The Market Your Message Show

Ch. 21: Unlock Endless Referral Traffic

Jonathan Milligan

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Chapter 21. Your Referral Traffic Launch Plan

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In this episode, Jonathan Milligan, author of the 'Your Message Matters' book series, discusses the importance of community in launching a new platform. He introduces a proven referral launch plan used by top experts to ignite word of mouth and quickly build an audience. Jonathan also highlights common missteps to avoid, the steps to recruit a launch team, and key takeaways for implementing a successful referral traffic launch plan.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Chapter 21. Day 21. Your referral traffic launch plan
03:40 Four steps to recruit your launch team
06:49 Day 21 Exercise
07:28 Day 21 Key Takeaways

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Speaker 37:

Hello and welcome to the Market Your Message show. I'm your host, Jonathan Milligan, an author of the Your Message Matters book series. We are currently going through book number two in the series called Launch Your Platform, a 21 day launch plan to build your personal brand and share your story online as a writer, coach or speaker. And as a special thanks to you, my podcast listeners, I'm releasing the audio book. One chapter at a time. If you'd like to grab any of the books in the series, just go to platformgrowthbooks. com. Okay. Let's jump in to today's reading.

Speaker 31:

Chapter 21. Day 21. Your referral traffic launch plan. Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much. This quote by Helen Keller perfectly captures the power of community. Especially when launching a new platform. While it's tempting to think we can do everything ourselves. The truth is we all need support. Trying to launch a website or blog solo is not only lonely, but inefficient. However, by tapping into our network and recruiting others to help, we can expand our reach exponentially. In this chapter, we'll explore how to leverage your connections to share your platform launch far and wide. I'll explain why the traditional approach of keeping quiet and hoping for organic growth doesn't work. Instead, I'll share a proven referral launch plan used by top experts to ignite word of mouth and quickly build an audience. Day 21, your referral traffic launch plan. Getting support is crucial for launch success, but many first timers make missteps that slow progress. Steer clear of these referral launch traps as you build your launch team, avoiding outreach. It's tempting to avoid bothering people, but your real friends and connections want to support your big wins. As long as you're considerate in your approach, most will be happy to lend their support. Push past the initial awkwardness for huge launch gains. No clear call to action. Simply announcing your platform launch without a specific request causes confusion. You need to tell people exactly how to help and promote you. Give advocates ready made social posts to share. Also, give them usage guidelines. This way, supporting you is totally effortless for them. Only reaching your niche, focusing on your core niche is vital for long term growth, but sharing widely helps the launch spread. In addition to your niche, also reach out to other circles. They have different interests, backgrounds, and demographics. This will boost awareness, not following up. Even when people have good intentions, they often forget to follow through on shares and posts. Gently follow up if they previously seemed open to supporting your launch, but haven't taken action. A few friendly nudges could make a world of difference amidst the flurry of activity around launching. Don't let their temporary forgetfulness, keep your launch from realizing its potential. By mobilizing your network to share your launch, you gain the power of exponential reach. Not only do their networks see it, but word spreads as their connections interact and share as well. The hardest part is often just asking. Um, Most people genuinely want to support your endeavors. Avoid playing it safe and tapping into your community's energy instead. Together, your launch can go from a whimper to a bang. Four steps to recruit your launch team. There are right and wrong ways to recruit your launch team. The good news is your launch team does not have to be your ideal customer avatar. They are connected with thousands of people you aren't. We can leverage their connections to bring awareness to our brand. This is also an easy ask because they are just sharing a link about a new website their friend has launched. There is nothing for sale at this point. Here are the four steps to recruiting your launch team. Step one, create your dream team list. Make a list of at least 20 potential advocates from your network. Think broadly friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances. They don't have to be your target audience. Variety helps expand your reach. Go beyond just the people you interact with regularly. Scroll through your contacts on various platforms like email, social media, and messaging apps to jog your memory. Reach out to old friends, distant relatives. And former colleagues too. Variety among advocates expands attention as each draws in their own unique circles. Step two, craft pre written social media posts. Craft a pre written social media post for them to share. Include your name, site topic, and link. Write it from their perspective. Here are two proven posts that can work for any niche. My friend, your name, just launched a website about your topic. Check it out here, your URL. Check out this new blog about your topic by my friend, your name. You can find it at your URL. You fill in the brackets with your content and add the links to your site. That way, all your launch team member needs to do is post it on their social media feed. Also, create two to three variations of the post to provide options. Tailor the wording, emojis, images, etc. based on their personal taste and networks. Make some story focused and others more promotional. Provide text for platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Speaker 32:

Step three, ask for their support. Reach out personally to ask if they'd share the post, explain your launching and would appreciate their help spreading the word, share some insider details about what you're building to get them excited, communicate the direct benefit to them for supporting your launch goals. Step four, show gratitude. Thank everyone profusely. When they share it, let them know you appreciate their support. Show gratitude publicly by liking and commenting on their posts. Send a handwritten thank you card to stand out, highlight their support on your platform through shares and tags as a tangible thank you offer discounts or free access to products bonus. Create a private Facebook group for the launch. If you want to take things to the next level. Consider creating a private Facebook group for your launch. You can add everyone who says yes to your request to the group, accelerating communication and interactions. You can even host contests and giveaway prizes for people who take action and promote your new website. Day 21. Exercise, create your referral traffic launch plan to implement these ideas. Let's start by making a list of at least 20 potential launch team members. You can recruit for your launch team, then craft two to three social posts. They can easily share on their networks. Consider making posts that will work on many sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Make them enthusiastic but casual, written from their perspective. Then, personally, contact them to ask if they'd be willing to help you spread the word, follow up if needed, and make sure to express your gratitude when they share it. Day 21, Key Takeaways. The key takeaways around launching with referral traffic include consider creating a launch team to help spread the word about your new site, provide clear pre written posts for them to share on social media, follow up if needed, and thank them profusely for their support.