of work within a laboratory setting in some kind of a life science company. But I want to understand a little bit more about the business side of things, and I have no idea how to, like, get my hands dirty, if you will, to do that. Because, you know, I was like a year into working my first job and after college, and I just like didn't really know anyone. So I decided to just kind of find a, I walked into actually a quite big food service chain kind of restaurant, really close to my first job. And I just asked them if they needed help. So then I got interviewed on the spot right away, and I got a job. But the job was a service job. So I was a server, I was just working there after my first job. And I will say that's something that you know, something that's like, out of the blue kind of almost, and it does not really fit with anything else that I have on my resume. So I never had it really on my resume. But when talking about like grids, and what you can learn from any job, regardless of what it is, that's always going to be the number one job that I want to talk about. Because at that job, I learned that yes, the customer's always right. But there are always ways to kind of engage with with them when they're not, not really right. And you just have to know how to do it and always very respectful and things like that. And it really taught me to kind of see that, you know, I guess, understand and see people in the service industry a little bit differently than how I would would have if I never worked in the service industry myself. And yeah, I really liked that you mentioned, you know, you sometimes just have to be like willing to do almost anything and everything there is to kind of get started and from there on, you can learn so much more. You don't even know what you're in store for. So, yeah, I think yeah, it's something if I could give an advice to anyone that's like in the younger generation in there, maybe like late teens or early 20s, I would say is just, you know, take any opportunity that comes your way and try to make the most out of it. Hundred percent. And don't you treat people differently in the service industry? Angeles? Yeah, because you literally because because you know that you've been there, you know that, oh, you know, your stereotype or like any kind of a common stereotype of people that are working kind of behind the counter, you really don't know very much until you're in it. And they actually are capable of doing so much more. And they're actually their job was actually quite difficult, you know, sometimes handling people that are coming in when they're like having a bad day. And yeah, I think I heard somebody kind of made a comment about how, if you're in the service industry, you understand that people kind of take all of the bad things out on you in all of your interactions with them, like unintentionally, and sometimes that's, you know, subconsciously, that they're just like, maybe a little more rude than they should need to be. But that's kind of just like, you know, something you learn once you're in there, and you haven't gone through that I feel like I just you know, have so much more respect for all the different jobs out there. And because, you know, every job really teaches you something. So, yeah, I think it also kind of fits with what you're saying, you know, doesn't matter what it is that you meet, I will, I'm willing to do it, even if like, you know, you kind of did some telemarketing for one of your account clients, which is not really what you were, you were in it for, but you did it anyway. And now let's do something else.


And a percent and you know, it gives back to the cold calling. And I think what's important to you know, I don't have children of my own, but thinking about how, you know, when I'm with my nieces and nephews, for example, we'll go to the movie theater, and you know, you eat your popcorn or whatever on the ground. I'm like, oh, we're gonna throw their way like, Oh, well, someone's gonna come and clean it up. Like, what if in 10 years, you're that person?




You can do your part, like you ate the popcorn, like, be responsible, be full of integrity. And if you can help them out, and like, you know, the lady, the gym who's cleaning all the equipment down right now. I'm like, thank you so much. Like, I'm so grateful for her. Because, you know, there's nothing like, what if that was me 20 years ago, you know, and I think just there needs to be a space of gratitude around that too. So I think it does. Do you teach you a lot of things?


Yes, for sure. It's amazing what like the bits and pieces of wisdom you picked up along the way of your journey and so good to hear the


Boom, I think that's what's important too is that we have to just like you mentioned, Angela like, Okay, well, what did you learn about that? Like you just talked about, like customer service and like the customer's always right. And I think at any experience, like you walk away saying, Okay, what did I like about this? What did I like about this? You know, and hopefully the pain points that you didn't like, is what's going to proceed, you know, push you to pursue something that you do, like, you know, like, I can't take this anymore. And I only taught it to my one friend, she's in a business, she's in a job that she hates. And I'm like, well, you don't hate it that badly. Could you do something about it, you would be looking for a new job. And she's like, well, that's harsh. And I'm like, Well, it's true. You don't mean like, if you really, really hate it, you're going to put your resume together, or you're going to you know, you're going to start looking and figuring it out. But it's comfortable, you know, I mean, she gets a steady paycheck, and so it's not too uncomfortable for her to make that move. Same thing with your weight, right? Like, and I think about that all the time, because I've had extreme weight loss in my life. And so I think, Okay, well, when my pants don't start fitting again, that's when I'm like, Okay, I need to do something rather than buy new wardrobe every season. You know, like, it's the same thing in your career. So?


Absolutely. Um, so I'm interested in learning more about your podcast, actually, why don't you tell us a little bit about it.


So as I mentioned, it's not a full fledged podcast, because it's more or less like a live talk show. So it's like this, but I do no editing, and everything is just completely, you know, raw. And so I just have on different people who can inspire people. And it might be, I call it right now, frannie. And friends, I have an idea for free on five, where I talk about five different pillars of what are important to me, but I'm holding off on that, I think, until when my book comes out. But right now I just bring on different friends. And I'm very sociable. So I always say that I've never met, you know, there's never been a person that I haven't met that hasn't become a friend. So I just bring up like, last week, I had some a friend of mine who came on and she talked about the money mindset around entrepreneurial poverty. So she talked about how entrepreneurs will oftentimes pay everyone else before they paid themselves, and how we have to kind of pivot, you know, that mindset and replace that. I had my brother on both of us on online dating, he's divorced. And I'm single. And so we talked about our online dating experiences and what to look for in a profile. So they're just kind of random things, but things that I think might intrigue people. Oddly enough girls, he got dates from it. I did not know, I'm just saying, I'm not so sure how that work for us.


People reached out after listening?


Oh my gosh, that's amazi


Oh, for you, it was Yeah, I know, it was really good. Because you know, most of my audience is all females. So it was totally fine. And they were friends who I knew. And they were like, Is your brother single? And I was like, what the whole point of doing this, you know, nothing that was not to get a date, it was to bring awareness to it. We caught it. He said, she said, so it was like, you know, I said like, do you let her you know, do you let her pay? Or do you pay? Do you kiss on the first date or not? So it was kind of like rapid fire kind of questioning where I was answering. And he was answering our perspectives on it. So yeah, so I feel like I can almost do one of those like, because strangely enough, I know a lot of people who are single, whether it be because they're divorced or whatnot, you know, in their 40s and 50s. But I feel like that might actually be a talk show.


Yeah, actually, I was just gonna say that this could be this could turn into something very, very interesting, because that's a topic that obviously everybody is interested in, you know, and, yeah, that's so brilliant that sometimes, you know, all these ideas will just come out of what you're doing and you can, being an entrepreneur, you can also you can just pursue them.


That's so interesting. You say that, because, you know, they said that online dating has jacked up since COVID. Because, you know, maybe nobody's out in the public. And so, because of that everybody was online dating. And, you know, everybody had all the time in the world. So they were all sitting around at home looking at apps, so in profiles, so I thought, well, maybe I should do something that's actually I have a date and almost a decade. And that was actually what started it for me was I was like, maybe I should go back on and just kind of see what's out there. And yeah, so that's how it kind of started. So we'll see. But my ultimate dream, ladies is to have a talk show. And I've had that dream since I was in seventh grade. I've always wanted to have a talk show. And so I know what the marathon you know what the finish line looks like. But getting there. So having this little podcast niche and listening to podcasts, being on podcast, getting people connected to podcasts, I'm getting a lot of experience of what I would do what I wouldn't do. So I think I kind of consider this my market research. And the good thing is I'm making money while I'm doing it.


So yeah, definitely, I th nk you will be collecting a lot of good topics along the way. So I'm excited for that. Like if you have a talk show. I'm ll for it. I will be I'll be y ur number one liste


I was gonna say you girls might get to be guests. So how about that?


Yeah, so, um, actually, a question just popped into my head and I was wondering, maybe you can answer that for me. So since you work on you helped You know, build a brand and using podcast and, and and these technologies. I was wondering, what do you think like, do you have any advice on creating a pitch for yourself in the podcast space?


100%. The first thing y u want to do is make sure ou give a compliment to the p rson, you know, listenin to their podcast. And then like, for example, when I you know, messaged you guys, I went, I listened to your podc st before I, before I connected with you, before I emailed ou, I was like, Oh, these girls are awesome. And like, I read your bio. So I knew you guys were twins, and I had read some information, I did m research on it. So and then tha would be the first thing is, you know, making sure y u give an authentic genuine c mpliment. And then the second th ng I want to do is make sure yo're going to share how you'r going to provide value for t em. Like, I'm not here to tal about me and my talk show, like, I'm hoping that somebody alks away saying, wow, you know starting a business or the tr nsitions, or, you know, there's opefully, a little takeaway for every person who's listeni g to this at least one takeawa, because you want to be able o provide value for the aud ence that you're presenting t. This is not about me prom ting, you know, anything that I ve shared so far, you know, whe her it be a book or the book I' writing, hopefully, this is goi g to help somebody who's goi g through their own trans tion, and they're a work in p ogres


That's amazing. And also, another thing that you mentioned earlier that I kind of want to circle back is that you said that you seem to have a like natural, like ability to, let's say you're very, very good at customer service, or building relationships. Do you have any tips for that?


Number sent first, first and foremost, is always thinking about, okay, what would the other what would that person want? And so as Angela mentioned, with her, you know, experience working in the service industry, you know, everybody loves a compliment, right? So whether it's the girl at Target, and you're like, Oh my gosh, I love that lipstick. Like yesterday, she had these fancy nails, and I was like, your nails look amazing, are those for Halloween, and she was just like, you could just see her like light up. And so just really being gender. I don't think we do that very often. You know, and people oftentimes will say, Oh, hey, how are you today? And my response girls, I'll say, I'm just like, I look good. And it's not that I believe that it's not that I'm arrogant, but I just make people laugh, like, people are like, Oh, that's funny. And so if you can just like connect with people in a way that is just not your state, you know, kind of response of I'm good. How are you? You know what I mean? Like getting people to think and laugh and smile. And so I think for me, just really just being genuine with a compliment. And always just connecting with people finding a way to connect with them, asking open ended questions, obviously, I was a teacher for years, where if I just say, you know, did you like that movie? Yes. Or what was your favorite part of that movie? You know, when I was a teacher, I would ask my students, those kinds of questions, you know, not just, you know, closed ended questions. So really trying to have those engaging conversations and then saying to somebody, well, tell me more about that, or Wow, that sounds really exciting. But just like what you girls are doing tonight, you know, today, you're circling back and like, oh, tell me about this and go a little deeper. And who doesn't love talking about themselves? Right? So having somebody share a little bit about their experience, they walk away feeling better. So I think that's like, those are some keys I would certainly say is, you know, being genuine and compliment somebody, and then kind of asking those open ended questions, that's going to give you an opportunity to find yet another question to ask them. And then the third thing, as I mentioned girls earlier, for sure, and I apologize by calling you girls, ladies, I should say that there was like, not that you're you know, I feel like a wrinkle ranter over here because I'm so much older than you. But with like, I also think that learning from other people, there's a guy he's from Cleveland, and I lived in Cleveland for years. JOHN degioia, says his name and he has a great book called Secret Service. And he's actually consulted with Starbucks, and Disney and Chrysler and big fortune 500 companies. And so I've done some of his trainings, and he's all about the secret things have cut the customer industry. Like for example, he owns a beauty salon. And so if you go to his beauty salon The first time you get a different color cape, than if you're there as a third time guest. So the first and second time they treat you you know, the capes that you wear when you get your hair washed and whatnot and haircut. So they treat you very differently. They come and they give you champagne or wine or they ask if you want want, you know, they'll do your nails, they'll go ahead and give you a little nail polish change, like and they guess what, by the second time you're like, I'm hooked like I got it above and beyond service. And so that's really for me was like learning some of those little tricks, like I mentioned earlier, like when I would call the families and say, Hey, tell me about your dog. You know, like, nobody was just calling to find out about their dog. And then I was like, Oh, I don't even know where your application is. I haven't even looked at it this week. I just sincerely was calling about your dog. You don't mean? So they were like, oh, it made it feel like I was genuinely caring about them and not about them coming to the school. So then they felt cared for. And it really was genuine. I really did care about the families.


Mm hmm. Wow, I love that. Um, actually, you mentioned something that I'm really interested So, I'm going to ask sorry, so many questions.


Oh, no, I love it.


Yeah. So you mentioned that to ask open ended questions. And I feel like that's something that's very important to do. But I am just so bad at it. Are there? Are there any, like easy ones that you can ask? You know, for example, like you mentioned a good one. What was your favorite part about the movie? I think that's excellent. But I think sometimes when I'm trying to, you know, talk to someone, and I just, I just don't know what to ask, what are some easy ones you think?


So I think, you know, telling, like, for example, this morning, some of the girls had a birthday party, My birthday is next week. So they and I said, Okay, why does everybody go around and share your favorite or most memorable birthday experience? Like just being very open ended versus like, you know, just winter birthday? You don't mean? Like, that's something that's just like a closed ended, you know, v rsus what was your favorite m mory? You know, or what was th one lady went on? And she wa like, well, I told all my frie ds to come for a birthday part. And we actually were having party. And I was like, Well, th t was certainly memorable. And then that started, and I was ike, Well, what did your mom ay, you know, and all the kids s owed up at the house, like, so t en it just led to very natural y asking those questions. nd I think too, anytime you c n try to tap into an emotion, ou know, because people rem mber emotions, they don't rem mber facts as much as they re ember emotions or stories, if ou will. And so really bein able to anchor that, like, fo example, when I taught E glish, I used to have to try to anchor something that my studen s were learning in something th y already knew. And so to e able to do that, so it's the ame thing in our lives, righ, like, now that I know Angela's story about, you know, I love hat she was so full of grid, she just went in and said, like, ey, do you guys have any jobs? nd on the spot, she was interv ewed, you know? And then I, yo know, I'd say, Well, what did ou learn? What was the numb r one thing you learned from t at job? Or, you know, how did th t job help you for the next, y u know, how did that prepare you for your next career and thi gs like that? So I think just be ng genuinely concerned abou people and wanting to know, lik, what their experiences have b en? And I would, Dana, I would r frame I don't think you're, you aid, I'm so bad at asking the e questions. I don't think you're bad at all. It's just al o to like, you're just learni g, you know, we're constantly l arning new questions to ask, an I think you're great at it So thank you.


What advice do you have for other people that are also thinking about starting their business during Kobe, I feel like now, it's just a little different than like, you know, last year, or even like, January this year, like Kobe, just like, broke kind of a wrench into a lot of things. And since you were so successful, successful doing it yourself, we love to share, you know, any advice you have.


So I think the first and foremost thing is looking to see how you can meet a need. And so mine was very niche, and it was, you know, I went to like, like I mentioned earlier, I just went to some of my friends. And I was like, a casting that far and wide. I really didn't know, I knew that I had like, these five skills that I was really wanting, like, these are the things I wanted to do. And again, you know, people are like, well, what exactly do you do, and I, initially I was calling myself just like a PR person, because I was helping people, like, just get connected with like, you know, whether it be a person who is going to do your website, or whether it's going to be the person who, you know, I was just more of a connector for people. And I'm like, but how do you get paid to do that? And I was like, I don't want to necessarily be an agency. And so then I started thinking, like, Well, everybody has a story, and I love being able to help share that for people. But I don't want to write, you know, people have asked me to go straight for them. And I'm like, No, I don't want to that's such a labor of love. You know, I mean, yeah, it's just labor. I don't even know if I love, you know, would love doing that for someone else. I love doing my own things. But, um, so I thought, so I think that looking at and see, okay, well, there's a need, like, as you girls know, like, both of you have full time jobs, and you're doing this, it's like, people are busy. And so many entrepreneurs are doing so many things in their business, for them to write a pitch, listen to the podcast, research them, you know, doing all the all the things, if you will air quotes, there's a lot of detail. And I thought, well, what if I just made that a no concierge service and just say, I will do it, I'll send you the links, I'll put the headshot up, I'll send them the bio, I'll do all the things for you. And I'm like, great. So that's how it happened, you know, where I was just like, Why can meet a need, if they're maxed out? They don't know, you know, the people to connect with, they don't have the time to do the research. What if I just go ahead and do that for them and meet the need. So look and see how you can meet a need with the strengths and the things you like doing if you don't like doing it. Just because it's meeting a need is not going to fill you up.


That's a great point. And as an entrepreneur yourself, do you have like a go to person source or any kind of like, source of knowledge that you kind of use this to, like guide yourself in this journey and to building your own business?


Yeah, so I have a coach, I work with a coach. I think that's hugely important and you do have to invest in yourself. That's the one thing is you know, you have to invest in yourself. And not only that, but then also have provided me with a community of other entrepreneurs who are doing similar things, who I was able to say like, Oh, well tell me about this, or what do you know? Even for podcasts? I'm like, What microphone do you use? What headset Do you know their basic things, but it just provides for you that community. So you feel very comfortable being able to ask questions. And then also, it gives you that, that encouragement of like, Okay, well, what's working here, what's not and someone to kind of someone who's not in the weeds with you, you know, sometimes you get caught up. So I think that's a huge component to being successful. And again, I'm in a constant work in progress, ladies. So, you know, on any given day are exactly exactly what I love your podcasts for that reason. But that would be the first one is making sure you invest in yourself, you know, working with a coach, I think is hugely important. And then as I just mentioned, being able to be in a community where you feel comfortable to be vulnerable, because you're gonna have to say, Oh, my gosh, I messed this up, or, Oh, my gosh, you know, I tried this, and I spent $10,000, and it didn't work, you know, and now what, you know, sometimes I think that we're afraid to say, like, I messed up, or I failed. Now what? So if you have, you know, even if it's just a trusted few people, right, you know, in your, there's that expression, be careful of people who are in your circle, you want the people who are in your corner. And I think that's huge, because you might have a lot of people who are part of your inner circle, if you will, but not everybody is going to be there to cheer you on. Not everyone's going to be there to be like, you know, excited for you and encourage you, but the people in your corner are. So that's huge.


Absolutely. Thank you so much. frannie. I think that probably wraps up all of our questions. Is there something particular something else that you want to talk about on the podcast, we can go?


No, I think that, you know, hopefully, this was comprehensive. Hopefully, it gave people some insight and you know, some takeaways to be able to walk away and hopefully have at least something that they can go ahead and, you know, implement, I'm really, I really think it's important to have practical and tactical, like, it's great. If you're inspired. That's one thing, but if you're not going to take action, then that's a whole other thing. And actually, people can go to my book, if they are in the transition, I give them seven practical tip tips and tools to making a seamless transition. So one of them I talk about finding your Sensei, you know, finding that mentor, I talked about, you know, honing and zoning, I talked about creating goals. So there's a lot of practical tips. And it's a workbook because of the teacher in me. So there's exercises at the end of every chapter that are like, it's really yeah, and I'm like, it's a workbook, which means it won't work unless you do so you have to go and ask yourself the questions and make a point to you know, reach out and have lunch with somebody or you know, have coffee or make a phone call. So it's very practical, you know, right, the deadline, right, the date that you confirmed it, all those things, so it kind of hold you accountable.


That's great. Where can people find you


So I'm at shine with brandy on every platform. So o shine with brandy calm is my w bsite, and then on Inst gram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and acebook. It's all shy with fran ie. And then of course, if they just type in, yeah, shall we f annie will bring you all of my h ndles are also at the bott m of my page there too. And they can subscribe and they'll get hat free ebook when they subs ribe, or they can buy it on Amaz n. A cute little tip there that I learned from my coach. She as the book available to purc ase on Amazon. But you can also make it for a freebie for thei email. So FYI, if someone is a entrepreneur, and they're like what do I do with this kind of make money? Yes, you can. Yeah,


Thank you so much for sharing that tip with us.


You're welcome. Hopefully it will, somebody will will use it. Maybe you girls.


Yeah. Thank you for your time today. Thank you so much for all these wonderful wisdom and really, really love your sense of humor. So I really enjoyed this conversation so much. Thank you.


Thanks, Dana. Thanks, Angela. You guys are the best. I wish you only the best


Thank you so


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