The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 14: Compile - Package Your Knowledge into Products and Services

Jonathan Milligan

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Welcome to this special Book Club Series! Over the next several episodes, you'll be able to go "behind-the-scenes" with Jonathan Milligan as he teaches through his latest book, Your Message Matters!

Think of it as your own special audio course to go with the book!

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Hello, and welcome to the market. Your message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan and author of the book. Your message matters. How to rise above the noise and get paid for what, and we today are going to continue in our series. And if you've been following along live, I know it's been a couple of weeks, but I've got some good news. I am coming out with a brand new book called discover your message in just a couple of weeks. So beyond the lookout. Depending on when you're listening to us, it's going to be coming out the beginning of October, 2023. And I can't wait. The book is finalized. We've got both a Kindle. We have a paperback hardcover and something brand new. I've actually created a workbook an eight by 10, a big workbook that you can have. To do all of the exercises. And so if you like your message matters, you're going to love this new book because it's book one in a series. What we do is we're going to take in this first book, discover your message. We're going to take that one idea. If you remember back a couple chapters later or earlier. We dove into that, ignite your message framework, where we're going to expand upon that and really help you to define your audience, understand your strengths. And also figure out how to really define your message. Really excited about that. That's part of the reason for the delay. But we're excited to pick up today and continue on our series. Now, if you don't have a copy of the book. The your message matters. Book is the foundational book. It is a 267 page book that has literally everything I've learned over the last decade of making a living online with my message. Broken down. Step-by-step for you. If you would like a free copy, we are still sending out free copies. Every week, if not every day, you can go to your message matters book. Dot com. Again, it's your message matters book. Dot com. Now today we're going to be picking up on chapter 14. If you've got the book. We're going to be talking about one of my favorite chapters. And it's on the thought of compile. Package your knowledge into products and services. I love this chapter because anytime that I have. Coached someone. And help them to see all of the possibilities that exist for them. When it comes to earning money with their message, they're often blown away. I do is they never thought of. And that's what this chapter is meant to do is really to open up the possibility of how you can actually make money with your message. Years ago, I saw Dan Miller do this with his book 48 days to the work you love. And I watched very closely what he was doing. Not only did he create his New York times bestselling book? But then he created the 40 days to the work. You love workbook. And then he created the 48 days to the work you love online seminar. And then it was the 48 days mastery coaching certification. The 48 days mastermind. He did the 48 days personal coaching. 48 days Eagles, which was his monthly membership site still runs today. And then he did a 48 days yearly. Cruz. And what started off for him. And I tell the story in the beginning of this chapter, what started off as like a Sunday school class for him? Grew into this message based business with multiple income streams. And that's, what's so awesome about this chapter is it's going to unpack for you. All the different ways that you can create income with a single message. Now over in our page, 180 5 in the book, I have the mess, the messenger product map. Defined for you. And obviously if you don't have a copy of the book, I'm going to do my best to describe it to you. But basically it's broken down into 12 income streams. That fit into four buckets. The first bucket is the writer bucket. And the three that I have listed for you. Our number one. Publishing a Kindle book, which every one of us can do. It's still free to do on Amazon to publish a book. A Kindle book. You can also make that a physical book. Why not? You've already done the hard work and writing the book. So you reformat it to be a physical book and then you can turn it into an audio book. Now we've got three income streams. All from a single message. Now you can expand beyond this. If you're a writer, I'm doing that with my latest book. Discover your message. I've also made it into a hard cover book and I've also made a workbook to go along with it. And if I wanted, I could even create a journal or an implementation guide to go along with it as well. The. Opportunities and the options are endless. It's really pretty awesome. So that's the rider bucket. So the next one's the teacher bucket. And in the teacher bucket, I have listed hosting a paid webinar series. That was how I first got started back in 2011, with my blogging, your passion blog. I put up a sales page. People paid money to be on four webinar calls. To learn how to start a blog. So that is definitely one. Number two would be to create an online course. Online courses are still very popular and they will continue to be and then. Next one for a teacher is a membership site. Who doesn't love that recurring revenue? I've had membership sites in my business. Since about 2013, probably. Over 10 years. And I love. Not only serving people every month and creating that community, but it's also great to have that consistent income coming in your business. So that's the teacher bucket. Then we have the speaker bucket. You can publish a speaking page. That way you can receive inquiries about your speaking. You can host your own high-end workshop. That was the very first event I did. I limited it to just 15 people charged a little bit more of a premium. Or you can host like a larger event. Maybe lower cost. Larger event. And then finally, there's the coach bucket. You can publish a work with me page. That's simple. Put it up. And get inquiries. Have people book a call with you. And present your opportunity to become their coach. You can launch a four to six week group coaching program. I love doing this as well. Find a specific topic and say, Hey, for the next four weeks, I'm going to go deep with about 10 people. And we're going to get on zoom and I'm going to really help you to implement this thing into your life. Or you can launch a high-end kind of a one-year or ongoing. Mastermind group, which for me is my online business insider program. And as you can see, there is a lot of options. And I certainly don't want you to get overwhelmed with all of these. You don't need all 12. Some of, you might just want to stay on the rider bucket and you just want to continue to produce a series of books. And create all the different formats. There are people that I know making a good living, just living in the writer bucket, or one of the others. Now, what I thought would be helpful is to explain to you on page 1 95. A diagram. It's one of the things I get the most feedback on in the book. In fact, just about four days ago, someone Facebook message me. I've never talked to before and they said, Jonathan, I love your book, your message matters. But I really loved the hub and spoke. A blueprint. It really opened my eyes to exactly how I could implement this in my business. So what is the hub and spoke blueprint? I tell the story about how it came about in the book. I won't take time to do that here today. But what it is at the very center picture a will, that has a very center piece. And the very center piece is your message. And then picture the, all of these spokes that are going out. And outside of there are all the different income streams. So at the very top of the wheel, I have digital book. Just to the right. A physical book. To the right of that on audio book, the next and online course, the next coaching program. The next speaking in, then finally events. So I called this the hub and spoke model because it's seven income streams. Around one message. And back in 2015, when I did my first. Self published book. I followed this model for one year. And after one year I had seven different income streams going so on page 1 96 in the book I described the exact 12 month timeline I followed. So I want to walk you through this really quick month. One, I created the basic outline. Or what I like to call my framework for my message. So pick them, pick a particular part of your message that you're going to focus in on. And create that framework or that outline then months two through four. I wrote the draft of the book. So it took me about 90 days. I focused on the draft of the book. Got it. Written. Month five. I released the Kindle version of my book. That became income stream. Number one. And then month six, I released the paperback version of the book on Amazon. That was income stream. Number two, by the way, I did not try to do this all at once. That's the key here. You want to pick one? And implemented and then move on. So in other words, I didn't try to figure out how to make my book a paperback on Amazon. Until I successfully published the Kindle. Once I did that, then I said, okay, now I'm going to put all of my focus and energy onto how do I create a paperback? And that was month six month seven. I released the audio book version on Amazon. And iTunes and audible. And that was income stream. Number three. Month eight. I wrote three keynote talks from the book. So I looked in my book in my framework and I said, what would be some good keynote talks that I could go throw on a speaker page. So I did that. Month and nine. Is when I launched a new membership site. So I took the concept of the book. And I restructured and launched a membership site. Month 10. I launched a group coaching program from that. In fact now, today it's called online business insider. And then finally, month 12, I hosted my first live in-person high-end workshop. And that was limited to only 15 people. And it was exactly the same month. So I launched the book in October. Of 2015. And October of 2016. Is when I hosted my workshop. That's seven income streams, 12 months. Working. One at a time. So there you go. So you say, okay, Jonathan, this is great, but how could I do this? That's why the very next thing on page 1 96. I broke this down for you. How to earn$150,000 next year with your message. So let's walk through this number one is what I call activate. You expand your customer base with a low end product. Number two is subscribe. Sustain your business through recurring revenue and number three, monetized that's the higher ticket offers. So the three types of offers that I really like are activate subscribe, monetize. The activate offer is something low dollar that just turns. A subscriber into a customer. Then subscribe is that monthly recurring revenue. That's the membership site for me. And I've got three. And then monetize. Is that higher ticket offer or program? And for me, that's my online business insider. So keeping that in mind, how could you focus on just three income streams? Not seven, just three. And have them produce$150,000 this next year. Sounds impossible. It's going to be a lot of hard work. Definitely not saying it's easy, but it is simple. Let me show you how first activate. If you are selling just three low cost courses per day at$50 each. You will earn$4,200 a month. Or 50,000 per year, that's selling just three courses per day at$50. Or let's take subscribe. If you were able to get 150 people. Into a$30 per month membership. You will earn$4,500 a month or added up that's$54,000 per year. So think about that. You don't need tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. For some of you listening. You may just need 150 people. Paying$30 a month. In order to leave your day job for some people. If you're making$54,000 or less right now, that's all you need. To make that jump. And then finally there's the monetize. If you enroll just 10 people. We're just talking 10. 10 people into a coaching program at$5,000. You are in$50,000 per year. 10 people. That will pay$5,000 to be coached by you. We'll add up to 50,000 a year. Now think about that. What if you had a course. A membership site. And a coaching program, those three things. And you did the numbers, just like I talked about you sold three courses per day. You have 150 people in your membership and you have just 10 people that you're coaching. Did you know, if you add that up, that's 154,000. And$400 per year. Now, some of you, if you were just half successful on that, it's enough for you to leave your day job, right? But this doesn't have to be complex. And I hope this chapter's really opening up the opportunities for you. It really helps you to see wow. You can earn money with a message. If you have the right strategies and the right tools. And. The hard work behind it. So there you go. That is the compile chapter. I'm sure you're loving it. I hope that you enjoy this particular episode, but I also know what you might be asking. You might be saying, yeah, Jonathan, but. I don't have the audience. I don't have the traffic. And that's what we're going to be talking about in the next episode, we're going to dive into chapter 15 and talk about connect. How to attract your audience to your message. And I've got some insights to share with you there. All right, that's it for this episode. Wha, what would you like for me to cover on future episodes? Let me know, and also take a moment and like share, subscribe, or even review our show. It would mean the world to us and always remember your message matters