The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 20: Social Media Launch Trick Nobody Knows

Jonathan Milligan

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Chapter 20. Your Social Media Traffic Launch Plan

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Join host Jonathan Milligan as he guides you through Chapter 20 of his book 'Launch Your Platform'. In this episode, Jonathan introduces a five-day social media strategy to help launch your new website successfully. Dive into each day's focus, from identifying external frustrations and internal doubts to sharing your big 'why' and offering a compelling call to action. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of storytelling and connection over self-promotion in building a loyal audience.

00:00 Introduction
00:44 Chapter 20 Overview
03:07 Five-Day Story Launch Strategy
03:36 Day 1: The External Problem Post
04:01 Day 2: The Internal Problem Post
04:22 Day 3: The Promise Post
04:46 Day 4: The Path Post
05:12 Day 5: The Pitch Post
05:54 Day 20 Exercise
07:15 Key Takeaways

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Speaker 37:

Hello and welcome to the Market Your Message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan, an author of the Your Message Matters book series. We are currently going through book number two in the series called Launch Your Platform, a 21 day launch plan to build your personal brand and share your story online as a writer, coach or speaker. And as a special thanks to you, my podcast listeners, I'm releasing the audio book. One chapter at a time. If you'd like to grab any of the books in the series, just go to platformgrowthbooks. com. Okay. Let's jump in to today's reading.

Chapter 20. Day 20. Your social media traffic launch plan. My wife and I raced off to Orlando for a quick trip to visit our daughter who was at a leadership conference. Our rendezvous point was CityWalk, the vibrant hub just outside Universal Studios. Amidst the crowd's hustle and bustle, something peculiar caught our attention. It was a recurring sight of people clutching pink boxes labeled Voodoo Donuts. It seemed like everyone had one. And curiosity got the better of us. We need to get our hands on those voodoo donuts. We agreed before I knew it. I was also walking around like everyone else with a bright pink box of voodoo donuts. This got me thinking about what makes marketing work show up often. So people see you again and again, make sure people feel part of something exciting. Get the word out way past just your own words. In this chapter, I want to teach you how to make your website launch go viral on social media. We are going to tap into the potential audience audit you created in the last chapter. Don't worry. This process is not about trying to sell anyone anything. Instead, we are going to leverage the Voodoo Donuts viral social method. Day 20. Your social media traffic launch plan. Many personal brands sabotage their success when launching a new website. Eager to make a splash, they lead with aggressive sales pitches or talk more about themselves than creating value. These self defeating strategies yield radio silence. Rather than making shameless plugs, no one asked for the most powerful welcome mats meet visitors where they are. This lays the groundwork for nurturing budding loyalty into a loving community. That's why I guide clients through a five day story launch social media series For all new website launches by sharing the external and internal doubts that paralyze progress, we create a connection with our ideal audience. This vulnerability breeds trust. When we articulate hard one breakthroughs, it helps others sidestep years of frustrations. This story based approach earns attention and opt ins by putting people first. In this chapter, we will explain the five day story launch blueprint in full detail. It will easily bring your ideal audience to your new website. The five day story launch strategy for social media. The five day story launch strategy is a smart approach. It follows Donald Miller's famous framework. Each social media post builds trust and familiarity. It does this by introducing readers to one part of a proven story framework each day for five days. When done right, your daily post will be like those pink boxes. They bring attention to your message. Let's take a closer look at each post. Day one. The external problem post on the first day of the launch. We want to open with the relatable frustrations our clients face. It will quickly connect with the pain. They know well, rather than a hard sell, we hold up the metaphorical mirror, letting them know we see you. And we understand in the post by sharing how tomorrow we will talk about the internal challenges we face. Day two. The internal problem post. The internal problem post shines a light on our doubts and insecurities. We all face these self limiting beliefs in one way or another. These crippling fears, which breed in isolation, lose power when given a voice. This post should end by letting them know that tomorrow you'll share why you've decided to act. Day three. The promise post your big why the promise post shares the pivotal backstory that led us to start our new website. In the first place, it provides context for why we care so deeply about serving this audience. The post should cover either your before and after story or a client you helped. End the post by sharing how the following day will break down the transformation into steps. Day four, the path post, your core framework. The path post presents the basics of our strategy. We spell them out from our hard fought experience. They help readers see how change can happen for them. This manifesto imprints possibility, offering new paths forward. The post should share our three to seven step framework for transformation. In the post, sharing that tomorrow you have a cool free gift to share. Day 5, the pitch post. Your call to adventure invite. The pitch post makes the case for followers or subscribers. It offers an attractive free resource in return for an email registration. This free guide checklist or tool with no payment friction makes for an easy yes to people joining you on your new journey. This five day social media sequence fosters connection. It does so through struggle and solutions, not through self promotion. Like most people do. The goal is relationship. Trust above transactions. When audiences know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we understand them, they will follow us anywhere.

Speaker 30:

Day 20 exercise, put the five day story launch to work. Now that you've learned the fundamentals of an effective website, launch strategy for social media. It's time to make this method work for you. Take out a piece of paper or open your favorite digital notebook. Complete the following exercise. Write down who your ideal audience is. Get very specific. Location, gender, age range, interests, etc. Define the external frustration or problem they are facing related to your business services. What outcome do they desire most? Identify the self limiting doubts and beliefs that hold them back internally from the outcome they want. Craft 2 3 sentences explaining why you are passionate about helping this audience get past these hurdles to achieve their desired outcome. Outline the core 3 7 step framework or system you use with clients to create success, step by step. Determine what free thing, guide, checklist, etc. You can give new email subscribers who want to start working with you and your proven framework. Once done, you will have a custom five day social media story. It will launch your new website in an authentic way. Use the templates in this chapter to bring each post to life. Consistency and value are key. Day 20 key takeaways. Hook attention with a five day story based social media series. Share external and internal struggles people face that are holding them back. Vulnerability builds connection. Spotlight your origin story and passion for the cause through a big why moment. Outline a clear framework that has helped others overcome similar hurdles.